The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, January 27, 1787, Image 4

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p O : E T R y. *• T ** « *, p - :•„ • • • • •.».?! -i~H .J!.'- ? • ,-i'i ,' ..t.,-. ; 35£500£3«013»6 ' T HE . POES Y. » t * » f TVfe threVfliort rules, the rev’rend father said, ** JD Fair on the tablet of vhjr wind portray’d; go life’s rough current flialt thou Hem the best, 4Vod time secure thee in a port of rest. * StiH Fix an Heanjn, a firm but humble eye; That plenteous source can ev’ry want supply. Despise ibe World, but with diferetion use The means ft gives to aid thy better views.- Regard lhe End : there thines with purer ray, w JThe torch that lights us into perfeft day. c 'i The Subfcribcr has INDIGO SEED Os the last Crop for sale. THOMAS COLE. Augusta, Jan. .16, 1787. „ ■ > ■ ‘ - - - ■ -- ■ ■■ ti 1 * j TO BE SOLD or LEASED , The House and Lot Whereon the fubferiber lives. For terms apply to WILLIAM FREEMAN. Avgufiaj Jan. 20, 1787. 3t +& —1 TO BE SOLD , THAT 'valuable, healthy, and fertile PLANTATION, whereon I now liv«, known by the name of the Three Springs ; with a large convenient Dwelling-House and other out-buildings—The Paper Medium will betaken inpayment. For terms apply to • JOSEPH PANNIL. WilFes X2sunty\ Jan. 16, 1787. 4t „■■■ . -...L Five Guineas Reward. STRAYED or STOLEN, from Augusta, on the night of the 20th of Dec. last, A likely sorrel Gelding, about 14 hands high, 7 years old next summer, a large blaze on his forehead, his off hind foot white above the foot lock, neither dock’d nor branded, trots and canters. Any person who de liver? the said horfc to me, at the mouth of Broad River, Georgia, (hall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. ROBERT WATKINS. Jan. 19, 1787. ~ ~ , 3t RUN-AWAY or carried from the fubferiber’s, at Dra kes, near Savannah, in June last, Three New-Negroes viz. Bristol, a flout lusty fellow, rather large featured, of a black complexion, speaks very little Englifli, about 26 years a very likely young Negroe, of a black complexion, about five feet five inches high, speaks a few word? of Englith, and about 20 years of age.—AUeck, a young fellow, about 23 years of age, black complexion, speaks no Englith, and commonly lhaves the fore part of his head. They are all of the Coromantee country, and supposed to be related to each other; they were dressed alike when they went away, with a checked Ihirt and trowfers, and a striped woolen cap. . r Any peyfon who will take up the said Negroes, and deliver them or any of them, lhall have Ten Dollars for each be - {‘^ c f a N re *^ > . na k le cl,ar £ es > to Colonel Handley, at Augusta, ‘ Major Stirk in Savannah, or to 6 * l* I nA JOSEPH CUTHBERT. Drakies, Oct. 22, ijZ6. In COMMITTEE of FINANCE. ALL persons who have received publifcmoney or other property on behalf cf the Rate, are hereby required to render an account of the fame to the Treasurer without delay, properly audited by the Auditor General agreealjdjr to law, otherwise their names will be returned to the General Af* fiembly as defaulters. JAMES HABERSHAM, Chairman* Augujla, 'Jan . 8, 1787. ‘ ‘ -- -- • „■ N O TIC E. THE Surgeons and other persons having any demands against the Medical Department of this Rate, are re quelled to bring them in immediately, with projier vouchers, in order to have them adjusted without delay. JAMES LAUDER, Diteff br General, January n, 1787. Wafliington Post; THE Poll from the town of Walhingtpn in Wilkes County to Augulla, will arrive here this evening, and will set out to morrow for Walhington. It will continue to ride weekly during the present year. AHI fitters left with the Printer of this paper for Wilkes Couijty will be fafely conveyed. And those left at Henry Mqungers in Walhing ton, will be conveyed weekly to Augulla, under certain re* gulations which can be seen at the Printiug-OfficQ. , Augujia , Jan . 6, 1787. FOR T~A~L~~E > THE LOT No. 19, lituate and fronting on Broad ftreet, and extending to Ellis-llreet, adjoining the Lots whereon Mr. William Wallace, and MelTrs. Connell, Brown & Co. live; containing nearly one acre and three quarters. For terms apply to the fubferiber. JOHN APPLING. Augujiay December I, 1786. FOR SAL E , ~ THAT valuable HOUSE and LOT, No. 23, fronting oft Broad-street. The terms will be made known by apply ing to Kerr &' Brown* Dec . 5, 1785. - - ■ ■ ■—— — 1 » 1 - ■ ■ Robert Bonner, vs. > Attachment, William Goodgion. j T" HE defendant William Goodgion is hereby notified, that an attachment by the said Robert Bonner hath been levied on a Lot in the town of Augulla, No. 35. Jujt Publijhed, and now Jelling by the Printer, THE Southern States EPHEMERIS: OR North and South-Carolina, and Georgia A L M A N A Cy For the Year of our Lord, 17 87. CONTAINING, The eclipses—motions of the fun and moon—-riling and setting of the fun —riling, setting, southing, and age of the moon—Officers of the Hate of Georgia—Ditto for South-Ca rolina—-Courts in Charlellon—Return days at Charlellon— Duties on importation—Rates of coin—Table of limple in terell, at 7 per cent, from one month to a year—Table of coins, as they pass in the several dates-—depreciation table, as fettled by the Legislature of South-Carolina-—Table of dollars—Tide table Receipts—-Pilot# for the port of Charlellon—Roads—Some ufefui direftioos in hylbandry# &C.-&C. &c. . >< 1