The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 16, 1787, Image 4

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Mr. Smith, By inferring the within Poem in your next Paper, you will oblige A CUSTOMER. June 8, ijSj. SLANDER. C V URS’D Slander with its forked tongue, l Emits a deadly found, And widely thro’ the yielding air Difpcrfe3 potion round. 4 Fair names which at the early morn, Their snow-white leaves did fprcad, Beneath detraflion’s with’ring blast Begin ere night to fade. Truth’s bridle from his cruel jaws The Sland’rer throws aside, And tamely yields his lawless tongue, \>r ialfehood’s hand to guide. ’lis base, O man ! behind the back . The fatal bow to Bring, Or at thy neighbour quite unarm’d, The poifou’d dart to ding. Amidst the faults of fellow-men Why Bill thy fingers dip, Or from their follies buried long Oblivion’s cov’ring Blip? Might not thy cheek with blulhes glow To blaze his foibles round, When greater ills about thyfelf On flightcß search are found ? THE COPARTNERSHIP OF LAUDER&KER Being dt£olved by mutual consent ; THE Bufincfs will be conduced as usual by JAMES LAUDER, at his Medical'Store on Broad-Breet, who returns his moB sincere thanks to those who have favoured him with their employ, and hopes Bill, from his attention to the bufinels, and the General ARortment of Medicine he has on hand, to merit a continuance of their favors. Praftitioners flora the country may be supplied with Medecine on rcafouable terms for Cafli or Producej Amongjl which are * Bell red bark Gum camphor Common do. Opium Tart, emetic Amoniac Crem. Tartar Cort. cinamomi G'laubers salts 01. cinamomi Fpfom do. Puligi Argentum vivurn Laveudule Ca.Hhar.die. _ Me „,h* Cm Myrrh. _ Ricini o>°es Sccot. _ Olivar. Hepat do. Spirit, com. cervi Calomel I.avend. comp. v Cor. sub. Pulv. rhsel. Precept, rub. Jalapi,&c. &c.&c.&c. Sugufta, June 8, 1 7 8 7- A complete Sulky and H arnefs, To be fold ; Enquire of the Printer* NOTIFICATION. WHEREAS the Legislature at their last Sef lion passed an Aft, requiring all persons entrurted with public monies in the course of the late war and fiuce, to fettle their respective ac counts with the Auditor; the following extraft from the laid Aft is published for the information of all persons concerned, who aie hereby required to attend the Auditor with their accounts and vouchers without delay, that final lettlements may be made m conformity to the said Aft. JOHN WEREAT, Auditor. Richmond County , May jp, 1787. “ Be it and it is hereby enabled by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Georgia in General Afttnby met , and by the authority cf the jame , That the Auditor be and he is hereby veiled with full power to colieft, audit, liquidate, adjust, and fettle the accounts of the late and present Trea surer or Treafcrers of this state; the late and pie* sent CommiHioner or Commissioners of confifcated estates; the late or present Colleftor or Colleftors of duties or iinpofls ; the late and present Colleftor or Colleftors, Receiver or Receivers of public taxes in the refpeftive counties j the late and pre sent Attorney General or Attorney Generals ; the late and present Sheriff or Sheriffs, and Clerk or Clerks of the refpeftive counties ; and the accounts of all such other person or persons who have been or may be entrusted, or have or may become pos sessed of the monies, goods, or effefts of this state ; and in any case where it lhall appear that a balance of monies (hall be due by my such person or per sons to this state, the Auditor fliall direst that pay ment thereof be made to the Treasurer of this state j and the certificate of the said Auditor fliall be conclusive evidence in an aftion of debt,' at the suit of the state against any person or persons for the sums of money which such person or peifons owe or may be indebted to the state, and no set off or deduftion from the fame fliall be admitted. And be it further enabled by the authority afore jaid t That it fliall and may be lawful for the said Auditor, as often as there*fliall be occasion, to call before him by subpoena or summons, and in case of contempt to issue a writ of attachment in order to compel the appearance of any person or persons who is or may be accountable, before the said Auditor, by virtue of this Aft, or who the said Auditor may reasonably suppose is oiv are capable of giving evidence or Information concerning the said accounts or any of them ; and the said Auditor is hereby authorifed to examine, upon oath or affirmation, any person asawitnefs refpefting any such account, which oath or affirmation the said Auditor is hereby empowered to administer ; and in case any person or persons on whom such fubpee 11a or summons fliall be served, being accountable before the said Auditor, fliall refufe to appear as in such writ lhall be exprefled and direfted, or having appeared before the laid Auditor lhall refufe or negleft to exhibit his, her, or their account and attend the settlement thereof, or being summoned as a witness lhall negleft to appear before the said Auditor at the time and place appointed in and by such subpoena or summons, and fliall make default thereupon, or having appeared as aforefaid fliall refufe to make a fulT disclosure of his, her, or their knowledge in the said Auditor, the said Au ditor may award an attachment, and commit such delinquent or delinquents to the nearest common goal, there to be holden till such person or persons fliall submit to the said Auditor, and comply with the direftions of tin's Aft; and all persons who fliall be summoned as witnesses by the said Auditor and every Sheriff, Coroner or other Officer to whom he fliall direst his writs or precepts as af&e faid, fliall be allowed like fees for their attendance atid services as witnesses summoned to appear in the Superior Courts of this state, and as Sheriffs, Coroners, and other Officers art entitled to luctru courts, to be levied on the several delinquents bj the said Auditor by warrant, in the like manner a : debts under ten pounds are recoverable. And be it further enafted by t'he authority af Lr faidy That if any person or persons who by y , rt '] of this Aft are or ihall be accountable before the said Auditor for any sum or furas of money which have been or may be advanced to or received by such person or persons, or for any monies, good? chattels or effefts which have or may come to the hands or poffeflion of such person or persons ihall for three months after the fervicc of f uc £ fubpesna or summons as aforefaid for such t>cr fon or persons to appear before the said Audi-, tor, and exhibit and fettle his, her, or their accounts as aforefaid, refufe or neglect to obey such subpoena, summons or demand, auj comply with the directions of this Aft, then such person and persons so refuting or neglecting frail be liable to an action of debt or other action at the suit of the Rate for the whole of the sum and funis of money, goods, chattels, and effects belonging to the public, which he, she, or they ought to account for as aforefaid, before the said Auditor and shall be forever barred of fettling off any charge or expenditure thereout, unlel's the said before the said term of three months be expired, certify in behalf of such person or persons tin: it is leafonable that further time be allowed such person or persons for exhibiting and fettling his her, or their accounts, in which case, upon Suf ficient security being entered by the party cr par ties in whose behalf such certificate Ihall be made for the wholemoney or other property unaccou med for by such person or persons,. His Honor the Governor in Council may by an entry on theifi minutes allow cf further time as aforefaid. Pm •aided, That nothing herein contained Ihall prevent the settlement or infpeftum of any public account by the Committee of Finance appointed annually by the House of A^^embly. ,, A HO BBE Rr. OTOLEN out of the Shop of the fubfenber, on Thurfday night last, a small Gold French' Watch, about sixteen Silver do. and one Pinchbeck do. one Half Joe, and about eight dollars in round money. TEN GUINEAS Reward will fce given to any person who will apprehend the thief o: thieves, or give information where the above men* tioned articles may be had again. *" THOMAS BRAY. Augujioy May 25, 1787. Notice is hereby Given, THAT all persons indebted to the estate o£ Mr. John Wright, Cooper, late of R:cb 4 mend county, deceased, are hereby requelled t» meet at the house of James Rae, Esq. on Monday the 25th day of June next, in order to obtain! settlement ; and those to whom the said estate 1* indebted, are delired to make it known on or bJ* fore ihe-day above mentioned, to THOMAS WRIGHT. Augujla , May 25, 17871 Call’s Warehouse. ON the 20fh instant, will be fold by Fubhc Auction, all Transfer Tobacco that may main, for Cafli. J. ANTHONY; Augujia, June n, 1787. P.