The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, July 21, 1787, Image 2

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that d d place, where all his countrymen tuine.l blacks” This prejudice thus conceived, was t r o deeply imprefled for any argument to re move. He immediately took his paflage in. a homeward bound vessel, and is now actually in England, through the apprehension that he ftiould have turned black in Jamaica. The fate of Mr. Hastings, taken as a national question, is not an object worthy of consideration. The Minister’s objcft is, to ihew the world that, in Great-Britain, neither wealth nor influence can protest great delinquents from the sword of pub lic justice. A letter from on board the Duke of Cumberland Packet-boat, arrived at Falmouth from New- York, fays, that they touched at Madeira, where they only staid about three hours, and on their coining out fell in with a Portuguese man of war, with an Algerine galley in tow, which they had just taken, after an engagement of halt an hour, iu which the Algerine Captain and two other of ficers were killed, and raoft of the men wounded. PHILADELPHIA, May id. A journeyman taylor, who lately arrived from Ireland, was tried at the city court for dealing a waistcoat that had been left with his master; and the evidence for the prosecution being clnfed, he prefaced his defence by observing, that it did not depend upon any detail of fatts, but upon a point of law, ariling from a custom as old as the cus tom of merchants. He then disclaimed all idea of theft upon the occafiou, and concluded by pro teftingto jhc court, that be had only taken the nuaif coat byway of cabbage , according to the cujlom of tajlirt . Capt. George Curwin has represented to the public, a feene of the most complicated calamity. . The (hip Prince Frederick, Capt. Richard Day, in which he took lefuge after being compelled to abandon the Congress in a heavy ft >rm, was likc wife reduced to a wreck by a succeeding gale, and the unfortunate crew of both veflels, amount ing to forty-eight men, were driven for the space of three days, in a longboat and yawl, upon the wide and tem,eftuous Atlantic. Providentially however, they reached the Weftern lilands with out losing a man, and at Fayal, after encountering unexpected difficulties, obtained a pafTage to Phi ladelphia. These last difficulties Capt. Curwin states to have arisen from the treatment of a Mr. Duncan Ross, the reputed owner of the vcflel in which he returned, who, regardless of every claim to compassion arising from such common fuf ferings, aded with cruelty, incon/iftency, and injustice towards the Captain and his crew. As an aufwer to these charges has been promised, we lliall for the present confine ourselves to this ab ftrad, indulging a hope that famething may be alledged to extenuate so great a violation of every focial duty. AUGUSTA, July 2 1 . We hear with great Satisfaction, tha: the Con vention for revifmg the Confederation is now af fcmbled, and doing business at Philadelphia. A mong the many important matters to be taken under consideration by that august body, the fol lowing are said to be the principles : ill. That the Thirteen States be divided into three diftintf Re publics, who ought to leak together for their com mon defence, as so many feperate governments, independent of each other, adly. If the Thirteen States remain as they ate confederated, to lelfen their sovereignty, by abolithing their State Legif -1 attires, and leaving the whole laws to be made by the national Congress, AlTembly or Parliament. 3dly. The Thirteen States to remain as they are', «xcept that their laws be revised by Congress, so as to make the whole act in conformity as of one, and the Executive Powers of Congress enlarged. It is much to be wiflied the latter may be adopted. On the 14th of Feb. died in the 103 d year of his age, Jacob Wifmer, a native of Germany. In Queen Ann's reign he emigrated to North-Caro lina, where he lived ten years : He then came and fettled in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, where he married his third wife, with whom he lived 67 years, and had 170 children, grand children, and great grand children: His widow is about 84 years old. He retaiued his senses till about two months, and could walkout, drefsand undress himfelf, till about two weeks'before he died. A letter dated Havannah, 1 6th of January, 1787, from a gentleman at that place to his friend in Phi ladelphia, fays, « Your friend Count Galvez, Vice roy of Mexico, is no more ! An express arrived rt few days ago with the fatal news of bis death. Since that two packets have been dispatched, one for the Court of Spain, and the other for France, vvkh the important news.’' We hear a very valuable copper mine has Leen broke up near Woodbudge, in New-jersey ; aHd those who have exam ned the ore, do not scruple to aiTert it is equal, if not superior in ricbnefs to any that has been yet discovered on this continent, or elsewhere. There are at present a conliderabie number of persons working in it. A letter from Colonel Robertson, at Cumber land, to the Governor of the Rate of Franklin, mentions, That the Indians on the 17th of March last, killed 5 persons, and several more since. He exprell'ed his fiucere with to join fiovei nor Se vier in a plan to procure peace with the Indians in that country. bxtiact of u ttier from Kcntuckey, to a Gentleman in Franklin, dated in 'June last. The Indians about us, (till continue trouble some on the north, north-east, and well fide of us ; the inhabitants as yet, oppose them blit iu small parties. Cos. Todd, with a party of 200 men, killed four Indians and took ten prisoners, in the beginning of this month; and immediately after their harvest is over, they intend to carry on a re gular campaign a&ainft the different outrageous tribes of Indians. The Indians who are supposed to be the f reeks and Chickaraaugies, are also very troublesome to the Cumberland feitlements. In the latter end of May last, they killed David Den ham and two others ; and in the fame month, three boats were taken in our quarter, by the Wabath Indians, one of which was loaded with 180,000 weight of flour, and the others with dry goods for the Chickasaw ’ndiane, the Chief of whom was killed, with eight or ten inhabitants of this place; and those who had escaped, brought this information to Louisville, on the Falls of the Ohio. Soon afterwards, a boat belonging to the Illinois, found due of the said boats (loaded with fur) anchored m the river, which the Indians had leii in order to procure pack-horses. The boat was brought to Louisville, and the proprietor of the above mentioned goods, is said to be a Mr. Brothers, of Fredericks Town, Maryland. On the Bth June, on thefouth fide of Kentuc key, and within five miles of General Logan’s, three Indians lhot a woman with a child in her arms; and her husband, who at that time was walking in the garden, ran immediately to her aflillance, but unfortunately had been too late. He next went and alauned the neighbours, but when they arrived, they found the Indians had plundered the house, and got off fafe with their booty. The prisoners taken last fall on the Kentuckey road, by the Chickamaugies, were offered for fair to the Shawnies, but finding they would not buy them, (from what political re .son I cannot tell) they put them instantly to death with the hatchet, seven of whom were young women.* Extradl ofr a letter from a Gentleman in Norfolk , to bisjri nd m Peterfburg* “ Accounts just received from Halifax in No va-Scotia, infonn of advice from England, re lative to a prolongation of the powers granted to the Coimniflioners, and also enlarges their com miflion, by allowing them to grant relief unto Bri tifti fubjcils in the States, and who were there prior to the war, Except only those who bore arms, thole who did not, will be paid every (hil ling of property they have loft. A number of claims have been rejefted that were offered the Commifliouers at Halifax, in consequence of which the King and Council have declared, that every person offering furreptious claims, who (hall be at any time convicted thereof, (hall be liable to the pains of pillory in some cases, and in others to transportation to Botany-Bay. A large quanti ty of ordnance (lores are arrived, many conjectures about their intention. This place is finking fall in every (hape, and fromcaufes which cannot per fedtly be afeertained. • A prohibition has lately taken place upon all tobacco, and a variety of other enumerated articles. I trouble you with these lines for the information of our friends in the country.” The Reverend Synod of New-Yoik and Phila delphia, met in this city 011 Wednesday, the i<sth inst. according to adjournment, confiding of mi nisters and elders from the Presbyteries of New- York, Dutches county, New-Brunswick, Phila delphia, Newcastle, Lewis-Town, Carlifle, Bal timore, Hanover, Lexington, Red-Stone, Abing ton and South-Carolina. A few weeks ago two veflels failed from New bury POll, Mafiachufetts, for ihe Eaft-ludies. General Walhington has taught the inhabitants of the United States, both by example and pre cept, how to preserve their liberty, and improve their country to the greatest advantage. Con vinced of the public good arising from the encou ragement of agriculture, and that no method could poifibly bedcYifed, equal to that pf the improve meat of inland navigation, he was the principal promoter of the Potowmac and James’ river com panies, for opening and extending those rivers ; by which means, for Potowmac alone, has been raised by subscription, by the Rates and indivi duals, the sum of 222,222 dollars and one quar ter, divided into 500 lhares of 440 4~9ths dol lars each, to be applied towards cutting canals and removing the many obftruftions in that river. And in consideration of the cxpences.of the pra-. prietors in cutting the canal, erefting locks and other water works, for opening the different falls therein, and improving and extending the naviga tion thereof, and of keeping and maintaining them in repair, the canals and works, with all their profits, are by afts of the AfTemblies of Maryland and Virginia, veiled in the proprietors, their heirs and afligns forever, as tenants in common, in pro. portion to their refpeclive (hares, and deemed real estate, exempt from the payment of taxes; and made lawful for theprefident and direftors, onbe half of the proprietors, to demand and receive tolls for all commodities tq be transported through either of them forever. A male child, born in North-Carolina, is ex-, hibited at Philadelphia, of tbc mod extraordinary size ever known of the fame age. His body and limbs are much larger than any man’s of the mid die size. Nothing in the human lhape can exceed him in point of beauty in every refpeft—he is healthy, amazingly flrong and aftive, has frequent-, ly lifted men who have weighed from 15010 160 pounds ; he is now fix years old, and weighs 14; pounds. The (hip Bethia, Capt. Blair, from Charleflon bound to London, put into Fowey in diflrefs ; the Captain, boatswain, and two men were unfortu nately waflied oterboard, ANY gentlemen wanting houses ready framed delivered in or the wood-work of such buildings, &c. compleated in the said town, or its vicinity, may have it done in the fpeediefl and best man ner, on reasonable terms, by apply j in g JAMES STALLINGS. July 21. N. B. Nails, hinges, &c. to be furnifhed by the employer. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Baxter Pool’s com• puny of militia , for the year 1787. Richmond l QTEPHEN Evans, Notley County. $ O Whitcomb, Edward Prater, Humphrey Graves, Edmund Fears, John Bell, John Fury, John Gallehar, Thomas Gocher, John M‘Clary, John Kroufe, Charles Brown, John M 4 Mennis, George Hunt, Miles Beaver, Harmon Perryman, james Johufon, John Baker, Laboru Parker, Samuel Dutely, James M‘Kenzie, Rich ard Mathews, Nelson Crawford, Daniel Dannelly, John Mattocks, William Dearmon, John Inger soll, John Mathews, Francis Woodward, Ben jamin Eaton, John Brady, William Thompson, George R< ler, Robert Harvey, George Tucker, John Garrett, John Catlett, Gunrod Jodjua Graves, Miles Taylor, Lewis Gunfton, joel Gilbert, Morrifs Gilbert, Andrew M‘Gri gor, John Temple, George Ogg, Harwood Burt, Andrew M‘lntire, liaac Winflon, Richard Hig gin, Derby Fletcher, Andrew Hack, and Benjamin Harrifs. W. FREEMAN, Rec. July 21. • - A Lift of Defaulters who have negletledgiving in their taxable property, in Capt. Dell Sapp's Com* pany. Burke 7 A"VAPT. Dell Sapp, John Sapp, Philip County. 5 Sapp, Daalin Sapp, Daniel Allen, Nicholas Aneiau, Henry Bryant, John Freeman, JOHN BELL, Rec. July 21. A Lift of Defaulters in Capt. Youngs Diftricl. Wilks ) TAMES Seuward, Sith Calham, Ro* County. J J bert Jackson, Jonathan Webfler, ohn Burnet, and Young Cotten. BENJAMIN WILtON Rec.