The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 27, 1787, Image 3

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I r AVGTJ S ? Jan. 27. I GEORGIA. ■By the Honorable GEORGE MATHEWS, Efquire* Captain-General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the state aforefaid. I A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS there is just reason to believe that some wicked and degenerate person or persons hath con ■ trived to counterfeit some of the bills of the paper current I money of this state, and hath passed or circulated loihe of || the laid counterfeit bills to the great injury of the good peo- I pie of the laid state, and contrary to the laws thereof: In I order therefore that such atrocious offenders may be brought f| to condign punirtiment, I HAVE, by and with the advice I and content of the Honorable the Executive Council, purfu ]| ant to a Resolution of the Hoiiorable the Houle of Assembly, I thought fitto iffu* this my Proclamation, offering, and I do I hereby offer, a Reward of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY I BOUNDS to any person or persons who (hall prosecute to I conviftion any offender or offenders guilty of counterfeiting § I the paper currency or medium of this State, or of having any \ I engines, tools, or other machines for the printihg, stamp -11 ing, or making the lame, or of counterfeiting the name or 1 1 names of the signer or lighers thereof, or of uttering, pass ■ ing or attempting to pass such counterfeit bill or bills, know s ing them to, be counterfeit ; AND I DO, by authority of the Resolution aforefaid, hereby offer a full Pardon and the like Reward to any perfort or persons who (hall give information and prosecute to conviction, his, her, or their accomplice, or accomplices in the crimes aforefaid ; AND I DO further ftriftly command ahd enjoin all Magistrates, Sheriffs, Con- I (tables, and other Officers* and all persons whatsoever, to fee diligent in apprehending and securing such offenders, that they meet the just punilhments of the law. GIVEN under my hand and the great seal Os the said state, at Augusta, this twenty-second day of January, i-in the year.of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of our fovercignty and indc- - perdence the eleventh. GEORGE MATHEWS. By his Honor's Commandy . J. MILTON, Secretary GOD SAVE THE STATE! On Monday, the 22d irftant, twenty thousand pounds of the Paper Medium of this State was burnt near the market house in this town, agreeably to a Resolve of the House of Assembly. The Legislature of the State of North-Carolina at their last session, held at Fayetville, have passed an aft for railing troops for the protection of the inhabitants of Davidson county; al so an aft for appointing deputies to a convention proposed to be held in the city of Philadelphia in May next, for the pur pose of revising the fcederal conftituticn. ANECDOTE. ON the 21st of November last, Mien the milled multitude of the county of Worcester, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, again, with force of arms, prevented the court of sessions for that county from proceeding on their usual business, the high Iheriff of that county, in reading the proclamation in the late Riot Aft, was much obftrufted in his duty, and expofedtothe sarcasms of the insurgents—these drew from the Iheriff some observations on the indecency of their conduft, which brought on the mobbers favourite topic : Grievances; On this fubjeft one of them said, that he (the (heriff) was a grievance—his fees for hanging a man being much too high. u Very well,” rejoined the Iheriff, «if that is all the grievance you have to complain of, you lhall not wait long for redress, for, continued he, I will now hang you all for nothing. The highest Price (in the Paper Medium) will be given for TOBACCO, At the Printing-Office in Augusta. Speculators, attend. HE subscriber, intending for the Northward, is willing to dispose of, for the Paper Medium, as it is called good Bills on Philadelphia, New-York, London, &c. Gold. Silver, or Produce, The following Property: And, that persons may not fruitlefsly apply, the very mode rate price set against each article, will be expefted, if * transfer thereof is made: Two Lots of Ground in Sunbitry, - £. je 0 0 q 250 Acres of Land on Tom’s creek, Cahouchie, 125 o o 150 ditto, on or near the Newington road, Cha tham county, - - - - 175 b o 575 Acres, on Williamson’s swamp, Walhing ton county, (good) - - - 575 o o 690 Acres, Glynn and Camden counties, - o o 900 ditto, Chatham county, - - 450 o d 300 ditto, in ditto* - * - 187 19 350 ditto, in ditto, adjoining lands of Gen. Elbert, 3sb o o 187 ditto, St. Philip’s parilh, formerly so called, 93 100 20c ditto, fait marlh, on Wilmington river, 100 o o 200 ditto, St. David’s parilh, formerly so called, 100 o o 400 ditto, Camden county, - -200 o o 400 ditto, Chatham, St. Philip’s, formerly so , called, * - -200 o O 150 ditto, ditto, - - - 75 .0 o 400 ditto, St. Andrew’s parilh, late so called, 200 o o 300 ditto, Effingham county, on which is one of the best springs, and within 40 or 50 yards of the Augusta road, that is to be met with be tween Savannah and Augusta, . 450 o o 1000 ditto, on Rocky Comfort, 500 of which, lies on each fide of the river, and opposite to one another, granted many years since to Tho mas Netherclift, Esq. - - - 500 ditto, inChatham county, being the residence of the subscriber, called Caermartbtn> the plea fautnefs of Which, being only seven miles and a half frc-w Savannah, and the goodness of the foil, so well kuown, needs no comment, - 3£Oq o o A L S O, 14 Negroes, fay Field Slaves, at rool. each, 1400 o o One Waggon and Team, supposed as good as any in the State, - - - 187 10 o A good Stock of Hogs, Steers, &c. - 75 o o Household Furniture, Bonds, Notes, and fundty other articles too tedious to enumerate. N. B. The subscriber will, in payment of any part of the above property, prefer debts that he may owe. The small incumbrance on said property, will be made known on enquiry, by DAVID REES. Caermarthen, Jan. 1, 1787. WANTED, ' A Quantity of BEES- W A X, For which Cash will be given. Inquire at the Secretary of the State’s Office. TO BE RENTED, On the firft day of February next, to the highest bidder, at the house of Mr. James Fox, in Augusta, THE HOUSE formerly occupied by Mrs. Bacon, de ceased, situated in this place. At the fame time will be hired out, to the firft of January next, a few Negro Men and Women; and fold some Horfesand Hogs, belonging to the estate of the late John Bacon, deceased. The terms will be made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH PANNELL, > .. . . a JAMES FOX, 5 Admimjirators. L O S T, on the 2%d injlant, A Tobacco Note, In the name of the subscriber, mark and weight as follows: AS 769 :1250 :114 s 1106. ABRAHAM SILVA.