The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 07, 1788, Image 3

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•.' . t ogfit wounded, two or three of those mortal ly.” SAVANNAH, May zs. We are informed that fix negro men, the property of James Spalding, Esquire, of the island of St. Simon, run away lately to St. Augustine. Mr. Spalding followed them,, and tequefted the Spanifli Governor to perihtt him to take bis negroes, but he w*i refufed, the Governor alledging that he had orders from his Court to the contrary. While Mr. Spald ing was at St. Augustine, three run away ne groes from South-Carolina went in and re ceived “ PROTECTION,” as it is called among the Spaniards. The frequent repeti tion of this unjust and ungenerous conduct, will not much longer be the fubjeti of re monstrance ouly. M‘Gift was brought to town last Monday evening from Effingham county, and com mitted to gaol. ~ * 1 f i A V G US T A, June 7. . The General Affedibly of Rhode-Ifiand, on Che sth of April, adjourned to the firft Wcd ’iiefday in May, then to meet in Newport. We hear that, by the returns made to the said the yeas and nays for the adoption or rejection of thepropofed Federal Constitution (agreeable to a fete aft) there appeared to have been given iu, throughout thetfate, 232 yeas—27oß nays. Extras of a letter received by a gentleman in Bofion , dated 'Lahe Champlain, the 1 Sth of "March, 1788. “ Lord Dorchester has ordered the people ten milts on this fide the lines to be enrolled with the militia of Canada; they are to choose their officers next week, are to be governed by the laws of that province, and protected by the fame. As soon as the ice on the lake breaks up, the lhip Maria is to come up the lake, to keep'qp-order and regulation, ifne eeirary.,> Extras of a letter from Ncw-Tork, dated April 18, 1788. We have had mobbifh rimes here these three or four days p'aft. Some young students of physic having during the winter, taken up a number of corpse for fubjefts of anatomi zations, and not having paid the least refpeft to family, , age, sex or colour, or te&crecy, have exposed to the view of New* York, the raoft barbarous /and waritOn feene that ever awakened their feelings to the sense of injury “ On Sunday last as k number of the lads at the hospital were proceeding in their expe riments, by some means it got from one to the other, ahd in a little time near aooomen ■were collefted found the to fire a feene which struck with horror the mqft hardened wretch: anatomies hanging, different parts of bodies, eyes, &c. coffins filled with ex crements, a hogftiead filled with bones in pickle, parts of bodies in large kettles boil ing j here and there a head, art arm, A leg, a heart! a long table, bloody knives, and a nauseous flench. These . and others past my defeription, were exposed to the fight of an injured community, on their entering the hospital. Death would have been the imme diate c°nfequencc, had not the niagtftrates interposed, and by force put them into goal. The feelings of all were too much and tdo justly incensed and hurt to let the matter rest here; for on Monday morning they allembled tnore numerous and more enraged than on the preceding day, for the highthad awakened all their feelings as husbands, parents, brothers, and friends. The number of 1 dads of bones, &c. that were buried, convinced them of the melancholy truth rff the barbaroil* and inde cent conduft whrcn had been puffued. They proceeded to a number of the fufpefted Doc tors boufes ; to some they did much daniage, but were prevented from destroying their Wife by the magistrates; affairs became so serious towards noon, that some of the mili tia were ordered up to the gaol; this enraged the mob, whodifarmed the guard, and broke their guns. At.funfet the alarm gun was fir ed at the fort’/when obout ico men assembled at the city hail, and iharclied in battle array towards the gaol. When they arrived, the mob opened and fuffered them to but soon closed upoh them, and began a smart action with brick bats and clubs, which wounded many, and obliged the militia to fire on then?, but the mob prevailing; they Were , compelled to retire. Soon, afterwards the mob dispersed, and behaved pretty peaceably throughout the night.—Three of the mob wete killed, aud several wounded. Orders were f*nt over to Long Island for the militia of one county to be under arms, who were accord ingly assembled almost to a man, but they did not come oveb, their assistance being uunecef farv, as the mob thought belt not to rifque another battle.” A Britifli Print of a late date, fays, “The return of the Marquis of Buckingham to Ire land, as Viceroy, gives infinite pfeafure to the people of that country; his Excellency will now accomplish what he once began, the annihilation of a tyrannic ariftocracy.** The lhip Mary, Payne, from Bristol; (hip Carolina Packet, Capt. Currie, from Oftend ; ftiip Martha, Dowrie, from London; brig Polly, M‘Dowell* from Liverpool; and brig Courier du Cape, Hymeli, from Bourdcaux j are arried at Charlcfton. The following was omitted in inferring the report of the Committee on Finance of the 23d January, 1788, in our paper of the ult. “ That the Treasury books are kept in a fair and edrreti manner, and :hrt the fyftcm adopted by the T1 eafurer is such, as will tend to arrange the birfinefs in that method that will - bring into view the tranfaftions of the Officer with perfpicuityj and recommend that the prefen t system be continued ; that upon exa miniog thfc ftatemhnt of the receipts ahd ex penditures of the Treasurer since hisappoint rnent, they find that they have been duly au dited agreeably to law to the firft instant, and tiansfers made according y upon the books.* aciKKaexxffleHxixsm STOLtN from mjr plantation, about four milefc ahd a half Itom Augusta, sometime in Fe bruary last, by one Notley Wil liams and Bradley a SORREL MARE, about four teen bands and a half high, strong made, paces and trots, and brand ed thus C D, there are also two other letters on her, but i do not % remember them exa&ly, but be lieve it is S on the (boulder, and ~ M on the burtock. The, said Mare was carried off by the above near the Golden GroVe, South-Carolina, where they were apprehended, and committed to the Kioka gaol, but on their way down were enlisted by Captain Fleurnoy. Also jlolen from Augufld, Fome time in April, a BLACk. MARE, with a wratch down his forehead; aboutfourteen hands and a half high, trots and canters, four years old, and branded thus C D on the mounting (boulder or buttock. 1 Also stolen from Ahgufla, The 29th day of May, a large BAT MARE , near fifteen hands high, with a very small star in bet forehead, trots and canters well, and 1 do not recollect whe ther (he is branded or not. A reward of Six Guineas will be given for the above horses, or Two for each, and realonablc charges paid by T 4^ C. byfart . June 3; *7884 .‘ J r Saint John the ' r Baptist . 'T'HE Membeisot LODGE 1 COLUMBIA, are requeft cd to attend at the Lodge Room on Tuefday, the 24th instant, at io o clock A, M. in order to ce lebrate the l eftival of St. John the Baptifi , 7he Lodge will go irom thence to Church in proceiP fioiv, w here a lermoir, iuitable to the occasion, will be preached. Dinner will be served up at the houL of Brother Wamherjie . ' company of tranfeient Brethren is requested. By Order of the IVorJhipful Rafter. T» M‘CA LL, Scc'y. Tickets :o be had of Bro thers tVagnm, Burke, Cowles and Cobbifon , Stewards. To the Public. BETHESDA COLLI GE near Savannah, inftituded by the late Reverend George Whitefield, Chaplain to the Right Honorable the Counters Dowager of Huntingdon, is to be opened the 24th instant, under the patro nage of her Ladyship, whole warm zeal to promote the hoppinefs of mankind, in spread ing religion and learning in this State, is above praise ; and,by whose authority and appoint ment the Reverend David Phillips, late from England, anxious,of carrying her Ladyfhip’a pious deligns into the fulieft execution, folicite' the attention of such Ladies, Gentlemen, and Guardians of youth, as are defitous offending young Gentlemen for inftrutlion in every branch of ufeful and polite literature, com prehending, Englijb grammatically, writing, and the ujt oj figures; every branch *f tin ma thematics ; theuje oj the glebes', Laun t Greet, and French) including board, washing, &c. on the following terms, viz. Thirty Guineas per annual fdr each Studeut, without distinc tion of age, ,or class of education Punftua lity is expefted in tur quarterly payments. A line, for ad million, to the Reverend David Phillips, Buperintendant, or the Reverend Benjamin Lindsay, Reftor of Chiift’s Church, Claftical Tutor of said College, Savannah„wUL have.immediate attention, from Their devoted, and much obliged, Hnmble Servant, , v ; -•-- r , DAVID PHILLIPS w. B. Every Student js expefied to bnng his bedding complete, which will be returned on his leaving College. Public Notice will be given in the Gazette of this State, for the reception of orphan children on the, original, benevolent plan, ? immediately on the eflate being produtiive for that purpose. T Trul}teß cf ‘he Academy of the % county of Chatham not having it yet ia .their power Co carry into etfett the trust re jpofed in them by the honorable the Legisla ture » and being fcufible of the utility of the above design, do recommend to the parent* and guardians of youth, an attention to en courage an in Dilution, which has for its obv jets the promotion of feience. •. By Oraer of the Board of Trufeet, JOHN HABERSHAM, frejident pro temp. Savannah, June 3, 1788. NCT T I C~E7 IHAVE credtcd at my Milts bolting cloths complete, fbjr the manufadlory of flour—-A white man, a will attend her, who is well ac quainted with that branch of bu fiaeis, Thomas Giafcock.