The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 18, 2004, Page PAGE 5B, Image 15

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B-C. Johnny Hart ~ FISH &O SKINN/-FLIPPIN6 J ~ ————— ' z _Z ■ '—3 X '» C— *- • _ -jrf— —ox®* iuahmli «v*»m< *>» i* ...<>«.<.. »< Jig ' Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters fefeOSWFjK SWsraEwRRNL Rose Is Rose Pat Brady have F7 wu l (V ’'V V /A / Az lx Sc' Vs ?Hg z .z. W, t '"X-v -,z*C-zl * ~—/ Momma Mell Lazarus —————— Z! ZZJL —gyS? £ Over The Hedge Michael Fry & T. Lewis I’VE NOTICED YOU REAU. Y GROUND MmwMi tVE v2 N - that...doyou are the Ritalin iC ROO THINK IT HAS CuNiEROE s o jmiraw WORLD SOMETH,NG TO THE UNIVERSE, SABY A nccJr N HOW MUCH SHARES DO WITH ALL AREN’T YOU? / a &fr!L FOCUS DOES THIS war AND / 1T ki-x ACHING ; PRIORITIES STRIFE I HEAR / - ABOUT? / >U| S J POKS, HtlrlNG OCAniec? / c A TH s them so focus. 8 / / iz W.i4 aw j Non Sequitur Wiley Miller **'*** i1 st * I CPINCIPCKCG. B * I i tuink tuat Jail / Z r , r Ml' kr I i Ui K IWW AN r® / VaL B 4 ■ iI ■ V" JtekMl ' j - - « HORD®©®®®®®©®- n ®®©@©®® . (J nnnnnnn i/wwuu r\ ®®®@®®@. u i\r^'-! m»» ®©©®®@®o rvwmn 4tr down 0 AVERAGE GAME 225-235 by JUDD HAMBRICK FOUR PLAY TOTAL TIME LIMIT: 20 MIN DIRECTIONS: Va<e a 2 10 Tetter word I-oti the tetters on each yardline Add oomts to each wo-d or tetter using saxrg directors al Sever-tette' words get a 60 sort bonus A words can be touted m Webster s New World College Dcnrary JUDO S SOLUTION TOMORROW > K>< CTOMUMMFMIxeSnfcaw rc ZSE ivioi s.oanr gtz-sjz awvo aovu3Av 211 nmooui* (D(j)(g)(y)(A)(v)(s) NMOap ' E 69 rz NMOom mjimhhvh aonr as Noumos. sovwwihds Hnlln W ©WsXp KDW9O3 EWOSGW @WW liWMW OKIWfIS »'W, z HOW TO PLAT: All die words listed Miw appear m !ht puzzle horizon ■all;. v-rucaDy. diagonally, even backward. Kind them and CIRCLE THEIR LETTERS ONLY. IX) NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. Ihe IrftovT kiters sx-J the Wonderword LOA E SONGS Solution: 5 letters N I LOIVEBGSMAERD CEMANLEMRAWPPAS LODEPACSE IAI LOD APLMTOI DARDLSEN SMI LESTPTMAEMHE SSHHESNYSBETEC I YNCTSCARETEMIOR LEOEYNMSALANSUF LOL I E HO T T L ©M C N G ABVDTSRI FR@HRTD TUDEEOTH T R © P 0 R A EUNSRMEE D A ©GO Y N SGNILEEFRELHNPC TEEROWRTFDCEE I E SRSESNGEDANERES C 2X4 jnMHd °y»4s SfXJcae *ww wondenryQ cxt* 8 Affection Ballad. Beat. Bless. Bride. Cello. Child. Chord. Classy. Country. Crier, Crooner, Dances. Dear, Desire. Dreams. Drums. Duet. Escape, Feelings. Flame. Friends. Greats. Greet, Guitar, Heart. Hits. Latest. Love. Medley, Meter. Name. Nice. Party, Piano. Popular. Radio. Relationship. Rhythm, Romantic.. Same. Senses Serenade, Simple, Singer, Smiles, Sudden. Sweet. Title. Union. Volin. Warm, Wish. Yesterday's Answer Tissue ■ />•**• WIOBWOfIO TREASURY 2 W « vHM’* Z•* t Sftott ir ftTorrr. 45Z Ur J •na > Ifc 54• • • y 1 ' W-25WT4 «• if!] XJraWf jacmar Piuggers Gary Brookins Via w»rw.plugg«rfca»i TUnka to Sylvia W««ki ? Panama Qty. FL Writ® io Ptuggarv ■ Tribune Mww S«onc®« Sl"* _ -■ - ■ |> r \ * * * I FASTER. I 1 . * Jd ) WW-I ■ I The piuggers personal trainer. Roller-coaster romance is making boyfriend queasy DEAR ABBY: I need help dealing with iny ex girlfriend, “Ashley.” We were together off and on for 2 1/2 years and lived together for a year. It was a new experi ence for both of us. About a year into our relationship, Ashley decided she wasn't sure that what we had was what she wanted any more. I was OK with it. We split up for four or five months, and then we started talking and decided to try again. About three months later, she did the same thing. It has now been another three months, and supposedly she has a new boyfriend, but she's calling me. I love her and would do anything for her, but 1 just don't know what to do anymore. My romance with Ashley has caused a lot of arguments between me and my parents. Any advice would help. HURTING IN PASADENA DEAR HURTING: Ashley appears to be too immature and indecisive for a serious commit ment to anyone her current boyfriend includ ed. It it’s love you're looking for. she isn't the girl who can provide it. The best advice 1 can offer is to admire her from a safe distance. She's a heartbreaker. DEAR ABBY: I have been with my husband. “Ron," for 12 years. We have always gotten along well except for one thing. He smokes pot —a lot of it. He says he will never stop. I am against pot smoking, but I've tolerated it for his sake. My daughter, "Erica," just turned 15 and has become involved with a bad crowd. I recently found out she has been smoking pot with Ron. Ron says he'd rather Erica do it at home instead of on the streets. Now. if Ron and I have even the smallest dis agreement. Erica will automatically take his side. The two of them have their own bond and inside jokes; I feel like an outsider. I would take Erica ■ A ( .. ~ f Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 18) You have an astounding sense of cosmic direction this year you're certain of what you want, and you get it. The help of family in April results in a windfall. Take on more responsibility than you dole out, and you’ll sexjn be a major player at work. Why would you settle for less? Lucky love signs are Scorpio and Leo. Marriage in August is favored. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 30. 45. 36 and 31. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Friends have exciting news’ Keep it quiet, though. You can feel safe in the knowledge that loved ones adore you and miss you as much as you miss them. Pisces and Virgo have special significance to your love life. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) It s lucky to take a trip down memory lane Sagittarius and Pisces are wonderful memory ticklers. You could sit for hours together just laughing about everything that happened. FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Thursday, March IS, 2004 [ Speed Bump Dave Coverly '?Ji', i'll i '■ ’ P O 5 J' vO. '///y || •U / 'laY] w Fa Vi ,■* _ MUhm j- -- ■ and leave my husband, but I'm not financially able. How can I make Ron realize it i|ir Jeanne Phillips tomorrow. If it’s not. let him know you'll be call ing the police to report him for supplying drugs to a minor. Then do it. Let him explain his off the-wall philosophy to them. And for your daughter s sake, recognize that it’s time you started job-hunting. You may need to support the two of you in the near future. DEAR ABBY: I attended a wine testing a few weeks ago where a guest accidentally broke a wine glass. The hostess didn't seem concerned that he might be injured, but she did get upset that the glass was broken. Before he left, the guest offered to pay for the broken wine glass and the hostess accepted, say ing that he owed her sl6. He produced a S2O bill, which she pocketed without offering change and later bragged to me that she had made money on the deal. 1 thought her behavior was inappropriate. She recently confided that she's going to buy a crate of 99-cent glasses and charge $5 apiece if any of them are broken. What do you think of this? APPALLED IN BEVERLY HILLS DEAR APPALLED: The hostess appears to be ethically challenged. If she'd cheat her guests on the wine glass, how can one be sure she's pour ing the vintage she claims to be? Frankly. 1 think she's popped her cork, and if I were you. I'd skip her soirees. Under the stars ’ gaze GEMINI (May 21-June 21) You're even more stimulated by your environment than usual, sensitized to its subtle changes. A drive in nature or a walk along a quaint road restores your balance. There's joy in the glorious details. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Dysfunctional habits no longer sene the purpose they used to. Lose them! Artistic impulses are whimsical, non sensical and totally delightful. Bold choices may be met with resistance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Plans are quickly disassem bled and recreated. Your flexi ble attitude attracts all kinds of positive energy. After all. if you can be comfortable in a number of different situations, it means that you are ulti mately comfortable with you. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your terrific intuition will continue to point your energy in the right direction. Start creating a team around you so that you can get more work accomplished. A Pisces will help you formulate a winning strategy. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Building your collection is lucky. You delight in pulling together a motley group. Something that doesn't look like much on its own sudden ly takes on new vitality when assembled with the others sort of like human beings. I is unacceptable that he should be a role model instead of a friend? I really feel like I am going crazy. Any ideas? UNCOOL MOM DEAR UNCOOL MOM: Rather than behave like a responsible par ent, your husband has become your ’ daughter's enabler. I urge you to j draw the line. Tell him that you want the house to be "clean" by SCORPIO (Oct. 24-N'ov. 21). Your vision for your life is something you don't think about every day. yet every' day. it has an impact on your life. Indulge yourself in a nice, long daydream. It moti vates you to be very produc tive all afternoon. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). At work, you'll get sincere compliments. Be gutsy, and ask for criticism, too. It's the only way you can get better. Meet a financial obligation this afternoon to avoid late fees. Contribute to friendship with a distant pal. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) It's all about perspective today. When Joni Mitchell wrote, “We are stardust, we are golden ... “ she wasn't kidding. Scientists agree that we are made from matter that was forged in the heart of a distant star. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You'll realize how many abundant resources are avail able to you. Utilizing relation ships is the fastest way to get from Point A to Point B. New ties are created with careful attention to communication. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) You'll find it a challenge to think as big as you should. This is because survival instincts are going strong today. Forget what you need, and think only about what you aspire to. Desire is the key ingredient to attaining results! PAGE 5B