The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, November 02, 1917, Image 3

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YOUR COUNTRY’S CALL. AMERICA IS FACING A GREAT CRISIS— but many of our people do not realize it. ....Thousands of Boys and Girls are facing a turning point in their careers—but fail to see the path leading to the ambition-crowned heights of success. Trained workers are needed today as never before. The future of America may depend upon their united efforts. Boys and girls who are equipped for efficient work can “help win the war,” while securing better positions for themselves and making rapid personal advance ment. The only thing standing in your way is lack of training. You will never get very far in this world at manual labor. Muscle is always re latively cheap. Brains are always at a premium and especially at this time, when so many po sitions must be filled quickly. You can learn our system of shorthand and typewriting in 8 to 12 weeks, and v/e will secure for you a good position. We have started thous ands of young men and women on the road to success in the Business World. Let us do as much for you. We give free courses, along with Shorthand or Bookkeeping, in Typewriting, Penmanship, spelling, Business Law, English and Arithmetic. Our system of Bookkeeping is up-to-date and, when learned, An be used in any modern bus iness office. Don’t let any light obstacle prevent you from entering our Fall classes, September 3rd. Call and discuss your problems with us, or write us freely. You must remember that “Where there is a will there is a way”. We have shown the way in thousands, of cases. Our years of ex perience is at your service. Give us the oppor tunity of showing you how you can secure the necessary training to fit you for one of the many good positions open to ambitious young people. Act definitely. Call or write today. Decide that you will train for efficient service—that you will hold a much better job next year than now—that you will make the most possible of your life. We will glady help you. Write for our journal. ..“FORWARD”, which points the Way to opportunity for you. It proves there are many desirable openings in business. BAGWELL BUSINESS COLLEGE , 31 Luekie St., Dept. F—C. Atlanta, Ga. How To Use The TELEPHONE Did it ever occur to you that you might not be using the telephone in the right way? Do you speak sideways, above, be low, or six inches away from the trans mitter of your telephone? You should talk directly iqto the transmitter —not simply at it. Keep your lips about one inch from the mouthpiece. Speak in an even tone. It is not neces sary to shout. There is much that can be said about the proper way to telephone, but these little rules will help. When yon Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN EELL TELEPHONE .T ’pl AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY TYT J. E. PUETT, MANAGER. • - C? i r ~ fA 'f "l ! i (Tk fv ... .Li w <?£ io w I%J i aJ'.'w 8A W -I ROUTE 3. Mr. J. H. Castleberry and family spent one night last week with Mr. Elliott Castle berry near Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. W.'l Barnett and children visited Mr. Tom Jett and family Sunday. Mrs. Vanah Coker and Mrs. Lillie Bennett and son and Miss Odell Barnett visited at Mr. T. S. Bennett’s Sunday. Mr. Alvine Stewart spent Sat urday afternoon with Henry Pruitt. Misses Euna and Zona Belle Barnett visited Mr. Lewds Hol brook and family near Daves Creek Sunday. Miss Myrtle Castleberry and brother, Cecil, visited Mr. J. H Castleberry and family 1 night last week. Miss Flossie Green visited Misses Odell and Zona Belle Barnett Saturday night. Mrs. Lou Stokes is on the sick list. Hope for her a speedy re covery. Miss Mary Castleberry visit ed Miss Estelle Bennett Friday afternoon. Mr. Tom Chatham of Atlan ta visited Mr. W. W. McGinnus last week. Mr. E. F. Hawkins and fam ily, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gar rett visited at Mr. R. O. Harri son’s Sunday. Dr. W. L. Bennett and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Rog ers Sunday. MIDWAY. Rev. W. L. Singleton preach ed at this place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckett visited Mr. Fannie Hansard Sun day. The freeze will cut the cot ton crop, shorter. The farmers are sowing a lot of wheat right along. Mr. E. A. Strickland and fam ily visited at Mr. John Collins Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Thompson visited at Mrs. Mary Boling’s Sunday. Potato digging is the order in this part. i Mr. Edgar Brooks and wife visited near Sharon Sunday. Mr. M.. J. Hooper is attend ing the Fair at Macon this week All persons due me by note or account please come and set tle by Nov. 15th, as 1 am going to move about that date. Thank you. J. T. Lamb. Alex Vaughan has a good home on Atlanta Street, good bermuda pasture with running water, in fact, an up-to-date place, which he wants to sell !at a reasonable price and on ' good terms. Call to see him. Ymmsg Mothers Reserve strength for mother hood is of two-fold importance and thoughtful women before and after maternity take '4^' iPipi aiusj W' sit I HJiw e VII W It supplies pure cod deer :i’ for rich blood and contains lime and soda with medicinal glycerine, all important ir-gmci ents for strengthening the nervous system and furnishint abundant nourishment. aJ$ It is free from alcohol. ; n the get uim fc£3 } The Somtfa cod liv,-r oil in fi L' II Scott’s Emulsion •' i.ow refined in our ' HU own American Inb .r tork which 1 0.1 inches it pur - arc scat &. uo-.vue, hi.c . ;r-x Q Money Back if you -/fepQfrsay so Iji ff J A Luzianne has nothing up its sleeve. ,k * : No, Ma’am. You yourself are going I to be the judge of whether this fine, i]A 1 old coffee has a right on your family table or not. If you are not satisfied that Luzianne goes farther and tastes * keßcihKfetfaf C B ' * better than any other coffee at any wherd , near the price, your grocer will give v** 1 ~ you back every penny you paid. Stop The Luzianne Guarantee: grumbling about your present coffee^ If, after using the contents Give Luzianne a chance to show you of a can, you are not satisfied ... * rr u a i every respect, your gro- J ust how S ood a coffee Can be - Ask cer will refund your money. for profit-sharing catalog. The Reily-Taylor Company, .New Orleans [pa m I j ° SiTfa j j Every Housewife or >?) Off (3 j ■ . . < jLA \v v A *Hi 1 Mother is ever under V,, g/i I that Nervous Strai M jj . which so often'results M | ij in Headaches, Dizzy f i Sensations, Faintness, y \ jj | Depression and other f | \ Nervous Disorders. &LL : yzS f Dr. Miles’ caduy rundown. jdj "! tt ?t T> ”.7 7 T-T 7* "1 1 ii i .n jl i * L A V iiV kj J hud o* i ; .[n-1 hoenme very . mid Jr.; * , , , 1 I. to do r.nyth t 1 11! I. is Highly Recommended i .t ’•• • ■’■/VFf “ ‘j /-> 1 /- wrf nnirtod. I ro- j I f. in been Gases. , occ ,2 l , . .1... J :M • XVr me j and jj. IF FI fife T DOTTLE FAILS TO <■ ' ' y .. Vf 11 At.’Vn,! t vA'VIYs." U ;. CENEFIT. YOUR MONEY WILL l: W ( \\ i 1 'LOCK, Ii [BE REFUNDED. . A L-LCCttl A'—— L— l-'C. ■ —dj Y; $, i. jx : > / Ai• '.-4- i'Y .i- J&L t ' t Ty-O* ‘ ■) i,“ y # \-V -,, jf ;>& Iff, VT Mt ll „ V s fc , \ @ ' r > A Victrola —the fisns-i ng couch t o yosi i' rc rc t ■ v . t \ After a hard ‘‘session at tennis cr golf it it good to Irear the music of tire v ictrola. u “touches the spot” to sink in a comfortable clra.r after strenuous exercise, while the world’s foremost-.artists play and t sing the music that you love best. f You can have a Victrola prac!: t/‘v open yourov. :i Drop in and ask us about i: today and wl'T. vo :ic here v. _■ \* i! have >onr favorite artists entertain yoil. \ iv.u.s ar - Vb- tro a,. >lO _to VdOO. i /•./tv. -A . Pilgrim-Estes Furniture Cos., * 'A *■ Gainesville, Ga. /1 Ready For Service, I will keep my Duroc Jersey , hog another year, and will ask the same old price, $2.00, for services. J. M. Thornton, Gumming, Ga., route 5. r • f r - - r A:-. Sort: a cupful ’ r>■-lJr '■ 55 ( -v --\t the same tir provi Y I. xof 1 eiden toothpicks l’y crteibintnr the i your children \ ill find Wrnusement v the hour In 1 inns playthings of ■ ip a- scrip .oa l t i