The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 17, 1787, Image 4

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Robert Montfort, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that in consequence of his being appointed a VEN DUE-MASTER for the town of Savannah by the Honorable the Aflembly, he will particularly attend to any business they (hall entrull to his care, and will be thankful for the consign ments of their Lumber and Produce, which they may fend to Savannah for sale ; and will likewise punctually attend to any orders or requisitions which he may receive from time to time from them. Gentlemen that will favour him with their custom may depend on ftrift attention, and pointed punctua lity. ■ 2 °-*3 N O T 1 C E. ALL persons who have any demands against the estate of the late Benjamin Bowers, of Beech-Island deceased, are rcquefted to bring in their accounts properly attested, in order that such accounts may be fettled ; and all'o all persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment be fore the ift day of May next ensuing the date hereof. ISAAC ARDIS, 5 Executors* Beecb-Iftand, Feb- 6 , 1787. 20-iz NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands against the estate of John Bacon, deceased, aredelired to make them known to Jofcph Pannil, in Wilkes, or James Fox, in Augusta; and all those indebted to said estate, are desired to make payment by the tirft day of May next, as no longer indulgence will be given. JOSEPH PANNIL, 1 JAMES FOX. A STRAY HORSE. CAME to the fubferiber’s plantation, about one mile be low Rae’s Creek, near the town of Augusta, on the Bth ult. A large black HORSE, has one hind foot white, and branded on the shoulder and buttock HE with a fleur-de*lys. JOHN BELL. Richmond County , Jan- 19, 1787. TtrJtWd Vr sYUITen, On the 13 d of January laft t from Mr- Currids t Merchant , in Augusta , A ROAN HORSE, about 14 hands high, 7 years old, branded on the mounting lhoulder with a double heart, roach main, and has a star on his forehead. Whoever will deliver said horse to Mr. John Currie, in Augusta, or the fuhfcribcr in Savannah, lhall receive Twenty Shillings Re w&rd* JAMES MILLEDGE. February 7, 1787 20 -zz -T O B E SOLD , THAT valuable, healthy, and fertile PLANTATION, whereon I new live, known by the name of the Three Springs $ yvitb a large convenient Dwelling-House and other out-buildings—-The Paper Medium will be taken in payment. For terms apply to • K JOSEPH PANNIL. Wilkes County , Jan- 1 6, 1787. 4t FOR SALE, /'h 'TIE LOT No. 19, situate and fronting on Broad- X and extending to Ellis-street, adjoining the Lots whereon Mr. William Wallace, and Meflrs. Connell, Brown & Co. live; containing nearly one acre and three quarters. For term* apply to the fubferiber. JOHN APPLING. Augusta , December 1, 1786. ■ ■ ■ -- - 1 - _ . , Forty Shillings Reward. STOLEN from Augusta commons, on the night of the 25th of January last, A Sorrel Gelding, about four teen hands and a half high, nine years old, a blaze on his forehead, brand not known, and is a natural paesr. Any person who delivers the said Horse to Samuel Hemphill, in Augusta, or to Thomas Mackie, in Wilkes county, Broad river, lhall have the above Reward. THOMAS HEMPHILL. Delivered to me tLe 15th of August 1786, a New Negro Fellow, about 30 years of age, has £ country marks on his cheeks, breast, and belly, fays hisnaa is Hercules, but cannot tell his Mailer’s name so as to be n derftood, nor where he came from ; but fays his Mailer die lately* The owner mull prove his property before JAMES M‘CORMICK, J. p. IVilkei County. 4t TO BE SOLD OR LEASED , The House and Loi Whereon the subscriber lives. For terms apply to WILLIAM FREEMAN. Augujia , Jan. 20, 1787. 3t GINGER FOR SALE, At Mr. B A R C L A Y’s, near the Ferry. Audited Certificates. T HE subscriber will give Calh for AUDITED CERTI. FICATES at the rate of one for seven. THOMAS COLE. Augusta, Feb. 2, 1787. WANTED, A Quantity of BEES-WAX, For which Cafli will be given. Inquire at the Secretary of the State's Office. E O R SALE THAT valuable HOUSE and LOT, No. 23, fronting on Broad-street, The terms will be made known by apply ing to Kerr & Brow i* Augusta , Dec . 5, 1785. LOST, on the 2sd tnjiant , A Tobacco Note, In the name of the subscriber, mark and weight as follows: AS 7 6fj : 1250 : 114 : 1106. ABRAHAM SILVA. The highest Price (in the Paper Medium) will be given foi TOBACCO, INDIGO, At the Printing-Office in Augusta. Walhington Post. THE Post from the town of Washington in Wilkf* County to Augusta, will arrive here this evening, ani will set out to morrow for Wafliingtoa. It will continue to ride weekly during the present year. All letters left witk the Printer of this paper for Wilkes County will be fafely conveyed. And those left at Henry Moungers in Wafhing* ton, will be conveyed weekly to Augusta, under certain re* gulations which can be seen at the Printing-Office. Augufta * Jam. 6 , 1787. _ • THE # CHARLESTON DIRECTORY AND LINE OF STAGES To be fold at the Printing-Office. »