The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, August 08, 1919, Image 2

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ELECTION NOTICE. To the qualified voters of For syth County, Georgia: Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August, 1919, an election will be held in saiu county, at which election shah be submitted to the qualified voters of said county for their determination the question ol whether or not bonds shall be issued by said county of For syth in the aggregate sum ol one hundred thousand (SIOO,- 000.00) dollars for the purpose cf laying out, making, repair ing or reou (ling, the public reads of said county, or in build jug new roads in said county, fot the purchasing of material, equipment, tools, machinery, & Sal dbonds shall be dated .Sep. Ist, 1919, to be in denomina tions of one thousand ($1000; dollars each, numbered from one (1) to one hundred (100) both inclusive, maturing as fol lows: Four thousand (S4OOO. 00) each year January Ist, 1925 to 1949 both inclusive, to bear interest at the rate of five pel cent (5 per cent) per annum, payable annually on the Ist day of January each year. The prin cipal and interest of said bonds to be paid in gold coin of the United States of America of the fineness. Said lection to be held at the usual voting or election pre cincts in said county, which are Barkers, Bells, Big Creek, Chat tahoochee, Chestatee, Coal Mt. Cumming, Ducktown, Hightow er, New Bridge, Rolands, Set tendown and Vickerys, in the same manner and under tht same rules and regulations that elections for officers in saio county are held. Those desiring to vote in fa vor of said bonds shall do so by casting their ballot having wrii ten thereon “For Road Bonds’ and those desiring to vote a gainst said bonds shall do so by caHting their ballot having writ ten thereon "Against Roao Bonds.” Dated at Cumming, Ga., this Bth day of July, 1919. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary Forsyth Cos. Ga Attest: H. S. Brooks, C. S. C. ..For Better School Buildings. This county is making great progress in farming, stock-rais ing, the mode of traveland thi building of better and more at tractive homes. We are verj much delighted at this progress but we are not pleased ano should not be satisfied with tht progress that education is mat ing in our county. One way to advance the Ed ucational interest of our count) is to build better school houses This county has three dollar; invested in its court house tc one dollar invested in schoo. buildings. The State Depart ment of Education will furnisl you a blue-Print Drawing oi any size school house you wisl to build, or remodel. These plans will be sanitary in regard to heat, light and ventilation Let us build new buildings am remodel the ones we have ac cording to these plans. To build the best house wt recommendd that two or more districts or parts of districts u nite into one school district. B> so doing these things we can st cure more and better qualifier teachers and have longer term; at each school. For further information ir regard to the remodel and building school houses see 01 write me. A. C. Kennemore. Ju*t Got Over A Cold. Look out for kidney trouble* ant backache. Colds overtax# the kidneys and often leave them weak. For weal kidneys—well, read what a Stem Mountain man says: V. I. Smith, farmer, Stone Moun tain, Ga., says: “Several years age 1 caught cold and it settled in mj kidneys. My back was sore and 1 was very nervous. When 1 stoope< over, everything would turn black ir front of me. My kidneys were weak and the secretions were painful it passage. 1 was tired and had a dull feeling all the time. 1 knew I needed something for my kidneys, so I bought a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills. Doan’t greatly relieved me, making my kid ncys act regularly. Price 00c, at all dealers. Don't sim 61y ask for a kidney remedy—get loan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Smith had. Foster-Milburn Cos., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. My male hog will be at thf barn of Mr. S. H. Allen until August 20th. Taylor Pirkle. HUMOR IN IMPQTCNT RAGE French Peasant Woman'* Denuncia tion of German Artilleryrrwn at Once Ludicrou* and Pathetic. T.ieut. J. M. Cavanagh, who was with the first platoon of the ThrSe Hundred and Fifty-third infantry of the Eightv-ninth division to cross the Aleuse river in the face of a withering shell fire from the Ger mans, and who was gassed three davs before the signing of the armis tice, says the funniest thing he ever saw was in Flanders. “We were on the Kgilly road,’’ as serted Lieutenant Cavanagh, “and there was an old French peasant woman trundling along a baby car riage with an empty chair in it. The Huns were shelling the road, the shells dropping every few seconds. As each succeeding shell dropped within 100 feet of the old woman she would stop and turn around, shaking her fists at the German ar tillerymen miles away. Finally a shell came along, bursting about fifty feet from her. She was left standing, but the baby carnage and the chair were blown into nothing. Her hand still grasped the handle of the carriage. Shrieking her rage and despair, she hurled the handle in the direction of the unseen Ger mans, knelt down in the road, made the sign of the cross and then arose and trudged on, with never a back ward glance.” HERE IS CURE FDR INSOMNIA EnoUih Woman WriUr ToUa How Sho Successfully Ovorcamt the Damon of • Isepleeenes*. A woman writer in a London newspaper says she haa found a cure for sleeplessness. She calls it “Ay zed” because it haa to do with the letters of the alphabet. The title may puzzle Americana that are not aware that “ay” is the sound a Cock ney gives to the first letter of the al phabet, and that “red” is how the English pronounce “t.” Here is the scheme: “Tonight, say, you are wakeful. Review your friends; how many men or women you have known or do you know whose Christian name begins with A? 1 prescribe Christian names because they are more lovable, and listable, than surnames. You will find that it is like whst we are told of drowning—all your life will pass before you in a vision till you sink blissfully beneath the waves of sleep before one letter is disposed of.” GAME PROTECTION. In New York waterfowl may not now be taken with a rifle in the for est preserve counties or on Long island. New Jersey has made it un lawful to hunt from an automobile, or by the aid of lights carried there on. Au act of the Virginia legisla ture imposes on game wardens the duty of killing dogs found destroy ing sheep. Rhode Island lias made a distinct advance*in game protec tion by prescribing for the first time a hag limit of not more than 15 game birds in possession. THE VALUE OF POETRV. According to Alfred Noyes, the war has caused a dreadful slump in poetry. Everything else has gone up 300 to 400 per cent, but a sonnet that before the war would easily bring £5 ($24.80) commands a guinea ($5.10) today. Mr. Noyes laughed dolefully. “We ought,” he said, “to revise the old proverb so as to make it read, ‘Poets are born, not paid.’ London Opinion. THE IMPORTANT THINS. When ray brother was sailing to France, a Chinese cook, who waa quite a joker, said to the American soldiers: “Engla’s soldier, he stay up all night and look and look for subs, and slaraetiiues he ely, but Anielican aoldier, he don’t give a damn, he sav, ‘Glaugway, glangway, when do we eat P ” —Chicago Trib une. MADI IN VAIN. '‘Nothing is made in rain,” ex claimed the altruist. "Mebbe so,” rejoined Uncle Bill Bottletop. “But I’m sorry for any body that has been puttur up a dis tillery.” DIPLOMATICALLY •TATIO. Charlie —You hare saeu Brown’s girl. What ia she likef Wo\|ld you call her pretty ? Jack —1 might if I wars talking to Brown! — Stray Starts* gfMgrgloffl MADE HELPLESS BY RHEUMATISM ZlftON Did Tilt Kmtwky Bitl*ui Mart Rood Thu Any Otbtr Midklu. "light jean ago 1 was flow* with rheumatism," writes M. J, Hutcherson, of Tomklnsvllle, Ky. “I was helpless tor thres months, unabls to sven feed myself. Doctors doctored ms and I got up, but have had bad health sver sines, with soreness and wsakness across my back and In my arms and lets. I final ly took Zlron, and It has dons ms mors good than any msdlclns I havs sver taken, and I Intend to take mors of It, for It Is the best msdlclns I ever used. I havs found It Just what It Is recommended to be, and 1 am ready to tsll other suffering people that £lroz helped me, and anxious to speak a Word of praise for It." Zlron acts on the blood and has bass found of great value In Rheumatism, Indigestion, Anemia and General Weakness. Zlron puts Iron Into ths blood, and Iron Is needed by your sys tem to make you strong and healthy. Ask your druggist about ths gunran tee on ths first bottle. mi. \bur Blood Needs Bonds Bought and Sold. We advise you to hold your bonds. If you must sell, deal only with reputable Bankers. Information in regard to same cheerfully given. Communi cate with us before selling. BOND DEPARTMENT TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA. Trust Company of Georgia Building, FARMS FOR SALE. Farm, known as the Mrs. S. C. Neal place, containing 86 acres, good dwelling and out buildings. Terms reasonable. E. J. Hamrick, Orange, Ga.. NOTICE. All parties owing me note or account please call and settle at once as I need the money. Also call on me for all kinds bf gepuin® Ford parts. *■ --*■ i N. S, Hawkins, Ducktowb, G. j. j _ HEARD’S P ' For People T 1 \ \%t gi| You who are on your feet a great deal 1M should be extraordinarily particular as to what -k) kind of shoes you get —not only as to style and quality but also as to fit. Shoes That Stay Comfortable You need not necessarily sacrifice style to get shoes that will stay comfortable. But and you must be sure that you are properly fitted. 1 And proper fitting is an art that we have 1 mastered in a highly commendable manner. Our styles are latest and prices lowest —for (M2' man. women and children- Advertise in this Paper.