The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 14, 1786, Image 2

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f H;c di. -nut ft-nn t»o anlfciShnfi;; nrmtttfl *<*»- «*„>«'fl-' 1 * «a.mind. phyla: bu, csQucaiieuect! iin "iSBe «iff ■ uifaniryy!! : njjmr f» mJArffiTtar*. attcntk i tw «}wnt»&. mauTan; acfwevefflfuiac its -bis emjttii ie. <e»llk 2»ttl»*' ;; ttnatstw mnjUn* £Zti h> cntfwtt'Ty, *s in nsreriuni ttinu lieu tie-- ts fc cd in bar ihriihin As <rr i!*c Ist.**, been -g-tcftittiicH *b»* :«* oll^rcrrnii,, tU*arfljeßr- ed tu 1* vt»u\ u Itt-Ml, and Teemed a® iiT dice making“- 11 *?«rt tMvct.j, f.i*iiijar.ilic:tauctinßV, wuiiH! jj?r.vr ••Iter idle! ?" it . The : :;ftnußCnt «fc*dh tile 'iffeH, KW»«C <ietVtt ! ude, worn «rtw cchiu •ttwmrrtk.'ilu: jrnnr,, auill in fc\ cial place* in tiled, mi; Hr. A timilar incident tto ilie aTuw!iißjjtt'ttmcl!tttni<Uissiuuttn'!k place al out yam's dims;, as tfht Swine termini;;-»u bis dtaii ft u»n rti) .itu as in the jiafeut inftnuts;, rfhr '♦ifenl'h?*;, wilinmuac i*lov. at his Majcfiy avttha fenrfit;, auil dnuite tfhrfeoitft gitais of hjsicdun. X7;jintixcenmiiiat; otv, J ;xtra<.t <«tf allatser dh-mn fltei:»i, “ YePcrtiav even .up, at ,a<»juimer nr»n*fc.t«u i*’’ojhn&,,Hffl r w.\* faluiy • debuet'uH aifa jpnnradlH, tu> wHiurn tiic jj ;; m,» (<t IVLadante'MujihhfA*..i«iinru«rii.yjjiwiiu. TPic©lciuiiijf atte - dins delrverv merit* a <dn[cr jpii*in. —• Wheat rfhe tobtstnu t> jcr Alice.- :ltc fit :& dii’ji.ut bed to Tanks, ttotananmne at tttte HHutril die ViiUctlloe her ‘lr.jelU is ni mnstall« ttfltr n»t n&i jpitt irl*!v, aid i cniaiu 'Uwrrhrr mirth iita: stewsuff rfhe dmrfh Jit* j ui.Ufucd totliciu iiy a Tee null Hilnr .’SSniaflyiis nrnrtwuwr drliuucd lhau fhr tcihllil i-ipKtilejtief] t«thtt& the captain us tlte guttl'd‘Asm**nrlte iiiffnmiiu ariose t*V;:l vale ton!! tlte U> <audliadiesuuvtvntimty<m»tfittiwrcaifttay, tic lex is ivucinunecU auii :t!lte nfitf!iiu^ veibai jrtntcS* us rtsiiirth % ititeu ,dlln!h:iiievit!iu»aicnu»tt inttittah lo J'np wirfi the kin;; nauwe, anil Ikame Hnsr ttu esipM* the cjoir of which iheuttuH .ftautl!T*» auudh untune it The laloun us tlie it^ji£ui}pdl ( )dlaceJLlfauc,, unitiic kit e’s tut throtnjh -.ttet.iuwc ituilitt csnunfftim £>miu filitm ittiitu, wa*iftrjieiiilvidnuuiairftntittttßitiinfllhTilantdltes- utuibir ' each a gteditftaiL H’lte Hhtrimtt;, 3NCL. dlec Ik Fcnonay. not :had li'trttxcinnt ttime ttw dhntes'ffi.uai Koitcn or Farits. *wettt limo -iltr boys au:l pills futtm tlte t> ttturto inwaihac;, all non mr fed! lb fm their ilir Ibaii itltcm .ilijclutil iiuan!! ;}ikc«l! theta iu differ-eitt -utrtudes nu tllie ttiitrfeinr ffnuul! the flatuev aatttial,, nuH jjrtuiilfiii tiitr IBiitiMiHn tinUhmn* \cry nurii. Ti»e Pabt, »i?lliuerti) urndnußwee tilte ihwaiittiuiu, thus addictied fhtnt ;: •“ iSitt!! M uunjeiy tfiatt these statues thoiilil !«e aiiinntuhi,, anti tfeat tfluyv tfiiMtilii fttfinc: yon, a wtrrri fttuu your rrtr.yrrft etrfftrS oiitt untt-rcitu.™ The kitty? fuiiled, -ottitfemst! tut .er.tat ttlie aufl ildvw agieeahle lnrjn rie that ulhe {fhttt®,; Sawntel! mirth t#hr umfll au chantinp tlhctiiottc*.. IPTks unaiuflf d#iir imuis no lie jfiven toerch us ihctclihlTafc auil jgawcM.. dk Ifefftntnuiuwr credit dot his invention.'*’ Fjctrart us n ietttr fitum JJmue ndL “ < )ttr itotx: ill ill aecebd!: fdirr.rjKßEdiJk .ai«tit!iit!s> fFtomi Dalmatia, wltciie JlieTuulkscMWrmnc rtonmlbHuitn aftdilijlh ments a bind cuut inua’ iy ;; xwery llasdlr aHiulfe utfObuinani cavalry c-u«‘cs\ ! uut*d to tfirept ife :<l»rteaut||s rottite repuiiltc near Uudna, flutt rtlse Übueiiiifti <ouita»nnimi ariiii|»d iheri to letteaL, .auditlte d*mtiticaLii»iib(Hfftiiiicg)''Ti(uewaiap net— pa.ic.i wun ..i! jioihh.e TWtck jtUHtaittiiioijs a^puanwii the mow* tieneninyii .asmte Utrsd fitift Huatr.d ttllac rflte K dflttaiu Tac.iatiad tai^.un t Itc mitiihat litvtHtmijdite mind!,, and'.tat his app j.'Utmeut iM.ipsiffuinu atenttiiiuiistnrct iiai» vice, ; m*t leutue!has au miufcjpacma: off fixi. tniu«c» eu> aupmenr in« ffket. “ The ; -♦‘pennies ntf A’j.sbr unfl TTiiibtiti iitnasr ffmuudlb' declared that they md*l !he milk* rfhe nwceOrtw au active part uuhe mar ap&niUHu Huimli.iiKv, .-null aHtata&'tftwtr ally a mi be nix uiluiawd .*tf nhn nadUhttiun :she diately icsr iinlcrstto ((IhiMadhnr Emo tto il'itliamli altl Ha hut it !has foemi atfo dbuemniiuiU «*• ikdiuaiit aotihe i cut court* j|f Euf.fftf a dLueiusm utf rfhe daitaicUl Uhituumu of the : ih».a vwur mitlli zi tuitt'uw tiiutt ,Viiu 4ioih..ty a;, uel ;bi;Uuan;p»..nte a»iumidlw«i«»ifa #ttptuit w:th.a iormidahle zgnhft vwUmui diotml mm* »c 3 grfrtua tl .i Uuß benate . .Ileus from uta-aimeimrah vrHimu as an ar;- .v...^ <D , Uiac;ici ' > t waA|»«uti,. to rc-ict uie attacks W* 1 Bet Uiis Y he iavxu^^a -be Emnernr, the " s -' ! Tn&y wsiwtrrr::.! f ; P*>rnn.pß »Jts ic/monest^ tfieVie** troffdmir ilau-s frr.jct •a-urfions.** letter from F!ffc*tw fcv.% men of v» m<?»r of them. carry in to jsjF'‘“' T ‘' r ‘- 'ctt.u.; rea ftjr£fcr„ ami arem fail for Algiers wfe»fa* } d« rekafemt of * :hi:> smfere-w, rtr! tmerwarstSjl tnn/c hi the Mcditi itmem. Wanly wi:f« the Eomiyuese >0 other pc wets, in or, tv»/cUcir ai«fe leas of ri»e flarbaitai- dbe la.; e letter fa tSS7K : tiler i:’;ig has orttured two c,z t 0 he built as It -a* upoir cite lame cut*p.ioh - s the Euglilb u ufwsc~ fr aST ON, September 2. BV sgwHleman on whole wraciry we can depend, * ami vert! in- town theday be&wejf'efterday from Nortluiupt iimrile counrv. of Hampthire t w#are informed, that, on Tuefi tfe* the day appointed by U" for the fitting of the Tour (Common. Pleas in. that town a mob, confiltmg of near i : me* 530 of whom wen umler arms, an! headed b (Captain; of die militia, altirubLed there, with the treafou. imvnrami of forcibly prventing the fitting of thu C« whicJii tiiev tie Judges, from their thre|sJ proceedings* thinking if iniecuie to proceed in .he bu(« them offee, f - * ,>■ The fimve gentleman adds, that « Convention hjHf held! in that county, witch voted, as their Senate,. ('■ units of C*minoh Pleas alid benr.* General* ’vetc grievances and public,, as well as uuaecelTary and expr<lliYfi* | COMMONWEALTH of MASSACHUSETTS. I jfer Excellency JAMES BOWDOIN, E/f. Gh*w| C.ummoncueult b oj hliijjucbujctts. &FItnCLA M A T I O n| information has been given to the Supil Executive of this commonwealth, that, on Tuefd.ji die aayfoof JLagjtff* being the day appointed by lawfwl fitting: of the Court of Common Pleas and Court of GoJ hetiimiH- of the Peace, at Northampton, in the conn* within this commonwealth, a large cone* of people,, 6*om feverat parts of tiiat county, afftmStM the (Courthumcin. Northampton, many of whom wereufl with guns,: »**•' weapons, «il dkrms beating*, and fifes playi deiiturcttof the authority of this riiretu.-r of violence, and keeping polTeiTion.of imriiir zolfelock on the night of the fame day, prev® f fitting:<*f rite Court, and the orderly admiuiftration of* j! iniriiattciomry s . J Aid! whereas this high handed offence is,fraught’** maifc feral atrif pernicious consequences, mud tend to-'ll all’ law and government, to aiiTolve our excellent cu'.liit'B auridiucuduce utiiverfal riot, anarchy, and confufioa, ,■ wuulli probably terminate in abfoh'te defpotifirs ardw ferpienriv ddhrey the faireft prospects of political hiffl that any people was ever favoured with, and wfiui* peonle- will realize, if rhey do not fuffer thcmlclvcb* nofguideft by riie machinations of internal real eneiuies.H tneacheroutlv aftitme the character of their belt airiß zealous friemhs r I £tta.uff rtierefore thought fit, by and. with the idviß the CuanciC to ilfue this proclamation, calling up* |j Jiidhes, JutEces, bheriifs, Grand jurors, Conilab'c* i ojtsieir otficeis-, civil ami military, within this comnionw* tb> ptev.snr'and: fhpprels all fttch violent and riotous ! imis, if they lhould be attempted in their several c-rfijH And; E do hereby* pursuant to tht iudifpenfable duty 11 tti 1 rile good’ people of this commoawcaltli, mo ft lolcr.iul'B upou. diem*, os they value the bl-dings of freedom and j ; which ar tlie expenceof so much blood and ti* they iiaste pure haled—as they icgard their faith, wliidu* fight: cf God: and the world they, pledged to one another,* r«*'die people of site United Sates, when they adopted tkß tenr. ooiritfc'.riuu. us guvern:*mt —as they would 11,,t j poitir. die hopes* and thereby become comcmptibie « eyev ot otiier nations, indie view of whom they have 1* gibny and empire— as hey vwotild not deprive themijd* rue lfecu: ity derived fom well regulated lociety to dicifl liherrie * auft property —ami as they would not devolve* riieiir diildreu, in/ead of peace, freedom, and iafetv, yl ofi aitai ahy*, conf/fi'ui* and ilavery Ido molt eameit /l nituh fiiUamiy Zrli. vpon tb'ctn to aid and allitl, wi: -B immtftresf aforefeili ofticer; ; and tonuire i**i£jSo£ aU. i««h. uruai**a*««» & n V r