The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, February 16, 1961, Image 5

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Cumming, Georgia. - SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Res. TU. 7-2965 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harper and children of Rome, Ga. were the Sunday visitors of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lambert. * # * * Mrs. Roy Otwell, Jr. attended the monthly meeting of the Col. William Candler chapter of D.A.R. in Gainesville last Thursday. * * * * Mrs. Tom Heard and Mrs. B. B. Robertson spent Monday in At lanta. * * * * Mr. Charles Welch, student at the University of Ga. spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Welch. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Andy Martin of East Point were the weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. * # # # Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burress the weekend visitors of Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Gazaway and other relatives. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Martin of Brookhaven were the Sunday after noon guests of Mrs. Lewis Tate. * * * * Miss Eleanor Hughes of Atlanta spent the weekend with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hughes. * * * * Mrs. Roy Otwell and Mrs. La trelle Brooks attended the play “Mr. Music Man”, at the City Auditorium in Atlanta Saturday. • Mrs. W. R. Hunt of Cave Springs is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Leon Boling and her family. * * * * Mrs. J. C. Fleming is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Carina Turn er, Miami for several weeks. * * * * Perry Ann Watson spent Friday night and Saturday with Linda Watscon. •5r * * * Mr. and Mrs. Reppard DeLoach of Statesboro spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. N. Poole. * 4f * * Messrs. Frank Chancey, Leon Boling, J. C. Vaughn, Jr. and Fred Darnell are attending a Rural Electric meeting in Texas this week. ■s£ *3r *sf Mrs. R. A. Ingram and daughter Linda were in Atlanta Saturday. * * * * Mrs. John Padgett and daughter have retur/ied home after visiting her mother in Greer, S. C. * * * * Mrs. Virginia Cheek and Miss Bette Ann Moore spent Sunday In Atlanta. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Gilbert and daughter of Doraville were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Grape Palmour. # # -* * Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Pirkle of Atlanta and Mrs. Emma Pirkle of Roswell were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Pirkle. Johnny and his wife left Wednes day for Manmouth, New Jersey, where Johnny will attend Officers Training School for eight weeks. * * * * Mrs. Hermon Wood of Sawnee Electric Membership Corporation spent several days in Atlanta last week where she received instruct ions On biling machines. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens and daughter, Mildred and Miss Frances Kennemore spent Sunday in the mountains of north Georgia. * , * 45- * Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jennings and daughter, Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron of Cumming chap ter of the Eastern Star and Mr. and Mrs. John Hugh Monroe at tended the annual Eastern Star Banquet in Atlanta Saturday night. * * * * Miss Nancy Wolfe of Atlanta spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wolfe. * # * * Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hall and daughter Margarett Joe ot Macon were the weekend guests of Mrs. Hall’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Phillips. * * * * Joe Wheeler, Jr. spent the week end with David Wyld in Albany, Georgia. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Coleman and family were Sunday visitors, with the J- C. Roe family. MRS. ROY OTWELL, Jr., Society Editor Mrs. H. H. Brannon of Gaines ville and Mrs. Bill Hunter and daughter of Decatur were Satur day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Stripland. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stancil attended the Dixie Hair and Beauty at the Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta Sunday. * * * * Mr. Joe Spooner, agricultural engineer has returned home after surveying in Jefferson fo'r the past few weeks. Mr. Spooner is the engineer at the Soil Conservation office in Forsyth County. * * * * Mrs. Ben Stone of Atlanta, Mrs. Clyde James, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bagwell, Mr. and Mrs. Auther Herring of Alpharetta was Satur day dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Elder Herring. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Herring spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips at Dahlonega. * * * * BIRTHDAY SPEND-THE-NIGHT . PARTY Miss Susan Grogan entertained a number of her friends with a spend-the night party Friday night at her home this also given to celebrate Susan’s fourteenth birth day. After a steak supper the group was served birthday cake and ice cream. Susan at this time received many lovely gifts. Enjoying the occasion were: Misses Paula Heard, Linda Voi les, Joyce Gunter, Sandra Thomas, Ann Watson, Jane Wallace, Beverly Bartenfield, Marion Wheeler, Re gina Eidson, Linda Ingram, Sandra Samples, Patsy Grogan, Ernestine Hamby, Susan Walls, Barbra Ham by, Diane Pubh, Elaine Floyd and Pat Heard. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Grogan. EASTERN STAR OFFICERS HONORED The Camming Chapter of East era Star honored their elective and "appointive officers with a party Tuesday/ night at the Masonic Hall. Each officer brought as her guest a member of another chap ter who holds the same office. The red and white Valentine motif was carried out in the dec orations of the hall. Fruit cake, dainty party sand wiches and coffee were served. The 1960-61 officers are as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. Lanier Rich ards, Worthy Patron and Worthy Matron, Miss Edith Bannister, Associate Matron: Mr. Kazy Ben nett, Associate Patron; Mrs. Clara Mae Cox, Secretary; Mr. C. W. Cox, Treasurer; Mrs. Roy Beaty, Conductress; Mrs. Connie Wood; Associate Conductress; Mrs. Mary Monroe, Chaplain; Mrs. Lila Mae Wolfe, Marshal; Mrs. Rebecca Fa gan, Ruth; Mrs. Martha Pendley, Esther; Mrs. Maude Barnett, Mar tha; Mrs. Lois Heard, Electa; Mrs. Glana Pirkle, Warder; and Mr. Grady Savage, Sentinel. JAYCETTES MEET The monthly meeting of the Forsyth County Jaycettes took place Monday evening at the S and M Cofe. After a steak supper the presi dent, Mrs. Joe Spooner, called the meeting to order followed by the reading of Jaycettes Creed. Minutes and committee reports were then heard. Members were reminded of the state winter board meeting to be held in Macon on February 18 and 19 at which time the state nomi nating committee will report. The deadline date of February 25 was given as the last time to order hats for the National convention in June, names should be turned into Mrs. Jerry Vaughn by this time. A letter from Mrs. Peggy Hoi brook. Ninth district director, was read which stated her resignation of this office. Plans for the May Day Festival to be given by the Jacettes were discussed. Chairman Estelle Gor don and Patricia! Martin submitted ideas to the club for this affair which is to be held in the early part of May. The club decided to sponsor an other "Polio Clinic” sometime this March, the date to be set by chair man, Betty Woford. Jaycettes also discussed plans for assisting in the Heart Fund .Drive. The Forsyth County News Office TU. 7-2321 CROSS ROADS H.D.C Cross Roads Demonstration Clpb met February 9 at the club house with 13 members, and Mrs. Bann ister present. Mrs. Mae Bennett, president called the meeting to order. Mrs. Beth Gazaway conducted the scrip ture reading from the 7th chapter of John. Mrs Lizzie Tatum read a poem of prayer to ‘‘Those Growing Old.” Minutes and roll call, and Treas urer report. Business old and new was dis cussed, some of the members are planning the trip to Atlanta for a party of Richs in March. Mrs. Yylene Mathis demonstrated a beautiful homemade Valentine box, Mrs. Zelma Bannister demon stration was the topic on cancer, that is very important. The social hour was enjoyed in a game and delicious refreshments served by Mrs. Lizzie Tatum and Beth Gazaway. The meeting was then adjourned. Mrs. A. R. Sewell, Reporter. Services here Sunday was well attended. The pastor, Rev. Harold Thompson, Rev. Hubert Young blood and Rev. VV. R. Callaway brought some very interesting messages. Mrs. Stella Westbrooks and daughter of Gainesville spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Vada Chambers. Mrs. Nellie Harrison visited Mr. and Mrs’. Dilmus Tidwell Saturday nighc. Miss Vickie Bennett celebrated her 11th Birthday Thursday with several of her friends and a birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Major Tinsley visited Mr. Robert Lee and family Ihursdaiy night. Mrs. Jane Martin is on the sick list this week, hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Ted Hicks and family spent Sunday with relatives in Gaines ville. *■ Mr. Lane Bennett and family spent Sunday with Mr. Y. J. Tin mason and family. Mrs. Bessie Hubbard spent a while Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Inez Sewell. Mr. Clearance Bennett of Gaines ville was visiting relatives here last week. Miss Jessie Bell Mathis and Mr. Cecil Jones were married Saturday, February 11. We wish this young couple a very happy life together. —o— FRIENDS -o- DISMISSALS FROM FORSYTH COUNTY HOSPITAL Mrs. Myrtie Holbrook Mrs. Myrtie Slaton Mrs. Florence Patterson Mr., David McClure Mr. Lanier Hughes Mrs. Vivan Sams and daughter Master Jerry Strayhorn Mr. Sam Howard Mr. Claude Baker Mrs. Marie Cox Mrs. Charlotte Gilstrap and son Mrs. Annie Ryder Mrs. Annie Fay Holtzclaw and son Master Ezra Chumbley Mrs. Lois Gilleand and daughter Mrs. Marie Green and daughter Mr. J. B. Caldwell Mr. Ralph Tiner Mrs. Clyde Williams Mr.' John Scott Mrs. Wilma Holtzclaw Mrs. Dorris Cantrell Mrs. Phobe Martin and daughter Mrs. Louella Pressby and daughter Mrs. Margie Day Mrs. Sue Blackburn and son Mr. Roger Bennett Master Donald Smith Master Stevie Poss Master Jerry Payne Mrr. Christine Samples V t PREACHING NOTICE Rev. Hubert Youngblood will preach at Mt. Pisgie Sunday night, February 19, at 7 p. m. Everyone is invited to come out and hear him. * * * * Mr. Bill Herring of Atlanta spent the weekend with his par' ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Herring. FORSYTH COUNTY HIGH NEWS The local GEA teachers of the county will meet Thursday after noon, February 16, at 3:30 p. m. at the High School Cafetorium. Mr. John Palmer of WSB Radio and Television will be the guest speaker. His subject will* be his “Tour of Russia.” The F. H. A. organization will help in the Bloodmobile to be on Thursday of this week. The annual sweetheart banquet of the Intermediate and Young Peoples Department of the First Baptist church will be held in the cafetorium Saturday evening. Dr. Solomon Dowis will be the guest speaker. The parents of the young people will serve dinner. Mrs. Joe Roane is sponsor. SCIENCE CLUB NEWS The Forsyth County High School Club met February 1. The meeting was called to order by the presi dent, Gail Heard and the devo tional was given by Robert Bar tenfeld . The secretary, Janice Day read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll. Our sponsor, Mrs. Pittard, dis cussed with us our project for the year which is the Science Fair to be held at Forsyth County High. Roger Heard was elected coordinator over the Science fair and the committee chairman will work with him. All members will be. asked to help with this pro ject. The Science Club Initiation was held February - 14. There were entertainment and refreshments afterwards. We also discussed going to the j Science Fairs to be held at North Georgia College and at the Uni versity of Georgia. These will be ; discussed more fully at the follow- : ing meetings. Peggy Milum, Reporter. MATT P. T. A. The Matt P.T.A. met Mondaj night, February 13, at the school house with 15 present. Meeting was called to order by president, Roy Bailey, who also led us in prayer, minutes were read and approved. Heard Treas urer’s report. Mrs. Flora Bell Wallis’ room won the prize for the most parents present, there were 19 parents and one grandmother. After the business session was finished Mrs. Wallis second and third grades gave a very good program on “Valentines Day,” the children did a very good job with the program. They also sang “Working The Road,” assisted by the pupils who were present from Mrs. Worley’s first grade. Meeting closed after the pro gram. Mrs. Hoyt Pilcher, Reporter. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank everyone for their kindness in the sickness and death of our dear husband, father and grandfather, Fred Gen try. Along with memories of him in our hearts we’ll always have thoughts of the many wonderful friends. The doctors, the entire staff of Forsyth County Hospital. The Rev.’s Ford Phillips and James Mcßrayer, the singers and Ingram Funeral Home. May God bless you all. Mrs. Fred Gentry and family.j , We have some beautiiul spring drip dry cottons in 4 «d. Center Cut dress lengths, this is dress maker material, Not Remants. this comes in Prints, Checks, Solids. Some imports, also few pieces of spring wool skirt lengths. This is now at the residence of Mrs. Ray Taylor. Come look them over, sew and save. Mrs. Ray Taylor, Mrs. Loy Pruitt. HOUSEWIVES ANI) MOTHERS School-Home coordinating work. Ten to forty hours a week. School, Church, or Scout background help ful. Excellent earnings, if accepted, write fully to Manager, P. O. Box 1101, Marietta, Georgia. 1 ti. chg. TEACHERS. EX-TEACHERS AND SUSTITUTE TEACHERS If you are desirous of rendering an important educational service in this vicinity, you may qualify for stimulating full or part-time work with excellent remuneration. We are a highly reputable, in ternationally known organization 'offering opportunity for rapid advancement to those showing leadership. Ready to accept posi tion NOW, or NLT June 10. Write fully to Southern Manager, 80-11th Street, N. E„ Atlanta 9, Georgia. 1 ti. chg. i: JE V ; vs fimmmlMimmt mi % . ■■ ■■■■ -Ijflffilflfi'- ■ Jm |r “HEART FUND SWEETHEARTS” Gail (left) and Sybil Proux, Hapeville sisters who are “Heart Fund Sweethearts” for the Georgia Heart Association’s February funds campaign, light the "Torch of Hope,” symbolizing the hope that some day the conquest of heart diseast will be realized. The girls, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Proux, are now leading normal, healthy lives following identical operations to correct congenita! heart defects. Such surgery is made possible by research programs supported through the Heart Fund, the GHA’s only appeal. Telephone Eyes Examined 175-3957 Glasses F’itted DR. JACK D. DORSETT OPTOMETRIST ALPHARETTA MUNICIPAL BUILDING OFFICE HOURS: Wed. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M Main St... Sat. After 2 P. M. Alpharetta, Ga. Land Bank Loans Provide THE BEST FARM CREDIT 10 To 30 YEARS TO PAY Low Cost Courteous Treatment S. Kinningham, Mgr. Gainesville, Georgia 300 E. Washington St. Phone LE 4-53 95 I \joh\c. \ k . \ ! 0, oberts ) ' , { SHOCK row MEM J HI | . . . This -. Jfrf moccasin, luxurious in fin* vamp to assur* flexibility. A John C. Roberts casuoi 9m as seen nationally on TV 4b and in ESQUIRE. U All sizes, widths. $13.98 • Otwell’s Dept. Store Thursday, February 16, 1961