The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, May 31, 1788, Image 2

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the different crafts liave been placed a§ ap peared most eligible,? without any refpeft to ptecedence. It is hoped, therefore, no of fence will be taken. ± HENRIT JOHNSON, f£> * e \ M blunjcet, j I JOSffUA BARNEY, 1 JOHN MCHENRY, [ ? Wbe fallowing are the proposed Amendments Jo the Conjiitutton : ♦- That it he declared that all perfonsentruff cd with tne legislative or executive powers of government, are the trustees and fervauts of the public, and as such accountable for their'*’ condutt. "WHEREFORE, whetifverthe ends of go vernment are perverted* and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of red refs are ineffefluaj, the people may, and of right ought, to.object to, reform the old, or ' establish a new government. That the dottrine of jion-refiftance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, SlaviSli and deftru&ive of the good and happiness of mankind. That it be declared, that every,man hath a right to pe tition the legislature for the redress of griev ances, in a peaceable and orderly manner. That in all criminal profccutions every man hath a right to be informed of the accusation again * him, to have •» copy of the indictment or charge in due time (if required) to prepare for his de cure, to be allowed council, to be confronted with the witnesses againlt him, to have process for his witnelfes, to examine the witnesses for and againlt him on oath, and to a Speedy trial by an impartial jury. That no freeman ought to be taken, or im prifonetb of flepi ived of his freehold, liber ties or privileges, or outlawed or exiled, or an any minner destroyed, or deprived of his life, liberty or property, but by the lawful judgment df his Peers, or by the law of the land That no power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, unleft derived from the Legislature, ought to be exerqifed or allowed. That all warrants, without oath, or affir mation of a person confcienfioufly scrupulous of taking an oath, to search fufpefted places, or to seize any person, or his property, are grievous and opprtffive ; and all general war rants, to search fufpe&ed places, or to appre hend any person fufpefted, without naming or describing the place or person in special, arc dangerous and ought not to be granted. That there be no appeal to the Supreme Court of Congress in a criminal case. Congress shall have no power to alter or change the regulations refpeding the times, places, or manner of holding elections for fe liators or representatives. All impoSls and duties laid by Congress Shall be placed to the credit of the Slate in which the fame Shall he collected, and lliall be de duced out of such Slate’s quota of the common or general ex peaces of government. No member of Congress lhall be eligible to any office of trull, or profit, under Congress, daring the time for which he lhall be chosen. That there be no national religion ella blithed by law ; but that all persons be equally entitled to protection in their religious li berty. That Congress Shall not lay direst taxes on land, or other property, without a previous requisition Os the refpeCtive quotas of the Slates, and a failing, within a limited time, to com ply therewith. In all calcs of trefpaffcs, torts, abuses of power, personal wrongs and injuries done on land, or within the body of a county, the party injured lhall be entitled to trial by jury, in the Slate where the offence lhall be com mitted y and the Slate courts, in such cases, Shall have concurrcut jurifdicfion with the fe deral courts j and there thalf be no appeal, excepting on matter of law. 1 That the Supreme federal court Shall not admit of fictions, to extend its jurifdittion ; nor Shall citizens of the fame Hate, having cornt overfies with each other, be Suffered to make collusive alignments of their rights, to «m of another (late, for the purpose of defeating the jurtfdi«ion of the date courta • nor lhall anr matter, or quell ion, already determined in the Slate courts, be revived or nutated j n the federal courts j that there be wo f rom orfaA, to the Supreme **»• d»im, or demand, does liut exceed three hundred pouudi Sterling, ihw «o (lauding army shall be Kept up in i time of peace, unless with the content of three 4 fourths of the member* of each branch of Congress: Nor (hall soldiers, in time of peace, be quartered upon private houses, without the consent of the owners. ( / No Jaw ,of Congress, Or treaties, (hall be effectual to repeal or abrogate the conftitu lions, or bills of rights of the dates, or any of them, or any part of the said constitutions or hills ot rights. • - Militia not to fctefohjeft to the rules ofCqn- nor inarched out of the date, without "content of the legiffature of fuCh date. I hat Congress have no power to lay a poll - -'fax? — •- ~r *. rr —* That the people have a right to freedom of fpcech, of writing and* piiblilTftng their fedti ments, and therefore that the freedom of the press ought not to be reftraiiifcd, and the. printing-presses ouglp to be fiee to examine , the proceedings’ of government, and the con du& of its'officers. ThatT ongrel's dull exercifc no power, but What is expressly detegafed by this cmiftitution. 1 lut the Prefiden: lhtl’ not command the arihy in person, without the consent of Cou firefs. True abftraft from the minutes of the Convention of the liaie of Mai viand. WILLIAM HARWOOD, < Ik. Cun. * Done in Convention, April 26, i;B3. CHARLESTON, May 25. ‘ Yesterday the convention determined that' a committee should be appointed to confider if any and what amendments ought to be made in the new constitution, previous to putting the grand question. The members of the corhmittee were Mr. E. Rutledge, Mr. Bee,' Mr. Pringle, Judge Pendleton, Rev. Mr. Cummings, Mr. Hun ter, Col. Huger, Col, Hill, and Mr. Wil liam Wilson. The committee reported in nearly the fol lowing words : A s the obtaining the following amendments would tend to remove the apprehensions of some of the good people of this state, and confirm the blessings intended by the said con stitution, We do declare,! that as the right to regulate elections to the federal legislature, and to direst the manner, times, and places of holding the fame is, and ought to remain to allpoftemya fundamental right, Rilolvtdy That in the opinion of this con vention the general government of the United States ought not to interfere therein, but in cases where the legislatures ihall refufe or ne glect to execute that branch of their duty to the constitution. Kejoived, That in the opinion of this con vention, the 3d fed ion of article 6th lliould be amended, by inserting the word “ othct ” between the words no and religious. Rejolved, That the general government of the United States ought never to impose direct taxes, but w here the monies arising from the duties, impolts and exciie aic infufßcient for the public exigencies ; nor then until congress Ihall have made a requiiition upon the states to afiefs-, levy, and pay their refpeflive pro portions of such requisitions, and incafefuch ftatc lliall negled or refuie to pay its propor tion, pursuant to fubh requilition, then con grels may aliels and levy such state’s propor tion, together with interest thereon, after the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from the time of payment preferibed by such requisitions. Re/C'Vedy That the states refpedively, do retain every power not expressly delegated by this constitution to the general government of the'unioh. Re,ol‘V'’dy That it be a Handing inftruttion to iuch delegates as may hereafter be ele&ed, to represent this state in the general govern ment, to use every pofiible and ueceftary ex ertion to obtain an alteration of the constitu tion conformable to the aforegoing refolutiong. Then they adjourned till this morning at nine o’clock. v . May 24. xclterday the convention went through the new constitution, and all'o the proposed amendments publithed yeflerday; • after which it was moved, That this convention do aftent to and ra tify the constitution agreed to on the 17th of September hft, by the convention of the United State* of America held at Rbila- Uelphia, The yea* and nay* being catted for, there •ppeircd to be for the ratiftcation 14*. Again# I it 73. « * After the main question was’eatried, CJea# Sumter, Judge Burke, Colon* fH HI, Mr. Cud* worth, Mr. Dollard, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. Lin, eoln, and Dr. Fayffoux, in a liberal and can** did manner, exprefiied their intention, as fig) large a majority appeared to be in favor of.thfe constitution, that they would exert themselves to the utmost of their abilities to induce the people quietly to receive, and peaceably to live under the new government. The con-i VeuflcJri then* adjourned untilthis da>£ • ; AYES.* Medrs. C. C. Pinckney, C. Gadfdcn, E. Rutledge, D. Ramsay, T. Heyward, jun. E. ■ Darrel; L Motte, T; OadTden, /.'Mathews, , E. Blake, T. Bee, D. Defaufture, T.« Jones, J. F. Griinke', W. Johnson, J. J, Pringle, Jl ■ Blake, D. Stevens, D. Cannon, A. Toomer, H. Rutldge, J. Budd r F. Kinlocb, W. So rrier fill, M. Kalteifen, R. Lufhineton, N. Pvuftellf J. Smith, L. Morris, E, Lightwood, J. Edwards, C. Pinckney, J. Rutledge, A. Vanderhorft, W. Read, J. Maaigault, J. Reed, J. Toomer. FI. Laurens, W. Moultrie, H. Laurens, jun. G. Drayton, R. Hutfoa, T. Fuller, J. Ladfori, A. Izard, jun. C. Dray tun, W. Scott, 4. Glaze, M. Waring, T, Waring, W. Poftell, M. Hutchinson, J. Dawson, Izard, P. Smith, B. Smith, G. Manigault, W. Smith, j. Parker, jun. J. Deas, jun. J Huger, T. Karwoh, T. Screven, R; Daniel, L. Fogartie, I. Harlefton, I. Parker, P. Hamilton, G. Haig, J. Slann, R. P. Saun ders, W. Walhingtoii, J. Lloyd, j. J. Pettigrew, J. Barnwell, J. joyner, J. Kean, W H. Wigg', R. Barnwell, W. EHiot, j. Stewart, I. Dubofe, > L. MHes, S, Warren* R. W.thers, J. Mayrant, T. Horry, T. Wa nes, S. Smith, C. Kinloch, W. Allftoni jun, T. AilfiOn, D. Moiral, W. Wilson, A. Tweed, W. FrierfuU, T. Legare, R.Muncreef, jun. D. Jenkins, H. Wilson, T.- Jenkins, E. Mi hell, W. Smehe, jv Poftell, -j. Fenwick, J. Harleftone, S. Stafford, H. Holcom, T. Hut fun* J M‘Pherfou, J. Maine, J. A. Cuthbert, J. Lightwood, j. Summons, S. Deveaux, j. Palmer, H. Maham, S. Dubofe, J. Peyre, j. Chefmit, j. Harris, S. Earle, L. J. J. Thomas, jun. j. Miller, W M‘Caleb,H. Pendleton/ J. Hunter, F. Cummins, W. Thompfoif, P. Warley, L. Leftarjette, j. Rumph, D. Bruce, L. Benton, W Dew'itt, C. Spencer, S. Taylor, R Brownfield, Hicks, jun. S. Smith, W. Dunbar, J. Vince, W Robifon, t. Collins, T . Clark, T. Wadf* worth. J N A Y S. Messrs. P. Fayffoux, K. Simons, T. Wal ter, Jehu Wilson, M. Garner, B. Poftell, W. C. Snipes, O. Smith, P. Walter, E. Bellin ger, J. Bowman, W, Reed, j. Burgess, jun. j. Chifliolm, J.L. Bourquin, jun. T. Sumter, A. Balking, j. Lowry, B. Cud worth, W. Mas sey, H. White, T. Dunlap, S. Dunlap, J.. Montgomery, J. Lincoln, A. C. Jones, A. Hamilton, E. Martin, j. Calhoun, W. But ler, J. Bowie, J. L. Gervais, R. Hampton* j. Culpepper, W. Fitzpatrick, L. Threewits, i J- Three wits, W. Hampton, JE. Burke, J. Lindsey, P. Waters, R. Rutherford, J. Hamp ton, S. Saxon, J. Saxon, W. Kennedy, J. Jor dan, C. Sims, F. Bran ion Z. Bulloch, T. Tay lor, W. Meyer, T. Howell, J. Craig, j* Brown, J. Cook,J. Grey. E. Lacey, J. Brown* W. Miles, J. Knox, W. Hill, R. Patton, S. Watson, j. Martin, j. G. Hunt, S, Lowrey* A. Love, J. M‘Gaw, A. Meek, A. Smith* J. Linton. Federal ProceJJion and Order of March, jn Charleston, on Tuefday next, the 27th instant, (Weather permitting,) to parade at Roper’s wharf, at 10 o’clock. A. M. * I ft. Band of Music. 2d. (jentlemen Planters.' . 3d. lufpeclors of rice, indigo and tobacco, with a hoglhead of tobacco, drawn by horses. _ 4 l h. Butchers, with tools, decorated with ribbons. sth. Bakers, ditto ditto 6th. Brewers, ditto ditto 7th. Distillers, ditto ditto Bth. Blacksmiths, do. ditto j?th. Whitefnmhs, do. ditto loth. Cutlers, ditto ditto 1 th. Fire Engine Makers, ditto 12th. Architifts, ditto ditto .13th. Hcufe Carpenters ditto 24th. Bricklayers, ditto ditto . 15th. Painters and Glaziers, ditto 16th. Coach Painters, ditto