The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, April 22, 2004, Page PAGE 10A, Image 10

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PAGE 10A I FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS Thursday, April 22,2004 B -C. Johnny Hart 'V. _ >/ wrif L > } ni/grtf?l r~ —7 " --'t Su v Mz^W-4HBrik Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters KlOSzfcW well, ATTILA/ ANOTHER M ’ \l"T\ Il // FBPQIiiM rf*r-~-~%' r i 'inH r-cAk 111 ntlk/ ®|T ' w I WL (h yGwr \t WI /z»'? >Xn £f~> m k Rose Is Rose Pat Brady OFF Tu£OACKOFTU£ COUCH, PA^-QUALE 7 ®|« ALLOWEP TO riVL'iW| WAVE ALL Ms 0 KJ OP *I UE tueee/ 15 ”-W tme PON / Mhfgk 1 nunMi V * Z_/ i I I SfiK <2<W’ /V SDK IW YAK 11 1 NAME OTHEI? / V ■ rWJfcESW X_Z_M\__ I 1«. x \W GFWEG 0/ X | iRMfI iZeTa ' officially vK/ s KLYjflfcli| cat/ 49tw\n acknow z lep&£ tn Bhb£S^K^^KßL Momma Mell Lazarus CM t MY' X c-=^--:~—-3 PUS/Kl£ N I TMUay r»-fhe k A -> A X \AFYEK. J LOPNIK X^-—_ l -APTgP r’ I /IPTgI? J 1.- / . FunCteil V <£ —-— X 2 *•>£> 'QI | _ <ZQ M] CrQ \ -£s. 1 cwt. Aloes SYNC;-ATE ISC O 2C04 ME t L *WW CREAK RS COM ¥22 Over The Hedge Michael Fry & T. Lewis ttaESE^aaE^^ 2aEai /iT'S CAUED A 'mJ\ IfUizjCCAJV p\<RE "><X2 it's a xru soys’ r—— — v doesit , A » \BUSh- FOR PSOPLt! i G=> x GO? < V N \ s^ == x * i k »-L CJ,SK ’‘ ■Mfi i s~ s £h-. wSfOXI? ’ w iomjL? JLV i>> vs> J nS34I i jHK ft H e!-n7 Non Sequitur Wiley Miller ( \ ’iriral I tiR inU» GOOD OLD C*NS> ' I g FUN «C GUYS, WHO 1 1, inßJißw I |L‘Z r I JUST SAT KROUNP -JW A • a inwining t - ! ’ 'HrX. n I about now th£x LAjffiE _ IDs XirKk 11'' " j hNGS. THt : ~W®PPBp xiX. |fr- A * s GPCD OLD PAYG,.. , r Y MCOMICf <OA , soO ws (J nn.nnnnn uvuwuu r\ U ' jdDCWS 0 r < r r r\ 0 AVERAGE GAME 125-135 by JUDD HAMBRICK FOUR PLAY TOTAL TIME LIMIT: 20 MIN DIRECTIONS: Va<e a 2- to 7- eite> we'd 'txt the erers or eacfi yarjre Aod acre » eacr »od v utter asm? scary directors at rgrt Sever-w words get a 60 oont bonus A: words can be found n Websters Sew World Cotege Dctrorary JUDO S SOLUTION TOMORROW C 2004 JrrtK SyMuM « COZ 7vioi s.oanc sci-tzi awvo aovnaAV 69 NMOOUIr nmoowc CZ “ NMOO NAAOOtei >a > minia X3IHHHVH oonr AB NOtimOS ■ 3OVWWIM3S IlHlln ® @ mKS W ©W(W® fWMSWm&g Wt B IfelF ftfF B«[UWo@[g) @WW ITHWIO ON W@ V. \ ,\ Uau ; jF?r bwto ©wnw N@m ww|JtFw w s©m®o ®@ <w,t babwcm HOW TO PLAY: .AD the worts iistrt below apprar ui the puzzk* horiatn tally, vertically. dtagunaDv. even backward Find them and CIRCLE THEIR IBTCRS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. The leftover letters spell the Wonderwort. ERGONOMICS Solution: 10 letters OUTF I TPKLAWEWRO EC I FFOSPMDKROWU M ®©®(B) E 0 H 0 L L A B E T OCSUDTANUSBLLSD RTSNPNICSRIGESE DHEADACHESNTHFS NBLSRTTAOAJOIOI YCCTPLKILTUFLOG SSSAMUEROLRLETN BMUNUSNVDNYEGRE TIMSJNEEITLVSEU MON I TORYCWAEYST GUIDECIVEKSLATR RECAPHONES I EFNA TLITSNQITOMGNOL C 2004 Ptbbs Syndcate *ww MWferwod con 4/22 Angle. Back, Ball. Bend. Break, Call, Chair, Clap, Consultant, Design. Desk, Elbow, Eyes. Fast. Flat, Foot rest, Glare, Golf, Gude. Hands. Headaches, Hot, Injury. Joint, Jump, Laptop. Lean. Legs. Level. Long, Mass. Monitor, Motions, Mouse, Muscles. Neck, Neutral. Numb. Occupation, Office. Oily, Outfit, Pace, Phones. Position. Runs. Shoulder, Strain, Swivel, Syndrome. Test, Tilt, Walk, Work Yesterday's Answer Certified Tjrtrll* KMRKMClWMn'tartbOtam'MMai’vinowUtXSMtUl werrewOvi'tzwt Jw»>wiSra»ie ; Wnww«ZVr J K»w>VtU" telWssCT< Mira paratnuaaatowi Pluggers Gary Brookins I I /z r*~7~?TMy* —„-i., a[r - M VA • K<] whi. to psw.. y//// JeBF f/ JKBy z Z<4WiML , 1A '■*««•**•»*»<• /// r JoBF Ml Fz- Pluggers remember when downloading mueic meant bringing down boxea of ft-tracka, LPa, ana 45s from the attic. Girl's presidential dream earns grass-roots support DEAR READERS: Last week I printed some of the letters I received in support of the 13-year-old girl, “I Have a Dream," who aspired to be president of the United States. Her teacher and class mates ridiculed her. The letters have been wonderful and deserve to be shared. Read on: DEAR ABBY: I was deeply touched by that girl’s letter. Her “teacher" needs to find another profession, and her parents need to find a lawyer to file a bully ing case against the school district for doing nothing to stop the harassment. Any court judgment that results from the suit should be used to send that forward-thinking young lady to a great prep school and to pay for her college education. If there’s money left over, she should put it toward her very first political campaign perhaps running for a seat on the local school board. Hey, you have to start some where. SHE’S GOT MY VOTE. HAWAII DEAR S.G.M.V.: Not a bad idea. You should be her campaign manager. DEAR ABBY: I am a state-licensed psycholo gist. A number of years ago. I surveyed 1,500 boys and girls attending five elementary schools in Miami. I asked them to answer "yes" or “no” to a series of 10 questions, which included if they had ever thought of becoming president of the United States when they grew up. To my surprise. I discovered more girls than boys answered “yes." I also learned that half the stu dents had been told that only a male could be president. Through my nonprofit foundation. Women Are Wonderful Foundation Inc.. I do all I can to promote female leadership. Young women ' z ■ *’ 1 J Joyce Jillson TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 22). You’re in a league of your own this year! You’re luckiest when carving out your own career niche no one does it quite like you. Family members really depend on you in May. Vacation in June is exotic. By July, you rocket upward financially. Schedule home fix-ups for late summer. Libra and Capricorn are on your romantic wavelength. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 34, 15, 39 and 44. ARIES (March 21-April 19) You want to share all your boisterous, unabashed social energy. A complete stranger may strike up a con versation or initiate a friend ship. Relationship dynamics come together quickly but dissolve if not maintained. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) It’s easy come, easy go in matters of the heart. You initiate casual relationships and flirtations. Even platonic friendships hit new notes, increasing the sense of con nection without making any thing feel heavy. Speed Bump Dave Coverly 0| •( /LFIGmOS... MAUWQD 11 .•>■ / 52 Y6N& AHDWftllie 1 > I I f \ ueGmim. Z tpgS deserve all the support we can give them to real- ize their ambitions. w* * W i... I Jeanne Phillips House and other positions of political leader ship. It has an area called "Girl Zone which highlights areas where girls can become politi cally active, and participating Girl Scouts can earn their White House leadership patch. And, Abby. please tell "I Have a Dream" that we all wish her success in her pursuits. POLITICAL FEMINIST IN HOUSTON DEAR FEMINIST: Thank you for another great resource. DEAR ABBY: Back in the ‘6os, during my senior year, a member of the FBI came to speak to our class about recruitment. I inquired about female agents, and the agent broke out in uproarious laughter. When the agent finally recovered, he told me there were secretarial positions within the agency, but nothing more. I eventually wound up in another male-dom inated field, and I have realized that gender has nothing to do with the ability to do the job. 1 smile today when I see female agents represent ing the FBI. So. please tell that girl to hang onto her dream and realize that her tormentors are the ones who will be stuck in dead-end. unfulfilling positions (and wonder where they went wrong), because they never learned to dream "big.” SUNNY WILSON, GAUTIER, MISS. Under the stars’gaze GEMINI (May 21-June 21) You refuse to conform to what's expected of you. Today is about activities that are engaging and fun. and when they cease to be that, it’s over. An unconventional approach to work could open new doors. CANCER (June 22-July 22) You throw caution to the wind. It’s safe to expect that risks that don’t pan out will only hurt for a minute, and who knows how lucky you could get when they do? You're in the mood to brood tonight, but it won't last. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). A fresh start is favored in friendships and romance, but how can this happen without forgiveness? It can’t. Decide what you’re willing to put behind you. and then, don't look back. Unexpected guests show up tonight, so get ready. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Virgos like you enjoy and understand the concept of service as no other sign does. There is a larger purpose that must be served in order for you to feel truly happy on the job; your altruism cannot be denied. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Wins on the job come from being prepared for the hard hitting questions. Straighten out a debt as soon as possi ble. For some of you singles, a matchmaker is plotting your next romance. Let your hair down tonight. Dr. ANN RUBEN, FI.A. DEAR DR. RUBEN: And because of people like you, she is getting it. DEAR ABBY: Please encourage that bright young future leader to check out The White House Project at It’s an organization dedicated to electing a woman to the White SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). It is important to feel adored, but at the same time, don’t rely on others to set the tone. Take charge, and others follow suit. Some of you hire help with routine chores and free up your time for a lucra tive business move. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21). Get outside, laugh, and love. Friendly chitchat sparks a date. You could fall in love with a most unlikely partner. Get a grip on careless spending because you will soon need extra cash to take advantage of an opportunity. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) High rollers tempt you to draw down your cash reserves. Hold back. Spending to impress makes you appear foolish to level headed people. Opportunity comes when you prove you are a good steward of what you have. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It’s a good day to be alone with your thoughts and a pen. If you’ve a rival for the attentions of a special some one. sidestep trouble. Focus on the relationship you want instead of being distracted by your competition. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Chart an independent financial course. Well-mean ing family members may have advice that is out of touch with the times. You are more attuned when you do your own research. Revamp your wardrobe.