The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 17, 1787, Image 3

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PHILADELPHIA, January 23. of a letter of the 21 st of Dec. last , from the Sieur Otto, Charge des Affaires of France , to Mr. Jay , dated Ne-vo-York. “ Several Members of Cougrefs having inquired of me rith a degree of earnestness, whether the news concerning he pretended exchange with Spain in the southern part of this ontinent was well founded, I cannot answer that question bet er than by communicating to you the following pallage in a ifpatch from Count de Vergennes of the 25 th of Augult last : “ The exchange of Lotiiliana for a French pofteflion in the Veil-Indies has never been in question, and if any thing lhould c again said of it you yvill bepleafed tocoutradift it formally.’ A terrible fire broke out in the city of Richmond, in Vir ;inia, on the 10th tilt, which consumed a square of theprinci ial houses and stores. The lol's is estimated at ioo,oool. AVGUSTA, Feb. 17. On Sunday last the General Aftembly of thisftate adjourned intil the ift day of July next. During the fefiion the follow ng Afts were palfed : in Aft to repeal some part of an Aft, entitled, “An Aft for clearing the river Savaunah from the mouth of Rae’s cieek toTugaloe old town.” tn Ordinance for the constituting of a Court for the trial of all charges made or to be made against any Public Officer of the State, tinder the 49th Article of the Conftitutioii. \n Aft forimpofing a tax on the inhabitants of the State of Georgia, and other persons holding property, real or per fenal, therein, for the use and support of the government thereof, from the firft of January to the thirty-firft day of December, one thoui'and Seven hundred and eighty-seven. In Aft-for regulating the trade, laying duties on all goods, wares, liquors, merchandize, and Negroes imported into v this state, and ail'd an import on the tonnage of illipping, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Aft to regulate the opening of dams act ofs rice grounds, and the making and keeping of dams for the reservoirs of water. An Aft for taking certain persons out of the Aft of Confifca tion and Banilhment, as far as refpefts the banilhment of persons therein named, and for other purposes therein in Aft to continue and amend the Aft, entitled, « An Aft for the better regulating of Vendues within this State.” An Aft to amend “ An Aft for the regulating the Infpeftion of Tobacco, and for other purposes therein mentioned.” * An Aft for fixing on proper places in the counties of Effing4 ham, Glynn, and Camden, for erefting Goals and Court houses, and for eftabliihing Superior Courts in the counties of Franklin and Greene. An Ordinance to appoint Commifiioncrs to afeertain and fet tle the boundaries of this hate, with the state of South- Carolind. An Aft to prevent felons transports from other states coming into or residing in this. An Aft to compel the fettiement of public accounts, infiifting penalties on the Officers of this state who may negleft their duty, and for veiling the Auditor with certain powers for the more speedy fettiement of the accounts of this state with the United States. An Aft to prevent Biting, Gouging, Maiming, or otherwise destroying or injuring any of the members of the body. An Aft for veiling certain powers in George Abbott Hall, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An Aft for better regulating the town of Savannah, and the hamlets thereof. An Aft to admit Jacob Waldburger, James Williams, and Abraham Jackson, Esquires, to the praftice of the law in this state. An Aft for enabling the United States of America to com mence and prosecute aftions or suits in any. of the Courts in this state, for the recovery of their common rights and interests. An Aft for the appointment of Commissioners to run the line designating the Indian hunting grounds. An Ordinance for the appointment of Deputies from this state, for the purpose of reviling the Fcederal Conllitution. An Aft for veiling certain property in Philip Hornby, in right of his late wife Henrietta Hornby, formerly Henrietta Goldsmith, widow of Thomas Goldsmith, deceased, aper fon named in the Aft of Confiscation and Banilhment. An Aft for veiling the estates, real and personal, unfold, of Henry Sharp and Matthew More, in the hands of their re fpeftive children. An Aft to confirm and explain certain Resolutions of this House, relative to the estate of the Rev. John J. Zubley deceased. An Aft to repeal and amend some part of “An Aft for regu lating the Militia of this state.” An Aft to admit John Matthews and others therein mention ed to praftife and plead in any Court of Law and Equity in this state. 1 Nathaniel Pendleton, Esq. is appointed Chief-Juftice; and Matthew M‘Allifter, Esq. Attorney-General of this state. MARRIED.] At Charleston, Dr. David Ramfay,' to Miss Laarens, eldest daughter of the Hon. Henry Laurens Esquire. * DIED.] At Savannah, Mrs. Sarah Morel, wife of John Morel, Esq.—Mr. Benjamin Fox, son of Benjamin Fox, Esq. deceased. * NOTIFICATION. THAT agreeably to a Refutation of the Honorable House of Assembly of the loth instant, requiring “ That all “ pay-rolls and other expenditures that have not been pro “ vided for, lhall be delivered in to the Infpeftor-General “ within sixty days (and not after) from the date hereof.” Therefore all concerned are required to take notice. GEORGE HANDLEY, lnfpe£ior'*General» InfpeSor-General's Office, ) Augusta, Feb. 12, 1787. £ notice . ALL persons that have any demands against the Issuing Commissary-General’s Department, are desired to ap ply to James Hamilton, Esq. Paymaster-General, who will liquidate all demands against said Department. JAMES PORTER, Comniijjary-General of Issues. Augusta , Feb. 14, 1787. State of Georgia, February 1787. THE Commiftioner for Accounts for this State having opened his Office in Augusta, requeits all individuals who have any claims against the public for supplies, Sec. yet Unliquidated , to bring in their accounts as soon as pofiible foe fettiement, as but a lhort time can be allowed them for that purpose. Officers and soldiers of the late army, Principal Officers in any of the late live grand departments, of the Quarter-Master, Commiflary, Hospital, Clothing, and Navy, who may have any accounts at this day unfcttled, need not apply again to the Commiflioner, as such accounts (if any there are) mull all be fettled by the Coinmiffioners long since appointed for those departments, now in the city ofNew-York. N 0 T I C E . t I WILL attend in Augusta on the seventeenth day of Fe bruary instant, in order to receive the Tax due for the year 1786. WILLIAM BARNETT. February 8, 1787. To~ST or IaTsTTaTI), A Tobacco Note, In the name of Micajah Megehe, marks and numbers as fol lows : MMc : 725 : 1299 : 115 : 1182. E. CLARKE. February 14, 1787. State of Georgia , 7\\ ERE A S the Sheriff of Wilkes Wilkes County. J YV count X by virtue of a Writ of Attachment to him directed, did attach the goods and chat tels, lands, tenements, and books of account of Nathaniel M. Martin, who is absent from, and without the limits of this state, at the suit of Sampson Harris, who hath agreeably to the directions of the Attachment Aft, filed his declaration in the Superior Court of said county, against the said Natha niel M. Martin, and hath obtained the following rule : Sampson Harris, Ordered, That the defendant do vs. > appear and plead within a year and a Nathaniel M. Martin, j day, otherwise judgment by default. By Order of the Court, BENJAMIN CATCHINGS, C. C. W. Notice is hereby given, That unless the said Nathaniel M. Martin do appear and plead agreeable to the aforefaid rule or order, judgment will be entered against him accordingly. FLORENCE SULLIYAN, Attorney . November 2, 1786.