The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, October 11, 1956, Image 1

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Volume 47. HILARITY, LOVE AND SUSPENCE INCOR ATED INTO THE MEAT-PACKING BUSI NESS IN A REFRESHING NOVEL NOTHING GOES TO WASTE By Jack Posner NEW YORK pageant PRESS INC. 261 pp $3.50 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jack Posner is an up-and-coming business man of Atlanta, Georgia, where he is engaged in both the liquor and theatre businesses. In addition, he is a Vice President of the Sawnee Provision Co., located in Cumming, Georgia. A native of Baltimore .Maryland, he is a gradu ate of Johns Hopkins University, where he ma-jored in Business Ad ministration, and of the University of Baltimore, where he studied law. His active writing career began in 1955, when he was awarded a Packard automobile as a prize win ner in a nationwide assay contest sponsored by THE SERVER, well known trade publication. In NOTH ING GOES TO WASTE, an arrest ing first novel, he has capitalized on his intimate knowledge of the packinghouse business. He has found an outlet, also, for his own keen observations on some of the widely ramifying—and too little ap preciated—problems of officials in the provision-purveying industries. Virginia Taylor, the leading char acter in the novel, definitely has a mind of her own. Through her father’s influence, she succeeds in landing a job in a meat-packing plant. When her fiance arrives, Virginia threatens to go to work unless Robert —her intended hus band—marries her at once. Robert pleads with Virginia to be patient; he wants more time to establish himself. Robert’s climb up the lad der in the packinghouse business is slow in Virginia’s opinion. Vir ginia is determined and despite Robert’s pleadings, carries out her FHC “Bulldogs” Win Over Sprayberry 21—6 Last Thursday night in Marietta the F. C. H. S. “bulldogs” won their second football game in a row by defeating the Sprayberry High School “Yellow Jackets” by a score of 21—6. To start the game the ‘“bulldogs” kicked off to Sprayberry and then held them to a 4th down on their own 40 yd. line. Sprayberry got off a beautiful punt, it rolling dead on the “bulldogs” 10 yd. line. There the F. C. H. S. team took over and moved the ball down the field, biting off large chunks of yardage on every play, and scoring after a 90 yard sustained drive. The extra point was good and the score stood 7(1-0.. F. C. H. S. kicked off again and on 3rd. down Sprayberry fumbled with the “bulldogs” recovering at midfield. The “bulldogs” began another drive that ended in a sec ond touchdown. Again the point was good, and the score was 14—0. The rest of the first half was score less. As the second half began, the “bulldogs” received Sprayberry’s kickoff and returned it to their own 40 yd. line. From there they put on a third scoring drive which made the score 21—0. After the "bulldogs” kicked off again, the game settled down into a defensive battle. Only once was the Spray berry team able to get into scoring territory. They recovered a “bull dog” fumble on the F. C. H. S. 30 yd. line. From there they com pleted a forward pass to the “bull- The Forsyth County News OFFICIAL ORGAN OF FORSYTH COUNTY ft CITY OF CUMMIN# DEVOTED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF FORSYTH. FULTON. CHKRQ KKE, DAWSON, LUMPKIN, HAIJ. AND GWINNETT COUNTIES. (City Population 2,500) .. ■ ■ JBB threat and informs him that she is going to work in the packinghouse until Robert makes his mind up to marry her. Virginia’s innocence is the charm she carries along. The novel un folds its f turbulent, laughter packed events in gripping fashion that keeps the reader glued to the pag es Things really do get rough when Virginia encounters rack ateers associating amongst the em ployees ( then takes it upon herself to erase the gambling element from the plant. In her martydom efforts, Virgi nia almost wrecks the business. Undaunted by this change she sets out to rebuild the business and the methods she uses is quite startling and surprising. As it usually hap pens in all novels Virginia wins* out. In addition to Virginia, who the reader will love and admire, Wilson, an emotional character acting as general manager, will challenge Virginia’s title as a main character. Truly speaking the nov el has a galaxy of characters; each prominent. In his first novel Mr. Posner has succeeded admirably well in carrying the reader along on an enlightening and refreshing tour of a meat-packing plant. The dialogue is sharp, warm and witty. The style of writing rich and fast mov ing. Like a slice of good meat— each chapter is choice. Don’t be surprised that when you finish reading this refreshing novel, you will find yourself reading it again to pick up the deep and witty re marks so easy to overlook. dog” 2 yd. line and then scored from the 2. The point attempt was stopped and that was it for the night. The bulldogs were victorious by scores of 21 —6. This week the “bulldogs” journey to Clarkston on Friday night to take on the Clarkston “Angoras.” This will probably be the toughest game of the season for our boys, so lets go with them Friday night and give them the moral support they need for another victory. Singing Notice The Annual singing at Cross Roads Baptist church will be held Sunday October 14. Everyone has a special invitation to attend. We are expecting a large number of good singers with us as well as some good quartetts, trios and duets from all over North Georgia Make your plans now to come and spentd the day and lets make this singing one of the best. There will be loud speakers for your conven ience and dinner at the noon hour. O. E. Barrett, President J. C. Whitmire, V. president Inez Sewell, Secretary /> Band Meeting The first meeting of the Forsyth High Band Parents Club will be held on October 16 at 7:30 at the school. All parents and others who are interested can learn the pur pose and function of this club by attending the meeting. Cumming Georgia, Thursday, Oct., 11, 1956. Soil Conservation District News JAMES T. COOTS SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE G. W. Bragg in the Oak Grove community working in cooperation with the Upper Chattahoochee Riv er Soil Conservation District has treated his eroded land against further erosion and for improve ment. T. K. Orr, SCS, supervised the application. Mrs. T. W. Sosebee, in the Friend ship community has ordered sever al thousand pine tree seedlings for winter planting. Joel Heard, Matt community *ns cleared twenty more acres of fk»od plains on the Settingdown Creek and seeded to permanent pasture. Rena Martin, Coal Mountain plans to seed five acres of per manent pasture to fescue and ladi no clover this week. In Memorian The members of the Forsyth County GEA pay loving tribute to the memory of Miss Violet Fowler who was a loyal active member of cur organization. Fe feel most keenly the loss of this faithful friend and co-worker. Her work will be long remembered and is an inspiration to others. Be it, therefore, resolved that the Forsyth County GEA in order to indicate our deepest appreciation of Miss Fowler’s life and teaching service authorizes and directs the committee to publish this resolut ion in the Forsyth County News, and send a copy of the resolution to the family. Mrs. Gladyse Barrett Mrs. Wylene Samples A. M. Sosebee G. E. A. Committee. With Y our County Agent Walter H. Rucker This week, October 7-13 has been set aside as National Fire Preven tion Week. Farm fires costs our nations farmers more than $l5O million each year. Fire Prevention Week is a period set aside to em phasize the cause of fires and to point out preventive measures. Lets che’ck some of the practices that help in the prevention of fire. Practice care in the use and stor age of flammable liquids. This is one of the main sources of fire in the home. Heating and cooking equipment should be kept in good working condition and never allowed to overheat. Check all flues and chim neys Make a periodic check of all elec tric wires and appliances. Never try to overfuse. Replace old or frayed outlet cords. Always take care with matches and smoking habits. Keep matches and lighters away from children. The barn and farm buildings take in the same practices with a few added. Be sure hay is well cured before storage. Use ventilation flues to prevent overheating. Store all flammable liquids at least 40 feet from major buildings Watch carefully for tractor back fire in barn, fuel spillage, friction sparks and smoking. .These are some of the major causes of fire around the farm. A good water supply is insurance in fighting fires. Always be prepared. Small fire extinguishers can be used in most instances. For a fire caused by oil, grease or paint, a fire extinguisher filled with carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, or dry powder can be used effectively. A good ladder, long enough to reach the tallest building is always handy. And best of all, don’t give fire a place to start. REVIEWED BY MRS. WANSLEY BAGLEY Special Notice To The Citizens Of Forsyth County This is to announce that I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Forsyth County, and my name will be on the ballot in the Gener al Election to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 1956. Probably a large majority of the registered voters of our county know that I have always been a citizen of Forsyth County. My par ents are Mrs. Laura Brannon Bar nett <*nd the late Mr. Enoch Bar nett. For the past four years I have served as Chief Deputy Sher iff. Since I have nof been heading the Sheriff's office, naturally all decisions and actions of the office have not been my responsibility; however, I can truthfully say that I am not afraid to stand before the people as a candidate, upon the record of every action and decision which I have personally made. The People of our county are en titled to know about not only the public life, but also the personal life, of any candidate for such an important office as that which I am seeking; therefore, I present the following facts: I do not drink; I am a Christian (and shall always be ready to receive advice from Christian people); I am not seeking the office for financial gain, I am not in debt, and shall be content with the honest, legitimate fees of the office, however small the in come therefrom shall be;; I be lieve In the type of law enforce ment that will make our county a desirable place in which to live and to rear children; I do not believe that any officer can enforce cer tain laws and allow certain other laws to be broken with his know ledge and consent, and still have the respect and cooperation of the citizens (which is absolutely neces sary order to have the desirable county mentioned above); if there are citizens who MUST drink whis key (and I wish there were none) they should buy legal, tax-paid whiskey in the quantitities which may be possessed lawfully, in coun ties where such sale is legal Thank God, that is not Forsyth County: I mention this in order to point out that I am absolutely 100 per cent opposed, both as a private citizen and as a candidate for pub lic office, to the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicants in any form, in our county! You may be subjected to pro paganda regarding support of the individual nominated in the Pri mary Election held last March. My friends, this is a race between Mr. Bass Farr and myself for the office of Sheriff of Forsyth Coun ty! If it were not perfectly legal for me to run in the General Elec tion for this office, my name could not be printed on the ballot. I want to tell you this: If Mr. Farr had received 51 percent or more of the votes cast in the Primary Election last March, I would not be a candi date now—because that would in dicate that he was the choice of the majority of those voting in the primary; Actually, he received less than 41 percent of the votes cast. In regard to this matter of being a “Democratic Nominee”, I wish to point out that the present United States Senator from our neighbor state of South Carolina, the beloved Senator Storm Thurmond, was elected by WRITE-IN votes! His name was not even printed on the ballot. The vast majority of the Democrats of that state marked out the name of the so-called “De mocratic-Nominee”, and “WROTE IN” Storm Thurmond’s name, to elect him to the highest office with which the whole state can honor a man. Don’t be misled by propa ganda and fast talk, you have a perfect right to vote in the Gener al Election for whomever you be lieve to be the best mar for Sher iff of Forsyth County. It is my belief that every Militia District in our county should have a fully authorized, bonded Deputy Sheriff. I further believe that the good, law-abiding citizens of the separate districts should have a voice in deciding who the deputy in their district should be. If I am elected Sheriff of Forsyth County, 1 shall appoint as my deputy, one ' man from any district for whom County Population 15,000. Number 41. THE CHRISTIAIN RACE “Wherefore seeing we also are compossed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finishes (perfector) of our faith "Heb. 12: I—2. 1. In a race the starting point is important. Every one must “to the line,” if the participant is quilty of any irregularity the race* is for feited.T he starting point is the "new birth” ro regeneration. One cannot run the Christian’s race un less he is a Christian. Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again”—this is the starting point for everyone who desires to run the chcristian’s race. SelfTimprovement, good works etc are all wrong starting places. A surrender to Jesus Christ as your personal saviour is the place to start. 2. Progress in the race. A per son who does not grow physically or mentally is in a pitiful condition Growth spiritually, is so important A Christian should not remain a babe in Christ but should be able to partake of strong substantial food and learn how to endure hard ness as a Christian soldier. There should be some definite striving as we “run with patience the race that is set before us”. 3. There are some things that we should lay aside—weights—sins —anything that would interfere with our running a good race. May I mention one or two weights—or sins that would interfere with the Christian’s race; Ignorance of the Bible and un concern for people who are made In the image of God. We must know the rules of the game; We must know the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ if we wish to run a good Christian race; We must “look unto him”. If he is our Saviour and Guide we must follow him. W.'R. CALLAWAY MERCHANTS Appreciation Day Merchants Appreciation Day, is still a popular event each Saturday at 2 P. M. at the Court House, the crowds are growing each Saturday, so why not be there next Saturday as you might be the Lucky winner This event sponsored by the For syth County Chamber of Commerce and the following merchants. Those firms making this event possible are: Otwell Motor Co., Cumming Drug Store; Stone Fur niture Co., Cumming Five & Ten Cent Store, Parson & Co., Sam Gordon Dept. Store, Patterson Ra dio & TV Service, Thompson Var iety Store, Cumming Jewelers, For syth County Furniture Store, Wares Dept. Store, W. J. Poole’s Cafe & Store, Gem Jewelry Co., Cumming Hardware Co., Drakes Furniture Co., Corn’s TV & Ap pliance Co., and the contributing firms, the Bank of Cumming and Otwell & Barnes Funeral Home. 51 percent or more of the register ed voters of that district sign a petition recommending him as a Deputy Sheriff, and it will be pub licly known that he is such. One man cannot possibly be in every district at the same time, my friends, and this is putting it squarely up to YOU to say whom you would nave assist me in en forcing the law, insofar as your own district—your own community —is concerned. Will you accept this challenge? After all is said and done, and you go to the polls to vote on November 6th., the dtjision which YOU MUST make is this: Are you satisfied to endorse and return to the practices carried out in the Sheriff’s office between January 1, 1948, and September 1, 1952 (the date when Mr. Farr resigned his office)? If you are not, and if you believe that I will do better, PLEASE VOTE FOR ME. Sincerely, LOY BARNETT To The Voters Of Forsyth County I have qualified to run for the Office of Clerk of Superior Court, in this upcoming General Election November 6, 1956. I received 582 Write-In votes in our County Democratic Primary, also a great number voted out of place. I would like to take time here now to thank everyone for your good support. I would like to take time now to bring to the minds of the good people of this county that the pres ent Clerk has been in office 24 years. The present Clerk was elect etd in 1932, took over the Clerk’s office January Ist, 1933. The present Clerk asked for the office two or three terms, now people the Clerk has had the office six terms. Our Clerk said in his campaign: “People let me have the office he (Col. Brooks) has been there 20 years”. Well my good people our present Clerk has been in office 24 years. My friends I’m asking you, the Voters to consider this favor I’m asking of you. My friends our present Clerk can retire and draw a good Pension from the Georgia Clerk of Court Retirement Asso ciation. I have lived in Forsyth County; all my life. I am 35 years of age, married and have three children. I promise if elected to carry out the duties of this office to the best of my ability. Thank you and best of Luck to every citizen of this County. Yours truly, CHARLES F. CAINE p To The People Of Forsyth County I hereby announce as an Inde pendent Candidate for the office of Chairman of the Board of Com missioners of Roads and Revenue of Forsyth County. I have reached this decision due to the many good citizens of this county urging me to make this race. Many of you, like myself, be lieve that the person who holds this high officec should do so with an absolute majority, rather than a bare plurality of the votes as it was in the Democratic Primary. I am a life-long Democrat and expect to remain so, even though I am forced to make this race as an Independent. If you see fit to vote for me, you can rest assured that I will de vote full time to the duties of this olfice. I will cooperate with the other Commissioners and work for a better distribution of road work in the county. If there are not suf ficient funds to do all the road work necessary, we will work out a method so that each Militia Dis trict will get its’ fair share. No one or two sections will receive all the benefits. I will cooperate with all State officials in securing State funds in order to get more road work ac complished. I further promise to cooperate with our elected Legis lators in working towards getting more State funds. Since all of you people are citi zens, I believe that each of you should have a voice in determin ing the policies of your County. If you elect me to this office, I want you to feel free to approach me directly about any county matter that you are interested in. I can’t promise to full fill all your request but I will do my best to do what I believe will be in the best in terest of the county. If elected to this office, I will set aside one day each month to meet with any person or groups of people regarding any matter they think should be acted upon by this office. This is true Democracy in Action, even though some of our Political Bosses might not think so. Since time will not permit me to visit each of you personally, I want to thank you in advance for your vote and influence. Sincerely, CHARLIE YARBROUGH p A nation is young only so long as opportunity, as well as security, is considered vital.