The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, November 17, 1787, Image 2

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4ajor one hundred and fifty- ; a Captain feventy a ve ; and a Subaltern twenty-five. y_ And be it tua&td by tht authority aforefaid, That .te commanding officer (hall at alt timet give full r *oteftion to all trader* within the frowns or tribes fTVthe Creek Indians ; who (hall produce fatisfac f I ry proof of their friendfhip to this state ; and all uch person or persons as (hall have rtaded within be fame since the conclusion of the late war, ex cept such person or persons as (hall be found in • arms against the fame. And be'it further enacted, That hi* Honor the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, (hall make such arrangement of the forces to be raised, as may admit of corps of artillery and cavalry, where such officers and men (hall find horses without charge to the date \ artillery and horses for the fame excepted. And be it farther tna&ed by the authority afore faid, That no State Soldier be allowed a bounty as aforefaid, who does not rendezvous at such place as the Executive may completely armed and accoutred, on or before the firft day of February next. * And provided always, That no person deemed a defer ter, (hall be entitled to any bounty named in this Ad. And that this Ad be, and (hall con tinue in force for the government of the said troops, until a peace with the Indians is eftablifh •d, and ratified by the Legislature of this State, and so far as the fame refpeds bounties, (hall be Handing and perpetual. By Order of the House, WILLIAM GIBBONS, Speaker . Augvfoy Qfiebtr 31, 1787. An A& 7a regulate the Militia of this State y and for other Purposes therein men tioned. B£ it enabled by the Freemen of the State of Georgia , in General AJfembfy mtt % and by the authority of the fame % That from and after the patting of this A&,the counties with in this State {hall be divided as here tofore, into three diftridts, and each diftridfc (hall constitute a brigade: That the counties of Chatham, Ef ffingham, Liberty, Glyijn,and Cam den, compose the firft difbidt; the counties of Burke, Richmond and Washington, compose the fccond di ftridt >the counties of Wilkes, Greene and Franklin, compose the third di ftridt; and that all such counties as shall be hereafter laid out within this State, shall be annexed to one or other of the brigades aforefaid, in such manner as shall be directed by the Executive for the time being, until other wife ordered by the Le gislature 1 and that in every diftridt or brigade, there shall be formed one or more regiment or regiments, which shall consist of as many companies, and of such a number of men, as the Governor or Commander in Chief for the time being, shall think pro per. And be it further enacted by the au thority aforefaid , That the Colonel, or in his absence the next command ing field officer, shall appoint one, and not exceeding two, general muf flers of their refpcdtive regiments in every year (fad that every Captain, or other commanding officer of the several companies, shall aflemble, mutter, tram, and exercise their re* i - fpedtive companies at least four, and not exceeding fix times in every year, at such times and places within their refpe&ive divisions, as shall be mod convenient, notice firft being given of such general or private musters in such manner as shall be directed by the commanding officers of the refgective regiments and companies* And be it farther enabled , That every Captain or officer commanding a militia company, shall, on the day appointed for muttering his company, have the said company formed and under arms, at the hour of eleven o’clock in the forenoon, which shall be considered as the hour at which every person belonging to such com pany shall be obliged to attend, at which time, the Captain or com manding officer shall proceed to have his roll called, to exercise his com pany, and to inftrudfc them in per forming their different evolutions, such as wheeling by platoons, march ing in open andclofe columns, break ing off by fedions, and forming pla toons while marching, &c. And eve ry Captain or commanding officer of a company, who shall fail to train and exercise his company in the manner aforefaid, at least two hours of every day appointed for such company muster, shall forfeit and pay a ium not exceeding five pounds, to be re covered and applied, as is herein af ter mentioned. And be it further enacted , That the Captains of the several compa nies, shall refpedively enter and en roll the names of all the mate inha bitants from the age of sixteen to | fifty years, (slaves excepted) who shall have redded ten days in their respec tive divisions, and shall cause the several persons so enrolled to be duly summoned, as is herein before direct ed, to appear at such times and places as shall be appointed for private ; musters j, and the persons whose names shall be so entered and enroll ed, shall be deemed and held to be entered into and to belong to the company of that division in which they shall be so entered and enroll ed, and shall be obliged to appear at ! mutters, and on all other necettary occasions, and be fubiedt to this Adt without any further notice whatever. And be it further enabled\ That every person liable to appear and bear arms at any exercise or muster, shall constantly keep and bring with him one gun or musket fit for service, one quarter of a pound of gun powder, half a pound of bullets, and three spare flints, with a powder horn, and shot bag or cartoucn-box, of the fit nefs and fufficiency of whic h arms, ammunition and accoutrements, every commanding officer of the company to which such person belongs, is hereby aothorifed to determine. And be it further enacted, That should any officer negledt his duty, either by not giving notice of Inch general and private mutters as are appointed to be held under this A&, or by not attending properly ac coutred, with either a sword or efj pontoon, at the times and places which shall be fixed on for holding such mutters, and shall omit to train and exercise their men at such times and in such manner as is herein di rected, or who shall misbehave while on the parade; then, and in any such case, every officer lo offending shall forfeit and pay a penalty not exceed ing the following fums:—For every such negledt or offence, a Colonel, fifteen pounds; a Lieutenant-Colonel seven pounds ten shillings; a Major, five pounds; a Captain, three pounds ten shillings, a Lieutenant, or infe rior commissioned officer, two pounds ten (hillings; the imposition of which fine*, shall be left to the discretion of a court-martial, to be held for the trial of all such offenders. And be it further enabled, That every perlon liable to bear arms at r any exerciie, mutter, or training hereby appointed, who shall negledfc or retufe to appear completely armed and iurnifhed as before dire&ed, at any general mutter of the regiment to which the company in which he is entered and enrolled shall belong, or who (hall misbehave while under arms, every such person so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not ex ceeding twenty shillings; and in case any person shall negledt or refufe to appear in manner aforefaid at any private mutter, such person shall for feit and pay a sum not exceeding ten shillings, unless a fatisfa&ory excuse can be made to a court-martial to be held for the trial l of all such offen ders, which court-martial shall be held at least within thirty days after the commission of luch offences. And be it further enabled, That alt persons who shall interrupt any of the aforefaid exercises, may be confined by order of the commanding officer, during the time of the performing such exercises. And be it further enabled, That every matter, or other person who hath the government; command or power over any indented man servant, who shall be employed within this State, shall, at his own proper cofb , and charge, furnifh and provide eve ry such indented servant during his servitude, with the arms, ammuni tion, and accoutrements dire&ed by this A& ; and every matter or other | person who hath the government or command of such indented servant, shall conttantly keep such arms, am munition, and accoutrements for the