The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, February 09, 1788, Image 4

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NOTICE. ■W". LREAS I had the management of a * bufmcfs carried on under the firm of GORDON & CONNELL, from the ill of Aoguft 1784, to the Ift of April 1786, in ) which Thomas Gordon) of Peterfburgh, in Virginia, was equally concerned with me, This is to notify to all perfous owing money to that concern, whether contraded payable to me or to Thomas Gordon and Thomas Con nell, will implicitly follow laid Mr. Thomas G ordon’s inftrutitons in the payment agree able to the undernoted advertisement, for any debrs due to Gordon and Connelt, or a con cern in which said Mr. Thomas Gordon and 1 were both conneded under the firm of Con nell, Brown & Co. THOMAS CONNELL. Augusta, Jan. 26, 1788. ALL those indebted to the late concern of GORDON & CONNELL forttanf itdiotis with Mr. Thomas Connell at this place aje earueftly lequefted to pay off their ba lances to Mr. William Wallace or Mr. Tho. mas Connell, Merchants here, or Mr. James Wallace, Merchant, in Savannah, who are fully empowered to fettle all accounts, receive payments, and give full acquittances. As the concern has been long dissolved, and con sequently the debts long due, it is hoped that all those indebted will prevent the disagree able neceflity of my ordering suits to be com menced, and themfclves from being obliged to do jultice after the difgracc and expence of a law suit. THOMAS GORDON. Augusta, Jan. ad, 1788. STOLEN, In the night of >e 12th inst. (January) from Mrs. Hannah Gibbons’s, near Savannah, Two Horses; ONE a blood bay, about 15 and an half hands hu-h, a white ffHp over and down Ills nose, with some white on his left hinder foot, he is about 7 years old, and in travelling order, with a long thin tail, his fore hoofs are large, he is high boned, if there are any brands about him they are not recollected ; the other is a bright bay horse, five feet high and upwards, branded on the near cheek A, he has a white snip over and down his nose, and a small white spot on his forehead, about eight years old, with some white fiddle spots on his back, his (boulder has been lately hurt with a saddle, he is in bad order. Whoever delivers the laid horses to the fubfetiber at Savannah, fliall receive Twenty Silver Dollars, or Ten for either; and, if the thief or thieves be taken, Forty Silver Dol lars will be given, upon his or their convic tion, by MATTHEW M‘ALLISTER. January 17, 1788. Strayed away, SO VIE tmefince, aimailßay Horse with a bob tail, and a i‘ ar in his forehead, commonly known by the name of Buck . Whoever will deliver the said horie to me (hall receive Two Gut nets Reward, with a good drink in the bargain, and no que stions asked. Benjamin Fijhbourn. 30, 17881' Just PubliJhed A And may be had at the Print ing- Of:ce, A few Copies of the JOURNAL OF THE CONVENTION OF THE STATE of GEORGIA , C n the Federal Conilitution. she Federal ConHitution is contained in the above-mentioned Publication . ----- - t | _ _ To be Leafed, For the term of One , Two, or I tree years , and pojfejjion given im mediately , A Traft of Land C containing lixteen hunored j and sixteen acres, lying on Brier creek, in Burke county, for merly confinin'; of five Trafts, a? d known by the nnneof Hu ftoun Scruggs and Ruflels, late ly owned by Raymond Demere, Eiq. For terms apply to John Powel, fcfq. in Burke county, or to the subscriber in Savannah. James Gunn . Feb* I, 1788. To be Sold, At Public V ndue , at ingerfill's Ccffee-houje , on Saturday the 15 tb infl . at 12 del fk, HE property ot Frederick £ Snyder, decealed : Con sisting of one good horse, saddle and bridle, a fiLer watch, and feme other articl-s. Ihe con ditions will be made known on the dav of sale Wm Long fireet , Admr . Feb* 1, 1788. NOTICE. THE subscriber is under the neceflity of calling on all those who are indebted to the estate of John Beddingfield, deceased, to make immediate payment; and gives notice that those who do not comply with their engagements on or before thefirftday of March next, will be sued without diftinftion. WILLIAM GLASCOCK, Executor. Augusta, January 25, 1788. N. B. All those who have any demand on the above-mentioned estate, are to bring them in properly attested. i THFRE still remains in my poffeflion a Negro Fellow delivered me by Stephen Corker, ol Bir ke county, the latter end of 1785 i he is a New Negro, was leg ironed, calls himfelf Peter , and fays his mailer’s name is Barm ber or Barbee . He has been for- 1 merly advertised, and 1 have en deavoured to find his owner in this and in the state of South er arolina without iuccefs. He will therefore be fold at public outcry in Augusta, in two months, and the money paid into the Treasu ry if not claimed before that time R FORSYTH. Augusta , January 20, 1788. JUST OPENED BY JAS. TOOLE, At his Store in Broad-street, a variety of GOODS , W hich he will fell low for To bacco, Indigo, and Corn. JVm. Thompson PRo SENT his grateful ac knowledgement to the pub lic for past favors, and begs leave to inform them, that he has iroved to the houie in which his Filhar d I able has been kept for some time past, where he intends Hill to entertain a few Boarders, and to pay the liridteft attention to such Gentlemen as may chufe to amuse themselves at laid table. The LIVERY STABLES at his former rtfidence, are still in his pofleflion, where Fodder, Corn, &c. will be kept as here tofore, Good encouragement will he given to an expert HOSTLER, whole sobriety can be vouched for. To be Let , THE Mansion House Be’onging to the estate of dn* dreto M‘Lean, Elqujre, decealed. Enquire of moms colb. 4