The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 30, 1787, Image 2

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thoueli Übe a igal One. I /hall now endeavour to (hew that it muff*'finally prove hoktful to the dates, and that it eould not have brought us fub flantial relief (hough the whole of it had paffcd as specie. * SYLVIUS., LON DON, 'January 24. The House of Lords was yederday crowded with a brilliant afletnbly of ladies of thi fird di- • dinftior, mod of whom fat on 'woolparks of their own ; which being observed by the facetious Mr. George Selwyn, he archly remarked, that the con fl 1 tut ion seemed to be in imminent danger from the revival of the Rump Parliamtnt. February 12. Monsieur de St. James, the Trea furcr of the Navy, who has just failed at Paris for the sum of 2 7 millions of livses, had a&ually expended the enormous sum of 50,000!. in making an Englifli garden. Moofteur de Pa yen, the ether great bankrupt at Paris, fails to a much less amount. By the latter the city is much affected ; the provinces and the maiinc are chiefly affeded by the former. A letter from Paris, dated January 9, fays, “ The navy is threatened with a very considerable loss, Mons. de la Touche, he being given over by his pbyficians.” BOSTON, May 14. By a gentleman who arrived in town on Friday lad from Great-Barrington, in the county of Berk shire, we are informed, that numbers of the fu gitive rebels are daily collecting in small bodies in New-York date, near the line orthis common wealth, with a pro felled intention of refeuing the traitors who are ordered for execution the 24th ind. and who are now confined in Great Barring ton goal; and that, in consequence, the minute men (about one third of the militia) ate ordered to march, and be at Great Barrington on the 2cth ind. to protcit the Sheriff in the due execution of the law. NEW-YOR.K, May 10. The diip Dublin Packet, Capt. Alcorn, from Dublin, with a number of passengers, is arrived at New-Cadle, upon Delaware. Tied, atßfdon, on the 26th ult. Joseph Webb, Esq. GrandMadcr of the Ancient Mafons'for that commonwealth. ExtraS of a Utter from Bojlon , May 4. 44 The Legitlature, on Monday lad, palled an aft, repealing such afts, or parts of afts, of this commonwealth, as may be repugnant to the treaty of peace between the United States and his Bri tannick Majedy, agreeably to the recommendation of Congress." Accounts from Scotland advise, that some thou sands of the peasantry of the Highlands, a brave and hardy race, “ nurs’d on the mountain’s brow,” were quite impatient to quit their native country, and embark for the defarts of North-Amsnca. Order of the Governor of Quebec for opening a com mercial intercourje bet ween the United Hiatts and that Ptwince. GUY LORD DORCHESTER, Cqptain General, and Governor in Chief of the Province of Que bec, Sec. Sec. To Thomas Aiujlit, Esq . ColleSor, and Thomas Scott, E,q. Comptroller , and others, Officers of the Cuffi ms of the Province of Quebec. IT being represented to me, that a commercial intercourse may be carried on between this pro vince and the neighbouring dates, to the advan tage of this proviuce and Great-Britain, under cer tain redriftions, by land, and the inland naviga tion on the touteand communication through Lake Champlain, You are accotdingly authorifed and required (until ordinances can be made for the more fully regulating the laid inland trade with the neigh bouring dates) to permit the free importation, by that route, of mads, yards, bowsprits, spars, oak or pine plank, boards, fmtocks, ihip timber, hoops, Haves, thingles, clapboards, or any other fort of lumber ; pitch, tar, turpentine, tallow, or any kind of naval dores ; hemp, flax, and their feets; wheat, rye, Indian corn, peas, beans, potatoes, rice, oats, barley, and all other species of gram; horses, neat cattle, dieep, hogs, poultry, and all other species of live dock and fiveprovihons ; and whatever else is the growth of the said dates. And you are also authorifed and required to per mit the free importati&i .from this province into the said dates, or either of them, of any article of the growth, produce, or tnanufafture.of this pro vince, or of any other the dominions of Great- Britain ; furs and peltries of every kind excepted. And you, and the several officers'concerned, are at the fame time ftriftly charged and ordered, in all things, to conform yourselves to the ad of Parliamerit, granting authority to his Majesty for ifitting his royal order in Council for regulating the trade between the dominions of Great-Britain and the United States of America; and to the order and directions contained in his TTajefty’s orders in Council, refpeeting all importations into this province by sea, and to cause the several laws made for the preventing the bringing any foreign rum or spirits, or (except Great-Britain) any goods or manufactures of any foreign Euro pean country, "or of Alia, into this province, or any other of the Britifli provinces or colonics, to be duly and effectually enforced. Given under my hand and seal at arms, at the caflle of St. Lewis, at Quebec, the 18th day of April, in the 27th year of his Majesty’s reign, and in the year of our Lord 1787. Signed, DORCHESTER. By his Excellency’s command, Henry Motz , Sec’ry. A true copy., Henry Hope. ’> We hear that four of the rebels who lately re ceived fenteucp of death in Maflachufetts are, by the Supreme Executive, ordered to be executed on the 24th inst. viz. Auflin and Wilcox, in Berk - fliiie; Farmenterand M‘Cullock, in Hampshire. By accounts from Lake Champlain we are in formed, that Shays, Day, Wheeler, and Parsons, principals in the late rebellion in the common- 1 wealth of Maflachufetts) were at Crown Point on the hill instant, collecting all the force they could at that place; that they intended going into those parts of this fiate and Vermont which border on Maflachufetts, where, they said, their friends had embodied great numbers of men, who were only waiting for their presence to commence immediate hofiilities. PHILADELPHIA, May 14. Yefierday evening came to this city his Excel lency General WASHINGTON, one of the Dele gates from the State of Virginia to the Federal Convention. His arrival was announced by a sa lute of the United States from the train of artillery, •; and the ringing of the bells ; he was escorted from Chester by the city light dragoons, and has taken apartments at Mrs. House’s, one of the most gen- ' teel boarding houses in this city. May 21. An accurate return of the Delegates appointed to the Federal Convention, diftinguiih- " iug those that have already arrived in Philadelphia by prefixiiig to the name an afterifm *. Ac'w-Ham/Jhire. John Langdon, John fJpar hawk, Pierce Long. * Majjacbujitu . Francis Dana, Elbridge Gerry, Nathan Gorham, Rufus-King,'Caleb Strong. ConmSicut. William S. Johnson, Erastus Wol cott, Oliver Elsworth. Rhode-IJland. Delegates not yet appointed. Aie-W‘2ork. * Robert Yates, * Alexander Ha milton, * John Lansing. A 'env-'Jer/ey. * David Brearly, Win. Churchill ' T loufton, William Patterson, John Neilfon. Ptnnjylvania. * Benjamin Franklin, * Thomas * Mifflin, * Robert Morris, * Thomas Fitzfimmons, * George Clyrner, Jared IngerfoH, * James Wil fou, * Governeur Morris. Delaware* John Dickinson, * George Read, Gunning Bedford, Richard Baflet, * Jacob Broome. ! Maryland. ‘Robert Hanson Harrison, James ' M‘Henry, Thomas Sim Lee, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Gabriel Duvall. Virginia. * GEORGE WASHINGTON, *Pey ton Randolph, * John Blair, * James Madison, George Mason, * George Wythe, * Richard Hen ry Lee. North-Carolina. Alexander Martin, Willie jones, * Richard Dobbs Spaight, William Richard son Davie, William Blount. bculh-Carolina. * John Rutledge, Charles Cotefworth Pinckney, Henry Laurens, * Charles Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. * William Few, Abraham Baldwin, George Walton, William Pierce, William Hou fioun, Nathaniel Pendleton. Various opinions are propagated refpefting the probable result of the Federal Convention ; but, whatever means are pursued, it seems to be unani mously agreed that a firong and efficient executive power muftbe somewhere eflabliflied. How wide ly different would have been Ae character of the * Union, if in Congreffhad resided a power to con-\ trol the felflfh intereflsofa Angle Hate, and to com pel the facrtfice of partial in order to pro mote the commonweal. The depravity*of indivi duals, not checked by phylical obligation, will indeed taint complexion of focietyi and if those vices thatcomipt the heart did not extinguiih the virtues of citizens, even Rome, is now no H more, would ftiU have existed. In coufidering, I then, what form of government is best calculated | to promote the principles of universal justice, pro- I bity, and honor, (which, afrtT all, must be the ■ source of national strength as well as happinefe) I fatal experience will inftruCt us that little can be I left to the voluntary disposition of the people. I Whether the lhattered fabric of the original con- | ftitution is to be repaired and enlarged, or a new i and lately building ere&ed upon the old founda- I tion, —whether, on the one hand, the vast conti- yj nent is to .be distributed into distinct republics, or, ft on the other hand, the majesty of a world centered I in an individual,—are queftiona that refpeft only I the form* and not the objefls of government, for I there are immutable law* in civil societies, inde- g pendent of times, places aud circumstances ; and I let theorists establish what principles theypleafe ia | the three forts of government we are acquainted I with, by making virtue the spring of the repub- I lican, hojaor the source of the monarchical, and | fear the basis of the despotic, if these do not lead the people of each government into virtuous man- ; I ners, the whole is nothing but a political romance. J CHARLESTON, May, 21. A letter from Lisbon to a gentleman m Londort f fays : “By a vessel just arrived in the river we arc ! informed, that the United States, an American veil'd, bound ro lifbon, loaded with wheat and flour, was taken on the coast of Portugal by an Algerine gailey, and was carrying off for Algiers, i but, falling in with a Venetian man of war, the ' American was retaken, .but the galley, by the help of oars, sheeted off. The United States was brought into Lisbon by the man of war, the commander of which claimed the value of a third part of her cargo as falvageior.retaking her. Buc the Queen, to ease the Americans of that burthen has ordered that the Venetian Captain be paid out of her t'reafury, as the Americans has been requeu ed to hipply the inhabitants of that city with corn and flour, aud pxomifed to be prnetted by her men of war from bei g taken by the Barbarians.’* Extract of a letter ft cm New-York, May 3. M An ad has been palled by the Assembly of New-Jersey for naturalizing his Majesty the King of France in that state, as a preliminary to his mak ing a purchase of 30 acres of territory on Bergen creek, nearly oppofitf;-the city ofNew-York, for the purpose of a garden and fruitery. Part of this space is at present enclaflng with a Jtone walj, and an universal colledion of exotick, v as well as dome, ftickplants, tiees and flowers, axe already begun to be introduced to this elegant .spot, which intime must rival, if not exceed, the .moll celebrated gar dens of .Europe. The situation is naturally wild and romantick, between two considerable rivers, in view of the main ocean, the cityof New-York, the heights of Staten-Island, and avast extent of distant mountains .on the weftern fide of the laud fcape.” June 30. In CONGRESS, jipril 24, 1787. Resolved, That the Secretary at War dired the com manding officer of the treops of the United States, on the Ohio, to take immediate and ef fectual measures for difpoilefling a body of men who have in a lawless and unauthorized manner, taken pofleffion of Pofl St. Vincents, in defiance of the proclamation and authority of the United States, and that he employ the whole or such part of the force under his command, as he shall judge necessary toeffett the objeft. On Monday last the Lodge COLUMBIA in this town aflembled in order to celebrate the Festival of St. JOHN. Being properly <ck>athed, the Of ficers in the jewels of the Lodge and other badges of their dignity, they went in proceflionHo the Academy, which they entered in due order.—A Sermon suitable to the occasion was delivered by the Rev. Brother Boyd, for which the Brethren presented him their unanimous thanks ; the Lodge dined together, and spent the evening in feflivity, when that philanthropy which charaflerifes the society appeared conspicuous. By recent advice from the lower part of' the Creek nation we learn, that the mifehief lately oc cafloned by the savages, as observed in a former paper, was perpetrated by a party of them sent out from the upper towns for such purpose lower towns appear anxious to continue peace, and by*heir profeflions more inclinable to support the 'white people than the aggrefing part of their nation. A talk from the Halloo aud Fat Kings is a proof of this disposition. It conies countersigned by Mr. John G&lphin, Agent there, and Mr. Durofieaux. These Indians, it seems, do not blame us for re- <