The Georgia state gazette, or, Independent register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1786-1789, June 07, 1788, Image 4

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Call’s Warelioufe. *—— At Public Auction Will be Sold, On Tutjday , tbt io tb day ts June next t What transfer TOBACCO May be on hand at that time. J. Anthony . D. Harris § ■ ----- NOTICE. I - *ave in poffefllon a negro man slave named Jem, whom I f uaht from Major John bharp of Burke county. As I under stand some other person pretends to claim, and did lately take and carry him out of the state, this is to give notice, that I am deter mined not to part with the said negro until he may be recovered by due course of law ; and that I will severely pumfh any person who may attempt to fleal or en tice him away. Samuel Moon . May so, 1788. To be Sold, the highest bidder, on the 19th day of June next, at the Plantation of Henry Todd, de ceased, in the exjunty of Burke, hear Brier creek, all the household and kitchen furniture, an assort ment of medecines and surgeons instruments, two high blooded stud horl'es,and many othtr things too tedious to mention ; the time of credit will be agreed on on the day of fate, and good security re quired of all purchasers. All persons indebted to the estate of Henry Todd, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment s and all persons having any demands against the fakl estate are desired to prove their accounts, and make them known to Apphia Todd r Admx. !; Edmund Byne,» ... Isaac Walker, 5 Adm "• ; ~ • Ybe Subjcriber has For Sale , On very rea/onable terms, a likely Negro Man, Nettled James, well known on this river to be a very active able boat hand.—Likewise, between thousand and twelve hundred bushels of very excellent com, a few hogsheads of high proof Bar badoes n*m, and a few hogsheads cj .ugar. . - Ama fa Jack[on, t A*g*ft*i May *7, i;BS. ts Strayed or Stolen About the beginning of this month, a black horse, about twelve and an half hands high, four years old, with a star on his forehead, and a white flreak on his nose, his feet white, and was (hoed before he went away; nei ther brand nor mark that can be recollected. If flolen, a reward of Ten Pounds will be paid on conviction of the thief j and if flruyed, Two Dollars , with rea sonable charges, by James Richards. BROUGHT to me some time in March last, a negro man named Peter , lays he is of the Congo country, ipeaks very bad Engliih, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high* and is very remarkable by having his country marks on each of his breafl bones, and others down along his belly below his navel, and has his left thumb erooked, which, as he lays, was done by a gun bursting in his hand when in his own country. Any per lon or perlons claiming the laid negro, by proving his or her property, and applying to me in Burke county, may have him on paying the charges. James Lewis , S. B. C* J May 15, 1788. Run away From the bubjcrtber, about Jlx months ago, a country born Negro Fellow Named Hooper\ 22 year* of age, has a round full face, broad teeth, and very long wool when faffered to grow j a lfxong well let body, llender legs, and large feet, which he turns out much in walking. The laid negro went off with a notorious fellow named Quaco, belonging to Mr. Adam of this place, and a free born Indian wench,' indented for a term of years* and supposed to be all mak ing for Georgia, where Hooper had once been. Whoever will secure Hooper, Co that the owner can get him, shall be thankfully rewarded by l ROB. ROWAN, or by Col. J AS* WILLIAMS, in Wafhiqgton, Fayetteville , N. Caroli- > na, Jan* 15, 1788. 5 BLANK WRITS To be had at the Printing-Office. Likewise Bibles, Spellingbooks, and New-fingjand Primers, f Ten Guineas Reward Lit tit River, Richmond County, May 19, 1788* Run away From the jubfcriber, on the night of the ijt b inst. Three Negroes , Named as follow: Jesse a negro fellow about 5 feet 11 inches high, and about 26 years of age, and a wench, his wife, about 20 years of age, nam d Candis % and a child at her breafl nam, d Jack. Ihe fellow and wench are exceedingly likely* country born, and very artful. Thpy have been lately brought from the date of Maryland by a man of the name of John Ackworth, and fold to the fublci iber. They car ried off leveral suits of good clothes* and about five pounds in specie. W hoever takes up laid negroes, and deliver them to me r my plantation on Little river, or secures them in some goal, (hall have the above reward, and all the money that they have with them. James McFarland. Run away From the Subscriber , on lad Sa turday night , a likely country bom Negro Fellow , Named Jack ; about 2 8 years of age, about 5 feet 9 inches high, is very well made, and freaks good Englifh* and from his having si great deal to lay for himfelf* may probably attempt to pass for a free man.——He went off,, as it is conjectured, with three negroes belonging to James M‘Farland* Ef<j. and it is sup posed will endeavour to go to Maryland* from where they were lately brought by Mr. John Ack worth, of whom they were pur- A handsome reward will be paid to any person who will apprehend and deliver the raid fellow, named Jack, to me at my plantation on the Kiokies, be sides all reasonable expences. Abraham Marjhalh May as, 1788. To be Let , T H £ House and Lot No. 34, Broad*ftreet, Next door to Mr. Barnes’s; it bas * crave* nient Store so bjr 18, two lumber rooms, and a kitchen. For terms apply to Mr. William Wallace at Mr. George Barnes. Merchants. Augusta. _