The Forsyth County news. (Cumming, Ga.) 19??-current, December 31, 2004, Page PAGE 7B, Image 27

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B.C. Johnny Hart & dj jy. l \B C' \ >■ a ffi \N it >V tMt K Mother Goose and Grimm Mike Peters 7 THAT'S Rl&HT.CO^e IVF and eer 51 this i WSgASe-RlPD&J P&ANUT/VOU , i TRE 6 RAT. ■fffTwlTCSEVgRS ! w , : I M j I 5 Spr Rose Is Rose Pat Brady I MOST KEEP MV EYE* J ONLY TWO U0Di» AMP wwwlOMWOM com ril WAKE 1U6M 0P6N...I owe Them ] TWPTV-1W0 MINUTES am S€F0f?61Ufc 1NAT MOCK FOR LETTING G UNTIL WE RIN& IN » »u vmw - MESIAL OP UT6 / Jg THE NEW V6AK/ / . >. (J aL * U t ■ C I 4« ^ -3? ’ k s Momma Mell Lazarus * X M r y '&AfZ? r / We. K&l&jzwww, V ( ')> fj -)) > f o C 7 ClJ /2-yi aJ MEAT0«swww feiwe. mBM Mtffips.coM Over The Hedge Michael Fry &T. Lewis w? 1 RESOLVED AND LET ME YEAH, I WAS I KNEW I’D SELF-DELUSION TO CUT BACK GUESS... YOUR MISERABLE. MAKE ME IS THE SECRET TO CXI THE BLOOD SUGAR HAPPINESS... m TWINKtES AND PLUMMETED YOU COULDN'T AND LIFE IS TOO YOU’RE i i REP BULL. STAY UP fOR SHORT TO BE s V ABSOLVED. CONAN. MISERABLE. | i i V 1 i I t t » 1 [U4 I a)’ £ I m-l: „ i * 4> - T V _ * \ I . Liil Non Sequitur Wiley Milter OSAS WANT, KAtt. T ToOAM. I'NRc.Tk m •tUfcAXUPtPtri of “ABSOLUTELY I’WV. Mo'M A mm? ’—wuCsi ill ASTotW KW rm RWloNW,- ASTOUNDING"... PUBLICO piptuk? fbSTEP IT OH o IZtCTtoN \b NOO-WOO" Hovel i^t/ WAS! NO wmn? tKN V&bXVE. u&bo L0T&W.. HoifJ PUN A .... 1 A POP f VL6 CRtTiCALtH T CAWCWmPAP bO PEOPLE o I I | AcO-AllAfep IT KWP TRW VJoMfeU^T/ Ss tT ouT D T il fy' -N r >< o n o \ % wfs* l'-'Av Hf ti trt Tmcu'tt 0 -m. •« . ia.3i *r SCRIMMAGE 0000000 1 it DOWN EXE Y 0000000 2nd DOWN A E Y Ml 3rd RTS letter + 6 nnnmn 3rd DOWN \t KN; Pejf A:)( I 2 )(Tz) 3rd Down.30 PTS r\ 4#! DOWN mMSzXLMOz AVERAGE GAME 160-170 by JUDD HAMBRICK FOUR PLAY TOTAL - TIMELIMIT: 20 MIN DIRECTIONS: Make a 2- to 7 letter word Iron the letters on each yardline MC ports to each wod or letter jseg scoring directions at right Seven-tetter werds get a 60-port borus. All words can be found in Webster’s New World College Dictionary JUDD'S SOLUTION TOMORROW 1 2304 Unaad feature Syndicate Inc. KFIC-il isz nvioi s,oanr OZt-091 3WV0 30VU3AV 9Z - nmoo m PA til - NMOOPJC iz * NMOO pud 98 * NMOOISV 0u| SIKOfiuAjj (Wpun 7002 9 muikk (laOU xofHBwvH aanr as Noamos ..aovnwiHOs :4 ; (o i r to m b) D A 7^y pp - “1 ; v\ ' Wi D Ui MWi-'A 0) M 49a ■ ' U 1 9 : ' X m si 0 D . / \ 7/tG OJtOjV, 7 D D A ojco}// 0 V II Xf ■ • . fi. - .•A, , KV i-W -;-Tl , By DAVID ’# OUELLET HOW TO PLAY: .Ml the words Ested below in the puzzle - horizon ally, vertically, diagonally, even backward, Fi m and CIRCLE THEIR LETTERS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. The leftover learn speH theWonderwond. CLPS AND MUGS Solution: 10 letters RU0PERS0NAL I ZED EROTSHEERAGUSLT NLYBABCVNSSRABF I RBPMIMORNINGI I AEEAFU I CMEALSTG LSLFVT JW0MSMVCE ET0A0AAASPUKIE® CAGMPTWBSRNNF(L)R RU00ERU0E I CF0LK ORSRCAGCRVO0IOA PANATYUDPCEOGCN SNDETALUSNIRNHI GTAPSIPSEXIMAOH USMAERCL I PSNHGC METALDETAUDARGE C 2004 Universal Press Syndicate w ondir w or d .com 12/31 Aroma, Baby, Bars, Beverage, China, Coffee, Collectible, Commu¬ nion, Cream, Drink, Empty, Espresso, Fill, Form, Gift, Graduated, Gulp, Hand, Hang, Insulated, Jumbo, Lips, Logos, Meals, Metal, Microwavable, Milk, Mixes, Morning, Mugs, Office, Personalized, Porcelain, Pour, Promotional, Restaurant, Saucer, Serve, Shapes, Silver, Sips, Store, Sugar, Teas, Tray, Water. Yesterday's Answer Box office riHwyls»aiw»bnw9K^iheAdiiv(|i3de'fi>$'(19Edu)t3Z^tigenl»d<iS'*ZIiM. US Udi (fly! to fm Syrioh Nf: VkMvwrt *SC Mr 1 <res Cf), tfc. 1 1 ' 9 * bf-Nt ' -SIO-2M34«. W3, Mr »*e si ipuatt ram Pluggers Gary Brookins Top Ten wvrvr.pluff|«r»xom WWW .coreic4Hi«g#xo«* >rs i of NifMbwrli * fp- s Trr~~ rl Nj 0- . i i Brad*Wa* : SimpsonviBa, SC 9r \ Pluggers admit that God may know tha number of hairs on their heads, but lament that God s Job gets easier each year. on short leash will to break DEAR ABBY: I am 35 and the mother of a 10-year-old daughter, “Savannah, ♦ » who is in the fourth grade. Savannah claims that I am smothering her. She is not allowed to have sleepovers, and she may not attend any of the co-ed parties her friends throw. No sugar is allowed in our house unless it is a special occasion like a birthday. Whenever she goes to a friend’s house, I call every hour to see how she is doing. In the kitchen, Savannah is not allowed to use the stove, the oven, the blender or any other appliance unless 1 am there to super¬ vise. My daughter attends an all-girls school because I don’t want her exposed to some of the things boys do when they are her age. Savannah is not allowed to wear makeup, and I shop for her. Every morning, before she leaves home, she must come to me so I can monitor what she is wearing. Abby, I love my daughter very much, and I only want what is best for her. Do you think I am smothering her? — GOOD MOM IN HOUSTON DEAR GOOD MOM: I believe you are a caring parent, but I also think you have gone off the deep end. In the name,of being a con¬ scientious parent you have placed your daughter under virtual house arrest. How is your daughter to learn to be independent and make intelligent decisions if you restrict her every move? Calling her every hour at a friend’s house to “see how she’s doing” is overkill. If it doesn’t stop, it won’t be long before she will rebel. I know you mean well, but please, talk with a counselor about this. In the name of being a “good mom,” you are stunting her m ■ f W ■ # * ■■ - Holiday Mathis TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (December 31). You’re basi¬ cally hot this year! Look for¬ ward to improved health and vitality. If becoming more fit is one of your New Year’s res¬ olutions, you will find it easy to keep through January. This spring, emotional issues regarding home and family are resolved, freeing you up to take full advantage of a period of intense creativity beginning in August. Your lucky num¬ bers are: 2,29,42,35 and 21. ARIES (March 21-ApriI 19). A woman in your life pokes 1 and prods at your psyche, inspiring you to re-think your plan for New Year’s Eve. What? You still don’t have a plan for the evening? At least resolve to take on an enthusi¬ astic attitude. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You’re feeling energized and can blow through an entire day’s worth of duties in half the time. Why not cut out of a boring situation and spend some time primping for your New Year’s celebra¬ tion? You’re gorgeous in green. FORSYTH COUNTY NEWS — Friday, Occam bar 31,2004 Speed Bump Dave Coverly m v W NOW V6M& BGSOUTIOH if i [ i iS TO STOP TOLLING W ViUKT to TO 00 MITVftHHft-. a&> mumwoH&fciRm -me.iwcfiGocwH y=i -0 II *1 L* > X ■V’:' ga V Cl # Ml fr&s&tvN ;.o,»*? *<a* 2 -al • c r. /n ■ growth and child a disservice. Jeanne Phillips everyone. A large group of us went out to dinner and “Mike” was goofing off. She told him to sit still and use his indoor voice. She was completely serious! She also tries to intimidate us physically. She shoves the guys around, and if the girls annoy her, she stands up as tall as she can, looks down her nose at us and announces, “I can eat you!” At one point, she pinned me to my bed and tried to shove food in my mouth because she didn’t believe I ate enough. The few times we’ve tried to talk to Sal about this, she became defensive and stormed out, as she snarled that we are all immature and should grow up. We’ve about had enough. Can you help? — LIVING WITH THE ALPHA DOG DEAR LIVING: From your description, the girl has problems beyond what you and I can solve. Counseling could help her, but only if she’s willing to face the fact that she needs help. Since talking to the “alpha dog” hasn’t worked, if you’re living off campus, call a meeting of the housemates and inform her that you’d like her to leave. If you’re staying in a dorm, request a change of rooms. And should she lay a hand on any of you in an effort to intimidate you, call the police and report the assault. Horoscopes by Holiday GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Your plucky wit doesn’t make sense to everyone — just the most important peo¬ ple! You’ll meet someone over food or drinks. Plant yourself by the snack table, and get chatting. By mid¬ night, you’ve found some¬ one to kiss. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The most romantic nights are in, not out! Forgo the parties — and drunk drivers — in favor of snug¬ gling in front of the TV with your sweetie. Single? Host friends or family at your place. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Any socializing you do tonight is likely to have a strong work component. If you’re not actually going to a job-related event, you may meet someone in your field or exchange business cards with an interesting stranger. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). New Year’s bash at your house? The cosmos is working in your favor — expect to pull it off without a hitch. The place is immac¬ ulate, the food divine. Just remember to stop running around long enough to have fun! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Go ahead and indulge your senses. A smorgasbord of gastronomical delights awaits you. You can start your diet tomorrow. Better yet, for your best chance for success, wait until after the new moon on Jan. 11. PAGE 7B DEAR ABBY: I’m a college sophomore, and my roommate, “Sal,” is driving me crazy. She talks down to me when we’re in a group. She’ll hijack my con¬ versations and answer for me, even though I’m standing right there. I’m not the only person who feels this Sal talks down to SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Clashing with a loved one can be enlightening. Don’t fear conflict — it’s important to clear the air so you can get on with your new year. Stick to your guns if you must, but making up is more fun. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 Dec. 21). Let them just try to stop you from painting the town red tonight! You’ve worked your tail off this year, and nobody knows it better than you. Go ahead let loose. A night of unrepentant celebration is certainly well deserved. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) . Life is looking pretty darned good from where you’re standing. Your social life rocks, and you’ve got folks at the office wrapped around your little finger. Now, if only you could find the perfect outfit for tonight. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Let someone else be the designated driver. If there’s a checkpoint within a 10-mile radius of you, you’re likely to be pulled over. And indicators suggest a butting of heads with authority figures — yikes! Better safe than sorry. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) . You feel as if you’re working at cross-purposes with an important woman in your life. In fact, you’re not, but it’s challenging to see the forest for the trees. This les¬ son is one you’ll be happy you learned before the new year rings in!