The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 03, 1787, Image 4

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9 P O E TRY. '2^.. bar. y■ ■ . • .« V# the feathered YOU N G LADIES. DEAR, chinning girls, in whom I trace \ Your once lov'd mothers thro’ their race ; (And still enough of fond desire ’ _i Remains to light chaste friendffiip’s fire) Attend!—nor let the ear of youth— Dcfpife the voice of age and truth. ' 'V'-. * T 1 **' ■j • » l .’I Avoid the wild extremes of Jrefs; Virtue and wifdoni than excels. The bosom bare, the tucker daunting, Prove something to that bdfom wanting; And lofty heads;* hi proud aftire,* Seldom to better heights aspire. With warlike creils let heroes move— Men are not bnllyM into love. / • Cupid, when* trembling, on a feather Can scarce cement two hearts together 1 With surer aim his darts are sped From modett Hannah'% plumelefs head. * *- V *V T,* * . *; J --- 7 i ... FOR S A -ir jg - T'HAT valuable HOUSE and LOT, . "No. 23, fronting on Broad-ilreet. The terms Will 1 be made kndWn by apply ing‘to Kerr & Brown. * Wafoington Post. * | X HE Po<l from the town of Washington 'in Wilkes ..*A: .County to Augufla,. will arrive here this evening, and twill set put t;o morrovy for Waliiington. It will continue to tide .Weekly during the prefcnt year. Allletters.'leftVith the Printer of this paperfor r Wilkd|County will be’fafely conveyed. And thole.left at Henry Mouiigers in Wafhing *on, will be conveyed weekly to Augurta, under certain re gulations which can be seen at the Printing-Office. Jugujia, Jan. 6 , 1787.. , Just Publtfhedy and ftowjhlling by the Printer, ■ ■ ’ Southern States . EPHEMERIS: ' ~ R North' W'South-Carolina, and Georgia Ji L M .4 N J C, For the Year of our Lord, 17 S 7. C O,N T A I N I N G The eclipses—motions of the fun and mt»,Urifin* and letting of the sun-rising, fettiUg, sou thing, i d age of the moon Officers of (he ft,t« of f„ r sfuft-Ca! rokna—Courts in Charleston—Return days it Charle lon •STs m°r;; Rates of c oU a. they parin’ Aefc varal "7 <* aa fettled h/the Legifla^f^clr^ dolUrs—Tide tabl«--..Re«ipta.r.p i ,„“t n r a ;:- Tabl ? 0 Chartefton—Roada— Sona uftfol H ,>»»•„ br . th ' P ort , of 4cc.&c»&c. IWUI dlr *™ ons >n hulbaudrv, Speculators, attend. **!»£**&£*&&* THE fubferiber, intending for the Northward, i$ to dispose of, for the Paper Medium, at it is tailed, good Bills on Philadelphia, Ncw-Yprk, &c. Gold, Silver, or Produce, The Following Property: And, that persons may not fruitleftly apply, the very mode rate price set against each article will be expefted, if a transfer thereof is made: Two Lots of Ground in Suribury, - 150 o 0 25 0 Acres of Land on Tom’s creek, Canouchie, 125 o 0 150 ditto, on or near the Newington road, Cha tham county, - - - - i 75 00 575 Acres, on Williamson’s swamp, Walhing ton county, (good) - - 577 00 690 Acres, Glynn and Camden counties, -34 Jo o poo ditto, Chatham county, - - 450 0 b 300 ditto, in ditto, - * - 187 10 0 350 ditto, in ditto, adjoining lands of Gen. Elbert, 350 o 0 187 ditto, St. Philip’s pariffi, formerly so called, 93 10 0 260 ditto, fait manft, on Wilmington river, 100 c 0 200 ditto, St. David’s parilh, formerly so called, 100 o 0 400 ditto, Camden county, - -200 o o 400 ditto, Chatham, St. Philip’s, formerly so called, - - - - *OO O 0 150 ditto, ditto, - - - 7j 00 400 ditto, St. Andrew’s parilh, late so called, aoo o 0 300 ditto, Effingham county, on which is one of the best springs, and within'4o or 'SO yards of the Augusta road, that is to be met with be tween Savannah and Augulla, - 4j3 0 a 1000 ditto, on Rocky Coinfort, SOO bf which, lies on each fide of the river, and bppofite to one another, granted maiiy years since to Tho mas Netherclift, Esq. - - - jfQ 0 0 500 ditto, in Chatham county, being the residence of the fubferiber, called Caermartben , the plea santness of which, being only seven miles and a half fi om Savannah, and the goodriefs of the foil, so well known, needs no comment, - OO ALSO, 12 Ne'groes, fay Field Slaves, at 1001. each, 1203 0 c One Waggon and Team, fupp’ofed as good as any in the State, ~ - 187 to 0 A good Stock of Hogs, Steers, &c. - 75 0 0 Household Furniture, Bonds, Notes, and sundry > VI other articles too tedious to enumerate. N. B. The fubferiber will, in payment of any part <J the above property, prefer debts that he may owe. The small incumbrance on said property* will be made known on enquiry, by DAVID REES. Caermartben, Jan. 1, 1787. V . F~O~R S AL £, THE LOT No. ip, situate and fronting on Broad -street, and extending to Ellis-street, adjoining the Lots whereon Mr. William Wallace, and Messrs. Connell, Brown & Co. live; containing nearly one acre and three quarters. For terms apply to the fubferiber. JOHN APPLING. Augusta , December I, 1786. L O S T, on the z^dinjlanty A Tobacco Note, * the name of the fubferiber, mark and weight as follows* 1 AS 7<sp : 1250 : 114 : 1106. ABRAHAM SILVA* Five Guineas Reward. STRAYED or STOLEN, from Augusta, on the night of the 20th of Dec. last, A likely forxel Gelding, about 14 hands high, 7 years old next summer, a large blaze on his forehead, his off hind foot white above the foot lock, neither dock’d nor branded, trots and canters. Any person who de livers the said horse to me, at the mouth of Broad River, Georgia, ffiall receive the above reward, and all reasonable charges paid. ROBERT WAT&IN3. ~1