The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 23, 1787, Image 4

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% TIJE FESTIVAL of St. JOHN the BAPTIST will be celebrated by the L OD G E C O LL MB 1 A at Augusta, on Monday the 25th in if ant. The Members are requested to meet at t He Coffee-Houfe, at Ten o’Clock A. M. and from /hence walk in proceflion to the Academy, where a Sermon will be delivered suitable to the occa flon. Dinner will be served up at the House of Brother Wamberfie . JAMES M. SIMMONS, \ c , JOHN GRIFFIN, j Stewards* June 15, 1787. N. B. The company of transient Brethren is jequefted. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. RUN AWAY, from the fubferiber, in the State of South-Carolina, the beginning of March last, A Negro Fellow, named 808, very artful and sensible, of a black complexion, and flout made, has a large fear across one ofhis legs, just below his knee pan, he was taken feme time ago at Col. Marbury’s plantation, a few miles above the town of Augusta, and since made his escape ; it is probable he will endeavour to make for the Indian nation, or remain with the inhabitants some distance above Augusta, by faying he is free. The above Reward will be immediately paid (one half in gold or silver, and the other half in the Paper Medium of South-Carolina) to any person that will liver the said Negro Fellow to meat Athepoo, de the above State of South-Carolina. EDMUND BELLINGER, jtin. May 20, 1787. 38-4? THE COPARTNERSHIP OF LAUDER&KER Being difiolved by mutual consent J THE Bulinel's will be conduced as usual by JAMES LAUDER, at his Medical Store on Broad-flreet, who returns his most finccre thanks to those who have favoured him with their employ, and hopes still, from his attention to the business, and the General Alfortment of Medicine he has on hand, to merit a continuance of their favors. Pradlitioners from the country may be supplied with Medecine on reasonable tfr»w for Cafli or Producej Amotigft which axe : Bert red bark Gum camphor Common do. Opium Tart, emetic Amoniac Crem. Tartar Cort. cinamcmr Glaubers salts 01. cinamomi Eplom do. Puligi Argentum vivum Lavendule Cantharadies Menth se Gum Myrrh. Ricini Oloes Sccot. Olivar. Plepat Spirit, corn, cervi Calomel Lavend. comp. Cor. sub. Pulv. rhaei. Precept, rub. Jalapi, &c. &c.&c.&c. Augusta , JuneS, 1787. A complete SulkyandHarnefs, To be fold : Enquire of the Printer. Writing Paper To be fold at the Printing-Office. Likewifc blank Deed# of Conveyances and Bonds, NOTIFICATION. WHEREAS tlie Legislature at theirrlaft Ses sion pal Ted an Art, requiring all persons entrusted with public monies in the course of the late war and since, to fettle their refpertive ac counts with the Auditor; the following extrart from the said Art is published for the information of all persons concerned, who are hereby required to attend the Auditor with their accounts and vouchers without delay, that final settlements may be made in conformity to the said Art. JOHN WEREAT, Auditor. Richmond County 1 May ip, J 787. u Be it enaEitdy and it is hereby enailed by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Georgia in General Assembly met , and by the authority of the fame , That the Auditor be and he is hereby veiled with full power to collert, audit, liquidate, adjust, and fettle the accounts of the late and present Trea surer or Treasurers of this Hate ; the late and pre sent Commissioner or Commissioners of confifcated estates; the late or present Collertor or Collertors of duties or imports ; the late and present Collertor or Collertors, Receiver or Receivers of public taxes in the refpertive counties j the late and pre sent Attorney General or Attorney Generals j the late and present Sheriff or Sheriffs, and Clerk or Clerks of the refpertive counties ; and the accounts of all such other person or persons who have been or may be entrusted, or have or may become pof fefl'ed of the monies, goods, orefferts of this state ; and in any case where it (hall appear that a balance of monies lhall be due by any such person or per sons to this Hate, the Auditor lhall dirert that pay ment thereof be made to the Treasurer of this state ; and the certificate of the said Auditor lhall be conclusive evidence in an artion of debt, at the suit of the state against any person or perlons for the sums of money which such person or persons owe or may be indebted to the state, and no set off or dedurtion from the fame lhall be admitted. And be it further enadied by the authority afore jaid, That it lhall and may be lawful for the said Auditor, as often as there lhall be occasion, to call before him by subpoena or summons, and in case of contempt to irtue a writ of attachment in order to compel the appearance of any person or persons | who is or may be accountable, before the said Auditor, by virtue of this Art, or who the said Auditor may reasonably suppose is or are capable of giving evidence or information concerning the said accounts or any of them ; and the said Auditor is hereby autlionfed to examine, upon oath or affirmation, any person asawitnefs refperting any such account, which oath or affirmation the said Auditor is hereby empowered to administer j and in case any person or persons on whom such fubpee na or summons lhall be served, being accountable before the said Auditor, lhall refufe to appear a 3 in such writ lhall be expressed and directed, or having appeared before the laid Auditor lhall refufe or neglert to exhibit his, her, or their account and attend the fettlemeut thereof, or being summoned as a witness lhall neglert to appear before the said Auditor at the time and place appointed in and by such subpoena or summons, and lhall make default thereupon, or having appeared as aforefaid lhall refufe to make a full disclosure of his, her or their knowledge in the said Auditor, the said Au ditor may award an attachment, and commit such delinquent or delinquents to tlje nearest common goal, there to be holden till such person or persons lhall submit to the said Auditor, and cpmply with the dirertions of this Art; and all persons who lhall be summoned as witnesses by the said Auditor and every Sheriff, Coroner or other Officer to whom he lhall dirert his writs or precepts as afore faid, lhall be allowed like fees for their attendance and services as witnesses summoned to appear in • the Superior Courts of this state, and as Sheriffs, Coroners, and other Officers are entitled to f U( *. L courts, to be levied on the several delinquent, . a | the said Auditor by warrant, in the like manner I debts under ten pounds are recoverable. J ' H And be it further enabled by the authority a t a I /aid, That if any person or persons who by V m ( of this Aft are or lliall be accountable before thlß said Auditor for any sum or turns of money whSI have been or may be advanced to or received!/■ such person or persons, or for any monies, g OO JB chattels or effefts which have or may come to tul hands or poffeffioh of such person or shall for three months after the service of fubpcena or summons as aforefaid for such p cr ,l son or persons to appear before the said Audi!! tor, and exhibit aud fettle his, her, or tliejl accounts as aforefaid, refufe or liegleft t] | obey such subpoena, summons or demand, 2 ;l comply with the direftions of this Ad, then person and persons so refuting or neglefting be liable to an aftion es debt or other aftion at the! suit of the fiate for the whole of the sum and f UI J of money, goods, chattels, and effefts belongi J to the public, which he, the, or they ought tol account for as aforefaid, before the said Auditor! and lhallbe forever barred-of fettling off any charge! or expenditure thereout, unless the said Auditor! before the said term of three months be expire/! certify in behalf of such person or persons tkt l it is reasonable that further time be allowed such I person or perfom for exhibiting and fettling his I her, or their accounts, in which case, upon f u fll ficient security being entered by the party or par-1 ties in whose behalf such certificate shall be made I for the wholemoney or other property unaccounted! for by luch person or persons, His Honor the| Governor in Council may by an entry on their 1 minutes allow of further time as aforefaid. />«.l vided , That nothing herein contained thall prevent I the settlement or infpeftion of any public account! by the Committee of Finance appointed annually I by the House of Aflembly.* A RO BB E RT. STOLEN out of the Shop of the subscriber, on Thursday night lass, a small Gold French Watch, about sixteen Silver do. and one Pinchbeck do. one Half Joe, and about eight dollars in round money. TEN GUINEAS Reward will be given to any person who will apprehend the thief or thieves, or give information where the above men* tinned articles may be had again. . THOMAS BRAY. Augufia, May 25, 1787. ‘ Notice is hereby Given , THAT all persons indebted to the estate of Mr. John Wright, Cooper, late of Rich mond county, deceased, are hereby requested to meet at the house of James Rae, Esq. on Monday the 25th day of June next, in order to obtain a settlement ; and those to whom the said estate is indebted, are desired to make it known on or be* fore the day above mentioned, to THOMAS WRIGHT. Augusta, May 25, 1787. a s r r a r. DANIEL ALLEN tolls before me a Bay HORSE, 5 years old, about 12 hands high? branded on the near thoulder SM, and has a far in his forehead. The owner of the above Stray muff prove his property within the time prescribed bv law, before D. HUNTER, J. P. Augnfta, June 12, 1787.