The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, December 06, 1918, Image 3

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Store Specials f! Endorsement ir=r.-=r=rr---r=- ■---&? —--T The large number of our customers who bring their friends here to buy shoes is a significant endorsement that is worthy of com ment. We are winning new customers every day simply by pleasing our old ones. Honest Shoe Values Every shoe we sell is carefully fash ioned of the best materials. The many little qurdity features that distinguish the really well made shoes from tfce ordinary kind will be L found throughout our line of men’s, women’s and children’s shoes. , Our stock is large and our prices small *ll7 TOf 1C? 2k U TTI! Isr. W. HUfAIvU Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm; ————— " ” w r / ijrci dix i‘nc/f i diffr** J. l> <-* <TJ /• 1/ m ore* rrpn 14 0./Vll*>cl. r> r ~ IT ' , 0 ■ r * e ,'7* / morpixiun ner. m7r<ra ',. v Ad F,yACOriCA.'K-tTa <* O Vdih o / relied 10 c.l;/ /t.'u’a />/*!/ a 6 ,df v en tr-e c dfctrg/ica. f-• 1 nterm itc nlc.v, F.-- ■o tonspquenc/.iii c' fsf'o-na iiiflancia TU&Xr 'ts ' IN'EW OigK . SpiSl Ijßm * yf sEr, U“^ALCOHOi r 3PCRCENT. 1 ! Avoidable Prep* a'-Mf™ i simiiatinilheFoe-l by Rcgula- | ,| tinglheStomachsandßwelsay ' Thereby From amj Digestion ! Sexiness*,aßcst • :i neitherOpian. Morphinenot ; Mineral. Nov KAncoT.c j; Jla 'peuf Uldl) smaiww pumpkin Seed \ JLx Senna 1 Jtnchellt Satft I Anise Seed I . 45saS J '.* / 11 Warm Se i 1 Clarified J huitnyrrrn Haver r Ahdpfulßmedyfor Conslipnb’onandDiarr ; and Fevcdshncss and LOSS OFoLEI.I , !| resutiin^Uxcrr : YonWnlnfanQ !l rac Simile Siena^° f j <&roW*E\ if iiE CBST-- tm CkW*-^ Exact Copy of Wrapper. "Relieves a cough in early stage, regardless of the patient * age.” Foley’s Money * tar SIX-YEAR-OLD or sixty-year-old, man or woman, will find in this fine, old family medicine a pure, pleasant, whole some, safe and successful remedy for coughs and colds— particularly if taken promptly. You wouldn’t r. "gleet a smell first rt lied fT' \ v il ~JM'\ 1 started in your home, no matter how tiny the K blaze, no matter liow strong and big the house. JB, It is just as foolish to neglect a cold, hove' t slight. Even if one has linen so caroler' nr.d unwiso | Tgg&V \ •■Li as to neglect a cold and it has hung on for WRnks. Foley's Honey nnd Tar Coniround wilt give onick relief if none of tl.e dam.-omi . ..-a ■ ik-n m.whiW, plenn-y. pneumonia or co® cumptiou (which a neglected co.J often iue. mio) naa gained a i 0.iw.... Easy To Do The Right ‘ Ling Be prepared. Keep a bottle "f Foley's Honey and Tar Crm.poun.l in yonrbome Too might need it some night v-hen - tor- ottel- ~! and delays are. .-,1 . You can’t tell. It Ins relieved spasmodic cronlts action, j - prompt. It our- colds, whooping cm;,h. Uotichial and la rr.ppo cooffhi. Mr William F. Thomas, Simmcrville, tia , writes:. k I Hud your I-nlay h Honey nodi Tar PAmlnnd ft tnrwt pfticieut reme'lv for c<>iu.'hs, hoarseaes?, etc. I havo ual it with excellent in j.I-'lion to being so Pleasant to take. 1 find it gives bjtt, Sfactfoo than other remedies I liav o tried, fours for conunuod success in its innnuf ictnrc. GUMMING DRUG STORE. n p||| ft wSK S yj' ie.& Ti ai For Infants find G iMron. RA£%K9S9f Mothers Know That Genuine Gasteria Always / 1 | Bears the /OT* Signature/;/, F of 4iA 1 (\ i/ST I n/ Use |l/ For Over! : Thirty Years IPSfTPiSIi ; |jM| 111 till TMC CENTAUR COMPf fl v NIW YORK CfY. Health About Gone Many thousands cl women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use cf Cardui, the woman’s tonic, according to letters v/e receive, similar to this one from Mrs. Z.V.Spd.!, of Hayne, N. C. “I could not stand on my feet, and just suffered terribly,” she says. “As my uf fering was so great, and he had tried other rcm.e dies, Dr. had 13 get Cardui. . -. I began improving, and it cured me. 1 know, and my doctor knows, what Car dui did for me, for my nerses and health were about gone.” TAKE The Woman’s Tonic She writes further: am in splendid health ... can do r.iy work. I feel 1 owe it to Cardui, for I was in dreadful condition.” If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardui. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many physicians who have used Cardui successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what it means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Sped. Give Cardui a trial. AM Druggists J 72 For S'lle Homo in Cumming. 5 room house, garage, barn, wood bouse, large lot. For particu lars. write H. A. Kelley,Gain esville, Ga., or see E. W. Mash burn, Cumming, Ga. Somewhere in France. Dear father and mother: 1 an’, feeling pretty good but have not much to pass off the time, and it is one of the old rainy days like we have very often o ver there, but it isn’t quite so lonesome here among three or lour thousand biy’. 1 heard one of the best sermons this morning I ever heard. 1 guess ou all third, a man would get so blue he would die so t'ai .I'om home, but the Y M C A ,s doing a great work in this war, and it helps make us feel at home, and there is lots of reasons why we can stand it ;o well, but it is hard to keep from worrying about you all, but we are hoping that you are well and getting along alllight I wonder what you all are do ing for gas to run the Lord these days, or lias the law hail any effect on the country folks? 1 hope to get some mail right away but it seems that it is mighty slow process and we will just have to wait. I’ve seen lots of fellows from the front trenches lately and they cell us mighty good news, so /ou must not take it too serious for we are coming home and it will not take us long we hope. Your loving son, Guy Tumlin. Somewhere in France Dear mother and father: I’ll low answer your letter 1 re vived yesterday and was very glad to hear from you and to snow that Vou were well. These few lines leaves me as well as could be expected from the way we are having to live. 1 am cooking for the officers now I only have about eleven to cook for including the help 1 lave. You should see me cook ng out in the open with mud o my slice top, but I dont mind hat any more as I am getting ;se to that. Mother, I ca’nt un lerstand why they wont send you your allotment any more 1 have not heard from Wash ngton anything about it but 1 mppose I will and I will let you know as soon as I do. I am sure did not slop it, and>l will try uu! seethat you continue to get t. I am glad to know that you are getting good prices for ev erything and cotton selling at 33 cents a pound is a gyeat old price, but I suppose everything you buy is out of sight. Well mother, from the way Truman wrote there must not be any young men left around there any more. I sure will be glad when this war is over. Well as news is scarce I will close with love to all.. From your son, A. T. Wallis. Somewher ein Franc.*. Dear homefolks: Will write you all this morning .This leav es me-feeling good and having a nice time. Guess you all are surprised at not hearing trom me oftener, but when I tell you tre reason you wont be.WV have been to the front for a bout six weeks and I haven t had a chance to write. Guess von have bi <-n reading about Idle drive on the Verdun sector. We were up around Argonne and believe me it was pretty in teresting up there too. I can ay now that I have seen some actual service, but we are hack now quite a ways fro mfront in a nice little village. V\ e got our mail last ngiht, the first in' a good while. I got 13 letters tonic old ones, same that was mailed in October. Believe me 1 sure was glad to get them. 1 guess there wont be any more trouble about getting my mail. 1 also got a copy of the Forsyth County News. I sure did enjoy reading it. It was like a letter to me. How is everything in the states? Guess you all are about done gathering your crop now 1 had a letter from Vigril. lie said 1 c was getting along fine. He said he had just received your letbT. 1 rarely ever see a ny of the boys from Forsyth. ru v ' ; ■ 'n ••■ tertainn.c.d *1 i; afternoon. How is all the pc hack there? Gic •’ ' y are having a frood •' i. '■ thF 1 a liveh time of the year also a busy old lime. Cues, w aiter is hauling smno, isn’t he? Tell rjam.i I’ve been thinking of her sausage as it is time to kill hogs. I am sending you all a coupon so you can send me a package if you want to. Tell Gather 1 will write her as soon as 1 have time Please pardon me for not writ ing sooner. 1 will not wait so long any more if I can help it. Give all the peopiu mv love & best regards, also the F. C. N From a loving boy, Did Creamer. Somewhere in France Dear sister, Violet: How are you now? I don’t want you to think I have forgotten you for I haven’t now nor I never will I hope to see you soon and that I can stay at home with all ot you. Your pictures were good of you and 1 sure was glad to get them. 1 have the clvldven’s .pictures with tne now and will keep them over. Now, dear sis, I can’t think oi much to write and am in a hurry, so be sweet send me a letter each v /.ek so I wil know how all of you a1 ai ', an l I will do the ■same so you will hear from me each week. Your brother, V. R. Hubbard. Wanted at Once. 50 men for pyrite mines. Miners, experienced machine men $5.00, underground labor ers $3.25, surface laborers $3.00. 8 1-2 hours per day Liv ing conditions first class. Transportation paid if neces sary. If you want employment where your service will help the government apply at once. The Hanna Minerals Cos., ITiram, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. J. L. HARRISON Dentist 301-302 Jackson Building Gainesville, Ga. W. W. PIRKLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Gumming, - Georgia. Office at Residence. Fhcne 88 O. W. SETTLE funeral Director & Embvlmei Norcross, Ga. Day and Night ’Phone. DR. M. F. KELLEY, Dentist, Gumming, Ga. Office over F. & M. Bank. All Work Guaranteed Lawrcnceville Auto Exchange P. C. Fowler, Manager, Lawrencevile, Ga Autos bought, sold, Exchangei Give us a Call WEBSTER’S HEW IHTERHATiOHAt DICTIONARV confaius a clear, jj acc’irafe, final ansv.-T. Hi" an indispensable self-help to ■:•?. | Hundreds of thousands pf people | in all walks oft 'O u 7>y ffrom. ? and enj y this e f tnd of i* ''m on. i 1 Are You Equipped loWLif . The only rflclioit try vrith i’>c ivydi- t vified ps* 1 \ charu '( r \ “A Stroked S C’rniue/*' *i y;* r- >i * r f - that of a 15-volume encyclopedia. 6 fiLSULAR an'l .iutA-Wi LH cb.uju.;. ■ WRITE for Pfx..:irr'_:i Piu.cs, IRuitrc- P tiont), etc. FREf, a act of ixicket map3 > ii' you mention this ptfpcr. G.&C. MERRiAM CO-, Spfingfield, —'7^7"- ''/ j u.s. a. /-<sz 'S s£ y> i \ ! s m Farm For Sale. 1 offer for sale my farm of 75 acres, one mile north of Frog town. 30 acres in cultivation. Plenty of good timber. Price and terms reasonable. If in terested call on or write, W. M. Garrett Cumming, Ga., route 8. Gin Notice. In future we will only gin 2 •lays in Hie week, Tuesday and Friday until further notice. Hooper Gin & Seed Cos. Mule and Horse Sale. We hive two car loads of Mules and Hor ses to offer the trade at real and honest bar gains. He hare some of the best mules that money will buy. We also have some medium mules and mules diat we have ex changed for from the farmers. Wc want to say that on these second-hand mules, our motto is “Sell, and no: Feed.” We have some extra good farm males at opular prices--what we call a lot ot horse flesh for the money. We do not care who you are, or where you are, it you are in the market we can please you. Remember, we do nothing but deal in live stock the year round. Our has taught us how to buy, that’s the secret. We will not allow any thing to get Stale on our hands, Buy one day nd sell the next. Every day will be Sale Day with us un til we yet these off our hands, then we'll bay more. We will aporeeiate your patronage and are always ready to favor you in any way we can. Yours For Business, E. H. McGee & Co* Cars For Sale We have on hand for immedi ate sale, Three 1917 Touring Cars, One 1917 Roadster, One 19Id Roadster, One /91S Sf dan, All in condition and look like new. The price is right. Come and get one while they last. Stnckland & \. //PURE 05 -;C Southern Sunshine //v x IIKFt the soft, beaming sunlight of Dixfa- * land, Luzianne bring3 cheer to meal- I f time-breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks 1 1 who try it once have a genuine affection gw j for it ever after. Luzianne comes to you i y n [ in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. The .yi’* flavor stays in —impurities stay out. Bug • - ri- a c= n cf Luzisnrse. T’ce the whole can. jb' ; If you don’t honestly believe it is better ! tlian any other >fdee you ever tasted, Kte. ~ ’7 tell the grocer to refund your money. g ut> lTy fa ■ iIEIANNE 00 !!** . *—> “When It Pours, It Reigns’* Remember, friends, that wc arc compelled to cut you off of our list when your time ex pires unless you renew and pay in advance. The War In op sn soffnui pjuo a wouisnp this. I&STORIA ffw Infants and Children 3$ y&a For Over 30 Years