The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, March 29, 1788, Image 2

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P&T always penetration enough to objtft lo the fluke’s visits to this country. Such is the miraculous reform which Mr. fitt has accomplished in favour of the East- Indja Company, ttfat wfcile every foreign Asiatic Company,, js either ruining or Turned, that of Great-Britain is advancing in wealth * every day and hour.—According to the pro. grefs they are making at this time, there is the Strongest preemption, that, by the year 1792, thf#Gompavy will not havefa Shilling .. of foreign debt, and but few bonds in .circu lation at home; for, independent of their revenue derivable from the provinces of Ben- Bahar, and OriSfa, the profits of their trade may be estimated at nearly a million sterling.—-The Board- of Controul may have limited the power of the directors ; but if it lias, the proprietors of India Stock are oblig ed to it, for making the Company’s capital better worth 200 per cent, than it was 220 befpJC that Board was established. BOSTON, February 9. The citizens pf Bolton, have ever Shewn jtbemfclves advocates for freedom; therefore, when a motion had obtained, one of the great, est objects of which is “ to secure the bletiings of liberty to themfelvefe and their posterity," ’ they could not refill the Strong impulse they tnuft have had, publicly to testify their gra titude for the pleasing event. Nor have they. On the decision being declared, the bells in the several public buildings communicated the happy intelligence to every part of the town, by a peal, which continued with Short intervals.—The difeharge of cannon, and other demonstrations of joy, took place on Wednesday and Thurday, but it was left to yesterday to produce an exhibition, to which America has never before witnessed an equal, and which has exceeded any thing of the kind Europe"pan boast of. The committee of tradesmen met on Thurs day, and, by public advertisements, request ed the attendance of the mechanics aryl arti zans of every description in town, at Fanueil Nall, at 9 o’clock yesterday, in order to form and proceed in grand proceSTion therefrom, to testify their approbation of the ratification of the Federal Constitution, by the Convention of this Commonwealth, the 9th inst. and de puted tbeir Chairman to request tbnr Brethren , the huibandmen of the adjacent towns to join them; who, though the notice was very Short, •ccordingly appeared in town at nine o’clock, when the several trades being met, at eleven o’clock, in real GRAND PROCESSION, the whole moved from the Hall, and the fol lowing was the Order of the Procejfion. Sixteen forreftere with axes, and brush feytbes Mu Sic, k V. ; * Fkagkr. •• 5 Drawn by two horfes,and two yokes of oxen, with a person holding it* and others clearing away the obftruftions. tThe sons of freedom venerate the plough.} Three sowers, with baSkets, Strewing grain,' and fmoaking their pipes* A brush harrow, drawn by a horSfe. A large roller, drawn by a borfc and past of oxen*. • * Four reapers, with Sickles, &c. Four mowers, with feythes, followed by i 8 hay-makers, with rakes, &c. Eight huibandmen, with hoes, Shades, and other farming utenSils. A cart, drawn by a yoke of oxen, wilh Flax dreSTers, at work, and in Working drefles. A yoke of fat cattle, with kiUert, properly equipped. A cart loaded with beef, followed by tight matter butchers, is clean frocks. (The above were our brethren of Roxbury.l Blacksmiths flo»€d»d by Mr. Jakcr* / -* Tft tbt of their craft—decorated with ribbons, &c. Frecedfed by Deacon Sharp, To the number of 43, with tools decorated* Sec, Rope-Makers. Preceded by Mr. W. McNeill, To the number of 75 —their waists encircled with hemp—with a cable-fled, >drawn by workmen, decorated with colours, and attended with martial music; Maft->Maktrs. |- Precededhy, Mr. S To the number of 3d, with tools decorated, • • • v - &Cj ■' Sail-Makers. •« Preceded by Deacon Barret, ,To the number of 30, with their Ship Joiners, Piefe'led b> M r. Urau* , ■- To the number of 34, with their ools deco- , ranted.* . \ BiOrfc Waken, „ Preceded by Mr. J. Blafl, To the number ot, 30, with tool , Sec, Mathematical Inja umer.t Mat , rs. '■ • To the number of 6 it with inftrun eats, &c. ~ • Coopefs r ■ e. *’•: Preceded bj* Mr. Avers; • To the number ot 13* with tools decorated, Arc. Boat Builtiers. Preceded by Mr. T. Hichborn, - To the number of 20, ! with tools, &c. Painters , . To the uumber of io ? with pallets, Sec, decorated.. r f' * * *« - • i . > yarvesrn Preceded t>y Mr. Skillings, 4 ; ■ With tools, Sck, decorated, to the number 12* : fc'ggwh { To the number cf 18, with tools, Set, .. and Plumber , Preceded by Captain Norton Brailsford^ To the number of idj with diamonds, Sec, Bakers , Headed by Mr. J. White, ' % \ To the number of 40, with their tools, Sc c. Tanners and Cu> ri/>s, -\ Preceded by Mr. S. Bate, To the number of 28, with tools, Sec, Shoe-Makers, • V Preceded by Mr. S. Bangs,' To the number of 50, with last, &c. deoorated. : Tay lots, * To the numher ,©f :$6, with their tools, measures, Sec, * hatters , ; Preceded by Major Seward, • To the number of 26, with their Bows, Fu, &c. Tallow-C handlers 9 To the number of 8, with a miniature Press, 5 Moulds, Sec, Mr. Vofe, onHorfcbaek. - * ' , V 4> Fbe Ship Federal Confiitution, • On runners, drawn by 13 horses, John Fuller Williams, Efijuire, Commander^ t * {. i 3 ’ • • f Lieut. Weeks, k Manned by Lieut. Adams, thirteen M. l’Moine, >!l seamen Mr.F. Sigourney,marines, • • : } • '* ■ j r With full colours flying—followed by Csp* tains of veflels, 83 seamen, dreffod in ribbons, and above 15Q of Itle principal merchants in town. . Ship'-Builders, To the number of 20, with a work yard, drawn by 13 horses, in which were yox 8 veflels on the flocks* v yritbttcwaatw9fli* * v >\ 9 1 -v. tie . r Carpenttf* -- * * 1 Preceded by Mr. Crafts, *4 To the number of 13d, with tools of OVfljF fort, decorated. Ma/ons, Preceded by Major Bell, s To the number of 30, with trowels, Se& as at work. Cabinet and Coach-Maktrs% Wbeel-Wrights, £sV* To the number of 3p, with the ii&gnia q| their crafts* Printers, Preceded by Mr, B. Edes, To the number of 15, with a Hand, drawn on a fled, and cjompofitors at work* * , Saddlers, To the number of 12, with tool* , decorated, &c. •"*' Geld-S truths, To the number of 15 , hammers, Leatber-Drefters, U ~ Preceded by Major W. Dawes, on horfebaclg -v < (drefled in Ikins) y [ To of 20, with (kius, and %vorking tools* ; 1 ■*?..' Card-Makers, ’*■ To the number of 12, with wire, Sec, the COMMITTEE of TRADER in a sleigh drawn by four horses. The VOLUNTEERS* Commanded by Capt. Cray, closed • ' : *'' • the proceflion.* ; In this order, whole proceeded by thfl houses of several gentlemen, whe reprefent-* ed this town in Convention, and teftified theic approbation of their condudl by three huzzah from the whole line, and falmesfrom the Ihip , and volunteer company. About 4 o’clock th® p oceflion arrived at *he Hgll, where me.)t were liberally provided, at which, am many as could find admittance, partook; but* tnough the Hall will hold 1500 men, not? •, above one-third of the proceflion could get in. However* we were happy that our coun« try friends were accommodated to theic wiflies. / ; - ’■ * \ ;; We have not time to give a just account of this beautiful parade: we can only fay, that the ptrfeft order and urbanity, the digni* ty and foltmnity that marked the proceflio® through whole day, was such, as had ® most ioterefling effect on the numerous fpec<« tators which a feene so august and noble col* \ leefed together. At two o’clock, when the proceflion paired by the btate'holffe, Capt. johnfon’s company . of artillery bonwed them with a salute of thirteen gutjs*. , - - , ;. i • ‘ 1 ’ - AUG US TA , March 20. 1 '■ 'v ■ y . Extra*? oft a Letter ftrom Wajhington County, ■ , dated March 26. • V •• 11 Indians seem to be very numerous in this county—last Sunday Week they killed and fealped lieutenant Hogan near Kemp’s Fort; ©ri,Friday after a Mr.-Daniell me* with the fanie crgel deaths andWn Tuefday last they killed Mr. David Jackfoh’s family* Conlifting of his wife and four children, hi® brother and two Negroes, and fealped ano« . ther young girl. / 1 * \ { “ ° n Ae fame day, Capt. Wood, of the State troops, with four of his men, accom« panied by 1 Capt., Kemp, went reconnhitrin* op the river Oconee, and near the Long Bluff came on sign of about 30 Or 33 Indians—upo® which Capt. Wood’# party turned back to wards the fort, butlwdrodf but a small di flanpe when the Indians fl«d at them, aud killed one man on the spot. ■ Capt. Wood if miffing; we have flnee found his horse with out saddle and bridle, and very much bloody* from which circumstance we suppose he was either killed or taken. The Savages have . burnt three houses ucar IrwiVa fort* aifl biXi ltd » another ts tattle and