The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, December 07, 1917, Image 4

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PEA RIDGE. We are having some more fine weather. Mrs. Minerva Pettyjohn spent Sunday at Mr. Walter Bras well's. Mr H. G. F. Harris, who i working at Camp Gordon spent the week end with home folks. Those visiting at Mr. P. W Green’s Sunday name • Prs. Ju< and Sidney Jacobs Me rs Hi an non, Lawson, Roy Brant le;. and Garth Green of Atlanta, Mr. .1. C. Bagwell and famiy of Dr luth, Mr. T. L. Green of Nor cross, an 1 Mr. C. T. Gr< in and family. Mr. J. S Echols spent Simda at Mrs. Mary Harris’. Mrs. T. L. Green and child ren of Norcross are spending ; few days with Mrs. J. H. Sor rel’s. Messrs. P. W. and C. 'I. Green made a flying trip to Atlanta Saturday. Garland and Blance liaglcy spent Sunday with Coy Math . Mrs. P. W. ( Ireen who has been right, sick is some better. Mary. CORINTH. Well, the first thing on the docket is a wedding; marri last Sunday at Rev. J. V.'.Th-.m as’ Mr. Earny Bennett and Mi s Lavada Samples, Rev. Thomn performing the ceremony. \\ e wish for them a long and happ; life. Christmas is almot i lu re ;n and we are preparing for a Xn; tree at this place for the So day school. 1 think the c boui deserves one for for ! t did; v have one of the best !w< > ever saw. but it is because H e older ones are interesto I in tb" children, and the pray, im ing is just fine las! Sim. !•••* • The subject was the second c< m ing of Christ. There " '*u good talks made by U-< . 1 ■ 1 ■ ’ Williams, Sexton, TANARUS! ami Jackson. I thei < v<■ si! ou i tc > e more interested a! • >.*! .he •.Teat subject i'o • w.: ;>! :!l • - ing to bavi to luce it ■ ■ >• who wd; t . i. i io nv ! onr Lord in the air? Just th that are looking for our and .a- Lord. Christ said they meet Him in the air and go home with him. We had a ThanksHv. 1 g •r --vice last Thursday and u a fine. Sermon by Rev. 'I home: from the text, “In everythin)’ give thanks, for this is t!u> will el God in Christ Jesus coneen ing you.” 2nd Thes. 5 ml IS. May the good Lord help ns to give thanks aas we are i unman ded. If God’s children would do this this war would cease and there would be pear 1 all < ver this old world, but God s children has forgot that all hap piness and peace conns down from God and we will call on Him to restore u the nations of the world betm. we have any more peat c. So if you want peace ask lie has the power to give it and he will give it if we ask ari id. >r He said, ask what you will in my name and believe ami 1 w ill give it. Do we beliew May the God of hea\ u nil ■ over us is my prayer. A Subscriber. BF.AVFR RUIN. The singing at Mr. .i . Smith’s Sunday night u qw a success. Mr. N. S. Gravitt and i.mdn Mr. L. A. Wheeler and l • nil . and Miss Stela Hanimom ien Sunday with Mrs. (’.A. I!an mond. Miss Ruby Mae Brurc visits and Miss Zephyr Smith Sunn ... a ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos Smith ited at Mr. W. M. Tate's one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Henderson spent Saturday and Sum .a Mr. W. F. Smith’s Mr. S. J. McGee spent Sun day afternoon with C 0 Whe 1- er. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cook vi Jted at Mr. Roy Gravitt’ SnC.r day night. Those visiting at Mr. C. and. Jfenett’s Sunday, wen : M rla Shadburn and son, ' |-ie Shadburn and children, Mr. Guy Bennett And family, Mrs. Espie Wheeler land Mrs. Susan Davis. Mrs. Isabel Cook spin) Sun- Ma.\ afternoon with Mr-. Coo. Fowl.r. Sunday school at Beaver Ru in next SuntU j i lornini Let’i all go and not h t our Sunday school die out even if winter is corning, and try to get there as early as possible. Hazel. STAR ROUTE. Here I come after a v .‘ok absence. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Sarnples and idle grail' l'"’i. h>ra spent Sunday " . ' Mr. Hoy ess. Mr. G. P. and '• v.‘ r.ud little s< n spent Seturda. i i.'ht and S:.n : ay : lh !r 1. I*. I- o\v ler and family. Miss Lillian I’agley and little sisf. r .w 1 e Mac, and little brother, spe t ”.;iturd:u night and Sun 'ay \v ! **? their, •anil -a| rents Mr. and Mr.-.. A. S. Bans pies. Mr. Connie Buice and wife sp"nt Saturday night and .Sun day with the lat Mr. DeWitt Fowler :u I w :f** and lit I<- daughter spt i ! Sat ;ir day night and Sum'., y with Mr. T. G. dt!’.. Mr. I : * Barnes r.u;l wife A little fir (■: spent Sundav at Mr H. K. Shiidb irn’... Say, you correspondents and readers. I wish y.m a", would emiu- and Imip me |>. . in. .■ old cranked bolls. Pat, 1 (bm’t think you would help yourself to change fac with Hill Billy. Well, I must ring off for this time. D; tidy. COAL MOUNTAIN l : b< • t for time trying to get thru picking cotton. lam thru ar.d will t’y to write a few of the happen ings. The cotton picking .given by Mr. Tom Recce war enjoyed by all present. Miss Victoria Carnes aid and Miss Florence Martin spent Sat unlay night and Sunday with Mr. Oti ■ Marlin. Lev. Cr. W. Forrist and fath< r spent from Monday until Wed nesday with relatives in Can- ton and Ball (.round. Mr. A. N. Pilgrim and wife | spent Sunday with his son, Alex I; .. (;. \Y. Forrist filed In appointment at Harmony, Daw son county, Saturday and Sur-j Sur.dav. Dis son, Paul, aecom panied him. M's. K'ui Martin spent Sat/ r day night with her cousin, Sal-! lie Recce. Mr. Jeff Heard and wife will leave Monday for their new home in South Georgia, near Oordele. We are lad to say that Dr. Th ad Brnmbleit is some better at this writing. Mr. Starling Holcomb and wife spent Sunday with Mr. Ear ly Willard. Mr. Mather Smith and famii;. spent Sunday wit i tiis father at (’a mining. Mr. Verdie Gravitt spent Sat urday night with Mr. bird Reece. There will h<> ar orphans home rally at this place the second Sunday nigh* in December, be ginning at 6 o’clock, strictly, .v cry body ha- an invitation to come out and be with u . Say, Hill Billy, can t you an l Daddy come and he v.-idi us. Would be lad to have you. Brown Lyes. ROUTE 6. Mr. and -Mrs. Landrum Nixi spent Sunday with the latter’s parents. ■. .- i ■. Rogers -iy >• Hr anks, giving with has grai'd muthe, on the , r 3; v. Ri ii Pendley r on the sics ! : <t this week. Mr. Goo. Dollar of Buckhead we s i recent visitor in this com munity. _ _ Masters Roy and Kuviuiti Ail lian a of Frogtown are visiting then grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. ij'. C. V, iliianr - -. Me. and Mrs. (V. and ('!>•• !v k were week end w hers m .-ir the v \ or. 25,000 G. W. ■ Stock c Merchc ndise to be Sold at Unheard of Prices. Must Raise TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS in Ten Days This mammoth store of New and Classy Goods will be thrown on the market Tuesday, Dec. Ilth, at 9 a.rn., at prices never heard of in North Georgia. This is very fortunate to every man, woman and child in For syth and adjoining 1 counties, as it is coming just &>- a time when we need to do our Fall buying. The stock is complete . Something for every one. Come early. Get first choice. Make one dollar do the work of two. Let nothing keep you away. Every Item in the Entire Stock Reduced. Nothing Reserved. s e'tU i only quote you prices on a few prices . 5 ieiT, but want you to come and examine for yourseif-Spend the day trading. Save 50 per cent on your bill. The opportunity of a life-time. A Few Prices. Read. Think. IAKE YOl MONEY WORK GROCERIES. G Lars Soap ■ 25c 10 P un< s Granulated Sugar 1-00 A nr and Hammer Soda, 4* 22- \ll 10 cent Snuff 9c 1 All 5 cent Swiff 4c DF.FS3 GOODS. All Calicoes ... • - - 11 to 13 'it Owing of all kinds 14c up . Rest 3 Yard Sheeting l*c & up C od Arron Cirgham? ... ... I4c up Cried -hi : n Checks 12 l-2c up i 12 1 -2c up 1 ~" • '-oj-fT'S D?C $1.2 9 3c MENS’ SUITS. $12.50 Menu Suits 10.00 SI 5.00 Su : t? - .12.50 - ldh CLOAKS. 93 to 1.13 s $3.00 and $4.00 Cloaks 2.63 7.00 to SB.OO Cloaks $6.00 La< e- SIO.CC to Si?.oo Cloaks $7.63 MEN’S ODD PANTS. 51.25 V■ ns Pants 89c ..'ii Pants 1.93 w .00 Mens Pants $.2.-19 • ..V) lens Pants . ... $2.98 • u M< ns Fan*s $3.67 00 pair of Sample Shoes at wholesale price. $5,000 worth of the best high grade Shoes in North Geor °i;i. Kvei-v price cut deep* ('an fit the whole tuuiil}, Don , Ahss tnc . : oc s■ Sale begins promptly at 0 Tuesday D yii- •H, and lasts JO days only. I* me e place. G. W. HEARD, Camming, Ga. Remember we can mention only a few items here. We can sell you anything you need at prices you ’■•ill no! go! again. <■ • ■/ ' , Dec- //, Rain or Shine. Bo here and have no regrets, [V\ 1 11 Expect lon Di ( * 11 dt tlie v tore o GEO W. HEARD, Cumming, Ga. Mi.-.- Fi-rFs Williams has r<- t irm ti f < • DalhaP ,'* exas. ..j • ,telia Hammond spent . so: das night with r t !at ■ • t n route ,\.y. Redmond Sample ', and family of near Norcrcs- .-.pent t ie lat: r part of the wet k with ; r j. W. Day and fam'd; Zip. ROUTES. .;r. and ,tr-. !. B. Fowler vis 1 at Mr. '. A. Stewarts last Thursday. dr. Lueine Bennett and wife isiteet near Midway Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Zonie Fell Barneit visit e 1 MissEunie Barnett Saturday night. Mr. Newton Satterfield and family spent Saturday niv'n• \ ith Mr. Glen Guthrie. Mr. Paul Stokes and mother i.>ft last week for South Caroli na to make their home. Mr. John Guthrie and family Mr. Bole. Guthrie and family ; nd Mr and Mrs. Sam Guthrie isited at Mrs. Hassie Vaughns Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lueine Bennett •isited at Mr. Bill Bennett’s one SWEATERS. $1.75 Sweaters, 1*43 Ladies -,3.00 Sweaters $2.33 UNDERWEAR*. Mens Best SI.OO Underwear 83c Ladies Best 75c Underwear 63c Misses Union Suits 90c grade 63c Boy.-- Union Suits - SHIRTS. Work Shirts SO cent grade 69c Dress Shirts, $1.50 grade r \.lo Dress Shirts SI.OO grade SSK NOTIONS. Ten cent Handkerchiefs 9= 15 cent Handkerchiefs H c Ladies 10c Hose 9c Ladies 15c Hose l 3c Ladles 25c Hose 21c Ladies 50c Hose ‘l 3= Mens 10c sox . . . 9c Mens 15 and 20c so.* -- *4c Mens 25c s. x BOYS SUITS AT MOST ANY TRICE ART SQUARES. §IO.OO Art Squares $ 3 - 73 $12.50 Art Squares $9.38 $1? GO Art Squares ' $14.88 $25.00 Art - $21.75 $35.00 Art Squares $27 60 Furniture for Everybody and Every 1 .or e. 'nigh.: last week. 1,1 r. Colbert Buice and family; visited ;.t Mr. Bob McGinnu.s’ Sunday. Mr. V alter Jett of Camp Gor don visi: and homofolks Saturday right. Mr. A ' mind Pruitt and wife spent St at Mr. T. M. An glin’s. Mr. Alvin Stewart visited Mr W. N. Satterfield Friday. Beginning next week we wi’l only gin two days ir each w eek Tuesday and Friday. Hooper Gin & Seed Cos. RUGS. $2.25 Rugs . $1.79 $2.75 Rugs $1.89 §4.00 Rugs $2.98 BUGGIES AND HARNESS. Big line of high grade Buggies & Harness to go cheap. H '-..EDWARD COMPLETE. EVERY ITEM RE DUCED. ) STOVES AND RANGES. B y line- of High Grade Cook Stoves and .tinges at prices you never heard of. SALTA CLAUS GOODS. 1 have all kinds of Gandy, Oranges, Apples, and Santa Claus will be here w : th toys, . article;-. Vases, Manicure sets, Bracelets ick Pins, LaVallieres and all kinds of Jewelry. A hi •: line o; Feathers, Feather Pilows, Mat tresses, Etc. RAINCOATS. * hildren. . Ladles and gents at very low prices HATS AND CAPS. it Capa a; 43c at ... 79c Ti-oi sands of Bargains that I can’t afford to try to list. Come aid see for yourself DEPOSITS Of FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK PASS HIGH-WATER MARK. At the close of business Dec. 3rd 1917, Deposits totaled $168,357.86 Same date last year 130,263.58 Increase in deposits $ 38,094.28 Diposii your money in the F & M Bank All deposits insured against loss.