The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 24, 1787, Image 3

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concerned in the murder of Mr. HetuyKeall in 1781, and being found guilty was ienterced to be hanged on the au of April next, the day appointed for the execution of Jeremiah Lancaster for the murder of Mr. Alexander Barclay. Died, Mrs. Morel, wife of Peter Henry Morel, Esq. AVG U £> A, March 24. hxtra.B cf a letter frorn a gmt 'iemun in toe State of Franklin , to his friend in this tcuvn, dated March a, 1787. ** For once I must beg your attention a moment to give eSr to politics—Our date affairs have come to such a set ious crisis, that it claims your concern : The mifundei Handing that has for sometime existed between us and North-Carolina his at laii teemed an open diipute ; the Heps which the iauer have taken m their last lefiion served only to bring the people .lieie unanimoully to pnrfue measures of joppofition, and to dread the confequenee of a reunion. The people here con demn a Cul. Tipton for being the instigator of our un happy difttirhance; they have lately hanged him in effigy, with a will in his mouth : A very extraordinary will indeed ! It bequeathed hi* ignorance, his perjury, his folly, and his ambition, to be divided among his friends, and a wooden fworti to the rnoft deieivmg of them. After beiug expo led in that manner, a Negro burned the effigy, and was paid with its clothes. North-Carolina has made Col. Shelby a Brigadier General; lfe accepted the commission, but obierved, that if they did conjeduie he would quarrel with his neighbours for the fake of a d—d commiiiion, they would find themselves mistaken s A few days after he went to Sylivan, where our Court of Juitice was then held, and got married to a young Lady bv one of our Judges, and was laiuied a friend to the (late of Fi jUikliu. Col. Tipton lately attempted to hold an ele&ion for a Captain by the authority of North-Caiolina j only three or four were found to adhere to that state, and Captain Sevier bid defiance to his authority, and declared, that he would kill him on the spot if he perlifted—which made him to retire. The people fee} themselves feufibly hurt by the line of con dud of North-Carolina, equally so by the extraordinary man ner uled at the reparation ad, as from the indignity with wiuch their Assembly loaded our men in office, for ading in concurrence with the sense of our good citizens ; the people are lenlible of the difference between fending twelve or fifteen thouland pounds in taxes this year to North-Carolina, never to return, and of supporting their own government with the finall sum of about one thousand two hundred pounds a year, and which will remain and circulate here. The Legiilature of this state will meet soon ; and the com mon topic of converlation is to make a great seal of the state, and to open a land-office in favor of this state and the honor, able Congress. The grand Chief of the Chadaws, and several others from different nations are now waiting on our Governor—They have brought information that the Creeks are prepared to fall on you early this spring, and that they have received a great quantity of ammunition from the Spaniards. Last spring the Creeks were unanimoully determined to de stroy the upper part of Georgia ; but one of the warriors be ing apprehenlive that so large a number would Ihare of the plunder considerably small, resolved to make afweepwith his command before the whole, and thereby disconcerted the enterprize ; and thus you were preserved by the guardian lhip of Providence, the extraordinary exertions of Governor Telfair as a politician, and General Clarke as an Officer, and the alertness of your fyirited citizens, from falling a prey to savages.” A late London Paper mentions, that “ The Lords of the British Admiralty have now before them a Plan for the Disco« very of the Longitude, on a very plain and simple Principle, from a very refpedable Quarter. By this Plan, it is asserted, ♦he Longitude may be afeertained to a very great Nicety, any Day that a common Observation of Latitude can be taken, and the Operation is so lhort, that a Calculation of ioor ij Figures only is all that is requisite, and this Operation is so simple, that a School-Boy who has learned Navigation, in the common Rules of Arithmetic, may work the Question.” Paragraph from the Virginia Gazette , (printed at Richmond) of the 22th of December las. “ By a letter from Danville, of the 28th of November, we learn, that the Spaniards were claiming the country as far up the east tide of the Miffifippi as the Ohio, and fortifying along the river, having ordered the Americans away. Some of them have arrived at that place.” The collection of aJdrsffes to his Britannic Majesty,. on his memorable deliverance from the hand of infinity, w<>nM make a curious volume. It would be a specimen of the ftileofthe leveral counties and boroughs in that kingdom, and there is wit in some of the composition. The address from Weft bury, fur indance, actually concludes with thole words. “That the prefervatiou of his Majesty's sacred life they conlider as the grcatell bielling, Jur re a, on . oo udious tv mem to*. Arrivals at Cbarleflon . The lhip Noord Holland, Bait; brig Maria, Coats; aud lloop South-Catolma, Mai it on, from Amfierdam ; and lhip Success, Nairne, from London. The lhip Peace, Captain Munro, is arrived at Savannah, from Cape Francois. DIED. ] Last week, in this town, of a lingering disorder, which he bore with truly chriftian patience, Mr. Nathaniel Wade, in the 23d year of his age. Ext rads from London Papers of Dctember 7. The pages of the king of Pruflia have ful l all the wardrobe of their deceased mailer, for 400 rix dollars; but the |ew who purchased it, Ibid it again for 4000, not owing to the value, but merely to the enthuliafm of the people, who difeo vered such eagerness to poflefs a relic of that monarch, that an old lady gave zoo r»x dollars for a pair of ragged breeches.—His mijeftv had but eleven Ihirts, at the least no g*eater number was found amonghis linen. Voltaire, in his pofthuraous anecdotes of the great Freder ck fays, that this prince, in his younger days, never wore a complete Ihirt, having but the collar and the ileeves sewed to his waifleoat wh : ch he relates as an instance of the fordiduefs efhis royal father. At last aflizes in the county of Norfolk, a man was tried on a charge of bigamy. Two wives had alieady proved their titles to hisperfon, when a third flood upfor the fame purpose, and a fourth appeared in readiness. ** Why, you fellow,’* exclaimed the Judge, •« at this rate where did you intend to “ flop?” “To flop, my Lord!” replies the other, « I was only going on ’till I could find a good one? SOME time in the early part of February last, a Bay Mare, between fourteen and fifteen hands high, eighc years old, was brought to my and left by some perfou who was not known ; on the fourth of March ihe was claim ed by a son of Colonel Mead's, and taken from my groom without my knowledge: I therefore will give a generous Reward to any perfou who will deliver the said Mare to me, WILLIAM THOMPSON* Anguflcty March Z 4, 1787, FOR S ALE, For the PAPER M E DIU Mos this Stare, TWO Negro Men Field Slaves. Two good Working Horses, not exceeding eights years old, will be taken in part pay. Apply to the fubferiber at the lower end of the town. JAMES GRAY. Augujfa , March 24, 178*. I TWENTY SHILLING REWARD. RUN- AW AY from the fubferiber, an apprentice lad, named William Innifs, bound to the house-carpenter's business, he is about fifteen years of age. Whoever delivers the said William Innifs to me (hall receive the above Reward. JOSEPH WILTHEW. Augusta , March 19, 1787. 26-28 TWENTY SHLLING REWARD.' RUN-AWAY from the fubferiber, an apprentice lad, named John Hardy Innis, bound to the houfe-carpen ter*B business, he is about seventeen years of age. Whoever delivers the said John Hardy Innifs to me, ftiall receive the above Reward. NOTLEY WHITCUMBE. Auguftay March 19, 1787. FOR SALE, A TRACT of LAND in Franklin county, containing five hundred acres, lying on the Cherokee old trading road, the foil is well calculated for Indian corn or wheat, and the situation superior to any other in this state for the Ikin trade. There is on the premises a new kitchen and fmoak house. Paper Medium or legal demands against Colonel Richard Call will be received. GEORGE OGG.