The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 20, 1787, Image 4

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POETRY. t scsoesofisofisfisfi HV ER T E R’e EPITAPH. By the late Dr. LADD. STRANGER ! whoe’er thou art, that from below This grass-green hill, with Heady Heps doH press: Shed fympathctic tears; for Hranger know, Here lies the son of Sorrow and Dijlrtjs. Although his foul with every virtue mov’d j Tho* at his birth deceitful fortune fmil’d, In one fad hour, too fatally he lov’d ? Ealfe fortune frown’d, and he was Sorrow ’s child. Heaven gave him paflions, as the virtue gave; But gave not power those paflions to suppress : By them fubdu’d he (lumbers in the grave— The soul’s laH refuge from terrene diHrefs. Around his tomb, the fweeteH grass ihall spring j And annual flowers (hall ever blossom here; Here fairy forms their loveliefl gifts fliall bring, And palling Arangers (hed the pitying tear. In COMMITTEE of FINANCE. ALL persons who have received public money or other property on behalf of the Hate, are hereby required to render an account of the fame to the Treasurer without delay, properly audited by the Auditor General agreeably to law, otherwifc their names will be returned to the General As sembly as defaulters. JAMES HABERSHAM, Chairman. Augusta , Jan. 8, 1787. n o r 1 c E. THE Surgeons and other persons having any demands againH the Medical Department of this Hate, are re quefled to bring them in immediately, with proper vouchers, in order to have them adjufled without delay. JAMES LAUDER, Direftor General. January ii, 1787. Washington Post. THE Pofl from the town of Washington in Wilkes County to AuguHa, will arrive here this evening, and will set out to morrow for Walhington, It will continue to ride weekly during the present year. All letters left with the Printer of this paper for Wilkes County will be fafely conveyed. And those left at Henry Moungers in Washing ton, will be conveyed weekly to AuguHa, under certain re gulations which can be seen at the Printing-Office. Augujla, Jan. 6, 1787. NOTICE. ON Thursday the firH day of February next, will be fold at Public Auftion, at the plantation whereon I now live, a very valuable Negroe Wench, with a good feather Bed and furniture, belonging to the eflate of Daniel AddlW deceased. Conditions, Cash, " Augujla, Jan. I, 1787, J. APPLING, Adm. " ' Jt - NOTICE. A L L P „ trf ? 3 k av ' n £ any demands against the OUAR TER - MASTER GENERAL*, DEPARTMENT, are desired to brmg them i» immediately, with proper vouchers, in order to have them adjufled. V * . „ n , J° H N APPLING, O. M. G* Augujla, Dee. 1, 1786. * IN v'OUNCIL, December i, 17SO. A Communication from the Quarter-Master-General of this day, with its enclosures, was received and read ; Where* upon Ordered \ That the claim for horses against the state, that may have been taken or died in aftual service will properly come in the line of duty of the Infpeftor-General, to report to the Executive. Extraft from the Minutety JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E. C. INSPECT OR-G ENERAL’s OFFICE, ,■ Augujlciy December 22, 1786. AGREEABLY to the foregoing Order of the Honorable x the Executive, all claims against the state for horses taken or died in aftual service, or pay rolls for militia duties performed, are requested to be given in without delay. Also the Officers of the General Staff are requested to re port their several departments immediately to GEORGE HANDLEY, inJpeSor-General* The Subjcnption for ejlablifhing a Pojl between du gujta and {savannah being as yet inadequate to the purpojey the Subfcrtber begs leave to offer the fol lowing for the Consideration of the Inhabitants of Augujta and its Neighbourhood . proposals FOR ESTABLISHING A P O S T BETWEEN THE Towns Savannah and I Augusta I BY SUBSCRIPTION. 1 EACH Subscriber to pay two Guineas per annum, one I half to be paid when the fubfeription is compleated, and the remaining half at the Expiration of nine Months. The Post to leave Savannah on Thursday at four o’clock in the Morning, and to arrive at Augusta the Saturday following, at twelve o’clock ; will leave Augusta on Monday at four o’clock, and arrive in Savannah, the Wednesday following, at twelve o’clock. The Route will be continued throughout the Year. A Poft-Office wilt be opened in each Town, where attentive Clerks will be provided to receive letters, News-Papers, &c. at Office-Hours, which shall be made known. All Letters to be charged at the fame Rates as at the Ge neral Poft-Office. The Subscriber, for the faithful Performance of these Pro posals, will give good Security to his Honour the Gover nor and Executive Council of the State & Subscriptions will be received in Savannah, at the Printing-Office, the Coffeehoufe, and the Store of Brice and I Cowan ; in Augusta at the Printing-Office, by Mr. IngerfiU and by the Subscriber, at his House on the Bay in Savannah WILLIAM THOMPSON. FORSA L E, I THE LOT No. 19, situate and fronting on Broad* I street, and extending to Ellis-street, adjoining the I Lots wherqon Mr. William Wallace, and Messrs. Connell, ■ Brown & Co. live; containing nearly one acre and three I quarters. For terms apply to the fubferiber. JOHN APPLING. Auguflay December I, 178 6. FORSA L £, I THAT valuable HOUSE and LOT, I No. 23, fronting on Btoad-ftreet. I The terms will be made known by apply ing to Kerr Brown . Augujta } Dec . 5, I* 9 *. 1