The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, October 07, 1920, Image 1

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Vol. 12. No. 41. COMMUNITY INTERESTS And Opportunities. Your money in the bank is in active use and benefits the community in which you live, and where all your interests are. It is money in circulation-it plants the fields and moves the crops to the market. But many paople miss golden opportunities to make money by their failure to entrust their funds to a bank that can and will respond to their needs when in ne and of additional funds for an investment. Depositors of this bank will tell you that they have never asked for a loan and failed to get it if entitled to it. This bank takes pride in its ability at all , times to render this sort of assistance to its customers. The mission of this bank is to serve and its desire is to con tinue to grow. Our growth means greater ability to serve our customers. If we are not already serving you, let’s talk the matter over. BANK OF GUMMING, STATE DEPOSITORY. Local and Personal News of Interest. Going and Coming of People Gathered at Random For the Readers of The News. There are several new case? of measles in town this week. Mr. J. M. Fowler of Waleska j spent Saturday night in town. ! Tuesday 4 was legal sales day and several estates were sold The Board of Education met Tuesday in monthly session. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dodd of At lanta spent Sunday with rela tives in town. * Mrs. A. A. Peeples of Gaines ville is visiting" her parents on route 6 this week. We are glad to note that Mr. Joel Webb is thought to be a little better this week. Mr. Ross Carruth and fami ly spent Saturday night with relatives near Silver City. Mr. T. P. Burruss and family Visited in the upper part of the county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chat ham of near Duluth spent a day or two last week with rel atives in town. Mr. Geo. Nalley has bought the Fowler residence on Tal bot Street, and will move to our town the first of the year. Mr.'Mac Rider has opened • a blacksmith shop on Moody Hill and is ready to do your shoeing and blacksmith work. Cotton is coming in mighty slow to the Cumming market. It will do better when price gets right. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Black of .Dawson county spent Sunday with Mr. John Black and fam ily in town. Rev. R. H. Thompson declin ed to serve the people of Alpha retta another year on account of declining health. Mr. Hoyt Brannon and fam ily of Dawsonville spent Satur-j day night with relatives in the, town. . i Mr.Arbin Hall and family spent Sunday with Mr. S. J. Smith and family near Silver City. „ | Mr. W. W. Reid says to tell the people he will likely be in the race for Sheriff in the No vember election. ; Oscar Hyde announces this, week for Representative. Look, up his announcement and see what he has to say. John Black is going to have an auction sale of horses, wag ons, etc., Saturday. Be sure to look up his ad in another col umn. Your attention is called to ad of Edmondson & Pirkle in this issue: When in need of mer chandi3e of quality call to see them. Messrs W. S. and C. E. Da venport and Miss Mardell Es tes spent a few days last week in Marietta. Mr. Davenport has not purchased any property as yet, but is on several deals in Marietta. Local and Personal News of Interest Going and Coming of People Gathered at Random For the Readers of The News. Read the new legal ads this week. In the election held Wednes day Hardwick carried the coun ty by about 300 majority. ! Mrs. Sallie Tatum has return ed from a visit to relatives in : Buford and other points. Some from town attended the i Northeast Georgia Fair being held in Gainesville this week. Monday was,Court of Ordi nary and several cases were be fore the Court. Read the new Tractor ad of Strickland & Wisdom in this issue. Misses Grace and Leona Latt ner of Atlanta are visiting Miss Galatia Cobb, on route 7, for a few days. Mr. R. P. Crawford has sold his place on Talbot St., to Mr. Lee Holbrook, who will move to town Jan. Ist. Mr. J. T. Blackstone, who has been at home sick for several days, has returned to his work at Hawkinsville. Mrs. E. C. Riden and Miss Mitt Haynie have returned af ter an extended visit to rela tives in Jackson county. Rev. G. W. Forrist filled his appointment at Harmony in Dawson county Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Sigman, who has been in an Atlanta hospital for an operation, has retuimcd, but very little improved in health. Mrs. Maude Cannon of At lanta has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. A. G. Hockenhull for : a few days. i The Cumming Oil Mill is now i ginning right along, and are | ready to gin your’n and try to ;buy your seed. 1 We regret to say that Mrs. Lump Heard, who has been 1 sick at the home of her son iMr. Walker Heard, is not improv ing so rapidly, but hope j will soon be well again. The people are busy picking. | cotton, and there are very few j people in towm these days. Just: i wait until the price goes away j ! up, and ail gathered, and you| 1 will see the people wake up. | There will be all day servic i es at Piedmont the 4th Sunday in this month. Prof. Little will be on hand to lead the sing ing, and every one : s cordially j invited to come out and help in : the singing. Mr. Bob Bettis of route 2 brought the first bale of cotton to the Cumming market last Wednesday afternoon, and it was bought by Merritt, Wheel er and Wolfe for 30 cents per pound on accdunt of it being the first bale of the season. FOR SALE: 2 Duroc Sows fom sale. Will bring pigs soon. Al so a mule to sell cheap. See J. C. Collins, Cumming, Rt. 3. Sunshine in The Home, Power in The Life Local and Personal News otlnterest. Going and Coming of People Gathered at Random For the Readers of The News. Col. H. L. Patterson was in Atlanta on business Friday. Look out for big ad for Geo. W. Heard next week. Mrs. J. C. Lucke has return ed from a visit. f o relatives in Montgomery, Ala. If you want to buy your flour right, see G. W. Heard before purchasing. Rev. C. T. Brown delivered forceful sermons at the Bap tist church in town Sunday at eleven and at night. Mr. Roy Otwell is delivering a car load of Buick cats to. his customers this week* Roy is a hustler and is selling ail of the Buicks he can get. Say, Bud, do you know of a vacant house in Cumming, ei ther for rent or sale? If you do it can be rented or sold in a lit tie while. Manuel Pikle says to tell the people he is still selling good organs and will be glad to or der one for you. For Sale: My home in Cum ming. Good dwelling and out ihouses. A splendid place to j live. Mrs. Salfie Tatum. Cumming has two cotton buy ers now and may have another before the season closes. The more the better for the farmers Mr. V. H. Thompson of Can ton came over Saturday after noon and put our linotype ma chine in perfect adjustment. It is running mighty good now. Mr. J. A. Patterson and fam ily and Miss Elizabeth Merritt of Atlanta spent Sunday with ! Col. H. L. Patterson and fam : ily. Mr. Claude Groover has ac- I cepted a position with Clar jence Nalley at Gainesville and will move there about Dec. Ist We hate to see him leave Cum lining but wish him well in his new home. W r e are requested to state that Rev. G. W. Forrist will preach at the court house next Sunday nigaht. Everybody invit ed to come’out and hear him. There were very few people jat the land sale Saturday, and all the property was not sold. I The low price of cotton is do ing some detriment to land sell ; ing nowadays. We hope the [price will advance soon. I Rev. J. W. Thomas will | preach at Antioch every sec |ond Saturday and Sunday for the ensuing year, beginning on the 2nd Saturday in Novem ber at 2 o’clock, and Sunday at eleven. We invite all the com munity that is interested in the cause of our Master to come . and help us in this great work. FOR SALE : One good six-room house, with good barn and 7-8 of an acre of land. This prop ■erty is located in Cumnjing on the* National Highway. R. A. Carruth, Cumming, Ga. CUMMING, GA, OCTOBER 7TH, 1920. SCHOOL NOTICE All teachers who are antici pating teaching school another year and who have; no certifi cates, please notify Tne by the first Tuesday in November. The Board of Education of Forsyth county has ordered an election for school trustees in Ducktown Consolidated School district, at the Masonic Hall in said district to be held on Octo ber 16th, 1920, between the hours of tw'o and five p. m. Geo. Bramblett, Mark L. Howard and T. P. Tribble are appointed managers. The Y. M. C. A. has offered a scholarship of S2OO to former soldiers, sailors and marines who serevd in any capacity din ing the world war. This schol arship will be given at one of the 12 district agricultural schools. The applicant must be pos sessed with an honoirable dis charge, and must be .worthy in the point of character. 1 have been asked by the Sec vetary of the Southeastern fair to extend an invitation to the teachers and pupils of this cou.i ty to come to the said Fair on Tuesday, October 19th. The price for this day will for school children and teachers be only 15 cents. Patrons are requested to no tify the Board.the amount that you are willing to supplement the salaries of the tqachers so we can help secure the jpest teachers. Respectfully, A. C. Kennemore, Sup‘t. Rev. Brown Resigns. At the morning service at the Baptist church in towfa Sunday, Rev. C. T. Browm tendered his resignation as pastor to take ef fect on Jan. Ist, i92 i . „ He read a statement to the church in which he Mated that lie came here with an honest purpose of being a to the church, and of doing a great good for the cause of. his Mas ter, and decided to iesign for the reason he eould nbt do the work he desired to do because he did not rece‘rve / thfe, tion of all the me/ift'TTuiip, and especially of some oy tii c vrno were instrumental in getting him to accept the call here. He has been serving as pas tor for three years, and has made for himself a number of friends whose prayers will go •up for him for success in what ever church he decides to pas tor when he leaves here. Mr. L. B. Dover Mr. L. B. Dover died sudden ly at his home on route 5 Mon day night, and his body was laid to rest at Beaver Ruin on Wednesday, after funeral ser vices conducted by Rev. J. M. Anderson. Mr. Dover was taken sick at nine o’clock with a severe pain in the back of his head, and died in two hours. He is surviv ed by a wife and several child ren and a host of other rela tives and friends to whom we extend our sympathy. Selling Fordson Tractors. Strickland & Wisdom deliv nrccl Fordson Tractors to the following farmers this week : A. Ji. Mundy, W. W. Mundy, B W. Martin, J. C. Bennett, W. J Orr, Frank Day, J. F. Bennett and J. L. Samples. This is the best showing of Tales of farm tractors ever re corded in Forsyth county so far as we know and this enter prising firm deserves the great est commendation from the Ford Motor Cos. for the manner in which they are handling their products in this territory. Teague—Williams. On Sunday afternoon at 31 o’clock occurred the marriage I of Miss Clyde Teague of Law-■ renceville, Ga., and Mr. Ralph j D. Williams of route G, Rev. G. W. Hollingsworth performing the ceremony. 1 he bride is the accomplish ed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Teague, while the groom is a son of Mr. If. C. William' of route 6 . The News joins their many friends in wishing them a long happy and prosperous life. NOTICE. I will sell at my home on the 27th day of October, 1920, at 10 o’clock, a. m. on Canton St. all of my household and kitch en furniture. Terms of salf Cash. E. F. Crawford. Perfect Protection Here In addition to the hi(jli degree of safety a/forded by our safes and vaults, we arc fully insured against burglary or hold up. Our officers and employees are fully bonded. Besides, our membership in the American Bankers As sociation entitles us to the service and protection of a world wide detective organization that is relentless in its warfare against crime and criminals. The safety of our depositor's funds is always our first consideration. I his is a safe bilk to bin r with. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK AUCTION SALE 0 Car load of young, some unbroken, hors es, several Buggies, ’WagohSTEtc. ‘ * ' For Cash or 30 days time Saturday, Oct, 9th At 10 O’clock At my Barn in Cumming-, Ga. Jno. D. Black. PINE GROVE. Miss Cora Hansard spent Sat urday with Miss Myrtle Steph ens at Cumming. Mr. Newt Satterfield and fam ily spent Sunday at Mr. Glenn Guthrie’s. Several from around here at tended the land sale at Cum ming Saturday. Mrs. Lucine Bennett spent l evening last week with Mrs. V Coker. Mr. Cecil Hansard spent part of last week at Mr. Edgar Han sard’s. Mrs. Nellie Watson spent 1 evening last week with Mrs. Fannie Elliott. Those visiting Mrs. Julia Han sard Saturday were: Mrs. Het tio Watson ar.d children, Mrs. Pauline Elliott and baby, Mrs.! Lizzie Guthrie and family. ! Misses Beatrice, Loice and Mildred McWhorter spent Sun' day afternoon with Misses Ver| n*e and Lucile Moss. t i Those visiting at Mr. J. W. Hansard’s Sunday were: Mr. W. A. Samples and family, Ed gar Hansard and family. Miss Ida McWhorter spent from Saturday until Monday at Mr. Joe Wade’s. Mr. A. L. Hansard spent the week end with Mr. J. W. Han sard. Miss.. Nettie Spearman spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Ovell Hansard. Those visiting Mrs. Velsie McWhorter \ Sunday evening were: Misses Cora and Ovell Hansard and Nettie Spearman. SILVER CITY. Rev. R. A. Roper preached two fine sermons at Concord Saturday and Sunday. We are very sorry to part with him but wish him well in his good work and welcome him back again any time. Rev. R. H. Thompson has been called as pastor here for another year. The singing Sunday was ver y fine. We were glad to have so many visitors with us and hope they will come again. We are sorry to report Mrs. Claude Wallis still on the sick list. Hope she may soon be well We have several cases of Whoopingcough in our city. Miss Zona Abbott of Gainf i ville spent Sunday with hon.e --i folks. Mr. Ross Carruth and family of Cumming spent Saturday | night with Mr. Harwell Hulsey ■ Mr. John Norrell and family were visitors at Mr. A. L. Blan ton’s Sunday. Mr. Arbin Hall and family of Cumming spent Sunday at i Mr. S. J. Smith’s. Mr. Sanford Moore and fai 'ily and Mrs. Emma Boling an >. [children of Waleska visited rel ' atives and friends here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Milton How ard of Barrettsville visited Mr Lester Howard Sunday. Mr. John Pruitt of Gaines ville was with homefolks Sun day. Mr. Iverson Summerour leH | ?londay for an extended visit i to relatives in Texas. SI.OO PYur. SALEM. As you don’t see many dot* from Salem, I will write a few We are having some cool weather now. Mr. Billie Orr and wife vis ited their son, Kyle, near hare Sunday. We sure did have two gssd sermons here Sunday.We invit# Rev. Light to come again *oon and preach for us. We have changed the tima of preaching at this place un til 10:30 sun time, sharp, and l if you are not there you will miss heaiing some of the ser mon . Messrs W, R. Stovall, Erwin Jones and A. D. Kellogg are at tending the Association at Gai nesville this week. Mr. Frank Howard is all emil es—it’s a girl. Several around here went to Concord Sunday. Let’s all go to Sunday ■choel at 2 o’clock Sunday and try to have a good school again. Mr. A. D. Kellogg gave a wa termelon cutting Sunday after noon, and there w'ere about 37 who seemed to enjoy them fine and they had more melons left over. Mr. Geo. Stovall came over from Flow'ery Branch and vis ited his father one night of last w r eek. A Reader. LOST: Black plush ladiea at Coal Mt. at the meeting > baptizing. |M. T. Wallis, rotPf * ’