The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 09, 1788, Image 3

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A CARD. IT if but charity to suppose, that the prdmpt gentleman,.who criticifed an imperjea ex traft, had a faudable motive. So likewise have they, who commit martyrdom. But if the gentleman had been less prompt ; this display of his wit had been, perhaps, prevented. Even as matters stand, his zeal appears to have been more prevalent than his candor* The fubjeft of his remarks was not called unoriginal: neither did the Editor of those papers aflume, or pretend to what the gentleman suggests. Coufcious of the recti tude of his intention; he contemns all such insinuations ; which he would not delerve, gven in thought, for all the metrical lines, and all the original poetry that ever enriched a Gazette. He had a much superior objeti jn view; and of Which every mind is not susceptible. Should that work ever be pub lished, no robberies will be dcfignedly com mitted ; nor unfair attemps made to “fitch fom any one his geo< nameV As to the Hymn, the Editor had no suspi cion of its genuinefs. He sent to the Press a copy of what had been for several years in his pofleffion : and if the gentleman were living, amongst whose papers it was found, it might poflibly be known, whether it was manufaftured from the stanzas, or the ftanzaa from it. ■:* Be that as it may. The piece was unfi nished ; and therefore not properly the fubjeft of criticifm* How it would have been closed, it was impossible for the gentleman to deter mine : but tandor would have waited for the conclusion. Had that gentleman done so, he would have found some explanatory remarks : and for the «« Address to Benevolence” he would have been referred to F. Y. O. Abcitta’s eflay on rajhy uncharitable judging. The Editor, with great deference, submits the case to the candor of the public ; who, he hopes, will forgive this obtrusion, to which be has been unexpectedly compelled# Hav ing no other delign than to aft justly; and wishing to prevent such milfakes in future, he takes the liberty of adding—the gentleman may poflibly have an opportunity of compar ing some of these Papers with some Northern publications; but if, after this precaution, be fliould give himfelf that trouble ; he will, in that instance, forfeit all pretentions to a laudable motive. S<XXXX>O<XX ? XXXXXXXX For Sale , 4 valuable Lots, In Springfield , near Augifia. THEIR situation pleasant; and being contiguous to*"Call’s Warehouses they will be particularly advantageous to mercan tile exertions. The terms of sale will be made known, and the premises (hewn, on ap plication to the fubferiber in Augulla. William Rogers. February 6, 1788. The SUBSCRIBER has For Sale, A QJJAN TI T Y 9f the best Allum Salt * Produce, or the paper medium of the Rate will be taken in pay ment. GEORGE HUNT. I NO TICE. PURSUANT to the direftions of an Ad appointing Con, miflioners for resurvey ing the Town of Brunswick in the county of Glynn : The said Commiflioners will 01 Mon day the sixth day of May next, proceed to carry the aforefaid AU into execution ; of whi h all concerned are to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. H. Ojborne , 1 George Handley , !j? Chrijlopher Hillary , > 3. John tiraddock, § / Villi am Steven, j 3 James Seagrove , j Fd. 4, i;88. GEORGIA. TBy Lewis Gardner , (L. S.) I lifq. Register of Pro- LEWIS GARDNER, f bats for the County J of Richmond. VyHEREAS William Barnett, hath applied ’’ to me for letters of administration on the estate and effe£b of William Barnett, rie ceafed : These aie therefote to cite and ad monilh all andfingular the kindred and cie ditors of the said Heceafed, to be and appear before me at my Office, on the 9th day ol March next, to (hew caul’e, if any they have, why letters of administration ftiould no> be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my Office, the 9th day of February, in the year of otr Lord 1788, and in the 12th year of the Independence of the United States of America. L os T AT IngerfiolPs Coflee-Houfe, in Augusta, on Thursday night last, A black Leather Pocket-Book, Containing the following papers :—An order drawn on the Treasury for one hundred and fifty pounds, in favor of Henry Allilou, Esq. —A Note given by Thomas Gilbert in favor of Hugh M‘Daniel, for two thousand weight of tobacco.—A Note given by Reuben Wilk inson for fix cows and calves, and one thou sand weight of tobacco, in my favor. —Two Certificates, one for three thousand and three pounds, some odd (hillings; and one for three hundred pounds, given to the Subicriber by ' John Wereat, Esq. Auditor*General, for at acounts audited by him; with a number of other papers. As the payment of the above-mentioned Notes and Treasury Order are flopped, they can be of no service to any - person but the fubferiber. A reward of Five Pounds paper medium will be given to any person returning the said Pocket-Book and papers to the fubferiber. JOHN APPLING. duouffa, yanuarv 2C> FOUND. BY the fubferiber, on the 31st of last January, in an ozna burg bag buried in a gully near Augusta ferry, a saddle and car riage reins. The owner may have it again on proving his property, paying charges, and applying to John Wallace Barclay . To be Sold, HOC/SE& LOT Whereon the fubjcriber now Lves t With a complete Billiard Table . Calh, Field Slaves, or Welt-India Product will be received in payment. (Villiam 7 hompjon. STRAYED From Augulta, on Thurlday the 3d inft.nt, A Sorrel Horse , about 5 teet high, four years old, blazed face; paces, trots, and cai.ters. A generous reward will he given to any person, on deli very of said horse to the fub* j leriber. WILLIAM RO JERS. January 5, 1788. GEORGIA. \By Lewis Gardner » (L. S.) ( K q RegifterofPro- LEWIS GARDNER. ( bats for the County / of Richmond. WHEREAS Avlfe Towns and Tocl Towns, haveapp cdto me for leitcr# of administration on the estate and effevis of Joel Towns, decealed ; These are therefore to cite and admonilh all and Angular the kin dred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear before me at my Olhce, ott the ad day of March, 1788, to (hew cause, if any they have, why le ters of ad ministration fliould not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, at my office, the 2d day of February, in the year of our Lord 1788, and in the 12th year of the Independence of the United States of America. IDO hereby forewarn all per sons from trading tor a bote of h nd of mine given to Solo mon Lowry, for one hundred and fifty bushels corn, as I have paid the amount thereof, and made a demand of the fame. M m. TA KdiT. January 23, 1788. Just publijhed and may be bad at the Printing-Office , THE LAWS Os the General Assembly of the State 0 1 Georgia, palled last Oftober Seifion, viz. Aft for railing Supplies. An Aft for fupprefling the Violences of the Indians. An Aft for regulating the Militia of thi* State for other purposes therein mention^. Like wife Bibles, Spelling ’ooks ; and New-bngland T/i/ncrs* * .a '