The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, November 17, 1955, Image 2

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Cumming Georgia. THE FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS ESTABLISHED 1908 Circulation over Forsyth, Fulton, Cherokee, Dawson, Lumpkin, Hall and Qwinnett Counties THE I‘AFEH THAT API'BKCIATES VOUB FAT HON AGE Published Every Thursday at Cumming, Georgia ROY P. OTWELL Editor and Owner JAMES L. REEVES Associate Editor T. W. GUNTER Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE PER YEAP. IN ADVANCE 12.00 Entered at the Post Office at Cumming, Georgia August 10, 1910, as mall matter of Second Class. Advertising Rates Made Known Upon Application OFFICIAL ORGAN OF FORSYTH COUNTY AND CITY OF CUMMING NATIONAL EDITORIAL | \ NOTES & COMMENT « Flattery can move mountains and gullible hu man beings. ■MMh j ■ " - When one gets down to it, just about every one has his own little racket. i If you do not advertise, you don’t know the business you’re missing. 1 Three deaths from football in one state this season is three to many. \. Fire departments in this country are now en tering the business season. A good town is that way because people who went before made it that way. . The wise are eager to learn in contrast to the ignoramus who knows it all. The business that utilizes intelligent advertis ing'and promotion is the business of the future. .'Now that Ike may not i*un, the list of highly regarded candidates is steadily growing. Even a boo-boo could have made money in the stock market-and big money-since 1945 Once in a while hear something really brilliant, but only once in a while, and once in a while you recognize it for what it is. We sometimes wonder if the ancient custom of cutting off tongues would not do a lot for this community, if applied selectiveely. We are backward enough to resent the man who is always flawlessly outfitted in the latest thing. t * * The football season is now entering its last month, after which comes December and a rash of bills. Rumors are the basis for much opinion and be havior and seldom bear any relationship to the truth. The business man who advertises usually lives up to price standards and fair dealing. Beware of the unadvertised out-of-the-way business. Working for the betterment of mankind is ex cellent, if you are really working for the better ment of mankind. The weather is still one of life’s greatest mys teries, and the experts still do not understand much that goes on above the earth’s surface up to 50,000 feet, where weather ends. If you want to attract people to your place of business, you might advertise a new fall item in this newspaper and follow up with Christmas ads in the near future. The Forsyth County News Give When This Angel of Mercy Rings Your Bell •• I I OF f m . THE PRESIDENTS BglWtUtPurtfe" Ptcsidcnt, Encyclopaedia BritannicS i Adams, Jefferson and Franklisi at the drafting of the Declaration. ,> Father of the American Revo lution ... an author of the Dec laration of Independence... first occupant of the White House ... architect of America’s continen tal empire yet one of the most disliked of the early patriots; that was John Adams, born Oct. 30, 1735. • ■* am - A blunt and fearless man, he offended friends almost as often as foes. He defied public opinion by acting as defense attorney for the British soldiers tried in 1770 for the Boston Massacre. He won most of them freedom and be cause he had got American jus tice for an enemy, the people of Massachusetts were so proud they elected him to the legisla ture. He strove incessantly for in i dependence. “Let us eat potatoes and drink water. Let us wear i canvas and undressed skins rath i er than submit!” he wrote. He j brought about the organization lof the Minutemen and the appointment of Washington as ] general. •> In peace talks after the war he •nd John Jay, opposing Franklin v i Ideal Time to Kill Rats, Mice Cie:*3’* how: ‘ '---iv j$ *——~ With the first signs of chilly u. an v. eat her, rats and mice invade buildings, searching for rlu-li ;• and n constant food supply for til" long winter months ahead. If you prepare for the annual in \ -xs on, however, you can head off th. -r dauingc-dcafing activities. / n i ffcctlve anti-rat and mouse cam nr ; an, according to many pest coni col specialists, includes these i • ■ c steps: Cue—Remedy poor sanitation. Two— Rutproof buildings, when pr. ,'tical. 'Three—Place rat bait according to directions. To assure good sanitation, re move all rubbish piles, and stack lumber and firewood neatly on racks at least one foot above ground level. Ratproofing, Step No. 2, can effectively keep rats and mice out of corn cribs, granaries, ware houses, and all other places 7 I \ totSSE! where feed is available. Bulletins describing ratproefing methods ro. v no obu-.u , u from your county Rgricuitu. il ugo:u. Baiting is the third and most effective blow in the autumn r.nti- at every turn, refused to consult with the French, fearing Franca might favor Spain in settling America’s western boundary. Dealing directly with the British, they forced the boundary out to the Mississippi. • Though respected, Adams waa seldom loved. He greatly offended many of his countrymen by in sisting that the United States Senate should be largely made up of “the rich, the well-born, and the able." He served two terms as Washington’s vice-president, and was himself named president in 1796. But a quarrel with Hamil ton split his party and Jefferson defeated him in 1800. 1 Abigail, his wife, a clever and capable woman, also exhibited New England thriftiness. When! the Adams family moved into tha new White House she considered! it too large barnlike, she said and she made the famous East Room into the presidential laun dry. Adams and Jefferson both died on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence,! July 4,1826. " - 2 Rjfolfropr rat campaign. Outstanding among the available rat and mouse killers is warfarin, a potent substance dis covered in the laboratories of Dr. Karl Paul Link, Biochemistry Dept., University of Wisconsin, by Drs. Mark A. Btahmann, Miyoshi Ikawa, and 1/ :k. Warfarin L it is recommended because: It kills all species of rnts and mice eom :uon to the United States; it is a slow killer and does not create bait shy ness; no pre baiting is re- quired; no tolerance develops; it is easy to use; it may be used in any climate or season at any tem perature; it is comparatively safe to use; and it may be purchased as a ready-mixed bait, as a concen trate, or in water soluble form. In. using warfarin bait, it must be made available to the rats and mice at all times. Bait stations— shallow containers protected with a board or a wooden box—are nor mally examined and replenished every 43 hours. A limited number of permanent bait stations will kill newcomers and control reinvasion. j|^ij JfcftIACEBAIT 'H “Be Wise.. Shop Early** . USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN! DOLLS, WAGONS, BICYCLES, TRACTORS, TRICYCLES, PEDAL CARS, ELECTRIC TRAINS, DOLL CARRIAGES, ELECTRIC MIXERS, GUNS & RIFLES. A COMPLETE LINE OF TOYS, GROCER IES, FEEDS, HARDWARE, PAINT, BLOCKS, CEMENT PIPE, TERRICOTTA PIPE, DRAIN TILE, GALVANIZED & PLASTIC PIPE. BOLING & BETTIS Phone 4854 ATpharetta, Georgia DO NOT FORGET THE BIG Furniture & Appliance SALE now going on at the Forsyth County Furniture Store Located next door to Georgia Power Co. Phone 2415 CUMMING . NOTICE To The Public I"’’'' •' ... . . i , I have installed a Grist mill, hammermill, corn shucker and shelter to take care of your feed needs. We buy yellow corn. J. C. Vaughan Feed & Poultry Phone 2256 Atlanta Highway Thursday, November 17, 1955.