The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, February 22, 1918, Image 4

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SILVER CITY The Kaiser will find that the Sammies ure Samson. We are glad to report that Sunday School re-opened at Con cord Sunday afternoon with a very good attendance, but we would be glad to see more peo ple out next Sunday. The Debating Society is prov ing to be (juite a success. Every one seems to enjoy it. The singing at Mr. L. W. Hoods last Tuesday night was enjoyed by all present. A brick burner would come nearer making a success fooling wit!) real estate around Silver City than any other profesional man. Glad to say the mumps, mean les and chickenpox are improv ing. Mr. W. A. Ethris died Thurs day night. His remains were laid to rest at Concord Saturday Louise, the 2 year old daugh ter of Mrs. Lizzie Mcßrayer of Atlanta was buried here Thurs day. The bereaved have our sympathy. Mr . John Pruitt of Camp Wheeler visited home-folks Sat urday and Sunday. John says, he likes the country ‘round a bout Macon, not any red mud. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. WoodlifT of near Flowery Branch visited S. J. Smith and family Sunday night. Mr. Harwell Hulsey and daughter, Miss Mildred, visited B. H. Hulsey Sunday afternoon. Miss Luna Lawson of Frog town is viiting her sister, Mrs. T F. Roland. Mr. Will Chambers of Daw sonville was in Silver City Sun day afternoon. Mr. O. S. Bailey is i nDr. Dow ney’s Hospital at Gainesville having his eye treated. Mrs. Harwell and daughter, Mildred, visited Mrs. M. C. Clark at Mat Thursday. Misses Annie and Maggie Smith spent Thursday in Daw sonville. Come on Joe with your editor ial column, we like to read ‘em. Hope the Kaiser will realize the magnitude of Uncle Sam’s “draft” when he has to meet it at the bank of the Rhine. Doctor Doom. DUCKTOWN As I haven’t seen any dots from this place 1 will write a few. Mrs. J. F. Carnes visited at Mr. C V Evans last Friday al ternoon Mr. Gordon Lummus is all smiles its a boy. Mr. j. 11. Evans visited Mr. Sam Martin Sunday. Mr. J. N. Evans visited Mr. IX B. Sams Sunday Mr C. M Fowler and wife vis ited at Mr. A. M. Fowler Sun day. A. R. and T. M. Sams made a business trip to Atlanta last week. Several from around here went to Friendship Sunday a".d report a fine singing and a fine time. The cotton picking given by Mr. Jordan Barrett Friday night was enjoyed by all pres ent. Mr. Sherman Rollins spent Saturday night with Mr. Nesbit Sams. Mr. Ira Carnes visited Mr. T M. Fowler Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. E. Richards and fam ily visited at Mr. N. F. Swims last Thursday Mr. Claudie Fowler and fam ily visited Mr. T. M. Fowler Sun day night. Cupid Kid. HAW CREEK. Well the third Sunday in Feb ruary has come and gone. How did we all spend the day? Did we spend it in the service of our Lord or did we spend it in idle ness? Bro. Wallis sure did preach an interesting sermon Sunday at eleven o’clock from the text where your treasure their will your heart be also and I think it made us all think about our treasure in heaven, and we sure did have a good prayer meeting but satan is keeping a lot of the breatheren away yet but we will try to help them to turn loose from those frivelous ex cuses and come on help us in this service every Sunday. Hill Billey you must come and be with us I know you will enjoy it. Well Rev. V. K. Vaughan filled his appointment at Beth lehem Sunday. Mrs. Jim Roberson and child ren visited at Mr. Jim Sanders Saturday night. Mr. Tom Fowler and family visited at Rev. J. W. Thomas’ Sunday. Well I promised last week to give the number of chapters in the bible so here it is in the old bible there are 111) books, 1)20 chapters, 215214 verses 51)24151) words and 2,728110 let tors. In the new 27 books 260 chapters 7,951) verses 1,812515 words 81581580 letters in the old and new there are 66 books and 1,181) chapters, .‘51,1715 words 15,566,490 letters. The middle books Proverbs and 2nd Thesso lonians. The shortest verse in the old testament is Ist Chroni cles 1 :25. In the new John 11: 155 and Ezra 7:21 contains all of the alphabet but the letter ‘j’. The word ‘Jehovah’ or ‘Lord’ is found 6,855 times in the bible. The word ‘literary’ occurs only once in the bible Isaiah 157:15. Ir I have made any mistakes someone please count it all over and tell where the mistake is. It will help us all to read all these words in the bible for if we will we sure will know something a bout the gospel age if we will read with a prayerful 'heart; but if we read just to try to jus tify onrselves, we wont learn much. Well, we have some young men in the army and we may have some more that will have to go soon. If they are not pre pared let us ask the Lord to hip them to prepare for eternity, and if they are prepared may the Lord help them to help oth ers that they may all get back home safe. Well, I will close lest I weary our good editor. A Subscriber. AND NOW THEY ARE COOKING TOBACCO TO MAKE IT BETTER For a good many years The American Tobacco Company have been conducting a eeries of experiments having as their object the improvement of smoking tobaccos. And it is interesting to know that one of the greatest of their discoveries was one of the simplest, and that was, that cooking or toasting tobacco improved it in every way, just as cooking most foods improves them. They took a real Burley tobacco, grown in this country; toasted it as you would toast bread; moistened it to replace the natural moisture driven off by toasting; tnade it into cigarettes, called them “LUCKY STRIKE, the toasted cigarette," and offered them to the public. The result has been the greatest demand ever created for any tobacco product in a similar length of time. The change produced by toasting is not only most wholesome, but the flavor is greatly improved, just as cooking improves meat, for example. HAW CREEK SCHOOL We the writing committee of Haw Creek school do hereby submit the following news from our very progressive school. With Mrs. Kuna Strickland as teacher our school is pro gressing nicely considering the fact that we have an epidemic of dieases. For Friday afternoon of last week we had rehearsals from the pupils in regard to their pur suits for the future. After hearing the rehearsals of the pupils we receive the fol lowing information in regard to their intentions for the future. We find that Haw Creek school shall in the future accord ing to the intentions expressed by pupils give us sixteen farm ers, two clerks, and nine house Q“Heah’sYo’ Luzianne, A POT of steaming, Luzianne Coffee set before “a .U //'' -vN gentleman and a judge of fine coffee." A finer hot beverage than good, old ' — 1 Luzianne never existed. v | JjjXl Luzianne tastes all the way down | and you say “Set ’em up again.” ' uiiTf l\’ Buy a can of Luzianne Coffee. I£ j you can’t honestly say that it’s the | best cup of coffee that ever passed ! ItoßeuyqrSrtw®* your lips, tell your grocer you’re not A satisfied and he’ll give you back your N ~~~~ money on the spot. Please try Luzianne. You’ll like it, you will. In clean, air-tight tins. “ When It lUZIANNB ll COFFEE J keepers, two' teachers, 2 stock raisers, one Doctor, one black smith, one trained nurse, one milliner, and two merchants. We wish for each pupil much success and hope by their prosperity to be able to help conquer the Germans and win for the world Democracy. Miss Rtjtha Mae Echols, Miss Ruby Ray Vaughan, Mr. Ruford Vaughan. Writing Committee. COAL MOUNTAIN Well Hill Billey was certain ly glad to hear from you and glad to know you are still liv ing. Mr. Walter Dyers and family spent Sunday with Mr. E. C. Godfrey and family. Mr. Grady Heard and family spent sometime last week with his mother, Mrs. Sallie Heard. Mrs. Early Willard and child ren spent Wednesday with Mrs Emory Williams. We are very sorry to state Mr. Milton Tidwell has pneu monia, also his daughter Nettie, is very sick, we hope for them a speedy recovery. Kev. G. W. Forrist and Mr. Wilson Turner of near Silver Shoals are visiting friends and relatives in Dawson county, near Juno church, where Rev. Forrist will be engaged in a few days meeting. Say “Hill Billey" I certainly would like to be with you all in prayer service for 1 sure do en joy being in prayer meeting and especially where the young peo ple Sre interested in God’s work I think we young people ought to wake up to our duty for every one of us have work to do. Rev. G. W. Forrist, wife and son, Paul, spent Monday night with 'he;r daughter Mrs. Maud Martin near Harmony Grove. Miss Kitty Lee Forrist is vis iting her uncle, J. I. ForrsC Mrs. Mary Evans and child ren of Monroe spent Friday and Saturday with her brother Mr l oin Martin. Brown Eyes. ROUTE 2. Well school is progressing nicely at Spot with Mr. Mercer Gunter as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Wallace spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Ro pers near Cuba' Mrs. W. L. Chadwick is visit ing relatives at Norcross. Mr. E. H. Vance, wife and baby spent one day last week at D. E. Martins’. Mr. J. C. Stephens and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. L. Poole Misses Annie Myrtle and Mis sie Chadwick spent Sunday af- ternoon with Mrs Cliff Pirkle. Miss Ruby Wallace spent Sun (lay with Miss Bessie Wolfe, j Mr. Arthur Martin spent] ! one day last week at Mr. J. H. McCoys. | The cotton Picking given by ! Mr. Norman Pilcher one night last week was well attended and enjoyed by all present. "T For Sale 1 have a nice brood sow for sale See me at cnce. 1 B, D. Brown, route 4, Edmondson & Pirkle have left only a very few Coat Suits to go at greatly reduced prices regardless of cost. SERVICE It is most important when your Ford Car requires mechanical attention that you place it in charge of the authorized Ford dealei, because f hen you are sure of having repairs and replacements made with genuine Ford-made materi als by men who know all about Ford cars, So bring your Ford to us where satisfaction is guaranteed. Strickland & Wisdom Agents Forsyth & Dawson Counties PERUNA in Your Home A housewife must give the first aid in colds, coughs and other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led liar to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should have It on hand for the immediate treatment of couglis and colds, and that it is always to her Mrq.George Parker, - X 4iaWaler Si.. Men / aoha. Wis., writes: /? - * ** We have used Pe / runaio our family /> o' " VftjgA for a number of !*<%'>' ...JrxLA yenr9. aud have \ found it a perfectly I ; 5 ? y** reliable medicine. . \ 11 1 soon rids the sy s tcm °f aav traces \ of a cold, a id pre- V'-m 'V. . vents serious cou -BeqiK nces. vjr Wk?/ *'l began using it v \ forcatarrh, which 1 suffered with a hood many years, hat had not been very serious until recently. Siuce I have taken Peruna the dropping in my throat has i untinued, and rny head and nose* are net 60 stopped up in the murning. lam phased with the icsults. and shall continue to use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh. ‘ I heartily recommend it as an honest medicine.” V.'bui it does for her it is ready to do for you. Colds and Catarrh The great weight of testimony that has accumu- j) lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the market proves it, beyond question, to be the reliable family rem cdy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, 'ifwvfw coughs, grip and derangements of the digestive organs. This proof is published from time to time and many families have profited by it. 4 Remember ron ce. obtaio PERIiNA in (ablet form for roar convenience. Carer it witi you and be fortified against sudden attacks. The Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio FROM ROUTE 7. Even the rightenousness of j God which is by faith of Jesus Chrit unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no diff erence. Measles seem to be dying down to some extent. The writer spent last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sullivan of near Hopewell. Mrs. Sullivan is better we are glad to say. Seems like the hen is getting to be important, as she has government protection. Mrs. Dessa Sullivan spent one night last week with Mrs. J. W. Ramsey. .rut The Family Safeguard The experience of one woman, given herewith, is typical of thousands of let ters that reach the Peruna Company from grateful friends who have found their homes incom plete, and their . family safety in fyjvt danger without JK//VA PERUNA. Jj 'H\\ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waldrip were guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ctfok last Sunday. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Ro mans 8-8 There is still some cotton in the field. Mrs. E. H. Ramsey and little daughter, Sarah, have returned from a weeks visit to her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sandow. Some of Mr. John Padgett’s children have measles. Semi-Weekiy Journal and News $1.15. Daily and Sunday Constitu tion and News $4.50.