The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 10, 1787, Image 4

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GEORGIA the Honorable GEORGE MATHEWS, Efquirc, Captain-General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the state aforefaid. A PROCLAMATION. ... r. M TrHEREAS there is just reason to believe that some Yj wicked and degenerate person or persons hath con trived to counterfeit some of the bills of the paper current money of this date, and hath palled or circulated some of the said counterfeit bills to the great injury of the good peo ple of the said state, and contrary to the laws thereof: In order therefore that such atrocious offenders may be brought to condign punilhment, I HAVE, by and with the advice and consent of the Honorable the Executive Council, pursu ant to a Resolution of the Honorable the House of Assembly, thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, offering, and I do hereby offer, a Reward of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS to any person or persons who lliall prosecute to conviftion ahy offender or offenders guilty of counterfeiting the paper currency or medium of this State, or of having any engines, tools, or other machines for the printing, stamp ing, or making the fame, or of counterfeiting the name or names of the signer or signers thereof, or of uttering, pass ing or attempting to pass such counterfeit bill or bills, know ing them to be counterfeit j AND I DO, by authority of the Resolution aforefaid, hereby offer a full Pardon and the like Reward to any person or persons who lhall give information and prosecute to conviction, his, her, or their accomplice, or accomplices in the crimes aforefaid ; AND I DO further ftriCtly command and enjoin all Magistrates, Sheriffs, Con stables, and other Officers, and all persons whatsoever, to be diligent in apprehending and fecuringfuch offenders, that they meet the just pufiifhments of the law. GIVEN under my hand and the great seal of the said state, atAugufta, this twenty-second day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of our sovereignty and inde perdence the eleventh. GEORGE MATHEWS. By bis Honor's Command , J. MILTON, Secretary] GOD SAVE THE STAVE! The Ijigheft Price (in the Paper Medium) will be given for TOBACCO, INDIGO, At the Printing-Office in Augusta. Forty Shillings Reward. STOLEN from Augusta commons, on the night of the 25th of December last, A Sorrel Gelding, about four teen hands and a half high, nine years old, a blaze on his forehead, brand not known, and is a natural pacer. Any person who delivers the said Horse to Samuel Hemphill, in Augusta, or to Thomas Mackie, in Wilkes county, Broad river, shall have the above Reward. THOMAS HEMPHILL. Audited Certificates. f'T" HE fubferiber will give Cafti for AUDITED CERTI JL FICATES at the rate of one for seven. THOMAS COLE. Augusta, Feb. 2, 1787. wanted, A Quantity of BEES- W A X, For which Carti will be given. Inquire at the Secretary of the State’s Office. Speculators, attend. 5^5 THE subscriber, intending lor the Northward, iswili; r , ? to dispose of, for the Paper Medium, as it is eaiij good Bills on Philadelphia,. New-York, London, &c. Gold! Silver, or Produce, The following Property : And, that persons may not fruitlefsly apply, the very mode, rate price set against each article will be expefted, if j transfer thereof is made: Two Lots of Ground in Sunbury, - jT. 0 g 250 Acres of Land on Tom’s creek, Canouchic, 125 Oo 150 ditto, on or near the Newington road, Cha tham county, - - - 175 0 0 575 Acres, on Wiliiamfon*s swamp, Walhing ton county, (good) - - - 575 0 0 690 Acres, Glynn and Camden counties, - 0 Q yoo ditto, Chatham county, - - 45 0 0 Q 300 ditto, in ditto, - 187 l 0 0 350 ditto, in ditto, adjoining lands of Gen. Elbert, 350 00 187 ditto, St. Philip’s parifti, formerly so called, 93 I 0 0 20c ditto, fait marlh, on Wilmington river, jqo 0 0 200 ditto, St. David’s parilh, formerly so called, 100 00 400 ditto, Camden county, - -200 0 a 400 ditto, Chatham, St. Philip’s, formerly so called, “ 200 0 0 150 ditto, ditto, - - - 75 o 0 4°o ditto, St. Andrew’s parirti, late so called, 200 0 0 300 ditto, Effingham county, on which is one of the belt springs, and within 40 or 50 yards of the Augulla road, that is to be met with be tween bavannah and Augusta, _ 4-3 0 0 1000 ditto, on Rocky Comfort, 500 of which, lies on each fide of the river, and opposite to one another, granted many years since to Tho mas Netherclift, Esq. • - - Q Q s°o ditto, inChatham county, being the residence of the subscriber, called Cae smart ben, the plea lantnefs of which, being only seven miles and a half from Savannah, and the goodness of the foil, so well known, needs no comment, - 3^QO QO ALSO, 12 Negroes, fay Field Slaves, at iooi. each, 1200 o 0 One Waggon and Team, supposed as good as any in the State, - - - 187 10 0 A good Stock of Hogs, Steers, Bec. - 75 o 0 Household Furniture, Bonds, Notes, and sundry other articles too tedious to enumerate. N. B. The subscriber will, in payment of any part of the above property, prefer debts that he may owe. The small incumbrance on said property, will be made known on enquiry, by DAVI D REES. Caermarthen, Jan. 1, 1787. FOR S A L E, THAT valuable HOUSE arid LOT, No. 23, fronting on Broad-flreet. The terms will be made known by apply ing to Kerr & Brown . Augusta, Dee. J, 1787. LOST, on the 2id injlant* A Tobacco Note, In the name of the subscriber, mark and weight as follows: AS 769 : 1250 : 114 : UO6. , ABRAHAM SILVA. Washington Post. THE Port from the town of Walhington in Wilkes County to Augusta, will arrive here this evening, and will set out to morrow for Washington. It will continue to ride weekly during the present year. All letters left with the Printer of this paper for Wilkes County will be fafely conveyed. And thole left at Henry Moungers in Walhing ton, will be conveyed weekly to Augusta, under certain re gulations' which can be seen at the Printing-Office.- Auguftay 'Jan . <5, 1787. I