The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, May 19, 1787, Image 2

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April next, when the truce granted the Georgians will expire. Then it will be determined whether hoftilitics lhall commence, or a peace be conclud ed ; and then, bir, you lhall again hear from me. “ I am, &c. “ ALEXANDER M'GILLIVRAY. April 7. The last accounts from Georgia give a deplorable representation of the aftual state of that unhappy country. Factions contending, not for the public welfare, but for private emolument —debtors availing thcmfclves of every poflible means to defraud their creditors—the principal of fices of government poil'efled by adventurers —dif* fipated manners—idlencls —poverty —and wretch ednefs —form the prominent figures of the horrid pitfutc. What a contrast is this to the situation of the province of Georgia in 1775 I —Let Dr. Price, or any other speculative republican, aflign the caule that could produce such a depravity un der his favourite fyflem of government. On the 30th ult. the Hoop Hawke, of Bermuda, mentioned in a former paper to have been seized at Hancaga, was condemned in a Court of Vice Admiralty for breach of the laws of trade. The schooner Betsey, Acorn, from Jamaica to Philadelphia, is call away on Heneaga j the crew and confiderabte part of the cargo and tigging are laved, but the veftel is entirely loft. A schooner from the Havannah arrived on Satur day last in this harbour with 30,000 dollars ; and next day another from Carthagena, having also 10,000 dollars; both of which sums, we under stand, arc to be laid out in the purchase of Ne groes and dry goods. We hear from the Windward Islands that the French have made the ports of Tobago free, in order to obftruft the trade of Grenada, and to OHIIUWJiIUMr. '»££«&« fe. the Main ports of Martinico free, for the purpose of drain ing Dominica of its only probable means of fup l*oi ting the few merchants who have had resolution to keep their flat ions in that colony, PORTSMOUTH, ( Ntw-HatttpJbireJ Feb. 27. Died at Wakefield, the sth inst. Mr. Robert Macklin, baker, formerly of this fbwn, aged 115 years, after seven or eight days illncfs ; his eye light and iaculties continued good till a ftiort time before his death. Mr. Macklin, attheage of 80, frequently walked to Boston on foot, in one day did his butiucls, and returned in anuthcr seemingly little fatigued. BOSTON, March 23. A person, we are told, arrived in town a few rays lince, direftly from Canada, who fays he lodged at a house on Ille Aux Noix, near St. John’s, at which Shays, Wiley, and other rebels, who had fled tf.i iier from this state, quartered, where he was info rned that these leaders had sent a pe tition to Lord Dorchester, praying for aid and pro tection j but that his Lordlliip had returned for ar.fwer, that perlons of tlieir defer iption, who had recently been enemies to GTeat-Biitain, and were now rebels against the cause they then elpoufed, must not e.xped to receive alliftance in Canada, but if they took refuge in a certain diftrift ih that pro vince, (a fantfuary for debtors, vagabonds, &c.) they would, while they remained therein, be free fiom arrests. April 7. -It was a faying of the great Sir Fran cis Bacon, “ That when any of the four pillars of government are mainly lhaken or weakened, viz. Religion, Justice, Couufel, or Treasure, men had not to fray for fair weather.” We doubt this ad vice is not much regarded here, hut the present state of this commonwealth demands, as well as Ipintual aid, the most animated exertion of every u;au who is able tQ put his thoulders to the wheel. The mire is not so deep but unanimity, concord, and perfcveiance, may yet extricate us. N E W-Y O R K, March 20. Yeflerday morning the important question for declaring the Independence of Vermont was de bated in the House of Afiembly. In the afternoon, when the question was called for, it was carried in the affirmative. March 28. After the adjournment ofthe House on Saturday last, and before the members had left the room, Mr. Lansing (one of the Representatives for the county of Albany) called their attention for a few moments, when, presenting a lift of the pri soners confined for debt, he informed them that there were ten men confined, whole debts coileHive- Jy amounted to t c iuenty-jour pounds ; he therefore proposed that the members make a present of one days pay to relieve them, which propoi'al was unanimoufiy agreed to. April 2. On Saturday morning as three men were crofting to Brooklyn Ferry in an open boat, loaded with brick, owing to the heavy swell in the river, the boat filled and funk, when George Wag gener and William Walker were unfortunately * drowned, before relief could be afforded them, notwithstanding every exertion made by the boats of the Britilh packet, as well as others from the ftiore. PHILADELPHIA, March 28. There is a Mr. St; George, a Creole, son to the French Governor of St. Domingo, now at Paris, who realifes all the accomplifliments attributed by Bayle and others, to the admirable Creighton of the Scotch. He is so superior at the sword, that there is an edirt of the Parliament of Paris to make his in any duel ajftuul Uvi»»i». : P firll dancer (even before thelrifh Slingfby) in the world. He plays upon seven instruments of music, beyond any other individual. He speaks twenty fix languages, and maintains public thefifes in each, lie walks round the various circles of human science like the matter of each; and strange to be mentioned to white men, this Mr. St. George is a Mulatto, the son of an African mother. April 7. On Monday last, at a Meeting of the Sea Captains Society for the relief of the diftrelled widows and orphans of Sea Captains, the deplor able situation of their brethren now fuffering in ilavery at Algiers was taken under consideration, and unanimouily determined, that the following members be a committee to adopt some immediate and effectual plan to rail'e monies for their relief, and to consult with committees that may be ap pointed by the different Marine Societies in other slates : Capt. Charles Biddle, Vicc-Prefident of the state, Capt. John Hunn, Capt. John Hazlewood, and Capt. John Argus. A letter from Boston, dated March 26, fays, “ On Saturday last arrived a schooner from Lis bon, in Portugal, after a passage of 53 days She belongs to a gentleman of this town. We are happy to learn by her that the danger from the Al gerines is very little, if any, notwithstanding the many reports which our good friends the Britifii circulate refpetfing them; but happily all their exei tions to prevent our commerce in that quarter of the globe have not been able to deter some of the’enterprifing and intrepid sons of Columbia from making attempts that way. Three vessels failed with the above-mentioned schooner for this port, and others in the vicinity. The Captain of this ichooner informs, that the Portnguefe cruifershave been so numerous and adive in pursuing and an noying them that none of the Algerine xebecques have ventured out of port for some months part.” Oyr general advices from the Weft-Indies in general import, that every day affords new fa,, I f of .oppreftion, the trade being distressed by t*l I I Commissioners, who have ordered several very traordinary seizures to be made on Amcric-* I veftels. 3 ■ Extra SI cf a Utter from a gentleman on the Ivhrifa ■ ‘ pi, to a citizen of tbit place, dated I\'e n i " Feb • 11, 1787. | “ This colony at present thrives, and enjon \M perfect freedom and tranquillity. Our Governor I and Intendant live harmoniously, and in their re- 1 d fpeftive spheres are admired, vieing with each I other in promoting the prosperity of the province I and this is the contest between them, llii Maiefly I is very indulgent to his new fubjecls at the Nachez I H and allows them ten dollars'per cent, for all their I | tobacco, delivered here incatrots, paid infilver.” |S The above extraft thews the wisdom, and at the Iff fame time the policy of Spain; by promoting and I ' encouraging the settlements of the back country, I $ she wi.l secure the hearts of a great people now I 1 fettling on the weftern waters, while the United I States are divided, and about abandoning them I forever. i . _ ‘ HMgjgg CHARLESTON, April 18. I Yesterday died Mr. Amadeus Chifielle deferred. I Iy esteemed by his friends. He was a moll zealot* L t supporter of the Masonic order, and it is hoped I * the brethren will attend his funeral, to pay the r last tribute of refpeft and gratic ude to their deceaf- I ed afl'oeiate. About 90 people (including a number of fdiolars 1 1 who met. to speak in public) aflembled, on the jjj 19th tilt, in a chamber of the house of Mr. James I Dyer, of Portfmoutb, Rhode-Ifland, and, while ■ one nf the .Cr-holars wa3 declaiming on the value 1| and fliortnels of time,, the floor gave way, and 15 they fell into the room below ; the floor of which I also failing, they all continued to defeend ’till || they reached the bottom of the cellar. Though p about one half of them were # wounded, yet, very I providentially, not one life was loft, nor a bone I broke. SAVANNAH, April 26. ' The Legislature of Somh-Carolina, taking into S consideration the daring state of the runaway Have?, 1 ordered, at their last feftion, a company of minute men, and a draft of the Granville county militia, I for the purpefe of keeping the field till they arc totally broken tip. Col. I-Jutfon, commanding them, stationed at Purylhvrgh, is now waiting for cooperation whith this state. Last Saturday even ing the Colonel detached Capt. Winkler, with three boats, and about 25 men. to waylay Collin’s creek. About eight or nine o’clock one ofCapt. Winklers boats difeevered four of their canoes, full of men, coming down the creek, when a warm ikirinifh took place, whith ended in favour of the white people. Louis, one of their Majors, formerly belonging to Col. Stiik, and lail to Commodore Bowen, was killed, and two others seen to fall overboard were supposed to have shared his fate, as the canoe with Louis fell into Capt. Winkler’s hands, and the boat waited 15 minutes withoutany sign of their riling. Had not Capt. Winkler de tached his other beats, the whole ofthe regto party mull have been killed or taken. Two of the Care* linians were slightly wounded, one in his hand and arm, the other in his face. One of the five hostages given by the Creek In* dians for the performance of the treaty held with this state in November last, has put an end to Ins exiflence by hanging himfelf; and tbei eis the great est reason to think we ihall immediately be involved in a war with that nation. The Mineiva, Morgan, from Jamaica, incom ing up this'river last week, ran upon a fond bank