The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 15, 2004, Page PAGE 5B, Image 17

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B -C. Johnny Hart SON-OF-AGHJN ZZ) ™ £ OFFSHOOT OF A /T f 7 SMOT&UN WEPPW<& T /fcoK \ [T /we Ste>K, \ zZ J[l fHg4SEs \ 7.~~rj [_^7 ,aF Y-. ~~ . •MM CIMTOM IVWK?Att JK~ * l_ - * . Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters V* ffigßOßz [WHO'S M FAIREST AMP F™ r pOSS,Ti ~"B 5 SiSu MOST BALANCE!? OF I j 1//kJ_ ___2l all? ■ too much fox . i f i ■■■ l z b bII Il I E?V//■ iiWMsw Rose Is Rose Pat Brady PIP SOL) EXPLAIN sou UUU ||| TUATS- GREAT/ W£l?£W [~] W RR*T... WE WAVE T~ IV—. —ABLE To TALK HIM / u TO BUI LP A / WWWE L \<W| INTO SOMETHING TIME / CANT GO Jr3r)W ELGE? MAC WINE/ INT> GRACE » B Cl j ‘ . porous? Mi aZ/ZX V vßßil vacation? / if m I® Momma Mell Lazarus YOUf? UNO£ Z gZZ /OM,6IaPIA / X2UPIPAIE4N Z LOVELy v — ——— < Cj — x <fz> cl feTfj iwr s r - £- __55T7- <Jel±3e -- C»£A'OPS SYSOtOTr, INC. C 2004 MtU. JUWS WWW.CWtATORS.COM AlfU-lAXMIT Over The Hedge Michael Fry & T. Lewis Br auriFVE WITH HIM, ut-cca TJ reach out, we nogooo cMif? |< WKACHiACK.. DEEP GOES T */'* , J| ANO WE AU KNOW UNHU&6SO. THAT WAY. Bl WHAT P44r MEANS, j £ | y. w v ni ■ 11 W O-*fc\ Zi'M ;> 5 > <L?I J ; I ~ .11 =-*' 5 Non Sequitur Wiley Miller Z z B >WWM,w *"* I ON TP£ i OTU&R UANP 'kW ' s 1 W4K ©FALL I THE JifPNtN /#M] lijjg—-z ■=-. i I •Nt?£ HAVING, l // MF - ~“ -■ CN GAG h ' —, : mx ?ER?UTUbL i • ill! I ''/zTW I ? I kwg|f| * -■~ ===^— -——H HOW TO PLAY: .All the worts feted below appear in the puzzle honzun / z ' ' ■ irTOMA, tally. verticA. diagonal, even backward Emo them and CIRCLE THEIR X' IJTTTEIRS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. The leftover letters «eD X X X X X X ' u (\ 4xl Won<kwri 5 6fX T °“ KnBOARDS Solution: 13 letters OpOXXXX 6Ports zreoew. PADDEDTLGBOOKNO XXX/nXXX A TRESNISNEEVASAF O ©@©© DEOHTABLEGF nnnnnr\<" toegtscovermdri XXXXXXx A YWWERUDNABLNEOC U pslnoaotrectlne mmmn .« EEE ?7 ELTNI UMS XXx--Xx A DMCP IOT BREAK SOO M LUOAAUAAUMSSHUP TLNHPCPOETEDISM by JUDO HAMBRICK four play total AOAMESSG'STTRFEO IVOTAEEE R S U O T l C KCOLSEAG T A M H N A R CotegeOctnrary JUDO'S SOLUTION TOMORROW ARTASNTALFDC I SO WNCLAT I PACSETON Ei£ nvioisoonr ota-oozawvo sovusav czcws-wsp-Bssracae nomMiin 4/15 "W nmog uiv Arrows 0631 Bo*’ Break ' Buttons, Cable. Capital. Case. Chords. Compose, Computer, Cord, Cost. Cover. Delete. Desk. 09 • nmoo tut ATS Downloads. Email. Enter. Escape, Fast, Flat, Home, Insert, Install, X ><><>< ><><>< Learn, Mouse, Muse, Mute, Notes, Office, Organ, Outlet, Padded, an - nmotw Page, Part. Piano, Program, Sale, Save,Seat,Shift,Song. Space, ——— Munn,.. AAA Table,Talk,Team,Tods,Touch,Type, Upgrade,Volume,Wrote. IC Yesterday’s Answer Obscurity „ ■Kwut.nwymwiKXK] Te ”* ” ” WWB**C TEW t Stantk Onm* re no » tr» Mt t> |U m tz xoluawvH oonr ab Nounnos. aovww.nos TOM W % WMEfißr s© EWW WWO OK] M JBjF XXZ UlVjftn/ W OXOl] ixl W@“®®.W26 O Pluggers Gary Brookins Speed Bump Dave Coverly [w** vi 9 z--. TUkTfe lEr SOWTMNG B . / UQCVIW© NO \VQk H 'HAS . Kffil FORLESS R rrn I QNQH tofclQ 10GOT AWIQ9 ■Mr V UN ”- W ja» Ip vo iWwipi B>r< J®r Z Mjbli lßz : B B/\ i/\ /z /ilk' J i«eftU» B*' vin A plugger always read* the menu from zk . X\. -- •- ” right to left »dL>£2 Girl with big dream encouraged to go for it DEAR ABBY: I read the letter from “I Have a Dream,” the 13-year-old girl who wants to be president of the United States, while en route to meet with our state assemblyman and sen ator. I have never written a Dear Abby letter before; however, that girl’s letter touched my heart. I am angry she is being ridiculed. When 1 was in elementary school and told people that I wanted to be a doctor, they told me that my dream was also impossible. There were few women doctors then. We were poor, so I started my career in nursing school. 1 worked my way through college and medical school. Today, 1 am not only a doctor, but also a teacher in medical school. Please tell that young girl to ignore those who are jealous of her and to strive for her goals. She can do it! Today. I met a young man in his 20s. He is the legislative director to Sen. Nick Spano of the New York state Senate. 1 asked his advice for “1 Have a Dream." He said. (1) First, do not listen to those who laugh at you or don't support you. (2) Stay involved in your knowledge of current events. (3) Read the newspaper. (4) Become involved in your community. This is how you meet people. You may be able to volunteer for someone during this election year. (5) Run for school office/student govern ment. It is also a good idea to have a mentor someone in government or politics and always stay in touch with him or her. As I was leaving the New York State Capitol building, there was an exhibit show- -Mr T, i . Mi jh. l xd Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 15). Competition bungs out the best in you this year, so sidle up to talented, successful people. Your charisma wins hearts this month and next, and don’t be surprised if folks are fighting over you. New jobs add to security to your financial pic ture this summer. Take control of health and work situations in September. Lucky love signs are Cancer and Leo. Your lucky numbers are: 32, 51.7.4 and 1. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Continue to do what you do well. The likelihood of making a better living, earning a bonus, getting a new client or setting up an exciting date is very high. An urge to con fess that little crush could seem overwhelming think first. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Money worries are proba bly at the root of relationship stress. You can get out of financial quicksand, but you might have to ask someone to throw you a rope. Be selective about your purchases better FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Thursday, April IS, 2004 I ing photographs of women in New York state senior government positions. M Jeanne Phillips you for the wonderful pep talk. I’m betting your letter inspires many more young women than the one who wrote. You’re a wonderful role model. Read on: DEAR ABBY: This message is for the lit tle girl who dreams of being president. I saw a bumper sticker once that should encourage her: “A woman’s place is in the House ... the Senate ... and the Oval Office.” FEMI NIST IN AUBURN, ALA. DEAR FEMINIST: I agree. A woman's place is wherever she wants to be. and feels she can make a contribution. DEAR ABBY: When 1 was 11.1 decided I wanted to be an astronaut. Peers and adults laughed. They said I was silly to think a girl (and a poor one at that) could ever become an astronaut or even study science. Due to vision problems. I never became an astronaut. But I did earn a Ph.D. in a scientific field. I am a tenured professor at a research-oriented uni versity. So. who’s laughing now? I am! RHONDA A. HYDE, Ph.IL DEAR DR. HYDE: And I’m laughing with you. A woman can travel as far as her dream can take her and sometimes even beyond. More on this subject tomorrow. Under the stars ’ gaze yet; don’t make them at all. GEMINI (May 21-June 21) It’s about getting along. All it takes is one person to make a kind gesture and start the cycle of good will. There are people in the world who are hard-wired for conflict. Convince someone to give peace a chance. CANCER (June 22-July 22) You need closure of one situation before you can move into the next with your head held high. Keep your strategy simple, but your vision huge. Your life expands to the level you believe it can. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Problems are a fact of life, of work and of love. You're busy looking around you for answers, but they’re not out there they are inside. Take time out to confer with your self! Solitude will allow your mind to go into hyper-aware ness mode. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Push forward as if you are the only one in the world going for your goals. Being oblivious to the competition is better than keeping track right now. Energy is abundant if you promise to concentrate on only one thing at a time. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) You’ll be appreciating the best life has to offer. Just remember that the best does n’t always cost the most, and often, it doesn’t cost a thing. If someone offers you a break, take it. Tonight, you're in a festive mood. They numbered 47! I hope this inspires that girl and gives her the courage to fol low her dream. I wish her all the best and hope she’ll let us know when she runs Tor her first office.— FRANCES MCGILL, M.D., BRONXVILLE, N.Y. DEAR DR. MCGILL: I con cur with you on all points. Bless SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). An atmosphere of warmth and healing prevails. It seems like the world wants you to be creative not a work machine but an idea per son. Wait to make aggressive moves in love or romance you'll find that you don’t have to. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). Think about it you’re happier than you were three months ago. You may as well stop second-guessing your decisions. What feels right probably is. Loved ones try to show they care but could come off overbearing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan. 19). Five years into the future is not so far off. This is a terrific day to update your plan, finding a correlation between what you’re doing now and where you want to be. If there is no correlation, don’t despair get an advis er! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- Feb. 18). It’s not about what you get done but whom you get along with today. You want your colleagues to think of you as someone they can connect with, someone who gets it and who is simpatico. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Start by making a task list, even if it takes a few hours to get it organized. Then, the day comes together like a well-planned mission. Just because you’re organized doesn't mean you have to be serious. Lightening up is lucky. PAGE 5B