The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, October 21, 1786, Image 3

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■feline. before ihe'firft y er’y, and tr.tian.V.irt to iivtlfd' fDth'oftUtf fcmrfmoatii,. of the-de lves who riiall te aiu! accept their appointments'* I a{ | i; Ve the TndijpfcufSibl«' tUajT’ofdglcgmes to make‘a leprcfs^almt:’plTtitfic’ i’fkie iu’Ct'flgrcfs; oa-the tirfi Monday J * Ks ■L| lC! .'jeq’iiicd \ y X'ongtelVrv att?;io so may bejie* Kefifel'X#? x fccep : v«) a repi dentation of ?atlyrtaie in Congrcfs, ■p.r haviiig taken ins or tlics-r feat,.tluH withdraw without, leave ■ot CVugtefr, un»els •rcc&'Ue4»i%Mhe..lJatc> no ot iheyihajV E' c proceeded agamit'aS Congrefc ; -jh?dl diteft ; provided Imntihmeufc shall be further extended than to d.iViuaiib’catiQns. Knr jyjigcr "to’ be liiembci sos Cvngreis, or to hold any ocOic Ipf'urufi. % or profit tinder the United States, or any individual . K at c # and. the fevcral dates Poall adopt regulations effectual to.. Kkc attainment of the ends-of this article; m * * «■ * ■ , i.,, ,v * ". ■Fsuaft of. a letter from the Covert)or df the State of Frank s Jiii, to his Honor the Governor. of this itate, dated Moun* Pleafatit, Franklin, Sept. iB, 1756. .’ . “ The deliberations of our Afkmbly have not as Vet besn IfuUv had, refpefting the 1 marching a force againlt thg C/eek. ■nation. ' - > % . ?* > • t I “ Our Afiembly will be convened in a few days, at which Ititnel make not the Imallcft doubt,..but that body will order lout a rclpcftable force to aft in conjunftion with the army.of ■ your date. The determination of our legislature I dj.illlni- I mediately communicate to your Honor,-as loon as the fame . ■ can bp fully obtained.” ‘ ' .v . y■ y I Extract pf'a letter from Robert Dixon and Stephen. .Jett, Efqtiircs, to his Honor the Governor of this State. “ Nolachuckey, Sept. 28, 1786, .. ** After a very fatiguing journey, >ve have had the .honor I of delivering your dilpatcbes to •Governor Sevier, which had I favorable reception. He intends.-as fcon as pofiible, .to cail the AU'cmhiy, and expefts to have it in his power, to rail’s on? .tboufand or fifteen hundted .men, lhould they be wanting, The’ people in this country are. much inclined to favour the Georgians. Wc fltali do every thing in our power. 10 cultivate their friendthip.” • «* , • Extraft of a letter from George Eihohn, Esq. in the State of Franklin, dated Sept. 3c, - .. “ The Governor, in order that-the people may derive. licfit froJn the fear* of the Chetokees and Chirkafawa*.has. offered ,tb unite with them against the Creek Indians,' in calc they will put .thcmfelvcs under liis'' r pf<?teft3du, , ‘-whichv i i't it 4 • supposed, they will be induced to do. The northern Ihdians will have enough, to do to defend tkcmfelvcs against General QarkC, from Kentucky, who lias now two tlmufaud two hundred men employed agaiuft them. Cumberland pit is laid,, has it in contemplation to come under the government of franklin, which, perhaps, maybe prudent, in-their prelent and defencelds llate. I conceive, if a war ihbuld be jaeVitahlc, the Georgians may promile themlV-Ives the ud'ul ance of about one thousand ride-men and two hundred ca valry, properly equipped, to aft in with them. When you refleft on the peculiar ii’tuation anil circuinfiam.cs of this'llaVe, together with the zeal of his Excellency Gover- •: nor Sevier, you will ice the uidifpaniabfe necellity of cultivat ing a friendlhip with its citizens.” - * ’ ..... •. *>. i ***’*, • 7 • , f F.xtraft.of a letter from Tugaloo, ’dated the 1 6ih of Oft.’i 78^. The fpieal mentioned in my.laft JV.ter, hive returned • .With the following intelligence, viz.*. That the Creeks were waiting f»rthe army,. Vvliicb they seemed detehnined ‘td at tack vyjrb a part of their force, and’ that another part" is to Jjjareh round and attack Tugalod-—Tlrat the French, from .Canada, arc Feteieti at the beat of Tcnellee, to the-amount of .n hundred,; and thatwn equal number of Delaware Indians are ijjth rfrem as. a guard—That the Spaniards, at Pejufaroia, have adyred the Creeks, .that they lliail not want arms and ammu- Wtioa .to carry on the war agaiult Georgia.” *" ’ 1 • ' . fittraft.of-a letter from \Villi..m Davenport, F.fq. to his Ex cellency John Sevier, jElq. Governor of the State 'of , franklin.. 4 . ' '■ ' •*’ *" " “ Chichafaw nation, July aB, 1786. d’*- 4 When I left Georgia, the honorable tiie* I>gli]aturc • shat Hate d;refted me to call,, on my'return home, oti the Chickalaw aim Chaftaw nations, and endeavour to e'dablidi a 'peace with did not find the ;a!h didictiU, a i .to betiie with of tficm to live in peace that - r ute. Eytp wiiiill I was about i:, the Creeks begun to do ; -betn, as'thciit was i;o ot!:.*r perfo-i in that quarter/to speak 1 . “V Ol -* Jvfr. iVTGiliivrey lias frenticm.'r lent Ids talkjj ® 1 prcyiitg' thfßi v v*.; hard to join' But they would hear M-vte ts k# Uft, «*; f> J v»? . .prjtcat j a«<! my opinion wts a!w>?.. sikr', p.-evi**-.t.> tnhs'.t '.••.iitwar, vvh rli at*yays was 4 itfuiii to *; tvo *,*•■ t!:s»: owith tiie w.r. (ini htrt.lrel a:Y*i H'f.y \V»>«n?- rchiescara’c lat«>To fettle Ittre; hrt they y».s-e- o.<! vc i o.T :o tire other’fide of the T.J'aid*- laying, ,tjgc/ wcre-h.ld -f i«u p h, and wonlji’ do milrhicr, f»r which. tiits would he bi rtAr J.* /j. tiread Mobile* inf TmoYnie, tfcY: an e’f'j ><s r£\i it# w.iy tu x»H : a.fji carried into * ••* ;Latc Lom'i.m Papery. rccejvtfWjythe ia!f.‘Packet, wivife v - TJurliic Fiofpeft \Var-betijrce.:j <♦?*. Germany, (in Alliance with'the E-.nprels ofKiihy\ V sal •/»$. Gra-uj evet v sDay mcrea-f«B .rr-That u*E^ v y.vj ’4c- *' ; CpullaaHiiojrie appcrar.miKh atUrmcJ,.an i W-Gf* i• menfe wrvi-hlfcfc ■• preparations h'»tL by Scatt’ui jhut‘4 i^uiJfia of- Sh?ps -of tilts Line had received U.\far'A £» ’ fail from Revel, with all poiliblc Expedition, fbf the Me t; *-' tei rancau—That the French had lately inane a Treaty with • Aliy Cowrie, ~ the Aft’kuri.jKid/, for KirchV? of Slaves am Eicphr.iits Teerh ; i»yrwfti«Ji,-.t.he ar can a Manner p. c eluded those Branchesxtf.Commerce. — >% v ' - ’ - ' * • ; -Augixsta'Races. ? d Tit £. x\U-G*USf A• -R ACES .■wiUi.c^rnmon the lVcpnd Tnefhy’bf -December. next..' *;.T^ei ; juf.kcy fc C>ah, Purse, ' of Oae Huhdffe! Pound Sterling: will he vtu foct!ic*lt,rft dav, * four mile heats;- A-purfr of Fifty Po;tttds.tjrerli:ig < r.he ’ .day, tvvo mile heats ; 1 ai?l a/p uric of -Thirty Pound- Cte I! a* ,t!:e third day/one mdc.-heats, agreeable to.the rule® p£ ui ’ Ciub.V ;: ; ’ /: T ;•• •/. < Tile, following premiums wiUtbe gi’Aey. to the perfou or*, periods iu iiiafkct the bc|t tj.aU feu 'beef/ tliTep * pounds; three bclV muttons, thirty 1 thilluigij; autf. two odt.’ • veals, twenty llullinys. •> . . r “ '' f * GORNELIUf? DYSART, T ‘ ' ; ; * r ' JOHN J*. \VAGNQi% v K • ' ; ; - : WILLIAM ' , i .. • .1..... t 1 tt» •■»■».*• '''•*»■’• —• fallowing ajipeaU will be tfie'd b'eforr fiiaH ni 'ni ’hT jj,- ? Govtrnoi- and Conppt, pfcTht’ty/fay ThS' cornier next ; the parties cuticerued are iirdvicd tu-attcijil. * *'iMhity< WrUkc-c.v ~) t f t .* • :/ Tsr. ,; •■■ • --•■> VVifiiesi *l. ’. ' •*■ <, Rul'ton 'Williams', j- * •*■ ••'•>»'•' v ;L „ *. •• , E, T-.? /.<0 Jt T«'i;.n tht. rt/rrrflt; • •• ....,... V S,*E.. Ci : v .‘ r a ; B; : E‘ - .-is o -lT^dT^ ONE hundred a.ercs of LAND,* lying Tu K ichino vl /county,, ncajr the Quaker Springs, ..Macmee Kelly’s hint. : . :A 'L S .0,. ** • * »*, A .valuable '% R A*C T of LA N D/ containing two .hun dred acre?,, : fifty of which arc cleared, and tinder .gooil feme, adioijitugCol. Leonard ‘MavbiiryETni!!'; on J the premises arc a good,dwelling ; houl’c and oiit-houfe*. ’ For fijrtf'irpaitickr lars of the quality of the land and terrir; of falc fo< hoth traT.'. appivjtw thp fubferiber, living ncay Col. Mi'Viuu v’s faW.mill. ''' ‘ ' “ , A’BPG^\I : L WELLS. Richmond county, OcL zo* ( r*| jfSHE Kutifcribcr renc.-a.P L.A NT Ai'lO .. J| Within -io*miles. dfLAugufra* .that will be.funicient t* • wurk. from 30 to ; 4o Negroes. ? 4 . . - -••iaV .. .J O H N,.M ILT ON. ’ Oclbber 5, ■: 'heznis Nemßoufe& €#. />;■ H-A v I N GV-C O-M ME* N C E Jk’Vv v Wholejale BiiJinejs on Cmvvtfiottf . •;. :F - .a-At theic.owu Wharf at Savannah; '' ' - allure all thofc Whi/miy b»'pfeafed' •J. them with their coinhifirions, (hat thesr may tjrvt'only depend vptm ex;rcdiuon and-pitnftuality/ hut Tkc *‘‘wife- Du every attentioy benig j a.d tow ard prtfrfiotiirg tht;r mtereft... < Gcnllamcn keeping ftofes in country-, may hs 1 supplied with’ tlic goods the}' w-nt/at a .liort i.oticc*; - what* • • ever article''., arc uot to>c go? hcrc'at a rcxloiiablo price, tltall ■ • b<-' feKt fiotii (-harleftoo, where* tlte above *Jjc:it : o;icd Lewis N-etvlwtue and Co. traafatt luifingis as EacT«i«. -• Shi knar. k 9 &4*6cr • * . ‘ # , *.* * • * * »* / h * y *•••» *.' * ; * • • v # • r / . •