The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, May 26, 1787, Image 3

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yl l G U S TA, L'Lay 26. of GEORGE TUCKER, Carpenter. About two weeks after Christmas last I radc a Eibal agreement with Mr. Fields Perdue, of Puth-Carolina, to carry on his carpenters work , r a year, at the rate of eighty pounds ; he to id me every thing; and when we made our bar da it was repeatedly mentioned that if we lhould ifagree, he was to pay me for my wotk to the me at that late. ] set in to work for him on these terms, and pr.tinoed at work for him about th:ee months and half; when there happened a small dispute with ; fpeft to the length of a rafter to make a fquure >of, and we laid a Guinea about it ; the wager c gave up as won by me ; he mentioned at the in.e time that James Andrews (a carpenter whom e had also hired to work for him) had tried it be ->re, and that it was as he had laid, but on its eing tried by figures, he allowed I had won it; I neutioned to him that the way Mr. Andrews tried t, was not the right rule ; Majo Perdue anfwer d me, that he believed Andrews undeiflood it etter than I did ; 1 then told him he had better ■ct Andrews to cariy on his work for him, an ? he rfwered that damned a bit did he care ; I had iked him for money the forepart of that day, then he told me that damned of any money I have ;ol for you. Next morning I did not go to work, and about us hour by fun rile he came to me, and I asked um for a settlement that I choofed to leave him ; ie laid to me what do you mean by trifling with me so, and ordered me to work, and that if I did not go to work he would horsewhip me—l reful’ed to work on these terms —He then told me I fiiould quit his plantation, and if he ever found me with in 20 miles thereof, he would whip me in fjch a 2 a.vuia t/c u.'raoicci iron working in a twelve months ; after which I went into the house with an intention of getting my clothes, but he prevented it by threatening me if I attempted to take them, he would Have in my brains, having a loaded horsewhip in his hand ; after which I went away to Augusta, and spoke no more of it to him until Tucfday last, when I favv him in Augusta, I went to him and said I wanted to talk with him if he pleased, it was near Mr. Jackson’s new build ing ; he told me to ft and off, which I did, and he T refently told me if I would go with him to Mr. Shearer’s store he would talk with me ; I did so, and he went into the store, and I flood just put of the door when he returned with a horsewhip, and struck me before he had got down the steps, and he continued to follow me, laying on as hard as he could, on which I drew my knife, and made two or three strokes at him ; on this he turned the but end of bis whip, and made a blow at me, which 1 avoided, and ran off to the other fide of the street, he threw a brick after me, but did not hit me. Next morning about fun rife he (Fields Perdue) his brother Morris Perdue, his Overfecr Fphraim Ferrol, and Jack Johnston, all inhabitants of South- Carolina, f iifticd iiito the house of Mr. Wilthew, Caipenter in Augusta, where I staid, and was then with Mr. Wilthew—Fields Perdue immediately clapped a pistol to my breast and said if I offered to refill: he would put a ball through my body. I directly laid hold of the pistol, and turned it on eue fide, when Ferrol and Morris Perdue laid hold of me ; (Johnston in the mean time having put a pistol to the breast: of Mr. Wilthew, and said much to him what Perdue had to me) they then r ragged me out of the house, and kicked me, when I hallowed out ; they said if I made any noiie to alarm the town, they would (hoot me dead, hi this lunation they hauled me to the river and into tire ferry boat, and took me over the river into tb? flats of so« tli-Carolina, and abcut half a mi.e from the river they flripped me naked, and tied nay hands with hickory baik, and flood round me wall piitois cock’d and flicks, when Fields Pei due whipped me fcvereJy about thirty lathes with a horsewhip, oblerving and faying, let your damned Georgia fi.cuds aflifi you if they can, I don’t mean to flog every rogue in Georgia, but i’ll nog you—Ferrol told him (Perdue) give him enough for it is at the rifque of your life at any rate —By this time they had get some more bark ready, and weie going to tie me to a sapling, and oicieied me to wa.K towards it, and they weic pulhing me along I jumped away from them and iun towards the river, and as I ran I bit the hickoty bark asunder with which my hands were tied j they all followed me as hard as they could, crying out for me to flop or they would ftioot me, but 1 got to the river fit ft and took the water, and lhould have periihed had not a boat been pufbed oif from the oppolite fide to take me in. GEORGE TUCKER- Augusta, May 25, 1787. SWORN TO before me, atAugufla, this 25th Day of May, 1787. ROBERT FORSYTH, J. P. Ext rail oj a letter from the State of Franklin, dated April 24, 1787. ** Our Superior Court wa; held at Jonelbrrough, in Waihington county, tbe firft Monday inflant, and continued by adjournment during the week : William Cannon, and George Middleton Clarkfon were arraigned and tried for murder ; the former was acquitted, the latter found guilty, and was executed on the 13th inst. at Junefborough.” NOTIFICATION. 11/ HEREAS the Legislature at their last Sef- W fion palled an Aft, requiring all persons entrufied with public monies in the course of the late war and since, to fettle their refpeftive ac counts with the Auditor; the following extraft from the said Aft is publilhed for the information of all persons concerned, who ate hereby required to attend the Auditor with their accounts and vouchers without delay, that final fettlemcnts may be made m conformity to the said Aft. JOHN WEREAT, Auditor. Richmond County, May 19, 1787. “ Be it enabled, and it it hereby enabled ly the Rrprcjentati'ves oj i he Freemen cf the State of Georgia in Afttn.biy met, and by the authority oj tbe fame, That the Auditor be and he is hereby veiled with full power to colleft, audit, liquidate, adjust, and fettle the accounts of the late and present Trea surer or Treasurers of this slate ; the late and pre sent Commifiioner or Commiflioners of confifcated efiates ; the late x>r present Colleftor or Collectors of duties or imports ; the late and present Colleftor or Colleftors, Receiver or Receivers of public taxes in the refpeftive counties ; the late and pre sent Attorney General or Attorney Generals ; the late and present Sheriff or Sheriffs, and C leik or Clerks of the refpeftive counties ; and the acc t tints of all such other person or persons who have been or may be entrusted, or have or may become pos sessed of the monies* goods, 01 effects of this slate ; and in any case where it fliall appear that a balance of monies Ihall be due by any such person or per sons to this state, the Auditor Ihall direst that pay ment thereof be made to the Treasurer of thi3 state ; and the certificate of the said Auditor Ihall be conclusive evidence in an aftion of debt, at the suit of the state against any person $r persons for the sums of money which such person or persons owe or may be indebted to the state, and no set off or deduction from the fame ihall be admitted. js".d It it futtltr tr.tfita by tbt authority aj. l l * Jitia’, That it lliall and may le lawful for the said Auditor, as often as thete dull be occadon, to call before him by Tub] oena or ft mmons, and in case of contempt to ifluc a wiit of attachment in order to compel the appearance of any pet ton or j eifoua who is or may be accountable, bctoie the laid Auditor, by virtue of this Art, or who the fuid Auditor may reasonably suppose is or ate capable of giving evidence or information concerning the f .id accounts or any of them ; and the said Auditor is hereby authoris'd to examine, upon oath or affirmation, any person as a witncfLrefperting any such account, which oath or affirmation the laid Auditor is hereby empowcteJ to adminider ; ami in case any person or persons on w horn such subj oe na or summons dial! be served, being accountable before the said Auditor, dull refufe to appear as in such writ dull be expreded and directed, or having appeared before the laid Auditor lhall refufe or neglert to exhibit his, her, or their account and attend the settlement thereof, or being summoned as a witnels lhall neglert to appear before the said Auditor at the time and place appointed in and by such fubpeena or summons, and lhall make default thereupon, or having appeared as aforefaid Hull refufe to make a lull difclofurc of his, her, or tlieir knowledge in the said Auditor, the laid Au ditor may award an attachment, and commit such delinquent or delinquents to the ueareit common goal, there to be bol. en till fucb person or persons dull fnbinit to the said Auditor, and comply with the directions of this Art; and all persons who dull be summoned as wituede* the laid Auditor and etetv Sheriff, Coroner or other Officer to whom he dull dirert his w rits or precepts as afoie faid, dull be allowed like fees for their attendance and services as witnedcs summoned to appear in the Superior Courts of this dale, and as Sheriffs, Coroners, and other Office! s arc entitled to in such courts, tube levied on the fcveral delinquents by the said Auditor by warrant, in the like manner as debts under ten pounds arc recoverable. /!hd be it Juribtr enacted by the authority ajore faid, That if any person or persons who by virtue of this Aft arc or dull be accountable before the said Auditor for any sum or furns of money which have been or may be advanced to or received by such person or persons, or for any monies, goods, chattels or efforts which have or may come to the hands or pofleffion of such person or persons, dull for three months after the service of such fubpeena or fummon3 as afoiefaid for such per son or persons to appear before the said Audi tor, and exhibit and fettle bis, her, or their accounts as afo efaid, refufe or neglert to obey frch fubpeena, summons or demand, and comply with the dirertions of this Art, then such person and persons so refuting or neglertiug dull be liable to an artion of debt or other artion at the suit of the date for the whole of the sum and sums of money, goods, chattels, and effects belonging to the public, which he, die. or .they ought to account for as afoiefaid, hefore the said Auditor, and lliall be forevei barred of fettling off any chargo or expenditure timeout, onlefs the said Auditor, before the said term of three months be expired, certify in behalf of such person or persons that it is ;eafonable that further time be allowed such peifon or persons for exhibiting and fettling his her, «*r their accounts, in which case, upon fuf ficient fecuriry being entered * y the party or par ties in whose behalf such cert : ficate dull be nude for the wholemoney or other property unaccounted for by Inch person or persons, His Honor the Governor in Council may by an entry on their minutes allow cf further time as aforefaid. />n?- •vtdedy Thatnothing herein contained dull prevent the settlement or ir.fpertion of any public account by the Committee of Finance appointed annually by the Houle of Airembly.”