The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 17, 1787, Image 4

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POETRY. 3K3(£s»£sSs<£3SS£sk;s>£ An to the MORNIN G. By Mr . C - ■ ■■-• SWEETEST of bleflings, heavenly light* At thy approach my forig ihall wake, Whilst all the gloomy feenes of night* To distant realms their exit make. Thy fwift career oh glowing wheels, Treads down the wade of thorny dreams; And chains which giddy fancy feels, Unbind with thy celedial beams. Hail Mistress of the smiling World, Who laugh’d nofturnal glooms away, And guid’d time’s beauteous chariot, whirl’d By the bright Miniller of Day. The early orient bluih, thy birth', In robes of brightness does display, And swells th’iliumin’d world with mirth, And rival darkness drives away. Then thy thrill herald, lovely morn, The sprightly lark is heard to ting, Tunes fofted notes his song t’adorn, And bids the woods with mutic ring. How sweet to rife at early dawn. And breathe the fragrance of the air ; Whild ranging o’er the verdant lawn, Deep bluthing health reigns midrefs there. Let others lie with sloth opprelT’d, And Morpheus all his poppies drain* Far other joys thall cheer my bread, *Tis mine to tread the dewy plain. ugufia, March 9, 1787. NOTIFICATION. THAT agreeably to a Retolution of the Honorable Uoufe of Afiembly of the 10th indant, requiring “ That all “ pay-rolls and other expenditures that have not been pro “ vided for, lhall be delivered in to the Infpeftor-General “ within lixty days (and not after) from the date hereof.” Therefore all conerned are required to take notice. GEORGE HANDLEY, InjpeQ or •General. InfptQor-Gtnera?i Office, > Augufia, Feb. 12, 1787. ) # NOTICE. ALL persons that have any demands againd the Issuing- Commiflary-General’s Department, are desired to ap ply to James Hamilton, Esq, Paymader-General, who will liquidate all demands againd said Department. JAMES PORTER, Commiffiary-General of JJfues. Augufia , Feb. 14, 1787. FOR SALE , SEVEN Hundred Acres of Land in the County of Wilkes, whereon is a good Grid and Saw Mill, lying within fix miles of Waihington. The Paper Medium, Ne groes or other good trade will be taken in payment. The Land will be shewn and the Terms known by applying to the Subscriber, JOHN JACK. N. B. There are about 15 or ao acres of cleared lands on the above; great part of the tratt good for wheat, corn or tobacco. March 7, 1787. IN COUNCIL, March 7,1787. A letter from His Excellency Richard Cafwell, Esquire, Governor of the State of North-Carolina, enclosing a Procla* mation, was receiyed and read: Ordered , That the said Proclamation be publilhed in the State Gaiette for four weeks successively. | £ Extra fl from the Minutely JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E. C. By His Excellency RICHARD CASWELL, Esq. Governor, Captain-General, and Commander in Chief in and over the State of North-Carolina, A PROCLAMATION. ■ WHEREAS John Marlhall, late of Warren county, in this Hate, who is charged with having committed frauds, upon the Treafory of the Hate, and being concerned in procurifig fraudulent accounts to be palled the office of the commissioners of army accounts, hath fled from this state and removed his property therefrom, and is supposed to be in some one of the neighbouring states, Therefore to the end, the said John Marshall be brought to Juflice, and in pursuance of a resolution of the General Aflembly, I have thought fit to issue this my proclamation, offering a Reward of One Hundred Pounds, which in the name of the state I promise and engage lhall be paid out of the Public Treafory, to any | person or persons who shall apprehend and feCure the said John Marlhall, so that he be brought to juflice for the offences aforefaid. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the. State, which I have cauled to be hereunto affixed, at Kin fton, the 13th Day of January, Arino Dom. 1787. And in the nth Year of the Independence of the state. RICHARD CASWELL By His Excellency’s Command, Winjion Cajhvell, Pro Sec’y. GOD SAVE THE STATE! NOTICE. I ALL persons who are indebted to JACK & DOUGLASS, or to Colonel SAMUEL JACK, are desired, for the last time, to make payment to me* otherwise foits will com mence after the firft day of April next, as their books are put into my hands to colleft the debts due thereon. I will attend for that purpose at Mi*. Wade’s, in Augusta. DALZIEL HUNTER. March 1 6, 1787. *5~ 2 7 F O R SAL E, I A TRACT of LAND of 400 acres ; also one of 147 acres adjoining thereto, on Fithing Creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining lands of Mr. Appling: Likewise a Trad of 1550 acres, at Little River, about twenty-five miles from Augu fla, excellent lands for wheat or tobacco. Fifty pounds currency will be required on delivery of the titles, and for the remainder Colonel Call’s of any other good bonds will be received as payment. a 5 -a 7 DALZIEL HUNTER. NOTICE. WHEREAS a certain William Mead, late of the state of Virginia, carried out of the said state, a number of Slaves, which he holds during the life of Mrs. Mead; I do hereby forewarn all persons whatever, from purchasing either of the following Slaves, or their increase, viz. Judy, Doll, Nan, Kate, Moll, Dorcas, Grace, Ned, Joe, Bob, Sam, Hannah, Agaie, Harvey, Lewis, Jeffie, Annikie, Nelly, Beck, Either, Phill, Lucy, Andrew, Charles, Solo mon, Emanuel, Ilham, Tom, Sukey, Frank, Abraham and Stepney. ROBERT WALKER. FOR SALE, A TRACT of LAND in Franklin county, containing five hundred acres, lying on the Cherokee old trading road, the foil is well calculated for Indian corn or wheat, and the lituation foperior to any other in this state for the ikin trade. There is on the premises a new kitchen and fmoak house. Paper Medium or legal demands against Colonel Richard Call will be received. GEORGE OGG.