The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 24, 1787, Image 4

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p O E T R Y. W 3&3o&3£*£3&3SCs&3& The EXTENT of LlfE’s VARIETY^ JUST this little and no more, Is in ev’ry mortal’s pow’r, Each to fay, I tailed breath, But the cup Was fraught with death. I have figh’d, have laugh’d, have wept, Wak’d to think, and thinking llept. Slept toy Wearied limbs to rest, Wak’d with labour in my breast, Met with farrows, hap’ly o’er, Mix’d in pleasure now no more/ Hop’d and fear’d, with equal sense, Dup’d by many a flight pretence. Soon ihall my foul her veil throw bjt, 1 My body with its kindred lie. Os this I’m certain, but the rest, Is lock’d within a higher breast. IN COUNCIL, March 7, r;B 7 . A letter from His Excellency Richard Cafwell, Esquire, Governor of the State of North-Carolina, enclofinga Procla mation, Was received and read: Ordered, That the said Proclamation be publiflied in the State Gazette for four weeks fucceflively. Ext raft from the Minutes , JAMES MERIWETHER, S. E. C. By His Excellency RICHARD CASWELL, Esq. Governor, Captain-General, and Commander in Chief in and over the State of North-Carolina^ A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS John Marrtiall, fate of Warren ebunty, in this slate, who is charged with having committed frauds, upon the Treasury of the state, and being concerned in procuring fraudulent accounts to be passed the office of the commiffiouers of army accounts, hath fled from this state and removed his property therefrom, and is supposed to be in fame one of the neighbouring states, Therefore to the end, the said John Marlhall be brought to Justice, and in pursuance of a refaction of the General Assembly, I have thought fit to issue this my proclamation, offering a Reward of One Hundred Pounds, which in the name of the state I promise and engage thall be paid out of the Public Treasury, to any person or persons who fliall apprehend and feeure the said John Marshall, so that he be brought to justice for the offences aforefaid. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, which I have caused to be hereunto affixed* at Kin fton, the 13th Day of January, Anno Dom. 1787 And in the nth Year of the Independence of the state. RICHARD CASWELL. By His Excellency’s Command, IVinJion Cajhuell , Pro Sec’y. GOD SAFE THE STATE! _ . ♦ ALL persons having any demands against the Quarter- Majler-General's Department are requested to render them to the Jjibfcriber before the 10th day of April next in order to have them liquidated, otherwise, after that time their claim or claims will not be allowed. * - ’ Therefore all concerned are required to take Notice. _ JOHN APPLING, Quarter-Matter-General Quarter-Majler-General's Office, Augujla , March i<s, 178;. 2 -. 2 g The COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE for NovembTr No. 3, may be had at the Printing-Office, for Cajh © n !yJ l.ikewife blank Deeds of Conveyances, and Bonds. • ♦ G EO RG A. By the Honorable GEORGE MATHEWS, Esquire. Captain-General, Governor, and Commander in Chief in and over the state aforefaid. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS there is just reason to believe that some wicked and degenerate person or persons hath con trived to counterfeit some of the bills of the paper current money of this state, and hath pa fled or circulated some of the said counterfeit bills to the great injury of the good peo ple of the said state, and contrary to the laws thereof: In order therefore that such atrocious offenders may be brought to condign puniihment, I HAVE, by and with the advice and consent of the Honorable the Executive Council, pursu ant to a Resolution of the Honorable the Houfc of Assembly thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, offering, and I do hereby offer, a Reward of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS to any person or persons w’ho shall prosecute to convidion any offender or offenders guilty of counterfeiting he paper tcurrency or medium of this State, or of having any engines, tools, or other machines for the printing, stamp ing, or making the fame, or of counterfeiting the name or names of the figncr or signers thereof, or of uttering, pass ing or attempting to pass such counterfeit bill or bills, know ing them to be counterfeit ; AND I DO, by authority of the Resolution aforefaid, hereby offer a full Pardon and the like Reward to any person or persons vWi<? fha'll give info rmation and prosecute to conviction, his, her, or their accomplice or accomplices in the crimes aforefaid AND I DO further ftrittly command and enjoin all Ivfagiftratesj Sheriffs, Con-. stables, and other and all persons whatsoever, to he diligent in apprehending and securing such offenders, that they meet the just puniihmcnts of the law. GIVEN under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at Augusta, this twenty-second day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of our sovereignty and inde** perdence the eleventh. GEORGE MATHEWS. By his Honor's Command, J» MILTON, Secretary GOD SAVE ‘THE STATE! WoYTYTcTArToTi. " THAT agreeably to a Resolution of the Honorable House of Assembly of the iothinftant, requiring “That all “ pay-rolls and other expenditures that hatfe not been pro “ vided for, fliall be delivered in to the Infpeftor-Genera! “ within sixty days (and not after) from the date hereof. ” Therefore all concerned are required to take notice. GEORGE HANDLEY, Imped or- General. Infpeßor-Ceneral's Ojfice, ) Augusta, Feb. 12, 1787. ) N O T I C E. ALL persons who are indebted to JACK & DOUGLASS, or to Colonel SAMUEL JACK, are desired, for the last time, to make payment to me, ocherwife suits will com mence after the hrft day of April next, as their books are put into my hands to colleft the debts due thereon. I will attend for that purpose at Mr. Wade’s, in Augusta. DALZIEL HUNTER. March 16, 1787. 25-27 FO R SALE , A TRACT of LAND of 400 acres ; also one of 145 acres adjoining thereto, on Filhing Creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining lands of Mr. Appling: Likewise a Traft of 1550 acres, at Little River, about twenty-five miles from Augu sta, excellent lands for wheat or tobacco. Fifty pounds currency will be required on delivery of the titles, and for the remainder Colonel Call’s or any other good bonds will be received as payment. | _ DALZIEL HUNTER. N O T I . C E. ALL persons that have any demands against the Issuing- Commiflary-General’s Department, are desired to ap ply to James Hamilton, Esq. Paymafler-General, who will liquidate all demands against said Department. JAMES PORTER, Comtnipary-Geueral of Jftues* Augusta, Feb. 14, 1787. ' *