The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 15, 1918, Image 4

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NOTICE To My Friends and Customers;- Owing to conditions brought on bg the war I will be compelled to make mg terms on all work strict- Ig cash w the future. Under this sgstem / will be in position to give gou better work for less money. I thank gou for gour liberal pat ronage in the nasi, and will be pleased to have gou call again . Your Friend , GEO. M. BLACKSTONE. ICIIII Overnight Relief ■*=■■■ for Constipation THE mild, plea sant-tasting combi nation of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that is known as Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, taken just before bedtime, will afford grateful relief next morn ing, without griping or other discomfort. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect La: alive SOLD KY ORUGGHTS EVERYWHERE 50 cts. (Tr°) SI.OO A trial bottle can be obtained, bee of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois HAW CREEK. Well the second Sunday in March has come and gone, and (his is a beautiful Monday morning. Rev. J. W. Thomas filled hit appointment at Corinth Satur day and Sunday. Rev. V. K. Vaughan filled his appointment at Harmony >a urday and Sunday. Mr. Ralph Vaughan led tlu prayer service at this place and it sure was fine, had a glourious meeting. I think that he church has old saten on the run here and let us keep hi; i going until we run him off the place, for he is seeking to des troy the influence of our bret’ ! ren and sisters and drag ou' Tdren down to hell, that is u in the world and it ,i rv 10 see that he don’s , c his way. r James Robertson and rem ,ed at Mr. Tom Fowlers ...j night. ell the mumps and measles ;s still raging. Rev. J. W. Thomas and R. E Hansard spent Sunday after noon at Mrs. J. C. Williams and had a good singing which was 'o eel by all present. ere is to be Sunday School t Corinth next Sunday after oon at 2 o’clock. That is l ight. We are expect to and > something like that here sc on for we haven’t got any time to waste. We ought to be in the service every Sunday. Breth ren take your children and g > with them to prayer meeting and Sunday school every Sun day, for we are taught to tram them up in the way they shoul i ge and when they are old the;, will not depart from it. If w > would take as much pains trai 1 ing our children as some do training their bird dogs I think that there would be a great im provement. Don’t you? There is to be a singing her - next Sunday afternoon. Let all come as it is meeting day. A Subscriber. BEAVER RUIN. Most every body have been farming some for the past week Miss Mvrtie Shadburn has. returned home after spending! several days with Miss Kub\ Stapp of near Cuba. Mr. Claude O. Wheeler and family spent Sunday at Mr. F. C. Pilgrim’s. Mr and Mrs. Hansel Smith spent Saturday night at Mr. T. G. Smith’s. Mr. Homer Smith and family were visiting at his father’s, Mr. A. J. Smith, Sunday Mr. J. L. Johnson of Cum mlng was visiting at Mr. C. O. Wheelers part of last week. Mr. L. A. Wheeler and fam ily spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. C. A. Hammodn’s. Mrs. H. E Shadburn spent a while Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr and Mrs. L. F. Samples. Mrs. Fcddie Dover and two children spent one night last week at Mr. Chas. Bruce’s. Mrs. J. L. Johnson spent the eoK-cnd with her daughter, Mrs. Daisy Pilgrim. Mrs. Heard has been vis iting relatives near Shady Grove for the past week. Mias Daisy Lee Wheeler spent one night last week with Misses Irene and Jaunita Shadburn. Mr. and Mr. Hansel Smith who have been residing at Bu ford for sometime, have moved back to his fathers’ place near here. Miss Ruby Mae Bruce visited Mir-, Tessie Dover one night last week. Mss Louise Fisher spent Wed nesday night with Miss Grace Wheeler. Mr. Geo. Dollar ami family viited relatives near here re cently. Say “Snow Bird” from Haw Creek what is the matter? Come on with your dots. It seems that our Sunday school is not progressing as it should. The fathers and moth ers are not taking the interest they should. The weather was too bad in winter, but it looks as if we can't get bad weather for an excuse now, so why not everybody come to Sunday school next Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Hazel. For Sale 1 have a nice brood sow for sale See me at once. B, D. Brown, route 4, PLEASANT VIEW. The little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnett died last Saturday night and was laid to rest in Pleasant View cemetery Sun day afternoon, the funeral was conducted by Rev. J. J. Demp sey. Just five months ago they had to give up a little son. May the Lord be with them and comfort all the bereaved. The oldest daughter is also down with pneumonia but we ara glad to say she is dong as well as could be expected. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hulsey is sick. Mr. J. A. Anderson and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. W. A. Anderson and family Mrs. Lillie Buice and daugh ter, visited Mrs. Odell Smith Friday. Misses Violet and Voucile Anderson spent Sunday with Miss Floy Fagans. Mr. Elder Fagan and brother Edgar made a business trip to Atlanta Friday. Mr. Clarence McWhorter spent Saturday night and Sun day with his cousin Mr. Elmer Fagans. Mr. Chester Anderson spent Sunday a m at Mr. J. A. Ander son’s. Miss Burnest and Burma Fa gans spent Sunday and Sunday night with Misses Bertha and Ethel Bagwell. Hill Billey. SHARON. The farmers are glad to see this pretty weather. The singing at this place Sunday afternoon was a success wc was glad to have the good singers with us and hope they will come again. The class elected Mr. G. W. Bagwell for their president another year. Mr. Geo. Buice and wife have moved into our part. We are glad to have them with us and wish them well in their new home. Mr. Gladston Green and wife spent Saturday night with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fagan’s. Mrs J. E Moulder spent Sat urday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Buice. Mrs. Nancy Jones of near Du luth is visiting relatives and friends in this part. Mr. Ambrous Buice visited Mr. Arduth Bagley Saturday night. Mrs. J. C. Buice spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. P Blackstock Mr. W. M. Allen and family and Mr. A. D McWhorter spent Sunday at W T Bagley’s The pound supper given by Mr. 11. W. Bagley Saturday night was enjoyed by all pres ent. MIDWAY. Peach trees are in full bloom and we are afraid the fruit will get killed. The singing at Rev. It. A. Ro pers Sunday night was en joyed by all present. Messrs John Collins and Pomp Westbrook visited at Mr E. A. Strickland Sunday after noon. Several from here went to the singing at Sharon Sunday afternoon. Messrs Willie Hardin and Russ Spence made a trip to Gainesville Monday. Mr. Walter Roper and fam ily and Mr. Henry Hardin vis ited in Canton Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Hansard and family spent Sunday with Mr. J. M. Boling near Oak Grove. Mrs. Jane Thompson and Mrs. Roper visited at Mr. W. J Kemps one afternoon last week Mr. J. I. Sewell and sons, Ray and Neer, of Dawson coun ty visited at Mrs Mary Boling one night last week. COAL MOUNTAIN. We are having some cool weather now. Mrs. Tiss Reese spent one night last week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Hatie Marti.n Mrs. Eva Martin and child ren, Mrs. Ethel Hardin and ba by spent Friday with their mother, Mrs. George Castleber ry. '™ 1 0 1 '~T I I I There is something to look rP\. I I forward to when you have <gnyf2jjg**£, I I I CherO'Cola /^m’ IPBBL. § The tamo everywhere; f \ ' Ml *| I the sealed, sanitary Misses Bessie and Velvie Cas tleberry spent Saturday after noon with Misses Pearl and Belle Forrist. The social party w'hich was given by Misses Pearl and Bell Forrist in honor of their friends Misses Vashti and Viona Dun can was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Tom Harrison left re cently for a month visit to her son’s in Tenn. Mrs. Sallie Heard and daugh ter, Florence, spent one night last week with her son, Grady below Cumming. Misses Vashti and Viona Dun can of Dawson county spent last week with Misses Pearl and Belle Forrist. Misses Bessie Wolfe, Missie Chadwick, Ruby Wallis were the guest of Misses Annie Thompson and Susie Heard Sunday. Quite a crowd of young peo ple gave Mr. Burd Heard a sur prise singing which was enjoy ed by all present. Mr. O. W. Forrist, who has been spending sometime with relatives and friends here, left Thursday for Ball Ground, j where he has accepted a posi-j tion with the Roberts Marble; Cos. | Misses Vashti and Viona Dun can spent Tuesday an dTuesday j night with their cousins Misses. Thompson and Annie Heard. Rev. G. W. Forrist will preach at Coal Mountain the Third Sun dav and Sunday night. THE RED CROSS NURSES OF EUROPE ARE GIVING TOASTED CIGARETTES TO THE BOYS To anyone who doesn’t know of the wonderful advances that have been made in the preparation of smoking tobaccos in the last few years it may sound strange to speak of toasted cigarettes. Strictly speaking, we should say ciga rettes made of toasted tobacco; the smok ers of this country will recognize it more readily by its trade name, “LUCKY STRIKE ’’—the toasted cigarette. The American Tobacco Company are producing millions of these toasted ciga rettes and these are being bought in enormous quantities through the various tobacco funds conducted by the news papers of the country and forwarded through the Red Cross Society to the boys in France. This new process of treating tobacco not only improves the flavor of the tobacco but it seals in this flavor and makes the cigarettes keep better. The Red Cross nurse is always glad to have a cigarette for the wounded soldier, as, in most instances, that is tire first thing asked for. MAKES RAPID HEADWAY Add This Fact to Your Store of Knowledge. Kidney disease often advan ces so rapidly that many a per son is firmly in its grasp before aware of its progress. Prompt attention should be given the slightest symptom of kidney disorder. If there is a dull pain in the back, headaches, dizzy spells or a tired, worn-out feel ing, or if the kidney secretions are offensive, irregular and at tended with pain, procure, a good kidney remedy at once. Thousands recommend Doan s Kidney Pills. Read the state below, ___ j Swift & Company Publicity At a recent hearing of the Federal Trade Commission there was introduced correspondence taken from the private liles of Swift & Company,which showed that the Company had been con sidering for some time an educational advertising campaign. The need for this publicity has been apparent to us for sew eral years. The gross misrepresentation to which we have recently been subjected has convinced us that we should no longer delay in putting before the public the basic facts of our business, relying on the fair-mindedness of the American people. The feeling against the American packer is based largely on the belief that the income and well-being of the producer and consumer are adversely affected by the packers operations, resulting in unreasonably large profits. Swift & Company’s net profit is reasonable, and represents an insignificant factor in the cost of living. For the fiscal year 1917 the total sales and net profit of Swift & Company were as follows: Profits $34,650,000. 1 This is equivalent to a $3,465. profit on a business of $87,500. If Swift & Company had made no profit at all, the cattle raiser would have received only one-eighth of a cent per pound more for his cattle, or the consumer would have saved only one-quarter of a cent per poun< * on dressed beef. Swift & Comcanv, U. S. A. A. N. Shackleford, jeweler, Luwrenceville, Ga., says: “I can honestly recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills. I used them for an attack of kidney trouble and they gave me more benefit than any other remedy I ever tried. They are surely excellent.” Lrice 60 cents, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that ]VIr. Shack elford had. Foster Milburn Cos Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Dwarf Essex Rape Is one of the quickest - growing green forage aivl grazing crops for cattle, sheep, bogs and poultry. Is hardy and can be sown as early in the spring as weather will per mit. Costs less to seed per acre and will give quicker green forage than any other crop. Also valua ble for soil im: revement. WOOD’S DESCRIPTIVE CATA LOG for 1918 gives full informa tion and also telb about all other SEEDS for the Farm and Garden Write for Catalog and prices cf any seeds required. T.W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. The following is an itemized state ment of the delivered prio. of all mod* e!s made by the Ford Motor Cos.: Touring Car ~ $503.79 Roadster 488.39 Chassis 452.47 Ford Ton Truck 657.72 Ford Coupelet 611.67 Sedan 755.22 We can make immediate deliveries of the FORD SEDAN. Strickland & Wisdom Agents Forsyth & Dawson Counties Wood’s Seeds. PELLAGRA Its History Its cause Its Symptons Its P.esulls Its Progress Its Treatment Sent free to any request. Raney Medicine Cos., Atlanta, Ga. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always Dears-.j- Signature of