The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, November 16, 1917, Image 3

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VOUR COUNTRY’S CALL. AMERICA IS FACING A GREAT CRISIS— but-many of our people do not realize it. —Thousands of Boys and Girls are facing a turning point in their careers—but fail to see the path leading to the ambition-crowned heights of success. Trained workers are needed today as never before. The future of America may depend upon their united efforts. Boys and girls who are equipped for efficient work can “help win the war,” while securing better positions for themselves and making rapid personal advance ment. The only thing standing in your way is lack of training. You will never get very far in this v/orld at manual labor. Muscle is always re latively cheap. Brains are always at a premium and especially at this time, when so many po sitions must be filled quickly. You can learn our system of shorthand and typewriting in 8 to 12 weeks, and we will secure for you a good position. We have started thous ands of young men and women on the road to success in the Business World. Let us do as much for you. We give free courses, along with Shorthand or Bookkeeping, in Typewriting, Penmanship, spelling, Business Law, English and Arithmetic. Our system of Bookkeeping is up-to-date and, when learned, can be used in any modern bus iness office. Don’t let any light obstacle prevent you from entering our Fall classes, September 3rd. Call and discuss your problems with us, or write us freely. You must remember that “Where there is a will there is a way”. We have shown the way in thousands of cases. Our years of ex perience is at your service. Give us the oppor tunity of showing you how you can secure the necessary training to fit you for one of the many good positions open to ambitious young people. Act definitely. Call or write today. Decide that you will train for efficient service—that you will hold a much better job next year than now—that you will make the most possible of your life. We will glady help you. Write for our journal. ..“FORWARD”, which points the way to opportunity for you. It proves there are many desirable openings in business. BAGWELL BUSINESS COLLEGE 34 l.uckie St., Dept. F—C. Atlanta, Ga. How To Use The TELEPHONE Did it ever occur to you that you might not be using the telephone in the right way? Do you speak sideways, above, be low, or six inches away from the trans mitter of your telephone? You should talk directly into the transmitter—not simply at it. Keep your lips about one inch from the mouthpiece. Speak in an even tone. It is not neces sary to shout. \ There is much that can be said about the proper way to telephone, but these little rules will help. IVben you Telephone—Smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE # S AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY J. E. PUETT, manager. Subscribe for The Mews. Sheriff’s Sal Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder before the court house door in the town of Gumming on the first Tuesday in December, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, what is knowm as the old Bogle house and lot in said town now occu pied by W. W. Reid, fronting on the south side of the public square, bounded on the east & sou'll by vh' 1 property of S. 11. Allen and on the west by what is known as the Ira R. Hudson place now occupied by Robert E. Hope. There is situated on this lot a two story six room dwelling house. Described as follows: Commencing at the line of the Ira R. Hudson place now occupied by Rob’t E Hope, and running east along the street to the line fence between this lot and the S. H. Allen prop erty; thence south along said line fence to a tree about sx ft north of the buggy house; thence west six feet; thence south to a point six ft north of th pasture fence at the lower side of the garden on said place thence west to the east line of said Ira R Hudson place jthence north along this line to starting point. Also the lot and barn belong ing with said place fronting on the east side of the street running south from the south west corner of the public square described as follows: starting at a point ten ft north of the east end of the barn and runing south along the east end of the barn to a big gully be low the old fish pond; thence west along said gully to the a bove named street; thence! north along the east side of said street to a rock corner; !thence duo east to the; starting ; point ten feet north of said barn 1 On this property is a barn and 1 stables, about 30 x 40 feet, be ing the same property deeded by said W. W. Reid to W. S. Da Jvenport Sept. 11th, 1913, recor i ded in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of said county in book 3 for deeds, page 109. Levied upon as the property of W. W. Reid who is in pos session thereof, under and by | virtue of two fifas from the Su perior Court of Forsyth county in favor of the Bank of Cum ming, one against W. W. Reid, and the other against W. W. Reid and J. J. Reid, and assign ed and controlled to W. S. Da venport by said bank, and 13 fi fas from the Justice Court of the 879th Dist. G. M., in said county in favor of W. S. Daven port against W. W. Reid, V. W. Doughei’ty and J. J. Reid. This being the same property con \ veyed by the said W. W. Reid to the Bank of Gumming, Feb. 18th, 1910 to secure the debt as : signed by it to W. S. Davenport and afterwards conveyed by said W. V/. Reid to W. S. Daven ! port Sept. 11th, 1913 to secure the debt upon which the thir teen fifas above mentioned a -1 gainst said W. W. Reid, V. W. Dougherty and J. J. Reid are predicated. These levies being made upon said property after deeds of re-conveyance from the said Bank of Cumming & ; W. S. Davenport to said W. W. Reid to said property had been made, filed in the Clerk’s office of the Superior Court of said county and recorded as provid , ed in section 6037 of the Code of this state. Property pointed out by W. S. Davenport, plain | tiff, and notice of these levies given to each of the defendants in fifa. This Nov. 6th, 1917. ' W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. \ m*> 7 op - off Fine* Meal "*=!—-± 5 What could be better than a 111/[ANNr CU P (° r tw °) of g° od - old pi ”” Luzianne? The aroma will tickle j your nose; the taste will tickle " JWrT. your palate; the price will please . jyour purse; and all will live hap | pily ever after. Luzianne tastes ' all the way down. If it doesn’t '"oRTERscKOAsnM taste better and go twice as far as any other coffee at the price, The Luzianne Guarantee: go get your money back. NOW if, after using the contents — get a can of Luzianne and make d ° what We D ° that cer will refund your money. Ask for profit-sharing Catalog. ElZlANNEcoffee The Reily~Taylor Company, New Orleans Rhesaliiiu 3h3a'_ Bs lit The Bud Rheumatism in its early stages may delude you into believing that it is n disease of a purely local an! tempo rary nature. Beyond a slight numb ness of the limbs and pains in the joints or back, there may be no out-1 ward indications of it, but if you do not heed these warning’, or if you rely upon liniments to cure you, it will grow rapidly worse until you have Rheumatism in its most violent form. These symptoms, mild in the begin ning but growing steadily worse, indi cate that your blood is impregnated Sheriff’s Sale. Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold at the court house doov in saYi count.-' on the Ist Tuesday in December, 1917, within the legal hours of sale, to wit: all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the tend district and first section in said county and state and being a one third undivid ed interest in and to ten and one half acres of land off of the east side of land lot no. 800, the said ten and one half acres be ing a strip of land twenty one rods wide extending across the entire lot of land and contains ten and one half acres, more or b ss. Said 'and lened upon as the property of Azzie Baker to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court on the 15th day of March, 1917, in fa vor of J. A. Otwell, admr upon the estate of W. R. Otwell, de ceased against Azzie Baker & B. L. Fowler. Said execution now owned by Roy Otwell. Tenants in pos session notified in terms of the law. This the 31st day of Oc tober, 1917. W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. Georgia, Forsyth County. M. L. Crow having applied to the undersigned Ordinary, by petition asking that Mrs. P. C. Crow as executrix, and L. L. Crow and M. L. Crow as exec utors of the will of S. M. Crow late of said county deceased be' required to make to him a deed to lot of land No. 725, and the west half of lot No. 766 in the 14th district and Ist secCion of said county, in pursuance of a bond for title made by said S. M. Crow in his lifetime to said M. L. Crow, petitioner, the said M. L. Crow alleging that tie has. fully met the obligations in said bond. This is, therefore, to notify Mrs. P. C. Crow, L. L. Crow, il t 1 ridy Crow, Mrs. Ida Alice Mc- Clure, Mrs. Sarah Emma Hawk ! ins, Mrs Chester Maybelle Coop 1 er, Stewart Jefferson Grow.Wy with Uric Acid, which, if not eradi cat -d, will contu-ndiate your entiro system. The results will be racking pains in the joints, bium ies and limbs, chronic stomach troubles ,and a slug gish liver. The only relief is in the restoration of the blood to its normal, vigorous condition, which can be accomplished, by taking S. S. R., the unfailing remedy for rheumatic troubles. Cur Medical Department is at the disposal of all users of S. S. S. Swift Specific Cos., 303 Swift Building, Atlanta, Ga. ly Burl Crow, Lee Crow and Laura Crow, heirs at law of the said S. M. Crow deceased-, to be and appear at the December Term, 1917, of the Court of Or denary of said county, to show cause, if any they have, why said executrix and executors should not be required to make said deed as prayed for by the said M. L. Crow petitioner. Nov. 7th, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern :G E. Whitmire and D. J. Whit mire having made application to me for permanent letters of administration with the will an nexed upon the estate of E. T 3. Whitmire late of said county, deceased to be vested in *ll. S. Brooks, or some other proper person, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of (he Gourt of Ordinary of said coun ty to be held on the first Mon day in December, 1917. Giv en under my hand and official signature, this 7th day of No vember, 1917. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. For Sale. 140 acre farm ; about 50 acres in cultivation, about 25 in bot toms, balance timber. 3 room bouse. See me at once. P. W. Green, Suvvanee, Ga., route 2. Edmondson & Pirkle have a gobd supply of 5 gallon top jacketed cans for putting syrup in; also the friction top 10 lb rrn syrup buckets. Those both make a nice presentable package for the market and will keep it fresh and nice. Edmondson & Pirkle never bad such a strong line of shoes as 11 is season shoes tt.a: will 'p-ive yen absolute satisfaction 'n every particular. Se * them before you shoe your family for the winter. It will be to yotwn terest.