The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 16, 1787, Image 3

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a !:Sance from the Governor of the place it is to he giautedhim. If he cannot determine the case, the criminal is to be feut to America. An American injuring or affauiting a fubjeft of his Imperial Ma jell/ may be imp'rifoned by the Governor, who is to fit in judgment upon him, but in the presence of the Consul, who is allowed to plead his cause. If the prisoner makes his escape the Consul is not answerable. If an American fubjeft dies in his Imperial Majelly’s dominions his effects are to be lent to the Cohfu!, or the trading company, to be iiirrcndeied to the heirs claming the fame. The American Consul is to reside in one of the ports belonging to his Imperial Majcfty, and con fide red as other Coufuls. In case of a disagreement between the two contracting paitiesthe peace is to remain until the matter is determined ; if war isrefolved on, arms ate not to be tauten up before nine months after the determination, in order to give the fub jeds of both nations time to depait quietly with their eftefts. If his Imperial Majesty thinks proper to grant any new privileges to other nations, the fame arc to be extended to the Americans. The peace between the two nations is to last fifty years, t orn the preterit twentieth day of Ramadan, year ofthsliejira 1200, that i 6 July 24, 178 6. Proceedings of the Notaries. The seven Princes of the Blood Royal, and five leading Members of each Committee, met the King’s brother, when the Comptroller General in formed the Meeting.: “That the King intended not to levy the territo rial import on the general produce of the land, but on the nett produce of it, which reduced the tax from three to one. That the sum wanting was ico millions, and that he mutt have 112 to put his Majerty’s affairs in proper orcicr. That if the Meetingwould propose the belt means of levying it he was ready to iirten to it, but that 112 millions he mult have, for his Majefly had occalion for it. That he never, whatever might be thought or said to the contrary, had said, that the King would abandon the territorial import ; but if other means equally productive could be found he might per suade the King to adopt them. That he made certain calculations, which, if obeyed implicitly, the King would no longer differ wnh the ideas of the Notables—and whomuft look to the ccnfequences of differing with his Majesty. The Court of France, it is said, have more than once formally demanded of Congress the money lent them during the American war } and on the last requifiticn a hint was given, that in case of further procrastination, a French army would be lent over to enforce the payment; the present trou bles may furnith a pretext for carrying their threats into execution. The Hannah, Davis, from Charleston to POrient, with rice and tobacco, was loft the 6th instant, three leagues from l’Orient, part of the crew saved. N E-W-Y O K K, Jpril 14. The Act for repealing the Citation Afts was read a third time, and parted the House of Aflem bly yerterday. By this law, debtors who owe money previous to July 1776, are to pay their debts in three yearly inftalments after the parting tins aft, and all interest to ceale from January 1777, to May 1786* Proceedings of the General Jfhnhlj cf Rhode-JJland . at their late Sefjion. Upon the motion, Whether Members thoirtd be appointed tu represent tins date in the Convention proposed to be held in Philadelphia 011 the second Monday of May, agreeably to the recommenda tion of Congress, the question was put, and it parted in the negative by a majority of 23. As it was negatived Irvin a prefefied regard to the Articles of Confederation, it was proposed that no ad ihould be palled for affefling this Hate’s pro portion of the continental tax, agreeably to the requiiition of Congress made in purfuauce of the Articles of Confederation ; but this was not agreed to, and the requiiition was again referred to a future fefliun. A letter from the 'Governor of the common wealth of Massachusetts was read, encloling an ad of the General Court for apprehending feme of the principals in the late rebellion against that go vernment-, and it was moved, that an ad ihould be palled, requeuing the Governor of this Hate to ifitie a proclamation for apprehending them, if within this Hate j but the queflion was 101 l by a majority of 22. SAVANNAH, May 24. By the vigilance and adivity of Israel Bird, Esq. of Cancuchie, and some of his Haves, Lewis (fecoud in command of the gang of runaway Ne groes lately routed by Col. Gun) was taken last week, and brought to town on Saturday. Lalt Monday he was tried, and being found guilty of 1 obberry, &c. he was fcutenced to be handed 011 the 9th of June next. Ihe Hope, Gough, and John, Purchase, from Charleflon, pafi'ed by Gravefend the 4th of March ; the Caflle, Douglas, Garret, the sth j and the Amelia, Caldcleugh, the roth. AUGUSTA, June 16. A correspondent reminds us that on the firft Tuefday in July our Legillature will afl'emble, ac cording to their adjournment at the last January Seftion. It would be well becoming that wife body, to investigate fully and particularly into the alarming and infatuating propenlity some of our Weflern citizens have hitherto poffcffed, in driv ing the state in general into barbarous and savage contentions with the Indian tribes on our frontiers. It will also be worthy their wife consideration (if the steps lately taken on the frontiers lhall be deemed proper) to devise ways and means for their further energy and execution. The consideration of the alterations in some parts of the Constitution will also become a part of the intended meeting—those, therefore, who may have patronifed gny of the petitions sent out on the fubjeit, will do well t,o fend them forward to the feat of government. On Monday the 2d of April, came on at Fa neuil-Hall, in Boston, the election for Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, &c. of Massachusetts—at the close the numbers wete :—Governor. His Excellency James Bowdoin, Esq. 724. John Han cock, Esq. 775. —Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Thomas Cufhiog, Esq. 880. Benjamin Lincoln, Esq. 424* Samuel Adams, Esq. 179. The Briton, Urquhart, from London, is arri ved at Charleston. . In the Irifli House of Lords, on Wednesday the 7th of March last, was read a second time, the bill to prevent tumultuous risings, and, on Lord Ranelagh moving that the said bill be committed, The Duke of Lainfter rose, and said he was of opinion, that, before a bill of Xuch momentous purport as the present wa3 committed, an inquity Ihould be set on foot to know if some causes did notexift which gave rife to the late outrages. He diflifked the principle of the bill, and ihould oppose it being committed. The Earl of Tyrone said, that he had himfelf met thousands of the White Boys, and numerous afts of their outrage had come to his knowledge, had gone about fvvearing one parifli to ob serve the rules preferibed by the parifti adjoining. Sven in some towns in the county of Waterford no ihopkeeper was to be dealt with who did not take the oath propounded i and in many places he had i'een corn fptiled, th* property of thoie who ha ] not complied with the oath. Nay, their uge was not confined to the sex, for women had formed allocations, and went about (wearing the married women in pariihes, that they ihould not admit their huibauds to the of conjugal felicity, unlets they took the oath against pajiug tithes ; and lib Lordilup added, he knew in many iuftauccj where they kept their word —[as loud a laugh as ever was known below or above the bar.] —Even the dairies weic thut jgainft those who refufed to fwcar, and not a drop of tuilk to he bought. His Lordftiip laid there was a neceility for the bill, and he would accordingly vote for its being committed. The Biihop of Waterford coincided with hb Lordlliip in the neceility there was for pafiiiig'thc prelent bill ; for, if the laws in being had not been futficiently llrong, the country required la ws more effectual. The Chancellor having but the queflion on com mitting the bill, a division cnfueJ, Contents below the bar, 40 Non-contents in the House, 3 Majority 37 The bill was then committed. THE FESTIVAL of St. JOHN the BAPTIST wiil be celebrated by the L Ut) G A CO -at Angujia t on Mont ay the ajtli instant. The Members are requefte Ito meet at the Coffee-Houfe, at Ten o’clock A. M. and from thence walk in proceilion to the Academy, where a Sermon will be delivered suitable to the occa sion. Dinner wiil be served up at the Houle of Brother IVamberjle. JAMES M. SIMMONS, ) e . JOHN GKItHN, l June I>, 1787. N. B The company of tranficnt Brethren is requested. TWENIIGUINE IS REWARD. RUN AWAY, from the fubftriber, in the State of South-Carolina, the beginning of March last, A Negro Fellow, named 808, very artful and fenfiblc, of a black complexion, an l (tout made, has a large l'car across one of his legs, just below his knee pan, he was taken some time ago at Col. Marbury’s plantation, a few miles above the town of Augusta, ami since made his escape ; it is probable he will endeavour to make for ths Indian nation, or remain with the inhabitants some distance above Augusta, by faying he is fiee. The above Reward will be immediately paid (one hilt' in gold or lilver, and the other half in the Paper Medium of South-Carolina) to any person that will deliver the said Negro Fellow to meat Alhepoo, in the above State of South-Carolina. EDMUND BELLINGER, jun. May 20, 1787. 33-49 STRAY S . TOLLED before me, by Captain Anthony, a black Horse, about five years old, four teen and a half hands high, the near hind foot white, two white spots on the off hind foot, brand ed on the near Hiouldcr and buttock 3L, a natu ral pacer. Likewise Daniel Allen toils a Biy Horse, five years old, about 12 hands high, branded on the near Ihoulder SM, and has a Har in his forehead. The owners of the above Strays mult piove theic property within the time preferibed by law, before D. HUHTER, J. P. Augujia f Juris 12) 1757.