The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 21, 2004, Page PAGE 3B, Image 15

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B C ' Johnny Hart ‘'H<?N£stY IS THE &EST POLICY " JTj A J INSURANCE MAH IT n£fcOK \ | /"we sco<\ J I j / I f \ ' j *' ■ *»■ IXT* 'l •M* OWAIOU ITWKAn. IK Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters better NorTTWffßd O3 * * f T&L HIM I'M SEEING I SOMEONE ELSE--- v HEMK3HT m Rose Is Rose Pat Brady I 6& A ...ANO WD GET TO 1 CATS GET ALL TUE. P nehwetoas&dme! i NO UPTIME/ 1 KNOCK TUINGS OVER/ j, \ WEAKS IN UPE/ . LIFE KNOWS what j kC-M'/- - r> I? v \ J PCwSi’Fri zJ r •■ «r ls '$ C.-J> JW i jdL b 1 ?V ‘ ' ”” 1 - t —’ L. —r - Ln x Momma Mell Lazarus AWM CAM sw wfvaie while - / ' iwiwn* ) Wl4PlA£/«-o£iN6 / NO No No I Me MIXJ£PSI6MAIAJ NONONO j& yU.. v< * A P H =y ~, 1/ i '* 21 A*T -p- <-><•S »' r *~ry>--4 yt ■ , WWa RLA.'jflS COM X '^ €X * Over The Hedge Michael Fry & T. Lewis S J - J HAV£ To X -<-" ( WEAR SUNSCREEN ON ) 11 J) REMIND \MY CLICKING THUMB. ) L ? off® 5 I /PuhaveA} fr&yoJr ' / TH^f lT - - O *'>'■"'2 _ J SO DO I. { f WHEREPTHAT • H 7 L'^f^£? 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DRMNG SCHOOL Solution: 9 letters TPAVEMENTCDSHOW WHEELSEREAMOVEN RTGHYNHIOENFF I 0 E T F I H S 0 R D ®®@® T I AGECAUTIONIGHTT RLRLORAESLRGESC DOFEANTMEI IUAIE EWTFMTTSBRVSTGS LEFCWESRDEOYENR I ICOURSEOYRCMAE CVNLARE ITLBOSLT ESAEAPTEUROSEIN NWGFSNFSARATLG I SPOTSAEKNPCDUHA EGLASSESOIDARTR C 20W Syndcate www wooderwod ar Amber, Brake. Caution. City. Control. Cost, Course, Cruise, Fail, Flash, Gears, Glasses, Green, Heat, Honk, Instructor, Intersection. Lanes, Laws. Left. License. Light, Median. Merge. Move. Night, Park. Pass, Pavement, Radio, Ram. Rear, Right. Road, Room, Rules, Safety. Score. Seat, Shift, Show, Signal. Snow. Speed, Steer, Stop, Straight. Test, Traffic, Tum, Vehicle Vew, Vision. Wheels, Yield. Yesterday's Answer Ceiling UrS <n»> WMvaialtf-Nif-IC-ißCTiitriOWiiWvtxuaaair Pluggers Gary Brookins */u phigg«n.caa coMiopaguaM § Thank* to mi Charyl Cannon pxpvJ 1 /,\ s C SiMpaonvUla, SC L V» fl. f ■ WI»M. nuM»i B**A i ! ikv X I k ■ TretMW MM SarvtoM IAj|L! jjz < 1 I •syKWtt- EKJg -UtV ’ 1 —J I a Jb ■* 1 A plugger plant manager. Good-time girl leaves fiancee standing outside club DEAR ABBY: My fiancee, "Rhonda,” and I went to a nightclub. The bouncer said she could go in, but I could not. I wasn’t surprised because the doors are always open to gorgeous women. What did surprise me was that Rhonda went in and left me standing there. The next day 1 asked her if we could go places where we could both have a good time. She said: "Look. I wanted to go in, OK? My friends were there, and 1 wanted to have a good time.” Well, so did 1, Abby! She could have gone to the club another time with her girlfriends. We were supposed to be together that night. I think it was insulting and callous for her to treat me like that. I’m so hurt I’m ready to break the engagement. Do you think I am being overly sensitive? Rhonda does. HURT AND ASHAMED IN N.Y.C. DEAR HURT AND ASHAMED: Not only was it insulting and callous of Rhonda to leave you at the door, it was also selfish, immature and completely without regard for your feelings. You were remarkably tolerant not to have broken the engagement the next morning. However, please consider it. Rhonda has a lot of growing up to do before she should marry anyone. DEAR ABBY’: My friends “Mike” and "Mary" were happily married for 20 years. They led a healthy, active life and were an inspiration to many people, including me. Unfortunately, Mary lost her battle with cancer three months ago. Mike was her devot ed caregiver, but now he says he is ready to live again. .■Z ..'.fe. ! , t L-. I Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 21). You're alive with passion and ambition! Be sure you apply your energy to what's important to you and not to what you believe is acceptable to others. Social situations thrive with your involvement all spring, and singles have an opportunity for true love in May. For a raise, promotion or new job, apply in June. A Scorpio or Libra reciprocates your love. Your lucky numbers are: 4. 22, 1. 14 and 30. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Political and social hap penings encourage more neighborly communication. A loved one is giving all he or she can, believe it or not. If you want more from this per son, you’ll have to re-frame your needs. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Plans you made long ago may now seem frivolous. It’s OK to cancel. Your time is your own. Don’t fed pres sured to just give it away. Return all phone calls this evening. Warm feelings toward an associate tum pas- FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS WednMday, April 21,2004 I Speed Bump Dave Coverly J- UU,DN).?KNNOT || [ TO TMKIO TO I ! r- ' DOCTOR ABOUT DWG 1 TWBRNCTTOH... I m O JT?J IS I 1 i r T\ <L2 i IV h- Mike and I share many interests and have * w Jeanne Phillips we can “go public”? READY TO LIVE AGAIN DEAR READY: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to that question. Did Mike and Mary have children? How will a quick attachment look to them? How long was Mary’s battle with cancer? If it was a long fight, then peo ple in your community will recognize that Mike had time to mourn his loss before her actual death. In a nutshell, there is no exact timetable for grief. But in my opinion, six months to a year is a reasonable time, out of respect for a loved one’s memory, before “going public” unless the two of you are in your 80s. (In which case, time may be of the essence.) DEAR ABBY: Please advise this never-mar ried 41-year-old woman how to answer the dreaded, “So why aren’t you married yet?” question. During the early getting-to-know-you stage of dating, this question invariably comes up, and I always feel like I’m taking a pop quiz and failing. Please advise. ON THE SPOT IN TUCSON DEAR ON THE SPOT: Stop feeling defen sive about it, and just tell the truth. "The right person hasn’t asked me.” Under the stars’gaze sionate. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Use your strong imagination to adapt your style to suit any occasion you find yourself invited to all of them. Fulfilling community obliga tions will bring a sense of well-being. Prosperous friends share good fortune; accept graciously. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Life acts like a pop quiz. Until you take a test, you don't real ly know what you know. Libra draws out your intelligence. This evening, stifled emotions will start flowing again as life works to open up your chan nels of feeling. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). As far as you’re concerned, instant gratification is the only kind. A business that caters to your “have it now" mentality gets your business big time. Be careful not to pay too much more for something just because you don't want to wait. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22). Politics are complex in the workplace. You could navigate it on your own, but why should you? Form a strong alliance. Capricorn and Leo are supportive and fill in the blank areas where you’re less confident. LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 23). If someone continues to accuse you. it’s because he or she is guilty You’ll make an impor tant decision. If you have to part ways, it’s only temporary. been spending time together, but we’re unsure about what the prop er waiting period should be to begin dating publicly. The time is right as far as we’re concerned, but we are worried about the feel ings and attitudes of others even though we’ve been friends for 20 years. What do you think is the appropriate length of time before Love that was bitter will even tually become sweet with your new approach. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov. 21). Your reputation gets you in the door; being backed by powerful people will put you on a fast track. You are learn ing to be more gracious, a trait that will also help you in per sonal and business matters. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). There’s an agenda and a ticking clock that cannot be ignored. You believe you can do it all, and you have a good shot at proving it. Put away those credit cards tonight. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It’s not so wrong to want to be publicly adored. Elaborate plans and generous notions are featured be sure you are just as generous with yourself as you are with others, or even the best plans will fall flat. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You yearn to express cre ative notions, and you’re not the only one. Write love let ters, make up poems, and sing your heart out; yes, it’s a little much, but when everyone is acting this silly, who cares? PISCES (Feb. 19-Mareh 20). Authority and respect you've got them both but may be afraid to use what you have because asserting yourself feels uncomfortable. Step up anyhow. You'll get used to the sensation, and people will still like you. PAGE 3B