The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, November 22, 1918, Image 3

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Heard’s store Specials 11 f Endorsement 11 1 *TW The large number of our customers who bring their friends here to buy shoes is a significant endorsement that is worthy of com ment. We are winning new customers every day simply by pleasing our old ones. Honest Shoe Values Every shoe we sell is carefully fash ioned of the best materials. The many little quality features that distinguish the really well made shoes from the ordinary kind will be Uh found throughout our line of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes. MpLs* Our stock is large and our prices small G. W. HEARD Buggies! Baggies!! Jo My Friends and Customers: I have on hand three carloads of baggies boughtbefore the heavy advance, and lam going to give my customers the advantage of this purchase. Now, if you are going to buy a buggy in the next twelve months, yon had better get busy and buy one of these J. G' Smith & Sons, Bartlesville, buggies, tor three reasons: First. They tire the best buggy on earth. Just ask any person that has ever used one of them. Second. Because they will be 10 to 2b dollars higher Third. We are likely not to be able to get them at all. Tins is no idle talk, but cold facts, I also carry a full line of Harness, Bridles, Collars, Col lars, Single and Double Lines. Having nlaced an order for these goods in May, I can sell them to you cheaper than I con buy them to day. I also have on hand over $300.00 worth of Lap Robes, bought last March, and will save you money on them. Al so a large Stock of Felt Roofing, 1, 2 and 3 ply. Come to see me when in town. G. W. WILBANKS. Sow Wood’s High-Grade Seed Wheat For Best and Most Productive Crops. Our Virginia-Grown Seed Wheats arc superior for the South-make yields and better quality of grain. Write for “WOOD'S C*?OT> SPE CIAL” giving prices and informa'ion about SEED WHEAT, SEED OATS, SEED RYE, BARLEY and all other Seeds for Fail Sowing. T. W. Wood & Sons Seedsmen. Richmond, Va. Plant WHITE PEARL AND BER MUDA ONION SETS for profita ble crops, both for home use and market. Write for “Wood’s Crop Special,” . giving prices. " Relieves a cough in early stage, regardless of the patient s age.” Foley’s Honey .ana Tar SIX- YEAR-OLD nr sixty-year-old, man or woman, will find in this fine, old family medicine a pure, pleasant, whole some, safe and successful remedy for coughs and colds — particularly if taken promptly. Ton wouldn’t neglect a small fire that had K - l 1 started io your home, no matter how tiny the Njulj CH M Maze, no matter how strong and big the liouse. M It is ju*t as foolish to neglect a cold, however Even if one hn3 been so careless and unwiso ./UaltfrivVß as to neglect a cold and it has hung on for weeks, Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound will sire quick reliof if none of the dangerous diseases like bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia or com sumption (which a neglected cold often runs into) has gained a foothold. Easy To Do The Right Thing Be prepared. Keep a bottle of Foley's Honey And Tar Compound in your home. You might need it some night when stores are closed and delays are dangerous. You can’t tell It has relieved spasmodic croup. Its action is prompt. It quickly over comes coughs, colds, whooping cough, bronchial aud la grippe coughs. Mr. William F. Thomas, 3'imrnerville, (la., writes: ‘I find your Foley's Honey nnd Tar Conipouud a most efficient remedy for coughs, hoarseness, etc. I have used it with excellout results for several years. In addition to being so oleasant to take. I find it gives better sat isfaction tUan other remedies I have tried, Yonrs for continued success in its manufacture*. ’ CUMMING DRUG STORE. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS 'Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: J. L. Norrell, administrator upon the estate of Francis and Armirida Hammond late of said county deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in De cember, 1918. Given under my hand and official signature this 4th day of Nov. 1918. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. SHERIFF’ SALE. Georgia, Forsyth County. Will be sold at public outcry before the court house door in the town of Cumming, in said county, within the legal hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday in December, 1918, to the highest bidder: A certain tract of land in the 14th district and Ist sec tion in said county containing 225 acres, more or less, consist ing of lot No. 879, two-thirds in terest in 10 acres on the south side of 880, a small part north side of 957, all of lots 958, 959, one-half interest in 960 and the northwest half of 1001. Also what is known as the Middleton Nuckolls old home place con taining 115 acres, more or less, consisting of fraction of 785, whole lots 786, 787 and 27 a cres more or less of 860 being all of said lot except that part on the south side sold off to Bry ant Nuckolls. Also one Ford motor truck, known as the Lou is Wisdom truck. Levied upon as the property of T. J. Woodliff under and by virtue of a fifa from the Supe rior Court of Hall county in fa vor of Winnebago National Bank of Rockford versus Geor gia Chair Cos., as principal, and Forrest Additon, H. G. Carlisle and T. J Woodliff as endorsers Notice in writing of the levy up on the real estate herein describ ed given to T. J. Woodliff, the defendant in whose possession the property was found. This Nov. sth, 1918. W. T. Merritt, Sheriff. Administrator’s Sale. Georgia, Forsyth County. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of said county 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in De cember 1918, before the court house door in the town of Cum ming, said county, the following property: All of lot of land num her 420 and the east half of lot number 425, lying and being in the second district and Ist section of said county and state and containing in all 60 acres more or less. Sold as the prop eerty of A. S. Anglin deceased and to be applied for the pay ment of the debts and as direct ed in the will of said A. S. An glin deceased. This land is held by J. D. Hansard as security for a debt of $250.00, the money first arising from the sale there of will be applied to the pay ment of this debt. This Novem ber Gth, 1918. H. S. Brooks, Admr. of A. S. Anglin deceased, with Will annexed. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: B. C. and A. B. Henderson, ad ministrators upon the estate ol Mrs. Flora C. Henderson, late of said county deceased, have in due form applied to me for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceas ed, and said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty to be held on the Ist Monday in December, 1918. Given un der my hand and official signa ture, this 4th day of Nov. 1918. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom il, may concern: B. C. and A. B. Tlerderson, ad ministratoi 3, dc bold; non, up on the estate of T. K. Hender son, late of said county deceas ed, has in clue form applied to me for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of said tic ceased, and said application will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the Ist Monday in December, 1918. Giv en under my hand and official signature, this 4th day of Nov. 1918. W. ,1. Tidwell, Ordinary. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: M. R. Hayes, administrator upon the estate of T. J. Hayes, late of said county deceased,has ;n due form applied to me for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceas ed, and said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty to be held on the Ist Monday in December, 1918. Given under my hand and official signature, this 4th day of Nov. 1918. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. LAND SALE. Will be sold at the late resi dence of Mrs. Delilah Tumlin, deceased, on the 22nd day ot November, 1918, at 10 o’clock, a. m. the following lands belong ing to the estate of said deceas ed to wit: 23 acres, more or less off of lot of land number 656, being all of said lot except 17 acres of northeast corner of the said lot, lying and being in the 14th district and Ist section of Forsyth county, Georgia. Sold for distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased. Terms of sale, cash. Deeds made to pur chaser by the heirs. Sold by a greement of the heirs of said es tate. This Oct. 21st, 1918. W. A. Tumlin, Agent for heirs at law of Mrs. Delilah Tumlin, deceased. For Sale. One Overland car, 85, model 1918, practically new. Call on Henry Gilbert, Cumming, Ga., route 3. PROFESSIONAL CARD DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Cumming, - Georgia Office at Residence. Phone 88. O. W. SETTLE Funeral Director & Enibalmer Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. UR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Cumming, Ga. Office over F. & M. Bank. All Work Guaranteed Lawrenceville Auto Exchange P. C. Fowler, Manager, Lawrencevile, Ga Autos bought, sold, Exchanged Give us a Call Notice to Overseers. The overseers of Chattahoo chee district are required by che Commissioners to put the roads in good condition betwen the Bth and 20th f Nov. Any overseer failing to do so will be subject to a fine of $25.00. Corn;.! - '.Toners. For Sale Home in Gumming. 5 room house, garage, barn, wood house, large lot. For particu !ars, write H. A. Kelley,Gain esville, Ga., or see F. W. Mash burn, Gumming, Ga. Ford Car For Sale. 1916 model. Not run to hurt. Price right. H. S. Buice, Suwanee, Ga., route 2. GIN NOTICE. After Saturday, the 2nd of November, we will gin only on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of each week. Hooper Gin & Seed Cos. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the firm of J. M. Tollison & Son are hereby notified to comeat once and settle. Arthur Tollison is in the army and this business must be wound up. J. M. Tollison. Net Contents 15Fluid Drachma CASTORIA ' M 1,1'no;. :j I'i.u '•I s: I 1 AVeietablc Preparation for As , ! similatimitheFood byßeguw^ ! tinitlio^UHnadisan't 0 | Thereby Promotingftiicstion i Cheerfulness and Host Contains ' neither Opium, Morphine nor | MinerahNoT Narcotic uf OUDrSMOU. /tW® Ptunpbn W \ jilx Srtufi /iocheUf Salt* 1 A*j'rr Stmt I f'rnptf'niiu , / ' RlCarbanot* Sm* I barm Sfr*t 1 ClanfinlSugar Wntrrymn filler ’ A helpful Reined' for Constipation ami Diarrhoe amt Feverishness and Loss OF rcsultinithercfromnilntano j] Facsimile SiinnW of ' The Centaur Compas.v. NEW V* l rrr f P m rt c* o i y t- • .o . b rr u m or *- r-p o u K P. No cc. rl4* n ri - *ii t * * n tr rn ir>* rtem mineral - >a6 t NARCOTICA-Kcceita cJc.vellio Di Sittt.a.-l Pitcl.vV- L'rn rrmedro ulil para ppisii 6 c/c v en trr c dmrrhcn.fcbrcs intermTtrntr s.FALTAi OE SU'JNO •g 11>; s tj I retinas and into - na nifaniia. / >'EW YOHK . Exact Copy of Wrapper. TRACTORS We have on hand a car load of the Ford son Tractors and will be glad to demon strate same to and interested person. I his Tractor was built by Mr. Henry Ford and has had several yeaistrial by his experts under the personal supervision of Mr. bold him selt. They are like the Ford car—They ab solutely deliver the goods. Conic and see for yourself. Buy a Ford Tractor and help win the war Our supply -of these Tractors will be limited. We will get only a very few. Get your order in at once. Strickland & Wisdom, Agents Forsyth and Dawson Counties. BUILDING UP OUR WOMANHOOD Given Up to Die by Her Friends, a Young Lady Recovers Hep Health and Increases Weight —45 Pounds. A Powerful Nation Needs Strong Healthy Women. A nation Is no strnnger than Its women. Hence, It } Is the duty of ev cry woman wheth- W cr young, middle jT ;i ace, or In advanced j ~ life to preserve her I # jK health. If you are I " w don't wait until to morrow hut (-•< "I; BB relief at once—to day. Tomorrow | your illness may take a chronic turn. There is a remedy for almost every ill. Thousands have fou"d Peruna to be that remedy as did Miss Clara Lohr of 21 N. Gold St, (Jratid Rapids, Michigan. She writes a friend: “I don’t need Peruna any more. I am all well after taking six bottles. I weighed ninety pounds before I started and was poor and weakly. I had such a cough and spitting all the time that I never expected to recover. My friends pa ve me up. I could eat nothing. Now I can eat and weigh 135 pounds. I most thankfully rec ommend Peruna to my friends." Miss l.ohr's letter is an Inspira tion, a message of hope to suffering women. It tells you that you too may he strong and well and vigor ous. I’eruna may be bad in either liquid or tablet form. Ask your dealer. If you value health, do not neeept a substitute. Dr. Hartman's World Famous Peruna Tonic is what you want. The Peruna Com pany, Dept. 70, Columbus, fkblo, also publish Dr. Hartman’s Health Hook. The book is free. Write for it. Your dealer will give you a I’eruna Almanac. Gin Notice. After Nov. 9th the gin at Coal Mountain will only run '1 days in each week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. C. E. Thomas. Gin Notice. After Nov. 9th we will gin on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday of each week only. Gumming Oil & Fertilizer Ct cm Ter Infants find Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castaria Always / * Bears tlio Signature/ t/, p *W ry Jft* In (vr Use VA For Over Thirty Years USTOIIt THt CISTdUtI COMFANV NIW 0 CITT Rent Notice. Georgia, Forsyth county. The undersiged, as guardi .-•n I! <., cr v.'hat is known as the Dr. J. T. Iframblett place icar Martin’?; Cross Roads, 5 mile ninth of Cumming, con taining 8 acres more or less,for rent for the year 1919, at pub lie outcry before the court house door in the town of Cumming, in said county,wtih in Ihe legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in Decem ber, 1918. The bidder will be i -quir. (1 to give a note due Oc tuber 15th, 1919, with interest from date at 8 per cent per annum, with approved securi 1y for the rent of the same, and will be permitted to go in to possession of said property immediately upon executing the note and retain possession for one year from the date of said renting. Nov. 13 ,1918. 1/. W. Wofford, Guard ian I)r. J. T. Bramblett Gi>n Notice After Saturday, Nov. 16th, we will only gin twm days in ;wh v-'”k, Tuesday and Fri day. Thomas & Hughes. Gin Notice. After Nov. Ist, the gin at Haw Creek will only gin on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday until Nov. 23, and then Wednesday and Saturday the balance of the year. Geo. W. Thomas Public Svle. 1 v ill offer for sale to tho' t 1 dder at my home | near Barrettsvilie, on Novem jber 39th, 1918, the following: Corn, fodder, -5 mules, one ■ cow, 4 hogs, farming tools, furniture, and other articles. C. H. Collins.