The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, April 05, 1788, Image 2

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State CorntfeHor., flat tie lajJfcU han<! twice jonformable to tU common interelf • and that on halfword dune; the.r debates and ex- it is a fruitful fotitce of incite advamaee% pre<T*l in his countenance the highest indig- both nations whose i fJ m ** ™ nation at their conduft. When the Parlia- men. wen, to with a forma, pro tei agamft registering the new loan, he rose The Kino- - .u frWfl his feat, and received the paper, which himfelf wsh’ ’,w? , wa * the firfl ‘o conneft he inflan,.y tore to pieces befou th’e whole V Assembly, and retired. . 1 ? thCl * favour their The ftatemenc of expences incurred by the abl/oSlod u* 3 d ? ccthat m*mor late preparations for war; as laid before the of nrovino- ♦ tt , Urn u-* *l tC !!* lon t 0 tb * means houfe> on Friday last, is as follows • m L h em hisadefhon. This fenti- War-Office r “To sentf ent dired# the which his Majesty Ordnance; - S' ?g\oo o o f « r ms for their prosperity. Their success will Nav% - - , .*!’*£ ct? c y& 1U t tCreft , hun f€nfibl / 5 and the re is Out of the Civil Lilt, n r reaf< l n t 0 hope for ls » frora thc wisdom of the T > ®3,i06 o 8 measures which they will adopt. * —— To this fo*emn assurance of int&reft and at - 330,7 51 7 tachment on the part of ihe King, to the una , ? im ° U 8 fen I tiraei r >t of the nation » to the fervent wnhes of a great number of my coun- BOSTON Feh try men, who have had the advantage to be We hear that the papers,’ &c. of'his Excel- “ iau?y and success of lenay Jchn Adam,, Esq. onr late Amhaffador “ Su '. e *> P erm,t “* 10 those at the Court of London, have arrived in town h . h * ,n particular entertain for the growth and that his Excellency’s arrival may be soon fedsfaffio of f th . efe . ~at?s \ lat icn « th "joy the expefted f a ti ß iattion of having it in my powef here to Subscription, are opening in several public' , p, °s u t tt< ! which * places in this town, for railing money for !, i couflaii, y penetrated, for a people building, three large fl.ips, i„ to give b “? f* to „' ix ’ f ,T their birth > full employment to the fliip builders, &c. in h p *{ th ' " 10ft cl >niiderable powers this metropolis. We tiuccrely hop™’,h.‘tbi. t f tria ? if ? noble instance of patriotism, will fuccced to “T. aftomihed all nations. My happiness the withes of i„ promoters. w, “ b * cora P le “:’ G ' ntlemen * il I fnc _ ___________ ceed by my zeal and molt condant care, to v NEW- VOR K, March l. 11 "™’ y ° Ur COnfide “ Ce ’ and ycuc , Tucjiay, February *6, 1788. The talk which I have to accompli(li, ap- Congress alTembled.—Prefent, N. Hamp- pc ars *o hie to be the more difficult, as in iliire, Maflachufetts, New-York, New-Jer- succeeding a minister who held the place near fey, Pennsylvania Delaware, Maryland, Vir- you » Gehtlemen , 'vbich lam now ho ginia, and South-Carolina ; and from Con- noied, lam far from enjoying the fame ad- Mr. Wadsworth, and froni North- vantages which he derived from his talents, Carolina, Mr. White. hK knowledge, and thoie circumffanees which According to order, the Minifier rienipo- P Ia c«d him in the mod ih telafions to tentiary from His Mod Christian Majedy was you * 1 wiU endeavour to resemble him, as introduced to a public audience, when he de- l ca ft by the great attention to promote and livered a letter of credence from his Mod £ ive fucce1 * 8 to whatever may contribute to C’hridian Majtdy, of which the following is thc the glory, and the prosperity a translation : of the United States. Particular reasons, relative to the good of the PRESIDENT made the follow our service, have determined us to appoint a Reply: fiicceflbr to the Chevalier de la Luzerne, our SIR, Minider Plenipotentiary with you. We have Xt * IU always give us pleasure to acknow thofen the Count de Moujiier to take his place l c dge the frienddiip and important good of in the fame quality. The marks of zeal which fices > whic h we have experienced from his he hks hitherto *iven us, persuade us, that Most Ch nftian Majedy, and your generous on this new occasion, he will condutt him- nation ; and we flatter ourselves, that the fclf in such a manner a$ to render himfelf fa!tt « piintiples of maghanimity and regard to agreeable to you, and Store worthy of oSr mutual convenience, which dictated the con good will. We pray you so give full faith neftions between us,w!tf continue to operate to whatever he may fay to you on our part; and to rtn(J er thefn dill more extensive in particularly when he diall allure you of the f,jeir btl)efits the tw’o countries, flneerity of our withes for your prosperity, We tonfider the alliance as involving 6n well as of the coudant assess ion and frienddiip gagements, highly imereding to both parties • which we bear to the United States in gene- and wc are persuaded that they will be cb ral, and to each of them in particular. We served with entire and mutual good faith, pray God, that he will have you, very dear We are happy in being so explicitly alTurcd in his holy keeping. of the continuance of his Majedy’s frienddiip Written: at Tcrfailles, the 30th September and att&ch ment; and in this opportunity of J expressing the high lenfewt entertain of their Yotfr good Friend and Ally, flneerity aud value, ft is with real Tatisfae (Signed) LOU I & tion » Sir > we you as his Minider Count de Monthhorin. Plenipotentiary; especially as your charaffer V d the United States of us reason to expetf, that the harmony norib'America, *nd intered of both nations, will not be less After which lie addrefled Congress in a U ' e r’ “ ndor> and «be- - : Gentlemen es ,U. C, r “ m our and regard. v^iss, f as® x a.eaioD wS, • s,::r.EL“ ri ' ,d -- - which sublists between the King my mader to be depended cm, we learn^at^fro"^^ and the United States, have been cdablidied mod perfetf computation that couli he f™ thC s: Se^^ ot it u 1?'" not “ - jfi? be mutually convinced that an alliance m thelSftnine momhTTy the^iff WUh ’ ed for obtaining a glorious peace, after efforts of the Ohio, Wilderness L Ont f* a r ° UtS direffed by the greated wisdom, and fuflained ; fe<fly well afeertained Aron Liv C pCr " »» «xtk mem,, rna a..,. >. ,b t ix : i f November, there pa&ed Fort Harms?, at tbs mouth of the Mufkingum, one thousand two hundred and ninety-fix fouls, according to the accounts taken by the boats of the garri son, the commander of which uses great pain* and accuracy in informing faimfelf of the num bers that pass. General Harmer, with the greatefl part of the troops under his command, has returned from Post Vincents on the Wabash to the Mufkingum, leaving two companies at the former place. j j? p «^ D 1 i 11 ' i * F,t - **• Extras of a Ist tr from IVincbefier, dated Dn comber I <5, 1787. “ On the 1 ith day of this raontli Mr. Rum fey s fleam boat, With more than half her loading (which was upwards of three tons) and a number of people on board)' made a progress of four miles in an hour against the current of Potowmac river, by the' force of fleam, without any external application what soever, impelled by a machine that will not cost more than twenty guine.js for »ten ton boat, and that will riot consume more than four bufliels of coals, or the equivalent in wood, in tw-fclve hours. It is tfiottght, tbit if some pipes of the machine had not been ruptured by the freezing of water, which had • been left if] them a night or two before, and which ruptures were onlyfecured by rags tied round them, that the boat’s way Would have been at the rate of seven or eight miles an hour. As this invention is equally applicable to boats or (hips of all diriaenflons, to fmootb, (hallow and rapid rivers, or the deeped and roughest seas, freightage of all kind will be reduced to one third of its present expence. Mr. Rumfey has a machine (which I have likewt e seen) by which he railes water for grist or saw mills, watering of meadows, or purport of agriculture, cheaper thin races can be dug or darns made, and the water, af ter performing its operation, to be returned again into its firft reservoir. H* has likewise made such improvements upon the ftrutture of mills as to work grist mills with one-third with „ n!T r nOVV * I< P' nded * saw mill, with one twentieth, arid yet encreafe their powers without fearing the innumerable acci dent s attendant on the cumbersome parade of rounds, logs and wheels, Which he has total ly laid afidc, and equally Amplifies and cheap- Mr. Kumfcy is preparing to publifli the prin- ' ciples upon which his boat afls,. when the public s curiosity will be fatisfied.” The w > February 7. * The following gentlemen were appointed Delegates to represent this state in Congress for the present year, at the last feflion of the General Ailembly, held at Tarbornugh, viz. James White, Johnß. Alhe, Hugh WiUiam benjamin Hawklns > John Stokes and Jo seph M‘Dowell, Esquires b 1 0 J -' J » March 10* We have the pleasure to inform our readers* that a new mode of applying/*** to machi nery has deen discovered by Mefirs. Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet, both of Georgia, and that fangnine expectations are formed of its utility. The ioventors have ob : tainecl the exclusive privilege of using it fo£ 14 years in this state and Georgia. We have been favoured with the following defeription viz. This engine is Co conftnifted that the ft earn operates, alternately, at each end of an honfontal cylinder, on a piston, which it causes to vibrate both ways with equal force x that this force is not checked by cooling the cylinder, the unavoidable consequence of aa mjethon of cold water, but that an alternate , condenfatmn, in the cylinder on each fide cf the piston, is effeaed by means of metallic pipes surrounded by cold water, so that there is always a vacuum on one fide of the piston, , > F h W the flcai* is «aing on (he other , and