The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, May 31, 1956, Image 2

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Cumming, Georgia. A new Air Force fighter can fly 1500 miles an hour, either in level flight or straight up. It can probably do even getter, straight down. 1 History-as taught in most U. S. schools-is the version of history the majority of us want to be lieve, to a great extent, anyhow. FULTON LOVELL Talking Turkey TURKEY hunting seems to be a good test of a hunter’s ingenuity and patience. Ingenuity, in that the hunter must devise some means of luring the turkey close enough to get a good shot, and patience to wait it out in some secluded spot until he hears dpMg(k or sees some sign that a turkey is nearby. w During our recent organized tur f key hunt in the I.ake Burton and Blue * M Ridge areas, I talked to several pro fessed experts on the art of calling i \ and shooting wild turkey. Each one had his own way, and for proof that it was the best way, he could cite many j fi experiences where he had brought i * home more tOkey than he knew w hat to do with. After listening to several of these stories (and they were all true, I know, because hunters don’t lie) I decided to corner one of the gentlemen who had just walked out of the woods with a big 20-pound gobbler. As the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding,” so I determined that whatever method he used, I would accept as being a good one. “Well,” he said, “about the best way I know of is to find a good place where you know there is a turkey around, then get behind a log or some type of covering and see if you can talk him close enough to get a good shot.” Now, this part seemed to be logical enough, and I don’t believe he would get any argument on that point, hut since the controversy between the hunters seemed to hinge on the method of talking the turkey, I inquired as to what method he had used that day. “Oh, I’ve got a little gadget here I rigged up several years ago,” he said, as he held it up so I could get a better look. What he had was a piece of cedar about six inches long which bad been hollowed out, and inside was a narrow strip of slate about two inches long. I have seen similar “callers” on several occasions, but never have I heard one that sounded as much like a turkey when I rubbed the slate over the edge of the wood. Some of the hunters who use “callers” say that its best to call three or four times, then wait fifteen or twenty minutes and repeat the call. Others swear that if you repeat the call the turkey will get wise and turn tail. The gentleman to whom I was talking w’as a firm believer in the latter method, and had me almost con vinced until I heard the rest of his story. “I was sitting behind this log,” he went on to say, “and I heard this gobbling noise that sounded like a Tom . . . so I pulled out my caller and rubbed it a couple of times, and just sat back and waited for him to come to me. Well, I didn’t have to wait long before I saw him pop his neck out from behind this big bush and start toward me. I eased my gun over the top of the log and got a bead on him and waited for him to get a little closer. “Then, all of a sudden I saw this other cue running toward him . . . and the first thing I knew they wore iu a big fight about who was going to answer my call. There wasn't nu>rh doubt about who was going to win the fight because the other one was about twice as big as this one. Anyhow, I got one of their heads in my sights and pulled the trigger. I could have got ’em both but since the limit was one I let him get away.” As I say, hunters don’t lie. And I suppose it is con ceivable that the turkeys were fighting over who was going to be killed, but I kept wondering all dav why he didn’t shoot the big one instead of the little one. t ***** Game and Fish Laws Shad, Carp, Gar, and Sucker are the only fresh water scale fish that can be sold in this state. An exception is made in the case of a person who catches the fish from his own pond in quantities of not less than 20fi pounds and has them identified by a member of the Game and r isb Commission. WOW! I*2*3 power! Only TEXACO^gS^j^T^Nj Sky Chief gives you all 3 PETROX Texaco’s exclusive ~.n-bnsr el.ment that provides as much as t>o' , longer engine tile, maximum power, and more miles per gallon. 2 TOP OCTANE - highest octane in Texaco history ... tops in knock-free power. 2 100% CLIMATE-CONTROLLED —specially ir~i blended for climate and altitude in all 4$ A states' SEE US SOON FOR SKY CHIEF! /TEMCO \ PORTER’S SERVICE STATION V / Phone 2301 - Cumming, Ga. i j GAME and FISH The Forsyth County News Federal Land Banks plan long term financing. FOR SALE "Old Jim Hall Place" 100 acres; 4-room house with bath and floor furnace heat; one 3-room j house. Would like to sell a John j Deere “M" Tractor with place |E. L. SHORES, Rt. 4. Cumming, j Phone Alpharetta 4744. ROCK GROUND EKBICSEB^^ SELF RISING fjb j CORN MEAL nnfimm AS -BUTTERMILK - ADD “Shortening and Water” FOR YOUR FAVORITE RECIPES Hush Puppies, Corn Bread or Muffins, Corn Sticks, Egg Corn Bread, Corn Meal Pan cakes, Waffles, Crackling Bread, Bread Stuffing. SELFRISING PLAIN Ground on Old Fashion Mill DEALERS EVERYWHERE BHHSbBB ftufl Mm 5:59 P. M. Starting flag—and Chevrolet’s away! IlitflffßlTHtn \ fl iL H? .dis. ~ Bl^^lKSfo M wKßfastSßfa. i&&S B. I K ■ V jf/tf x BP '•#3r w|v/j 9:30 A.M. Sure-footed on curves—that's Chevy! WANTED Water Front Property Farms Timber Land. We have Buyers. FORSYTH REALTY COMPANY H. H. Seoggins, Broker Phone 2993 or come by my Office Over Cumming Hardware Company on Dahloncga street in Cumming. Chevrolet hangs up a new round-the-clock performance record... 24 3 8 Andean Motor Company Cumming, Georgia , m j* i Important Notice! Bring your Sacks to us we are now paying 15/ for large size bags, 14/ for medium size bags, 10/ for No. 2 bags Cumming Bag Co. Timber Wanted We are in the market for Timber, will buy any amount small or large tracts Also will pay you cash prices for logs deliver ed to mill. Phone 2288 or write WILLS LUMBER CO. Atlanta Highway for The hot one averages 101.58 miles per hour for 25 hours . . . tops Indianapolis 25-hour stock car record by 280 miles at famed Darlington Raceway, Darling ton, S. Q. That’s the new closed-course performance record set by Chevrolet—timed and certified by NASCAR! This was no mere test of speed. This was a test of all the Chevrolet qualities that go to make your driv- ing more pleasant and safer on the road. Stamina. Sureness of control. Great hearted V 8 action. Come in and drive the.champ! MILES IN 24 HOURS! 11:00 P. M. All night, Chevy continues the pace. 5:59 P. M. The checkered flag mark*, new record! Thursday, May 31, 1956. jwiJßJJtsw