The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, December 30, 1786, Image 2

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tENC I £> Scfftm/er 2. By a letter from Bologne, dated the 15th of AugcS, wc ], a ve icteivcd tLc following account • Tfe&t on the lbibj the Lady Catherine Boccubadati, wife of the Marquis Senator Albergati tapacelli, ayed 38 >ears, ended her life inthe most tragical manner/ Having had a dispute at dinner, about an objeft of small importance, which die defended with fonte heat, and being cootiadifted by her hifband, die left the taking with her a child of eight years old, with whom the went up flairs, and alter tenderly embracing the child, the took out of a case, a Venetian dagger, with Hie inflantly run into her body. The child immediately crying out, alarmed the family, and the Marquis running up flairs, Ate with redoubled fury on feeing him, plunged the dagger through her heart : by which fecund thrust Ate inflantly fell dead at his feet. It is impoflible to deferibe the feelings of the family, or the public on this ad. BERLIN, Augufi 22. His Majesty, lately come to the throne, has resolved to go to Prussia, and from thence to Silesia, to receive the oaths of hisfubjefts. Mr. Gaudi, Miniftcr of State, has received orders ,to be there about that time, and will set out before the King. His Serene Highness the reining Duke of Bruns wick has been invited here by the King, and is to arrive by the 25th of this month. The body of Merchants of Berlin have sent a deputation of congratuletion to the King, which was received very gra cioully by his MajeAy, who with his own mouth afluied them that he would contribute all in his power to make the trade of this capital flourifh.j The King being on the parade on the morning after his accession to the throne,*addreffed the Generals assembled there in the following Aiott fpcech, which at once Aiews both a finnnefs of charader and a sensibility of mind : “ I thank you, gentlemen, for the fidelity, the honour, and the zeal, with which you served my predecessor, I thank you for the eagei nefs which you Aiewed to renew your oath of fidelity to me, and to grant me that confidence and that love which ever decided the glorious success of the Prufiian arms. Our nation has been the terror of its enemies, and we wi'l endeavour to preserve that glory : I Aiall always kgep up a severe difeipline, it is indispensable for onr troops- You shall find me grateful and beneficent to those who do their duty, and where lam obliged to punifli I lb all do it with great regret.” LONDON, o Sober if* As soon as theEmprefs ofßuffiahad heard of the irruption of the .Pacha of Scutari into the Venetian territories, Aie sent dispatches to her Minifier at Venice, to prppofe a treaty offenfive and defenfive between her and the Republic : The latter received the proposal with apparent fatisfoftion ; but waiting to fee whether the Porte would disavow of the pro ceedings of the Pacha, and make amends for the michief he had done to the fubjefts of the Republic, the Senate did not so much as open the negociation for a treaty with Rulfia : An event however has lately taken place, which will probably force the Republic into the arms of by rendering it nccefiary that the Senate Aiould aft hoAilely against the Turks. Advices from Gibraltar by the Sphinx frigate, just arrived txprefs, fay, that they have had a Portuguese line of battle fliip, accompanied by two frigates, eruifing about there for some time past ; that a few days ago they chafed an Algerine into Gibraltar, w ich made several attempts to get away, but without effeftj that on the third instant, wheuthe Algerine got our of the Bay, one of the Pot tuguefe frigates chafed and fired several fliot at her, which killed two of the men : The Algerine then run in at the back of the rock, and the Por tuguese continued to fire at her every five minutes, on which the Algerines abandoned their vessel, and the Portuguese set fire to and burnt her. Dr. Clark, of Edinburgh has difeovered that eatingtwoor three boiled herrings at Ibed-time,. and tailing no other food that night, w»lV.effeftually remove the gout, if not totally cure it. If an intolerable thrift eufues, chewing hay, orftraw, will excite an exudation from the falival glands, and afford* idief. The French arc to give the Dutch a lift , and the King of Prussia is to give the Dutch another lift , "so that between the two, it is probable the Stadholder may be lifttd'wwo a chair of higher authority than that be lias hitherto fat in.—There cannot be a ftiadow of a doubt, that the King of Prussia will <fpoufe the cause of the Stadholder. ‘ Extraft of a letter from Harwich, Sett 2c. “ We now learn somewhat of U>« damage done by the lat« ftorma in Holland : t 6 fail of vtftele are totally loft , the Zuyder sea, whence they report the weather to have been the most tempettuous ever known’; fomc mifchiefs have alfi* been done at the Texel ; and at the iflanri Ulie, a track of land upwaids of yoacres ie entirely wafhcd away into the sea, with a number of cattle.** A few days since, a young lady in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, scarcely sixteen years of age, being confined by her father, who fufpefted the entertained a penchant for a yonng clergyman, attempted to hang herfelf in her own gar* ters ; which the had tied to a hook on which a looking-glass hung ; her heels striking the mirror, it thivered to pieces, and brought up a man-fcrvant, who cut her down. Thig humane aftillant, in his attempts to recover her, found the temptation of the jlejh too strong for the jfirit and was dctefted upon the very point of perpetrating a most atrociout crime upon the lady, by her father, who with a sudden, but just impulse ofragc, levelled him on the floor. The lady recovered, and has since heen maraied to the young divine. We hear from Madras that the French at Pondicherry are so very indefatigable in their industrious and laborious effort? to repair their fortifications, that they work day and night iu the clearing of the old ditch, and in building ,of their New Fort—and their agents at Ganjam are freighting every veflel on the coast with grain for Pondicherry and the ifiauds ; and they are firmly resolved and determined to fend fait to Ben gal, and have for that purpose loaded a brig with fait, but which is nowafirorc near Gan,am; they axe in hopes of get ting her off. AVGUSTA Dec. 30. Extracts from the Journal < of Cong* efs. Ottobtr 1 6, 1786. Congress resumed the consideration of the ordinance fdrths eflablilhment of a mint, and the fame being read a third time* was palled as follows : ' An ordinance for the eftablilhment of the mint of the Unit ed States of America,„ and for regulating the value and alloy of coin. It is hereby ordained by the United States in Congreft afiembled, that a mint be eftablilhed for the coinage of gold, silver and copper money, agreeably to [the Tefolves of Con gress of the Bth August lall, under the direction of the follo wing officers, viz. An Ajfay Majier , whose duty it (hall be so receive gold and silver in bullion, or foreign coin, to aflaf the fame and to give his certificates for the value thereof at the following rates : Por every pound troy weight of uncoined gold or foreign gold coin, eleven parts fine aud one part alloy, two hundred and nine dollars, seven dimes and seven cents, money of the United States, as established by the rcfolves of Congress of the Bth of August last, and so in proportion to the fine gold contained iu any coined or uncoined gold whatsoever, • For every pound troy-weight of uncoined silver, or foreign silver coin, eleven parts fine and one part alloy, thirteen dollars, seven dimes, seven cents and seven mills, money of the United States, eftabliihed as aforefaid ; and so inpropor* tion to the fine silver contained in any coined or uncoined silver whatsoever. A Majier Coiner , whose duty it ftiall be to receive from time to time of the allay maftcr, the bullion neceftary [for coinage j to report to Congress devices and proofs of the pro posed pieces of coin, and to procure proper workmen to exe cute the business of coinage, reporting from time to time to the commiftioners of the board of trealury of the United State* for approbation, and allowance, the occupation, number and pay of theperfons so employed. 3*4 ■ • , * A Pay majier , who ftiall be the treasurer of the United States for the time being, whose duty it lhall be to receive and take charge of the coin made the direction of the master coiner, and to receipt Tor the ftme ; to receive and duly enter the certificates for uncoined gold or silver iftued by the afiay master, and to pay ninety-five hundredths of the amount thereof in gold or silver and five hundredths, in the copper coin of the United States. And it it hereby J'urther ordained* That the certificates to be given by the afiay master, to persons who lhall lodge gold or silver in the mint for coinage, lhall be on fine bank paper, and exprefied in the manner and form following, to wit, Mint of the United States, I ACKNOWLEDGE to have reccived t of A. B. for coinaiie