The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 12, 2004, Page PAGE 10A, Image 10

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PAGE 10A FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Friday, March 12,2004 B - c - Johnny Hart f- -x -=r MY RAP CAM PEAT UP YOUR.. RAP• AIY MOM CAM B>6AT UP MY PAD. V„ 7 < J A. ML ■■ «*—4,;L ~i 4 W~ cmm cu*n*i u*. > '* ' tI • - Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters ■■ I ALL-NIGHT 881 Mi TELLER Belong SreJ I Lru LI ITO LiiJ U /Al® ” Tfeg '>S ' fr-j- ■BSrSi - ' t * ** / j JSmhbM' Rose Is Rose Pat Brady 6DY&, I'M GOING TO / /] .er... V— NEER MY EARRING / /j I gACkOk? / /I / W-,»; j VW !h /*/ L 5 f I www -o—.yo— con* j - j \ X O Momma Mell Lazarus Z mci2?^ z CV& \T ACTUALLY,^6.I /"&0D&.., CXO v TiAEZE AXE HUM&&US iTFtPfZME r KiMRVYJ-IPIVTo O46£?4 OX&EVTin&> A X/&HT NO|V.. / h- A I J/ = J \ j “• stop^ r* <£-M — I '■ <--—*-> "~~ Lu xJ I Over The Hedge Michael Fry & T. Lewis hAGTADEA *KTOA YOU'RE ALL POOMEP.' L2&M / 0 L VrPIU ll &$ r ? POOHEPI YELL YOU!! A&ANDONThE *7>iVlfOn U , /. sjsur&anp I/Simu M m .Me \Q<V ' RETURNTO »|( Ha( VV- UU UU W .( / / M.? ° I / |v<sK UEUX& - ZWf«d’V A SECOND? <: T'V’Q&V, Yr YrtLXH? j r/WA“ '£? ~ Toot m?M > ’ > -®. . tffiw y 2 4v> - tRL t i ff W L '■Y XCL>~— Vz-R Af-v*v jki. * x ? t t' l □ l f v rs, ,Q 1 kA s. ni I* L 1/1 1 v -* ak^w^LW/J in jm Non Sequitur Wiley Miller LET SX£ GET TAlt | ,_AL. Neu WM£ To So |fc> TJ| , TUINK ! LTRMCAT...IF MNoHt ' CIAIVANbORfOMEN/XP" U- S PSNctXoL- 4ANS <pW£TIMN(> WV i jiter A»: Nou Z" ~~ \ J TO G>H4,T vfi)T»NM , PR£C=S- CANRLtMKINI NEF-FbU-ncAU » , J ! ANNIE K A‘ MA£HP»h£NT’ . CENCRNoTtoNfrKRE | t CrJ IVR>/&... IyNoRNNT? " —— ■■■ _■ w a- • t k\*<® -♦eAjifut «<un \.co»*v cs cou*x WORD®©®®®®®©©- QQ Qr 0 UUUUUUv u r 'p p < MDWM ©®®©@®®S)S'- 0 rxrxc r r ' P) *" xw AVERAGE GAME 150-160 by JUDD HAMBRICK FOUR PLAY TOTAL TIME LIMIT. 20 MIN DIRECTIONS: Va«e a 2- tc 7-eW »<xd Ixxn the efers on each ya.'iine Add oonß to eacn wo’d o' lette' using actyrg directors at ngrt Sever-ten®' words get a 60-pant bonus Al wo-ds can be 'Ourd r Webstets New World Cotege Dctocaiy JUDO S SOLUTION TOMORROW a-'d-o* CiowunwiFwuaSracM« it? nvxoisaanr ost-osi shvo sovhsav ~ZZ~ NMOQ pic @©@@o® m in»N pwun tooe 9 X3IHBHVH aanr as Noiimos. aovwwHjs (IJlOtt W ©»[£ ©W@©R OWTO j \ t© tMmf BWW ©.gKiW DM WS [?©irswkj €@®kiw mbwSo. WW®S£»E HOW TO PLU: All the wools Iked below appear in the puzzie horizon tally. vertk-aßy. even backward. Find them and CIRCLE THEIR UTTERS ONLY. IX) NOT CIRC LE THE WORD. Ihe left, w lenetw spell theUonderword. 0$ VOI R .AGENDA TODAY Solution: 8 leoen ELHIGHLIGHTRACK V L 0® G N I PPOHSOON EP@OEPAGESKEEWD N©R D T P E N C I LTPAO ®STCEJORPKERYSC STURLHL ISTRSNPK SLSMPGCDNAOAURE RYLEMORSETLRMIT ESLAOAFYPPSONOS HESICLRFSETADRT TNTAAEEYI I M 0 0 I E Al IFVDRDOCTORTE elmiaeenotesnym LREPORTSHCNULTO NWSBATDSKSATALH C 2XM UfMnei Srocae Mrarwor: :cr 2/12 Cards. Code. Complete. Daily, Dates, Days. Desk. Dockets. Doc tor. Draft, Events, Goal, Highlight, Home, Hour, Leather, Lines, List, Lunch, Mark. Meet. Month, Motion, Notes. Office, Pages. Papers. Pencil, Pens, Plans. Points. Post. Priority. Projects. Purse. Recall. Reports. Review. Save, Schedule. Shopping, Soon, Sum mary, Tabs. Tasks. Telephone. Times, To-do, Tool. Tom, Tour. Track, Type, Weeks. Year Yesterday's Answer Beginners •71UWTO S«tt<MFWC tZWS « «') Pwzwfjcum 3- Pluggers Gary Brookins tffttVitX, ~ vl2 www4>lugg«» www.aal»z»p«u«.aan I p I I wtWE£-4i\| i iITTz! I o4i I fl 1 hW K nt MVwn£> 1 111 OcwAnaide. CA w "* ,c ”' w ’' I a /LAilk'vJu L HHtwalKl\ '/Zl/jtlWi x\« cr ** 9B 11 •“’' fs HwiYIEM/ffl.11? 21 nniHi You know you're a plugger when you hear songs in the elevator that your parents used to make you turn down. Man f s recurring itch leaves wife short of scratch DEAR ABBY: 1 am a 28-year-old mother of three. 1 have been married to their father, "Carl,” for eight years. Every two years, Carl decides he no longer wants to be a family man and packs up and leaves. When he goes, he leaves me destitute. I am a stay-at-home mom with only a high school degree. Carl feels he should have to give us money only after his own needs and have been taken care of. and then only the amount he chooses. The most he will dole out is SSO to SIOO at a time. This time when he left, 1 warned him I’d file for child support. We were on speaking terms, and he said he loved me and wanted us to reunite. That was until he was served with the support papers. Now he refuses to return my calls until I drop the suit. I love Carl, but I can't let him withhold support from our children. He has a good job, so there is no reason for this. Am 1 unreasonable? Should I drop the suit? 1 want our family back together, but I’m afraid he’ll leave again. What should I do? NEEDS SUPPORT IN TEXAS DEAR NEEDS SUPPORT: For the sake of your children, do not allow yourself to be manipulated or emotionally blackmailed. Take your cues from your lawyer. Once a fair amount of child support has been estab lished in a court of law or by mediation, offer Carl the option of marriage counseling. If he’s sincere about wanting to reconcile, he will agree. If he returns. 1 urge you to use that oppor tunity to go back to school and prepare your self to be financially independent. 1 have 5 k' Mb / v i Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 12). You educate yourself in new ways and attract stellar opportunities! Education affects your income you can add another zero to your bottom line if you fol low through w ith moneymak ing plans. Those w ho have been clinging to their single status could fall head over heels for someone entirely new this summer. Lucky love signs are Aries and Virgo. Your lucky numbers are: 3,9, 20, 10 and 34. ARIES (March 21-April 19). When the point is to have fun, you really get the point! You’ve got that rare gift of knowing how to make a party out of life's most simple tasks. Consider making a buck with this skill. No one is more loyal than Leo and Virgo. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Working in a different envi ronment is beneficial. If you're still thinking small, a Taurus or Aquarius will help you bust through mental blocks. Pay bills electronically so you don’t have to buy so many checks and stamps! Speed Bump Dave Coverly GOOD NQ'WS... W \ j Im —* l .■ti .'P v. . mF * :»W w- 7; ,! ' /?'- said this many times before: No one’s future is guaranteed. If something - Jeanne Phillips J wu»i x/iu UUUgIHVI, FILM. Vicki comes to me crying and says she misses Grandma. When she does, I comfort her as best I can. but it’s hard because I haven't let go and allowed myself to have a really good cry. Is it OK for Vicki to see me cry? I m afraid 1 won’t be able to stop once I start. And if that happens, how can I comfort my daughter? Every week, I take fresh flowers to the cemetery. Vicki always wants to go with me. but I've taken her only twice. Do you think it might help her to go with me? I'm worried that taking her to the cemetery will only reopen the wound of losing her grandma. WANTING TO GRIEVE DEAR WANTING: You have my sympathy for the loss of your dear mother. I am con cerned that you do not have an outlet for your grief. Please consult your doctor or clergyperson about locating a grief support group to help you through this difficult time. 1 see nothing wrong with allowing your daughter to occasionally accompany you to the cemetery. It will teach her that although her grandmother is gone, she is not forgot ten. I also see nothing wrong with her seeing you cry. However, if you think you might lose control and be unable to stop, don’t do it. because it would frighten her. Under the stars’gaze GEMIM(May2I-June2l). The glimmer of possibility is enticing. You believe in things that nobody else does. Plus, you refuse to keep hitting the w all, even if that’s what you were taught by traditional minded parents. Blend per sistence with experimenta tion. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You're immersed in a task that's much bigger than you. More assistance comes if you show that you appreciate the help you are already get ting. Review goals tonight before you go to sleep. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Social responsibility includes putting a good word in about yourself, what you’re up to and the other people involved. Decide what your spin is going to be so you're not just automatically focus ing on the negative. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Someone around you natural ly falls into the role of the victim. Don’t walk run away! Fabulous phone calls come this afternoon. Finally, you’re getting the kind you want, not a bunch of solicita tions and needy friends! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Consider your debt not the kind on your monthly credit card statement but the karmic kind. When you make good on that one. you’ll heal the monetary one. too. For fun. why not groove to a thumping bass line? -e .. should happen to your husband, you may need to be the bread winner. So be prepared. DEAR ABBY: Several months ago I lost my mother to cancer. I am still trying to comfort myself. My four children were close to their grandmother, especially my ' 6-year-old daughter. “Vicki.” SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some of the things you enjoy are nonetheless bad for you. but this is no time to make drastic changes. Health improves through portion control. Tonight, watch your tone, especially with a Pisces or Capricorn. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). When the person you’ve been having trouble with finally digs his/her own grave, so to speak, you’ll feel smug. Gloating is not advised and will only back fire. Focus on the lessons. Tonight, you’re sexy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan. 19). Loved ones have suggestions but not good ones. Consider what meets your wants and needs instead of follow ing w hat worked for someone else. By no means should you pay for programs with long-term contracts. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The mundane events of life seem to conspire to change your world. An amazing journey can start from a clerical error or a lost shoe. Maintain your sense of wonder, and wonderful things continue to happen to you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You’ll want to upgrade your computer or car. but now is not the day. Put a memory tickler in place so that you don’t get smacked with a finance charge, a dis appointed friend or a late fee on those video rentals.