The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, April 14, 1787, Image 4

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OKI6INAL POETRY. A Medio tutijjimus ibis . Hor. ft 7*o Friend, in Diftrejs. A LL attachments to excess 811 May be carried, life throughout ■taufing troubles numberless, ? Till time’s hafly glass runs out. W Smile on fortune, dread not fate, W Be prepar’d to live or die; Thus you truly will be great, This your best philosophy. P ' AH the padions, when furvey’d In their proper bounds confin’d, Shew a medium portray’d, That should ever paint the mind. - Resignation in distress, * To supremacy divine, Points a distant happiness, That may soon be your’s and mine. f Virtue with her brilliant ray, , 7 Lumes each visionary cloud, Gilds along the.radiant way, Leading to substantial good. Let such virtue then be your r s, Be no more a Have to sorrow What we have of time is our’s, ™ Hope to*day to fee to-morrow. C-J—. @®©©©s anecdote. DEAN Swift having preached an assize sermon in Ireland was afterwards invited to dine with the . I' judges i and having in his difeourfe coufidered the •use and abuse of the law, he had bore a little hard !hofe COunfdlors who plead eaufes which ow in their conl'ciences to be wrong ; when was over, and the glass began to go round, g Barrister who happened to be present took » t 0 r «ort upon the Dean ; and,-after many uons on both tides, the Counfellor at last mi, If ‘ the Devil were to die , whether a might tit be found , for money , to preach his sermon ?— res, fa id Swift, and I would >e the man ; for I would then give the Devil as l have this day given bis Children. for sale , -O T, No. 5, near Campbell’s Warehouse on which is a House and Store ; the House by 30, almost new. Likewise the following articles : -Sugar—Wine—Salt—lron—-Steel—Caft ind a small but general assortment of Euro- Dods. paper medium of this state will be taken for ife and Lot; for the remainder Tubaceo or ountry produce. For terms apply to the »er at MeiTrs. Ross & Currie’s, Augusta. ALEXANDER J. SPIERS. 27-29 Just received from Philadelphia, and to be had at the Printing-Office, The Columbian Magazine, For NOVEMBER 1786. Embellilhed with two Copper Plates. Containing : A description of Bones, &c. found near the river Ohio } A lhort description of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rattle Snake: Further ob servations on the Loculi of North-America : A curious non-defcript Filh» Oh the different species of Phobia : A lhort differtatioh on Eclipses : An account of the progress of population, agriculture, manners, and government in Pennsylvania: Mo ral reflexions: An account of the effecls of the general thaw, in March, 1784, upon the river Su fquehanuab, and the adjacent country: Some thoughts on real and imaginary evils : Prizes pro posed by the Philadelphia Society for promoting agriculture, the 14th of February, 1786 : Mr. Boardley’s account of his own and Mr. Singleton’s experiments, designed toafcertainj with what quan tity of feed sown, and at what distances, wheat grows bell: The Contemplant, an Eallern Talc : Perrin and Lucetta, or rural probity : The Disco very, a Novel: Solutions to Mathematical quelti ons proposed last month: Mathematical quellions proposed : The Columbian ParnaJJiad —A Poetical Epiltle, addressed by a Lady of New-Jersey to her niece : To Amelia : The Lover’s Complaint: An Indian Eclogue : Zoilus : Address to the owner of a singing bird :To Amanda: Imitation of Martial’s 34th Epigram, Book III: The Balloon: ASimilie: ToPhilelios : Mathematical quellion : Intelligence. To which is prefixed a Meteorological Table, for the month of Oflober 178(5. * 1 l ■'■ m - . .1 ■ ■ n>■'l ■■ 1 Just publijhed and may be had at the Printing-Office, T HE LAWS Os the General Affembiy of the State of Georgia, palled lall Session. LIKEWISE, The Court of Conscience Adi. ROBERT DIXON tolls before me a Dun Co» loured MARE, about 14 hands high, about nine or ten years, old, branded on the mounting ■ihoulder and buttock RL, the Pv being turned back wards, and on the off Ihoulder and buttock Qjvith a fleur-de-lys underneath. The owner mull prove his property before me within the" time limited by Law. WILLIAM FREEMAN, J. P. Augu/la, April 4 1 1787. 28-30 FOR SALE, By the Subscriber, A Q_U ANTITY OF INDIGO SEED. ANDREW INNES. Augufiay March 22, 1787. 27-29 TWENTY SHILLINGS REWARD. RUN-AWAY from the fubferiber, an ap prentice lad, named William Innifs, bound to the houfe-carpeater’s business, is abq«t fifteen yea rs of age. Whoever delivers the said William Innifs to me lhall receive the above Reward. JOSEPH WILTHEW. Augusta, March Ip, 1787. 26-29 GEORGIA. By the Honorable GEORGE MATHEVV’*: Esquire, Captain-Genera!, Governor, and Com' mander in Chief in and over the state aforefai<j* A Proclamation, i WHEREAS there is just reason to believe that some wicked and degenerate perfou or persons hath contrived to counterfeit some of the bills of the paper current money of this Hate and hath passed or circulated some of the said coun terfeit bills to the great injury of‘the good peop le of the said state, and contrary to the laws thereof : In order therefore that such atrocious offenders may be brought to condign punithment, I HAVE by and with the advice and consent of the Honor able the Executive Council, pursuant to a Refold tion of the Honorable the House of Assembly thought fit to issue this my Proclamation, offering* and I do hereby offer, a - Reward of TWO HUN DRED and FIFTY POUNDS to any person oj persons who (hall prosecute to conviction any of, fender or offenders guilty of counterfeiting the pa, per currency or medium of this State, or of hav ing any engines, tools, or other machines for the printing, damping, or making the fame, or of counterfeiting the name or names of the signer or signers thereof, or of uttering, passing or attempt ing to pass such counterfeit bill or bills, knowing them to be counterfeit; AND I DO, by authority of the Resolution aforefaid, hereby offer a full Par don and the like Reward to any person or persons who ihall give info rmation and prosecute to con. vision, his, her, or their accomplice, or accom plices in the crimes aforefaid : AND I DO further ftriftly command and enjoin all Magistrates, She riffs, Constables, and other Officers, and all per sons whatsoever, to be diligent in apprehending and securing such offenders, that they meet the just punifhmentr of the law. Or i vis tv und.r txAuct ana tne great leaf of the said state, at Augusta, this twenty fecond day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred anl eighty-seven, and of our sovereignty and independence the eleventh. GEORGE MATHEWS. By his Honor's Command, j J. MILTON, Secretary . GOD SAVE THE STATE! jb ' • ** V * Notice h hereby given, THAT a Note of Hand for Nine Pounds Seven Shillings and Sixpence given by me to John Mathewson, Merchant, at Mr. Barkfdale’s, South- Carolina, has been paid some time past, but said Note not taken in : I do therefore forwarn any person from trading for said Note, as I am deter* mined not to answer any more on account thereon. ABSALOM DAVIS, fen. Wilkes county , March 25, 1787. 28-30 . ■ «- - ■ TAKEN up by the fubferiber, living in Greene county, on a creek called Shoulder bone, the waters of the Oconee, an outlandiffi NEGRO FELLOW, goes by the name of Guy, appears to be thirty years old or upwards, has on a Negro cotton jacket and overhalls, and country cloth under jacket, old Ihoes, no hat, has bis country marks on his cheeks and arms, he is about five feet nine or ten inches high, and fays he came about from the Savannah, speaks very broken. Who* soever owns said Negro may get him by applyiof to the fubferiber, and proving his property. „ JOHN WILKINSON. March 11, 1787, J