The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, March 19, 2004, Page PAGE 9A, Image 9

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B -C- Johnny Hart iSfcifr [wißand SaIANCEdT] - 4? < L ** T y PES4TE TOWV H 40 <w -1 */l —- —_ _ -* -'-' *&- _. ~ ~ ' - - ~ Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters «*»•>*— 'w.w — — » * 1 ■—■ • - « I fe»2® 1 w K K I f- 4 'w J'eKs-i w n V—o r <*L9?Six IMBIM Ipi IgMWWW—I S My gggfir ■■--• jijyi HAVE V a ~7jS afearof 1 Rose Is Rose Pat Brady gq IT's A 6TEAPV PLOW I ... OECADGE I PON'T OP AIR MAG EGCAPEP j K-A-4 KNOW MOW TO CHANGE J INTO TUE DNIVERGE / / A FLAT TIRE /1 SELL I A , —*3s— 7 ZC \ FUPOebICLEGZ I I He —7<H I > v '\ \/a e Usi/ JL / a v ikMH- • ■ y Momma Mell Lazarus MOMMA, I'M ON fjA^JTPI^“) f MOW I'M OUT [nOW I'M ON NM/ M7NEWceLL y - NEiGHEt)R£ PHON6 £4NYPL> 5- OELOVZ 3 Y?i> \ OATH&OM. CAN J/ —\ -/> = ~Z ONYzV \ W EAI? \ yJ yoUCINO.) ypi ',SZjol HmKjA Mg - \ y-(£) gg) v Jfsui *rßff|po •- sc e xxm «iluw* www cr?7?srs"ssm -» <^^*~~~:> ] Over The Hedge Michael Fry &T. Lewis SAMMY, P© iHtREWASAN TOU TAKE INTEUIGENT, aJd£c FiO SHOVE HIM hea£jo£sk - BA£KIN? ' -,eSt - THG MUVO ? ANO ONE ROPENT _ / A— \ i 22-’ « GFTrtIT O HAIR ?£R K>o A H } r*~P \ V ? Gt-OUT. GRAMS OF PEA- \iSXX tm SKiP U > 2S'. waiM xlpdiL_J V’A a iUA- Non Sequitur • Wiley Miller 1 V \| co i " I 'JoiN (PNG UWuNov <*< CNtoN.WW FoR TOE. \ Z \ IDo I WANE ’ LEARN To TRVJVA \N "V° j TU€ &<N UN?4>CPVERfcp Ut. //II v ( \ I / ICW^CX 7 I NtLP *A<3RI INTWG NEW LIKE A TREE on \ i &(?? I AGooP AN INPtPENVEN-r NEW, /•* \ / Tucec CAGE 9 GUAN NNEPIA AS AWATCU VoG! [Ur | L \ i kl J CHANNEL KWT A?£SovgpAßA\PoF? ‘ r c ' k —1~" [ftW \~Q g US*U M,Jf i t ' - sircar r ~~ i ' latOOWN 0 ZrjDCWN sc - 0 3U DOWN 0 »XOT AVERAGE GAME 200-210 by JUDD HAMBRICK FOUR PLAY TOTAL TIME LIMIT 20 MIN DIRECTIONS: Va«e a 2 to 7-etter wortl l-om the eters on each yardine Aod oc"ts to each wyd or letter usmg scorn j erect xs at rgrt Sever-W words get a 60 core txrus * wo-ds can be ‘>wd n Weister's New Wohd College Dctorary JUDO'S SOLUTION TOMORROW caw i>w r«_« Sr«K» me ZLC '*lol soanr 0 iz-ooz 3W vd 3OVU3AV BOl" NMOO Mlh BB ~* NMOapJ(: ic ■ NMoowe » wnwuXe iwun raw 1 xjihbwvh aonr xe Noumos. sovwwihqs IIHIIM w gc§G3 ©W @(W M ilßwTOMMrfffljF NON? SWW WWNBW ON il WWl»yJffy I?@N3WK] NWS- •- OL-pNN 1 OOMNNN ww HOW TO PLAY: .All the words feted below appear in the puzzle - horizon tally, '.erh'afe-, diaconalh. even backward Find them and CIRCLE THEIR UTTERS ONLY. IX) NOT CIRCIE THE WORD. Pt, Mwtr letkix -peD the Wonderword DRIVING SKI U.S Solution: 10 letters ECNATSIDKCURTDF PTFVRLEUFMIDAIA ALATNERLMLETOHS SNMGPETUI REDYKT STISLP(S)AUMFRIRO ESLREIOTWPFLIAW NOYDCT@LKBOREDN GLAJON©TOMCTOIE ELASEOIAENBOSOC R M I EDMFTUAGRHE I SURGINEIGTNNATL EGOLHRESDN IWNMO ECUTSTNITASODIP RETNEOSVRORLNNS TAEHWDYTEFASPAM * 2%4 z ve'sa Szdcaf* *ww xr 3/19 Bags. Bored. Cars. Caution, City. Coffee. Date. Detour. Distance, Enter, Family, Fast, Food, Friends. Front, Fuel. Good, Green. Hand. Heat. Hotel. Jams. Kilometers, Lights, Limit, Long. Lost, Maps. Median. Miles. Music. Nature. Passenger. Pedal, Police. Radio. Ram. Ramp. Rental, Ride. Route. Safety. Sing, Sleep. Slow. Snow. Speed. Stop. Tailgate. Talk. Town, Trees. Truck, Vans. Visit, Water, Wind. Yesterday's Answer Poems te IN MKM Hondwarfl taunt (7, K« N tf* f» wx is K •» US Va tm daw tmn SfOO»MK-hraw nrehiothr«?«»«»»»irtsKXFWClK Wa>,kO"-dalW‘w mC2sOTitr« l :>»zwd4>J»iy Pluggers Gary Brookins «rww.plugg«r».cani wxw.romk»p«g«.con* w™ X 2 Li I WBatt |l J II kUrtUnd. MN »- tfSttAMNU ’"-'Vai II wm ”° '‘•uwwt ft II T '*“'’• «a»«fcrwcw *> Pluggers know you can never go home again ... unless you have laundry to do. Moodier wears out welcome by criticizing handouts DEAR ABBY: My husband's friend. “Kevin,” has been coming to our house once a week for the past eight years. He is always broke and looking for a hand out, even though he has a full-time job. In the beginning, I tried to help him by inviting him to stay for dinner once in a while. Now he has started to com plain: The steak isn't cooked the way he likes it, or I don't toss the salad the way his mom does. (By the way, Kevin is 35 and still lives at home.) The reason he always needs money is that he spends every paycheck on drugs. I recently gave birth to my first child and 1 don't want him to be around someone like Kevin, but my husband refuses to stop his friend from coming to our house. How can I politely get this moocher out of my home without causing trouble between my husband and myself? NEW MOM DEAR NEW MOM: That's easy. Stop feeding that moocher steak, go vegetarian, and toss the salads your way. I predict he'll be out of your hair as soon as the gravy train stops rolling. P.S. You don't mention what kind of drugs this man is addicted to, but he should not be around your baby while he is under the influ ence. If your husband continues to object, explain to him that it could be considered child endangerment. DEAR ABBY: My 13 -year-old daughter was molested by her half-brother for almost a year before she found the courage to tell us. When we found out. we did everything we could to help her overcome this. We even moved out of state to give her a fresh start. R. ■■■ A? i Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 19). Your place in the world feels more defined. Career wins could have something to do with it. You'll experience a change in the nature of your friendships in the next seven weeks. You need different things and expect more, so the kind of person you're interested in, whether for kinship or romance, has to be able to deliver. Your lucky numbers are: 24. 15.38. 29 and 8. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Financially, there are more resources in your immediate reach than you are presently utilizing. Deadlines only serve to improve you. Romance at work is a possi bility for singles. Keep it under wraps for now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Recognize who your true friends are. and treat them like gold. You feel addicted to love and enjoy this part of the romantic cycle it happens rarely. However, don't be blind to other important parts of your life. FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS - Frldiy, March IS, 2004 - Speed Bump Dave Coverly '•700 w uakuzQ 7 W GOING 500 WDG \ POP. NMITQ IN K 300 WDS 1— A \ pqu mm zonq ?.. jL'(f= KI I n Jtaß 18? rtf'* ' The trouble is, her half-brother has contact- K *< K* - . | Jeanne Phillips wrong? STRONGLY AGAINST VISIT DEAR STRONGLY: No, you are not wrong. You are a concerned and protective mother, and your first obligation is to protect your daughter from her predator. Tell the “family members” that your husband can visit his son, but not vice versa. And make no apologies. DEAR ABBY: My husband and 1 are anticipat ing the arrival of our first child in two months. We have registered at a local store for the items we will need. A close friend has graciously offered to give me a baby show er, but she refuses to add w here we are registered to the invitation. She says it's poor etiquette. Isn't the whole point of a baby shower to receive gifts'? Is pointing people in the right direction so wrong? The invitations go out in less than a week. Help. ASAP! BAFFLED IN ORANGE, CA. DEAR BAFFLED: Sorry, but I agree with your friend. While it is understood that showers are all about getting gifts, a more refined way to get the message across is for the hostess to verbally communicate where the guest of honor is registered at the time the invitees RSVP. Under the stars ’ gaze GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Approach work with caution. You've done the right thing thus far. but it's easy to make a move that will cause a set back. Recognize w hen a job is finished, and then. stop. This is especially true in sales. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The landscape of your life is an ever-evolving scene. Pay attention to changes this afternoon. Socially, you're asked to stretch yourself tonight. When you put your self out there, you have more fun. regardless of the out come. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It's funny how one good turn can keep you juiced about life for weeks to come. Such events happen early on make arrangements to celebrate your luck! You’ll feel gener ous tonight. Sagittarius and Capricorn are especially receptive. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You'll lose yourself if you mold your actions to some one's expectation of you. Decide first what it is you have to offer, and deliver that. Business is more complicated than usual. Be sure you understand your end com pletely. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 23). Investigate the latest technol ogy. Being able to use a new tool can put you in the posi tion to make more money. You are defined by your choices. ed my husband again. He wants to visit us. I do not want him in this house and my daughter feels the same way. Some family members say I am denying my husband a relationship with his son. I'm not trying to keep them apart; I'm try ing to protect my daughter. I have reached the point that I will leave and take my kids with me before I'll expose them to this again. Am I SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You'll get mixed signals from someone you admire, but assume the best. Taking the high road brings everyone up and the other route reduces every one to a child ish level. Socialize with a Gemini and a Taurus for luck. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). Cherish what you have, and the doors to abun dance swing open wide. Charisma is so high, new people get flustered when dealing with you. Tonight's creative work may well be the finest you've ever done. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Give precise instructions to anyone who works for you. and invite others to talk about how the job could be done better, quicker or cheaper. In relationships, communication equals sanity. Your words are persuasive tonight. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Consider why an ex still seems to have such pull over your psyche. Love is still at the core. You recoup invest ment losses but must make the conscious decision to stop putting yourself in a financially vulnerable posi tion. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Your mental engines are racing you may awaken early with an idea or a worry. This fuels your creativity. Try to think of it as “all good." Singles take classes and meet new prospects. Ro mance progresses. PAGE 9A