The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, April 19, 1788, Image 1

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IaTCTRD ip, t?8lt ' *?» **#■ , ~ & ' - GEORGIA state gazette I * tic . % ••*«. -*4 4ih *„ * - - Mg I o R I INDEPENDENT REGISTER. If REEDOM of the PRESS, and TRIAL by JURY, to remain inviolate forever. Conflitution of Georgia* mUGU ST A: Printed JOHN E. SMITH, Printer to the State \ EJfays , Articles of j Intelligence , Achertifements, &c. will be gratefully received , and every kind of Printing performed* i— —■ 1 = "■■" l » 11 ■ I *T » I SAVANNAH, March 27. Burke county we have advice, that on Tuefday the 11th inst. a man named Kanicl Sykes, Mrs. Dabney, his fitter, and a Joung man named Purlock, were killed and tlped at Wjlliamfon's swamp, within seven tiles of the Old Town on Great Ogechee ri- Eer, it is supposed by a party of white men End Indians. Sykes's daughter (a little girl) Keld out a bottle of honey to them, faying it Eras rum, and begged them to spare her life ; ■hey told her they did not want rum, but her ■air, knocked her down with alightwood stick, nd scalped her, but we hear she is in a fair vay of recovering. A number of the inha lants, it" is said, soon after collerting toge, her, tracked the murderers to the house of me Allen, and took several white men pri oners; one named Conway, who would not urrender, was killed. Two men were killed on Wednesday the * * pth inst. in fight of Tomkins's fort, near rederica, and a girl carried off, by the Ju lians. A party of 25 men were feat in pur. uit of them* April $• We have it from authority that nany of the late reports to the southward, ire without foundation. The Indians have committed murders, and carried off a wo nan and two children ; the woman and one child were however rcleafed, and the other child adopted by one of the Indians and car ried to the nation, which is supposed to be the reason that the others were sent back unhurt. The last miichief there is a certainty of is the iilling a man by the name of Pelcher, and wounding his brother who is come in with his arm broke. Two or three more such checks as they have met with from Lewis and the tarty of five, will make them more cautious in their depredations. £xt-ali of a letter from Colonel Jantes Max well, to General Jackson, elated V)tb ult . “ On last evening a party of Indians at tacked Captain Lewis, at Mr. Shepherd’s plantation, the upper settlement on Midway. He had been out on a scout to Beard’s Creek, and across that to Canoochie, and had re turned about the middle of the afternoon, turned out his horses, and several of his men lad left camp to procure forage. A little be fore £y«fet the Indians were difeovered com ing up behind forae out-houses. The men lad just time to fly to their arms, and can «eal themselves, when the enemy marched up within 40 yards, difeovered the white party, *nd fired. The fire was inftantiy returned, *hicb killed one Indian on the spot, and Wounded two more. The ravages immedi- . Wdy run, and Captain Lewis ordered his aorfestobe caught, and pursued them about 1 mile to where they had left their bundles, *nd where they dispersed. One of the wound bled very freely for fomediftance, the other Jot so much. Captain Lewis fays his men «Juvcd with the greatest bravery, and that it was with difficulty he could restrain them from charging the enemy previous to a know ledge of their number.—The exart number of the Indians could not be afcertaihed.” 10. We have it from good authority that the Generals MatheW and Pickens, theCom miflioners of this state and South-Caroliu, arting uur'er Continental Eftablifliment, have dispatched Mr. George Whitefield with a talk to the Creek Indians, pointing out the powers of their comraiffions, demanding to know if they have a disposition to treat and to suspend hostilities, and informing that in fu ture it will be considered as a War of the Union, should they rejert their pacific proposal and persevere in their depredations. Two men being out to a Mr. Harvey’s house, on Friday, from Lieutenant Seckingd’s station at Bryan’s Cowpen, difeovered two Indians. The Lieutenant on their return marched with fix men, and waylaid rhe house for them. Soon after daylight on Saturday, five Indians were seen advancing to the house. One of the whites over anxious, fired at too great a distance, which prevented the whole from falling Into ihe white party's hands.— Two of the Indians were seen to fall, and one of them during their making off, and is sup posed to have been dangerously wounded; several of his bullets dropped from his ftiot pouch in his falls and were picked up, and a gteat sign of blood found on his trail. A swamp was unfortunately too near, which af firted their efcapt. We hear the Indians have burnt some build* ings on Blythe Island, and wounded Mr. Burnet in a Tally he had made with a small party from his fort at Turtle river. Petitions are preparing in different parts of England, to be presented to Parliament, for the abolition of the Have trade. The Nancy, Hall, from Charicfton, is ar rived at London. The Britannia, Ball, is arrived at Charicfton from London. AU GU STA, April 19. The Hon. the Executive Council have been pleased to appoint Isaac Perry, Esq. Surveyor . for Burke county, in the room of Thomas Lewis, fen. Esq. deceased. Yesterday a company of the firft regiment of state troops,commanded by Capt.Rofs, com* pletely armed and accoutred, marched from here to the frontiers of Waftiington county. Kxti'aft of a letter from Greene county, dated the 1 sth infant . « Last Friday fourteen Indians fired at Mr. James Finney and Mr. Joseph Milligan, (spies belonging William Melton’s company of horfti) at the Big Cow Ford, on the Oconee, ftiot three balls through the bridge of one gun, and cut the fliot bag strap of the other; they being surprised at the firing rode off a fciali distance, halted and rtitt one of the f HI .-pteUßoai^ , Indians down—Next morning earty Captain Melton with 4 6 men was on the ground, and trailed on the blood to the river* were vines we e cut, supposed to be for the purpose of tying weights to fink him. Those two bravo men who afted so courageously, have juftty recommended ih;mfelve&to gene al applause, —The exertions made by Captain Melton has hitherto prevented our frontier from break* iug, and were several companies railed i* might prevent many of our citizens becoming a prey to the merciless ravages.” Extrad of a Utter data Exeter, Ne<w*Hamp+ Jhire> February la. u After the repeated afturanc es t have given you of the favorable reception of the neOf Conflitution, and the fairprofpeft of its adop* tion, by a large majority of our convention* you will be greatly Airprifed when I inform you, that they have this day adjourned with* out taking the final question* Unbounded confidence of fucceft in any undertaking, as it reject* the necefiTary precaution end fleck*** * exertion, always endangers the objeft. Sk confident were we of the*prevailing voice m favor of the Constitution, that no pains were taken to counteract the intrigues of a few no* torioufly vile characters, who were too fuc* ccfsful in the dark and dirty bufinels of fe« duciug a great number of the interior towns by falfc representation, to fetter their dele* gates with positive inftruftions, to vote in all events against the Conftuution. After dlfcuff* ing the fubjeft seven or eight days, and find* ing many of the members, who were indraft* ed to the contrary convinced of the expedi* ency and neceflityof adopting the plan, and defirou* to consult their conftituen'ts, the Con* vention agreed to adjourn to June next, when I have no doubt the ratification will take place.” Etrad ofa Utter from Naples t Dee . !• u Two nights ago, a considerable part of the top of our tremendous Mont Vesuvius was fairly swallowed up in the mouth of the Volcano j and to-day, to our aftonilhment, a8 well as terror, we beheld immcnfe quan* titics of smoke, blended with a pale-coloured eleftrical flame, iflue with an incredible re* ~ verberating violence, to the summit of the mouni again. During the whole of this flu* pendous phenomenon, the flcy seemed to blaze with myriads of meteors; and long will it be before our apprebenfions Hull subside about the effects in all probability to he expected from this uncommon eruption.* 1 From a late London Paper• BIRMINGHA U; Dec IQ. On Friday last, by virtue of n Judge’s war* rant, Lord George Gordon was apprehended in this town, for contempt of the Court of King’s Bench, in not appearing upon the pro* fecution last Hilary Term,. for publishing a libel, of which he was found guilty. Lh»rd George was'conveyed before Jofcph Carles, Esq. who directed him to be conducted te